The person on the other end of the phone ended the call, but the clown still held the phone.



After a long time, it turned its gaze to the players' guild residence.

In room 404.

This was the room that the old Taoist priest carefully selected for Zhao Yi.

He extracted the body of the mountain god from the system and placed it on his warm and soft mattress.

Holding the scalpel in his hand, his eyes were full of appreciation and admiration.

"What a beautiful body..."

Zhao Yi murmured to himself.

Excitement was not concealed.

This body contains the power that can stimulate his blood!

A lot of... unclean power!

However, these powers cannot be obtained from corpses in ordinary ways.

The skill of butchering cattle is required.

This bloodline skill not only dissects the body, but also some of the causes and effects hidden in the body!

The skill of butchering cattle is activated.

Zhao Yi obtained a large amount of docile unclean power from it.

These unclean powers are magnificent, but they will not hurt Zhao Yi's spiritual world.

They are more like green algae floating on the water, with no support and no desire.

Finally, they were all absorbed by the bloodline temple in Zhao Yi's spiritual world.

The whole process was quite smooth.

After issuing a new construction task to the dark personality, Zhao Yi came to his bloodline temple, followed the direction indicated by the bell, and stood in front of the coffin.

After absorbing enough unclean power, the bronze coffin lid with evil carvings actually moved a small hole by itself.

Zhao Yi reached into the bronze coffin, trying to open the lid of the coffin.

However, the bronze coffin lid was much heavier than he expected!

No matter how hard he tried, the bronze coffin lid didn't move at all.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Yi had to give up.

Just when he was about to pull his hand back, a pale arm stretched out from the darkness in the coffin and grabbed Zhao Yi's hand!

The next moment, Zhao Yi's figure disappeared in the hall.



Want to open my eyes, but can't.

Eyes were sore and heavy.

This feeling lasted for a long, long time.

When Zhao Yi regained consciousness, he found himself standing... in front of himself.

No, to be more precise, he was standing in front of No. 6.

He returned to the church's experimental base many years ago!

Judging from the surrounding furnishings and No. 6's status, the timeline should be connected to the last time.

Zhao Yi passed through the wall and walked to the side, only to find that No. 6 was looking in the mirror.

He was shirtless, with many spots on his fair body.

Zhao Yi took a closer look.

It's corpse spots.

Why do living people have corpse spots?

Zhao Yi touched his chin, with curiosity in his eyes.

And No. 6 didn't seem surprised by the corpse spots on his body.

At this time, there was an impatient knock on the door:

"No. 6, are you not ready yet?"

No. 6 picked up the clothes on the bed and put them on, opened the door, and said to the guard outside:

"I'm OK."

"Take me there."

The guard took out a special instrument as usual, checked No. 6, and after confirming that there was no problem, he took No. 6 to the previous laboratory building.

The black-robed priest looked at No. 6 and showed a false smile:

"How is the recovery?"

No. 6 nodded:

"Not bad, this time I should be able to successfully steal the memes of X-0's spiritual world."

The priest arranged staff to connect the relevant instruments to No. 6.

Before the experiment, the priest stood beside the platform and encouraged No. 6:

"Don't worry!"

"My recommendation letter has been written. As long as you successfully complete this task, you can immediately take my recommendation letter to work in the front hall of the church!"

No. 6 showed gratitude:

"Master Priest, you are really my second parent!"

"I will definitely take revenge on you later."

The priest was immersed in the joy of his future promotion. Although he felt that something seemed wrong, he did not think about it.

The experiment began.

Zhao Yi stood beside and carefully watched the person whose internal organs were removed and whose skull was opened.

From the current appearance, this person should be his original body.

So, was he studied as the first generation of Project X in the church before?

The experimental equipment began to operate slowly.

Some people carefully stared at the activity of No. 6's brain waves on the instrument.

Once the line there tends to be flat, it means that No. 6 has also been killed by X-0!

It also basically means... this way is not feasible!

The tense and long wait constantly wears down the patience of the people present.

