The man in front of him was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

Zhou Junqiang suddenly saw that the man in front of him had many black blood vessels on his face, which were wriggling into strange tattoos.

He felt his soul trembling because he looked at Zhao Yi for a few times!

It was an indescribable fear!

It was like a cat or dog seeing a lion, or a bug seeing a bird!

He subconsciously realized that something was wrong and turned around to escape, but found that the road he came from had changed drastically...

Zhou Junqiang found that there was no road behind him, but a deep abyss!

This is a mental illusion created by the dark personality using some of the "magic pen" skills he secretly learned.

It can directly act on the prey's mind and has some physical effects.

This physical effect is more obvious for the existence with greater difference in strength with Zhao Yi.

For example, if the strength of a certain existence is not much different from that of the Dark Personality, or even stronger than that of the Dark Personality, then for it, this is really just an ordinary illusion.

But if the opponent's strength is much weaker than that of the Dark Personality, then if it falls off the cliff in the illusion... it will really be killed!

Zhou Junqiang realized that he was trapped in the illusion at the first time, and immediately took out a dead person's finger and lit it, so the tip of the dead person's finger burned with a green ghost fire...

"The illusion is broken!"

Zhou Junqiang shouted.

The light of the ghost candle emerged, and the mysterious power spread like water, dispelling the illusion in front of him.

Then he saw that the cliff in front of him... was still a cliff!

Zhou Junqiang was stunned.

What's going on?

A voice sounded faintly behind him:

"This is not a simple illusion, but a medium..."

"Ether medium between reality and illusion."

Zhou Junqiang felt a chill on his back. He turned around suddenly, and the ghost hair wrapped around his arm suddenly grew and attacked Zhao Yi!

The ghost hair spread very quickly, and each strand of hair was extremely tough and sharp.

This is one of Zhou Junqiang's killer moves.

The ghost hair was the ghost limbs he bought from the mall. He used to kill many of his opponents unexpectedly with this seemingly ordinary ghost hair!

But this time, the ghost hair suddenly screamed when it touched Zhao Yi's body!

A puff of green smoke came out, and the ghost hair that tried to restrain Zhao Yi's body broke by itself!

Zhou Junqiang saw that something was wrong and immediately wanted to take back the ghost hair.

But Zhao Yi grabbed the ghost hair with his backhand and ate it in front of Zhou Junqiang!

The black fire in his eyes shone, spreading to his mouth, burning the ghost hair directly into ashes!

Zhou Junqiang's whole body was weak, and his head was splitting!

The ghost hair had already merged with him. Now that the ghost hair was annihilated, he was naturally seriously injured.

"I didn't go to find you, but you dared to come to me..."

The dark personality smiled strangely, and in Zhou Junqiang's horrified eyes, he suddenly opened his bloody mouth...

A gust of wind blew.

In the shadow area of ​​the grape trellis, there was only a body without a soul.

It widened its eyes, and the fear before death remained in its pupils...


Zili Village.

Chen Fei was covered in blood.

The ghosts following him were not much better.

The butcher was more seriously injured.

All over the mountains and plains.

There were corpses.

The previous guide ghost had bad intentions and actually wanted to kill back.

However, it misjudged the fighting power of Chen Fei's team.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood. The butcher held a bone-cutting knife in one hand and a half-step fierce human head in the other!

Full of evil spirit.

Indistinctly, it already had some shadows of Oink.

Everyone went up all the way.

Arrived in front of the Mountain God Temple.

Without the blessing of the power of the Mountain God, there was only some mess and dilapidation left here.

There was a huge statue of worship in the temple. It was not the original tree, but a ghost head and limbs.

All made of pure copper.

"Isn't its root here?"

The ghosts searched inside and outside, but couldn't find where the root of the mountain god was.

How could this be?

"Since the eldest brother said that the root is in the Mountain God Temple, it must be in the Mountain God Temple!"

Chen Fei's voice was firm.

It looked around carefully and finally fell on the statue in the Mountain God Temple!

"I found you!"

At this moment, Chen Fei didn't know where his confidence came from.

Somehow, it

It firmly believed that what it was looking for was in this statue!

The butcher on the side drew his knife directly, and the bone-chopping knife burst out with terrible power, directly chopping the statue into pieces!

The roots hidden inside were directly exposed to the ghosts!

It turned out that the roots were hidden in the base of the statue, and had been rooted deep into the soil!


Fade Chen shouted.

A female ghost who followed Fei Chen handed Fei Chen a torch.

Fei Chen threw the fire on the roots, and the mountain temple began to shake violently!

"What's going on?"

A ghost shouted.

"It seems to collapse here!"

"Brothers, get out!"


Guxuan Town, west side.

The tattoo on Zhao Yi's body slowly dissipated.

The black fire in his eyes also disappeared.

He dragged Xiang Babang's hair with one hand, whistled and walked towards the direction of the mountain god battle.

Xiang Babang had been beaten half to death at this moment, most of his bones were broken, and his body was twisted.

His san value had almost dropped to the edge of madness.

Xiang Babang's eyes were empty, and saliva slowly flowed down the corners of his mouth.

Zhao Yi felt a little relieved.

If it weren't for the last time when the dark personality awakened the eight-arm form and learned some magic pen skills from L381, he really couldn't beat Xiang Babang.

The opponent was level 22.

The gap was too big.

Xiang Babang's strength could be ranked in the middle among players below level 25. Even if Zhao Yi's dark personality was fully activated, he could only barely beat Xiang Babang.

He had already urgently felt the importance of improving his own strength!

"Old Xiang, we are also acquaintances."

"Let me introduce you to the functions of this product..."

Zhao Yi glanced into the distance and took out the corpse crusher.

Xiang Babang's eyes no longer had greed when he looked at the machine, only fear remained!

Or, now he was extremely afraid of death!

The reason was simple.

The last resurrection item on Xiang Babang's body was used up in the previous copy for some special reasons!

In most copies, the player's health points are deducted when they die.

But it is not ruled out that there are some beings with rule power... such as Oink.

Even if it is not in the secret realm, but in the game copy, when Oink kills the player with the "Butcher's Fury", if the player does not have a resurrection item... he will die directly!

Xiang Babang now has no resurrection item on him!

Whether Zhao Yi kills him directly or throws him into the shredder... the result will not change!

That's why he is afraid!

"Don't kill me... I can..."

"Give you all my things..."

"Our previous grievances are wiped out!"

Xiang Babang spoke with difficulty.

Zhao Yi looked into the distance, looking at the mountain god whose aura suddenly changed, and couldn't help grinning, as if he didn't hear what Xiang Babang said at all, and spoke to himself:

"Sorry, Lao Xiang..."

"I suddenly lost interest in you."

"Let's skip the boring part of introducing the body crusher."

"Good night."

Zhao Yi threw Xiang Babang into the body crusher like throwing garbage amidst his terrified screams, and then quickly rushed towards the battlefield...


It's late today, Sao Rui.

Thanks for reading.

The report will be out tomorrow.

Good night, babies!

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