The ghost girl's legs were burning with blue ghost fire. She wailed shrilly, resounding through the sky. The next moment, two tall executioners walked out of the endless darkness in the hall, hooked the ghost girl's legs with iron hooks, and dragged her to a distant path, deeper into the mountain... The ghost girl's voice gradually faded away, and finally disappeared completely... Zhao Yi looked at the mountain temple. Although the door was open, he couldn't see the scene inside the door clearly! It was a chaos there. The unknown secrets were entangled with a large amount of cause and effect and ominousness. The first time a mortal sees it, he will go crazy and fall into indescribable despair.

Zhao Yi's eyes began to bleed.

If he stared at the chaos in the Mountain God Temple for a long time... his eyes would be blind forever.

But he was still looking.

Cracks began to spread outward along his eye sockets.

From shallow to deep.

Zhao Yi's spirit, in contact with this deadly indescribable, began to get excited.

Like a child who suddenly got his favorite toy.

Can't let it go.

"You are special."

Some non-verbal information was transmitted to Zhao Yi's consciousness.

It is greedy, hateful, cunning... and extremely strong!

At this moment, Zhao Yi finally confirmed that the mountain god in the Mountain God Temple... is far more powerful than the station ghost and the Heart of Blitz in the factory!

This guy... I'm afraid he is not far from the legendary big evil!

But Zhao Yi was not afraid, and said calmly:

"I am here to trade with you."

Inside the hall, the mountain god replied:

"You are too weak."

"I am not interested in your trade, but I am very interested in you."

"If you are willing to be my slave... I will consider giving you good power."

Zhao Yi said:

"Many years ago, you ate a pair of hands and a pair of legs, and gained great power from them."

"Later, a head came to you with tens of thousands of terrifying ghosts, wanting to devour you, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be And was defeated by you, so... you ate another head. "

"After eating the head, your strength soared to an unprecedented level!"

"It was also at this time that you discovered something interesting..."

"In addition to the head, hands and feet, there are some other fragments that carry terrifying power-such as the body and heart."

"Although they do not come from an individual, they carry the same power."

"Once these powers are fully combined, they will make you the supreme existence!"

Zhao Yi's words made the mountain god fall into silence.

He continued:

"It's a pity that you don't know where these fragments are, so you sent Hu Aotian to Guxuan Town to do business, hoping that he would help you find the remaining parts."

"But after so many years, there is still no news about the remaining two things."

"After waiting for so many years, have you lost your patience?"

In the hall, the chaos exuded some mysterious fluctuations.

A strange shadow slowly walked out of the chaos.

Its body is a tree branch, its head is made of metal, it is a miniature version of the station ghost head, and its hands and feet are the four pillars of the statues worshipped in the village!

This is the mountain god of Zili Village, the source of the terrible curse of Zili Village!

Because his sight stayed on it for a second longer, Zhao Yi's eyes lost their light!

He couldn't see.

His two eyeballs exploded directly, and a lot of blood flowed down.

But Zhao Yi seemed to be completely unaware.

He still looked forward with a smile.

The mountain god came in front of Zhao Yi, and the fingers of one hand pressed against Zhao Yi's forehead.

It was a power that could not be described in words!

That was the absolute power of the 'god' over the 'mortal'!

As long as it had a thought.

Zhao Yi would completely disappear into nothingness.

"Tell me, where are they?"

The voice of the mountain god was unquestionable.

Even in such a desperate situation, Zhao Yi still maintained absolute calm.

His attitude was equally tough.

"Trade with me, or... kill me."

The mountain god's tone was already filled with anger.

"You, are you threatening a god?"

Zhao Yi always had an elegant smile on his face.

"Kill me, and you'll never find the remaining two items."

"You will always be a defective product!"

The mountain god's breath became unstable, and a terrifying spiritual pressure hit Zhao Yi's spirit directly like a mountain!

The latter's mouth and nose were bleeding, and his face was pale.

"Try it?"

The elegant smile on Zhao Yi's face gradually turned crazy!

"I am such a weak ant, and I can drag a 'god' into the water. No matter how you think about it, I am making a lot of money!"

The anger of the mountain god is getting bigger and bigger.

Unknown changes occur.

Zhao Yi saw a lot of unknown horrors in his spiritual world!

These extreme horrors that he had never encountered made Zhao Yi have countless real hallucinations!

The other party wanted to force Zhao Yi to tell his inner secrets in this way.

However, Zhao Yi smiled and said:

"Mountain God, put away your boring tricks."

"Before entering this mountain, I have put a 'lock' on my memory that carries the key secret."

"The process of unlocking is very cumbersome."

"If you are not careful, that memory will be destroyed along with the 'lock'."

"Trading with me is your only choice to get this secret!"


A cruel aurora, in an irregular shape, fiercely tore the night apart!

In the sky,

Thunderstorms rolled.

The sky near Zili Village had changed because of the mood of the mountain god.

It was silent and extremely angry.

It wanted to make the damned human in front of it disappear from this world forever!

But it couldn't do it!

It could never accept that it would become a defective product!

Recalling the fragmented past.

For thousands of years,

It seemed that it was the first time... to be forced to this point by such a weak ant!

The man in front of him actually attempted to force it, the god, to make a choice in a very high posture and in an imperative tone as a mortal!

What's more terrifying is... he really did it!


Thanks for reading!

Modify the details tomorrow!

Good night, babies.

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