The deep sea + giant creature.

Combined with despair in a suffocating situation.

For most creatures, this is almost a sure kill!

Because the most terrible fear often does not come from death, but the unknown that cannot be seen.

Zhao Yi shone a flashlight on himself, triggered photosynthesis, and continued to swim towards the bottom of the deep sea.

"It just created a buoyant and suffocating environment... There is no oppressive force of deep water... What a poor imitation!"

Feeling the pressure brought to him by the surrounding water, it was completely different from what he imagined.

Zhao Yi knew that this water and the Xiangyu in the sky were just scenes forged by L381 with his own ability.

"What is that shadow below?"

"What on earth can you create that scares me... I'm looking forward to it!"

Zhao Yi dived down with all his might.

At this moment, a magnificent demonic voice came from the deep sea:

"Ignorant mortal!"

"There is an abyss ahead that cannot be gazed at, and a future that cannot be touched... If you move forward, you will be doomed!"

Zhao Yi ignored this voice.

"Mortal, you will pay a heavy price for your stupid behavior!"

The demonic voice came again, but Zhao Yi still didn't pay any attention to it.

He even swam harder.

The creatures below felt some inexplicable fear about Zhao Yi's behavior that was completely different from that of normal people.

Is he...not afraid at all?

Just now in the slide, L381 searched for the fear mark on Zhao Yi's body.

Once some creatures are afraid or afraid of something, then these things will become marks on their bodies.

It's just that most creatures can't see these marks.

L381 has this ability.

But after searching around, it only found a very faint mark on Zhao Yi's body -

Zhao Yi is afraid of his baldness.

Other than that... nothing else.

Damn it!

What kind of fear is fear of baldness?

Are you kidding me!

It is precisely because it can't find other fear marks that L381 has to start trying claustrophobia, deep sea fear, giant fear, suffocation fear and other common fear forms of humanoid creatures.

These are what it has summarized from hundreds of objects it has interacted with in the past!

It works every time!

The fear of the prey can strengthen its power. If the fear provided by the prey reaches a certain critical point, it can even exert the spiritual power of a half-step great evil!

On the contrary, its spiritual power can only be at an average level.

For example, it created a scene of the boundless deep sea for Zhao Yi, but it couldn't make the sea water more realistic.

It also wants to do real water pressure and so on.

Can it do it?

Can't do it.

It doesn't have that ability, you know?

Zhao Yi was not afraid at all, which made it unable to exert and amplify its ability.

As Zhao Yi went deeper and deeper, the voice in the deep sea became angry.

"I told you not to dive anymore, don't you understand what I'm saying?"

Zhao Yi seemed to understand this warning as encouragement to himself, and simply took out the body shredder and hugged it!

Diving too slowly, with the body shredder, it would be much faster!

At this time, a pair of terrifying blood eyes appeared under the abyss!

In the pitch-black darkness, this pair of blood eyes was as big as a football field!

Combined with the giant tentacles that kept wriggling around the eyes, the sense of oppression was simply full!

An extremely sanity-reducing picture appeared!

"Look at me, you bastard!"

Seeing that Zhao Yi was unmoved, L381 took out his trump card!

Zhao Yi stared at the blood-red eyes and suddenly smiled:

"Have you ever heard a saying?"

"When you stare into the abyss, the also staring into you!"

The moment he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly burned with pure black flames.

The surrounding light was completely swallowed up.

This is the evil pupil after the evolution of the Dark Personality!

Usually, Zhao Yi only opens the evil pupil for a moment.

It is used to read some important information.

But now, he directly opened up all the abilities of the evil pupil!

With the Red Devil, the chaotic factors produced by Zhao Yi's organs borrowed from the Dark Personality will disappear faster, so now Zhao Yi can achieve "Dark Personality Organ Freedom" in a short time.

The moment the evil pupil appeared, a strange and chaotic force suddenly enveloped the sea!

Although Zhao Yi did not have L381's special control ability over mental power, the mental oppression of the peak half-step fierce,

But L381 was stunned!

This... is food?

It is food!

Monitoring room.

Mingze and a group of purple members were stunned as they watched the value change on the emotion detector.

The monitoring room was filled with a dead silence.

On the emotion detector in front of everyone, L381's emotion value was falling madly...

From 55, all the way down to 0!

What made everyone in the room feel weird was that after L381's emotion value was reset to zero, it not only did not stop, but continued to fall...




Mingze's eyelids kept jumping with the value.

He quickly made a call.

"Is there something wrong with the emotion detector?"

"No, Deacon... Our display shows that the emotion detector is working normally..."

Hang up the phone.

Mingze's fingers trembled slightly.

Emotion values ​​below 0 represent negative emotions.

Depression, fear... and even despair!

