The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

"Why...why do you have the sacred object of the mountain god on you?"

A villager who was close to Zhao Yi did not dare to stop Zhao Yi and retreated in panic.

The hundreds of villagers surrounding the door of the village chief silently made way for Zhao Yi.

In the crowd, in addition to the horrified eyes, there was also a lot of resentment.

This damn outsider...ruined their good deeds!

But why did he have the sacred object given by the mountain god in his hand?

In Zili Village, seeing someone holding this sacred object is seeing the messenger of the mountain god!

If anyone in the village held this leaf, the villagers would never be so surprised.

But Zhao Yi is an outsider!

The mountain god never liked outsiders, why did he suddenly change his nature today?

Zhao Yi's step of not recognizing relatives made some people who organized the disturbance of forcing the village chief to give up their position jealous and hateful. They had coveted the position of village chief for a long time, and finally caught such an opportunity, but it was messed up by an outsider who came out of nowhere!

They couldn't accept it.

Obviously... it was only one step away from success!

"Everyone, don't believe him!"

"He's just an outsider!"

"The mountain god hates outsiders who break into Zili Village the most!"

"He is deceiving us, kill him!"

"That's right! Kill him!"


Some people were fanning the flames in the dark, with malicious intentions.

Some villagers standing in front of the villagers wanted to retreat, but there were too many forces behind them to add fuel to the fire, and they were forced into a situation where they could not retreat!

"Go ahead!"

"Why don't you?"

"You go first! I'll come!"

While cursing, several people were pushed in front of Zhao Yi. They had no choice but to attack Zhao Yi!

The farm tools in their hands swept through a swift gust of wind and smashed Zhao Yi's head fiercely.

However, the next moment, the green leaves in Zhao Yi's hands exuded a strong unclean power, turning into a hideous ghost face, and directly swallowed the villagers who attacked Zhao Yi!


The villagers screamed miserably.

Corroded by uncleanness, they first turned into strange monsters, and then melted into a pool of black water.

Everything that happened in front of them made all the villagers silent.

After the people who secretly fanned the flames confirmed that the mountain god relic in Zhao Yi's hand was real, they also closed their mouths at this time, and simply pretended that nothing had happened before.

Anyway, they are not dead.

What does it matter?

At this moment, even if the old guys in the dark felt uncomfortable, they suppressed their emotions.

The position of village chief can be found later.

But if his life is gone, it is really gone!


They seemed to underestimate Zhao Yi's seriousness.

"The sacred object of the mountain god is here. Those who just fanned the flames, stand up yourself."

Looking at the villagers in front of him with awe eyes, Zhao Yi said with a smile.

Some people hiding in the crowd suddenly changed their expressions!

Waited quietly for a few seconds.

No one stood up.

Zhao Yi glanced at everyone.

"In front of the sacred object of the mountain god, you are so indifferent, are you despising the majesty of the mountain god?"

As soon as these words came out, the villagers panicked.

They can ignore Zhao Yi, how can they ignore the mountain god?

Offending the dignity of the mountain god is a crime they cannot bear!

The other party was holding the sacred object of the mountain god. If they continued to drag it out, they would probably suffer even more terrifying anger from the mountain god!

So, a dozen villagers walked out of the crowd carefully.

The village chief in the yard almost laughed when he saw it.

More than half of them were the old guys in the village committee!

"As believers of the mountain god, you old guys are in high positions, but you don't want to make progress. You just think about fighting for power and framing others all day long. You are simply the termites of Zili Village!"

"After the problem occurred, instead of seeking a solution to the problem, you fanned the flames in the dark and let the villagers come to die... Your despicable behavior is despicable and shameful to the extreme!"

Zhao Yi scolded those old guys.

Their faces were gloomy.

An old woman with snake eyes stood up with a cane:

"We are also for the safety of the village. Please calm down, Lord God, and don't wrongly accuse us."