At this time, everyone in the laboratory seemed a little nervous, and they dared not breathe.

It seemed that they were worried that the wind in their mouths would blow the line on the instrument flat directly.

After seven hours of grinding, No. 6 still showed no signs of waking up.

Just when everyone was considering whether to wake up No. 6 through external force, an alarm suddenly sounded on the instrument.

The staff hurried to check.

After a moment, he turned his head to look at the black-robed priest and stammered:

"Priest... No. 6, No. 6... is dead."

The black-robed priest immediately raised his head and glared:

"What did you say?!"

The staff member repeated:

"He... he is dead."

The priest immediately came to the instrument and stared at the line on the instrument that had completely flattened.

"How could it be..."

"He said he could do it..."

"How could he... how could he be dead?"

Seeing the bright future that was within reach slipping away quietly between his fingers, the black-robed priest froze.

It was hard for him to accept.

It took a long time to calm down his unhappiness. The black-robed priest said to the guard outside the door indifferently:

"Throw his body into the incinerator."

The guard entered, put down the gun on his waist, and began to carry No. 6's body.

Inadvertently, No. 6's arm sleeve was pulled up.

The black-robed priest glanced at it.

On the arm of No. 6, a faint corpse spot appeared.

The priest frowned slightly, but at this time he was still immersed in loss and did not think much.

No. 6's body was sent to the incinerator.

This place is usually used to burn garbage.

And for the church, these experimental subjects with no human rights are naturally part of the garbage.

The guard threw the body into the garbage dump, briefly explained to the person in charge of the incineration, and left.

Not long after they left, No. 6, who was lying in the garbage dump, suddenly sat up.

When the incinerator turned around, he bumped into a pair of smiling eyes.


The black-robed priest finally came to his senses and began to notice something was wrong.

The corpse spot on No. 6's arm was always in his mind.

Although most of the corpse spots actually appear very quickly, generally speaking, it takes at least half an hour...

How can corpse spots appear on someone's body right after death?

Thinking of this, combined with what the experimenters told him before that X-0's spiritual power suddenly decreased, the priest secretly said that it was not good and hurried to the incinerator!

The guard with a gun at the door stood straight, and it seemed that nothing unexpected happened in the incinerator.

As the guard opened the door of the incinerator for him, the priest walked in, looking at the corpse in the garbage dump and the incinerator who was burning the garbage, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Is there anything abnormal about this corpse?"

The black-robed priest asked, and the incinerator shook his head:

"It didn't turn into a corpse."

"Although there are many corpse spots on its body."

"But it has been lying there, very quiet."

The priest looked at the incinerator seriously, and suddenly showed a creepy smile.

"Have you checked this body?"

The incinerator shook his head, with a hint of confusion in the depths of his eyes.


The priest took a step forward, stuck in front of the incinerator, and said fiercely:

"Since there is do you know that there are corpse spots on its body?"

The incinerator's pupils condensed.

His face was pale.


He hesitated and couldn't speak.


Why did I know that No. 6 had corpse spots on his body?

My head hurts...

It seems that I have lost a memory...

Seeing the incinerator's panic, the priest's brain worked quickly...

No. 6 did have corpse spots on his body, but he was dressed very tightly.

If the two guards hadn't pulled up his sleeves while carrying it just now, they would not have noticed this at all.

And since the incinerator hadn't checked No. 6's body, why did he know about the corpse spots on No. 6?

He lied, what did he want to hide?

The priest became excited.

Something in his mind connected, and he felt that he had grasped the key to the problem.

So he grabbed the incinerator and walked out the door, laughing:

"I was wondering... how could X-0's mental power suddenly decay and become the same as that of a normal person..."

"You cunning guy

...You used other means to possess the spirit of No. 6, right?"

"And then you possessed the spirit of the incinerator through No. 6!"

"You almost got away!"

"Unfortunately...your self-righteous cleverness exposed you!"

The incinerator was sweating profusely:

"Priest...I don't understand what you are talking about..."