What did L675 do to make L381 feel fear? !

It is worth mentioning that L381 is very powerful.

Because 99.9% of creatures have something they are afraid of.

And as long as they are afraid, they will have a flaw in front of L381!

L381, which has caught the fear of its prey, will be as powerful as a living half-step great evil!

Moreover, it can also use various strange abilities!

Extremely difficult!

Such a terrifying existence is actually afraid of a man who looks ordinary?

Mingze thought of L673 again, the little boy who obviously caused emotions in nearby creatures.

As a containment, it also showed extreme fear when facing Zhao Yi!

The problem is that Zhao Yi did nothing to them from beginning to end!

This fear of Zhao Yi... where does it come from?

Mingze was extremely excited!

He won the bet!

The value of L675 is much greater than he imagined!

"Deacon, if this continues, L381 may be in trouble..."

"Do we need human interference?"

A purple member made a suggestion.

Mingze hesitated.

He wanted to see the follow-up.

But if this continues, whether it is the demise of L675 or the demise of L381, it is actually a big loss for them!

In fact, they have not fully understood the slide L381 that eats people.

But just as he was about to order the special separation mode to start, L381's mood value began to gradually return to normal...


Inside the slide, deep sea.

Zhao Yi came to the bottom and finally saw the true face of L381.

It was a boy with a colorful face and a paintbrush.

All these things, including the deep sea, the slide, the forest, and the big octopus, the bloody eyes... were all painted by him with his own paintbrush.

That paintbrush is the boy's spiritual embodiment.

It looks extremely ferocious, and it is difficult for normal people to accept it.

Especially the extremely sharp teeth, which are still stained with some hair.

Obviously, it had eaten not long ago.

The boy looked at the man in front of him with fear and said uneasily:

"You...really don't want to eat me?"

Zhao Yi's eyes lit up.

"Of course."

"As a deal, you have to teach me your ability."

The boy shook his head:

"You can't learn it... This is a unique ability of creatures in the fifth domain."

"You creatures in the first four domains can't learn it."

Zhao Yi was very interested in what the boy said.

"What are creatures of the fifth domain?"

The boy did not dare to hide:

"This is a saying that is circulated in the chaotic world."

"Brainless creatures are called creatures of the first domain; creatures with brains but no intelligence are called creatures of the second domain; creatures with intelligence but no wisdom are called creatures of the third domain; and creatures with wisdom but no immortality are called creatures of the fourth domain."

"Those of us with infinite lifespans are creatures of the fifth domain."

"Creatures of the fifth domain are born with infinite lifespans and powerful abilities, which are unmatched by creatures of the first four domains."

"We are born to be the darlings of the world and are perfect creations!"

At this point, L381 actually raised his head proudly.

Zhao glanced at him and asked with interest:

"Are there creatures of higher domains?"

The boy nodded.

"There are also creatures of the sixth and seventh domains."

"Creatures of the sixth domain are generally called 'divinity'. They have powerful powers that ordinary people cannot understand and can easily destroy ordinary civilizations."


As for the seventh domain... it is just a legendary domain. It seems that only creatures of the seventh domain can be found in the Holy Mountain. "

Zhao Yi felt strange.

"According to what you said, I am stronger than you. Doesn't that mean I can also be considered a creature of the fifth domain?"

The boy's face flushed red when he heard this, as if he was insulted, but when he thought of Zhao Yi's terrifying eyes just now, he immediately wilted again.


"Even if you can kill gods, you are only a creature of the fourth domain."

"Long ago, there were some creatures of the first four domains who killed gods in the chaotic world. They were so powerful that they were outrageous, but they were eventually annihilated in the sand of time..."

"Lifespan is a problem that creatures of the first four domains can never escape."

Zhao Yi asked:

"Is there no other way?"

The boy thought for a moment.

"We have no way... but it seems that I have heard that creatures of the seventh domain can grant immortality to creatures of the first four domains."

"But those are all legends. I don't know whether they are true or not." "

Zhao Yi nodded and took out the scalpel.

The boy turned pale and stepped back:

"Didn't you say you wouldn't eat me?"

Zhao Yi smiled and said:

"Yes, but the premise is that you have to teach me the skills of using spiritual power to build a simulated world."

"If you don't want to teach, then I have to eat you..."

The boy cried:

"I'll teach you!"

"But you have to promise me... If you can't learn it, it's your own business, but you can't eat me!"

Zhao Yi grinned and put away the scalpel.

"No problem!"

The boy was slightly relieved when he saw Zhao Yi put away the scalpel:

"This ability is called 'magic pen'..."


Write 5,000 today.

Xue Li suddenly found me and told me that I was warned. I was very confused at the time.

Thank you for reading, good night!!!

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