"After all, many outsiders have sneaked into the village and opened the shrine dedicated to the mountain god without authorization. Naturally, we dare not neglect it in the slightest. Although we are a little emotional, it is only because we can't bear to see the mountain god being defiled!"

This old woman with a lot of bad intentions was very good at maneuvering, trying to turn their long-planned power grab and instigation into a "fault" of doing the wrong thing with good intentions.


Zhao Yi blinked, as if he believed her words.

Seeing Zhao Yi's innocent expression, the old woman smiled coldly in her heart, thinking that he was just a young boy who was not very experienced in the world and was easy to deceive.

On the surface, she still smiled and said:

"Of course, otherwise even if we were given a thousand courage, we would not dare to offend the envoy of God!"

Zhao Yi nodded, walked around the old woman, and said in front of everyone:

"Swear an oath."

"Swear an oath and I will believe you."

The smile on the old woman's face froze immediately.

"Swear... what?" Zhao Yi stared at her wrinkled face and said seriously: "Swear on your loyalty to the mountain god." "If you really want to maintain the dignity of the mountain god, let this matter go. If not, God will punish you with five thunderbolts." The old woman's smile gradually disappeared, and the corners of her mouth twitched unnaturally. There is nothing wrong with ordinary oaths. You can make them casually. But if you swear on loyalty to the mountain god, the effect will be completely different... The mountain god is already a close to evil existence, and the cause and effect entangled in him is too heavy, especially, the villagers who have been transformed by the mountain god are also part of the cause and effect of the mountain god. If they swear on their loyalty to the mountain god... Then it means that the oath they made will really come true! "Swear... don't need to?" The old woman looked ugly. At this time, she had begun to regret why she stood up and was the first to speak out. Zhao Yi, this guy, is too difficult! "Oh?"

"Don't dare to swear?"

"Don't dare to swear means you have two hearts towards the mountain god. As the messenger of the mountain god, I have the power and obligation to clean up you, the disloyal one, on its behalf!"

As Zhao Yi spoke, the unclean power in the leaves in his hand began to slowly emerge.

He can use the power in the leaves, but only within the village.

And he needs a suitable reason.

Cleaning up the house... obviously that is the suitable reason!

The old woman saw the leaves in Zhao Yi's hand filled with strong unclean power and began to panic.

Sweat dripped from her temples.

She didn't care about her face at this time, she knelt on the ground with a plop, shivering:

"I was bewitched by the evil spirit just now, did something wrong, and killed the villagers... Please forgive me, Lord God!"

Zhao Yi narrowed his eyes, pointed at the dozen people who stood up, and said to the villagers in the distance:

"Are they good to you?"

The villagers looked at each other, and after a long silence, someone shook his head and said:


Zhao Yi pointed at the village chief Liao Yun and asked:

"What about him?"

Someone answered:

"The village chief usually takes good care of everyone."

Zhao Yi smiled and said:

"Since the village chief is good to you, why do you help this group of hypocritical scum to harm him?"

"Should good people be pointed at with guns?"

The village was silent.

A few villagers lowered their heads in shame.

But more were numb.

They didn't feel guilty at all.

Obviously, in their eyes, good people deserve to be pointed at with guns.

In the distance, a large number of villagers gathered on the other side of the ditch to watch the fire.

They were villagers who did not participate in this action.

A large area of ​​black.

The eyes cast towards this side seemed complicated.

There was the pleasure of seeing the evildoers get their comeuppance, and some inexplicable worries.

Zhao Yi jumped onto a big rock, raised the leaves in his hand, and said:

"Everyone who gathered at the door of Village Chief Liao today, all swear to me once, and those who dare not swear will be regarded as disloyal to the mountain god!"

"Disloyal people...die!"

As soon as Zhao Yi finished speaking, those numb-faced people immediately panicked!

Zhao Yi, this can he be the first to come forward?

He is going to start a group!

PS: This story ends temporarily in the next chapter, and the following plot begins.

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