The black-robed priest sneered:

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it...When you get to the tester later, the truth will be revealed!"

He firmly believed in his speculation, took the incinerator away, and told the guard at the door:

"Please help dispose of the garbage inside first, and I will arrange a new incinerator soon. "

After saying that, the black-robed priest dragged the incinerator away.

After they left, the guard at the door entered the room.

He came to the body of No. 6, stretched out his hand, lifted No. 6's head, and looked into No. 6's eyes.

Soon, the guard's body fell limp, but the originally cold No. 6 sat up again!

No. 6 stretched his muscles and bones, stripped the guard's clothes on the ground, put them on himself, and put his clothes on the guard at the door.

Then, No. 6 threw the front half of the guard's body into the incinerator, and made a mocking middle finger with garbage on the ground, and then left the incinerator. and walked towards the other end of the corridor outside...

Zhao Yi followed No. 6 with a look of strong interest.

"It's the same as what I thought..."

"It's just like they were made from the same mold..."


On the other side.

The priest's face was extremely bad.

After the instrument test just now, he found that... there was no problem with the incinerator at all!

He was tricked!

After quickly recalling everything that happened there, the priest immediately locked his target on the guard outside!

It was the guard outside the incineration room... That guy was X-0!

He was fooled!

"Damn it! "

The priest was furious and twisted the incinerator's head off. He ran back to the incineration room with a body covered in hot blood!

Sure enough.

The guard at the door had disappeared!

The priest kicked the door open.

In the incineration room, the body wearing No. 6 clothes and pants had its upper body burned.

The middle finger made of garbage on the ground directly stimulated the soul of the black-robed priest!

He... was actually fooled around by an experimental subject lying on the test bench and unable to move!

Damn it!!!

The angry priest quickly made a phone call and ordered the other end:

"Get the information of the guard at the door of the incineration room as quickly as possible and arrest him!"


"Also notify everyone... not to have any direct contact with this guy!"

"Use the tranquilizer gun to attack him remotely! "

The test base is equipped with identity recognition everywhere. As long as the guard uses his authority to do anything, his location will be discovered immediately!

As soon as the priest issued an emergency order, the entire test base was in motion.

Unfortunately, he was so angry that he did not find out at the first time that the guy who was thrown into the incinerator in the incinerator and burned half was the guard...

The memory fragment ends here.

Zhao Yi stood beside the bronze coffin, thinking about everything.

He took off his clothes and looked at his body carefully.

In fact, he has seen it many times over the years.

No corpse spots.

[Congratulations on obtaining the blood skill: Red Clothes-Repay]

[Effect: People who have hurt you will be marked and will suffer more damage from you.]

[Note: The mark exists permanently and cannot be dispelled]

The system sent a message.

When Zhao Yi obtained the second memory fragment, Successfully obtained the second bloodline skill.

This bloodline skill "Repay" enhances Zhao Yi's frontal combat ability.

Zhao Yi will cause more damage to those units that have hurt him.

Although this skill does not describe the percentage of increased damage, Zhao Yi is sure that any skill related to the red bloodline is not simple!

The lid of the bronze coffin has been closed again.

The bell sounded again in the distance.

Zhao Yi looked at the other end of the hall, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not move forward.

Almost done.

Wait until I have accumulated enough strength next time, and then look forward.

At present, there are more important things to solve.

Zhao Yi left the spiritual world.

Take out the detailed data on the production of X-2 obtained from the silent shelter and read it carefully.

If there is no accident with Addison, it will probably come to find me with the mad scientist in the next few days.


In order to ensure that the mad scientist can survive this experiment, Zhao Yi still needs to do some homework...

PS: 4000+

Two in one.

Thank you for reading.

Go to sleep first, babies.

I wanted to do the whole thing today, but failed.

I went to pick cherries from the cherry tree of the first-floor resident, and was scolded by his dog for a long time.

Damn it.

I have to find a chance to scold him back.

Good night!!

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