The old man was still young.

Zhao Yi held the wine glass in one hand and didn't put it down for a long time.

He was thinking.

The five-petal chandelier in the private room cast warm light on his forehead, and the shadow just happened to hide Zhao Yi's expression.

"Do you want to get rid of the control of the church?"

Zhao Yi's voice echoed in the small room, with some magical power.

The clown picked up some snacks and said casually:

"It's difficult."

"I thought about it in the early years."

"The idea was not so naive later."

"I just thought... I could be freer, and they wouldn't worry about me when they have nothing to do."

Zhao Yi was quiet for a while.

"The inventor's body is very important to me."

The clown said:

"Freedom is also very important to me."

The two looked at each other and understood each other.

Zhao Yi shook the wine glass in his hand, and there were ripples, but no spills.

"It will be very dangerous to deal with these people."

"If it is not dangerous, I will not come to you."

"You seem very confident."

"I have great confidence in you."

The two asked and answered, Zhao Yi was silent for a long time, and listened to the clown:

"Originally I would not want to do such an extremely risky thing, but you calculated the mountain god and killed it, which made me understand that everything is in the hands of man."

"I have never tried to resist, this may be a good opportunity."

"The central power of the church is far away from here, the road is blocked, and they need to spend a lot of effort to come here."

"And most of the power of the church is restricted by the Fifth Federation, so if we can deal with this group of people, It will be stable for a long time in the future. "

After a pause, the clown rested his hands on the table, his eyes shining:

"The most important thing is that the existence of the Great Evil and above cannot come to this area through that broken road!"

Zhao Yi was slightly surprised:


The clown explained:

"I don't know the specific reason."

"I only know that the broken road is strange."

"The church has tried every means to repair that road, but failed in the end."

"Existences above the Great Evil level cannot cross that road by any known means, including... space jump!"

Zhao Yi stopped wandering and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"You keep an eye on them."

"Let's see the situation first."

"Contact me in time if there is any news."

The clown nodded, said goodbye to Zhao Yi, and told Zhao Yi that it had already greeted the manager of the bar, and all his expenses here would be charged to the clown.

After the clown left, Zhao Yi came to the bar and asked the bartender who was mixing drinks:

"Excuse me, has anyone seen a man wearing khaki clothes in the bar recently..."

Zhao Yi repeated the captain's appearance described by Marlowe to the bartender.

The latter thought about it carefully and said vaguely:

"It seems that there seems that there is not."

"I don't remember clearly..."

Zhao Yi took out a ghost money of 1,000 yuan from his arms and handed it to the bar.

The bartender took the ghost money and put it in his pocket. His hands were still mixing drinks for the guests smoothly, but he said decisively:

"Room No. 9."

Zhao Yi thanked him, gathered his collar, and walked through the crowd in a low-key manner.

Going to a lighted corridor, Zhao Yi knocked on the door of Room No. 9.

Inside, there were bright lights and wine, ghosts dancing, and many indecent scenes were exposed in front of Zhao Yi. Zhao Yi entered the room very calmly and took out a cigarette from the pipe on the table and lit it.

"Miss, please put on your clothes."

Zhao Yi blew out a smoke ring and said so.

The female ghost in front of him brushed her fingertips across the corner of her mouth, and a greedy look appeared in her eyes.

"It's really interesting... There are living people who dare to come to such a place..."

"Come on, little brother, sister will play with you..."

Zhao Yi looked at the exposed female ghost who was slowly walking towards him, blinked and said:

"My gun is very big, you have to bear it."

The female ghost was stunned when she heard it, and giggled.

"Boasting men, sister has seen a lot..."

She stopped talking halfway, her face was pale, and her body was trembling.

A blue fire Gatling gun barrel thicker than her neck was already against her forehead!

This weapon made her feel dangerous from the bottom of her heart!

"Good brother... sister has no grudges against you, you must not accidentally fire..."

The woman's voice trembled.

Zhao Yi glanced at the other ghosts in the room who were ready to move.


The atmosphere was tense!

"I'm not here to cause trouble for you, I'm just here to find a ghost."

When Zhao Yi told everyone who he was looking for, a ghost immediately stood up and said:

"The ghost you're looking for has left."

Zhao Yi took out a lot of ghost money.

"Tell me where he went, and the money is yours."

When the ghosts saw the ghost money in Zhao Yi's hand, they couldn't take their eyes off it.

"He went to the ghost hotel."

The exposed female ghost spoke very quickly, and the smile on her face bloomed like a chrysanthemum.

"This guy comes into the Wilderness Bar at 8 o'clock every day and leaves at 10 o'clock, and every time he goes to Room 9... It's weird."

Another fat ghost continued:

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Every time he comes to the bar, he only drinks the same wine and never communicates with others."

Another slightly thin female ghost said weakly:

"I think the weirdest thing is that every time he comes, he dresses very formally, as if he is dating a girl... The drinks he orders are also double servings, but he is always a ghost..."

Zhao Yi couldn't help asking when he heard this:

"Where is the ghost hotel?"

When the ghost hotel was mentioned, the room suddenly became quiet.

"That place is in the deserted mountains in the north... It is an abandoned old hotel. That place is very scary. Many people and ghosts disappear mysteriously there every year..."

"That's why it's called the ghost hotel!"

Zhao Yi asked the people present about the specific location of the ghost hotel, then put the money on the table, put away the Gatling gun and left...


The second update, slightly less.

Thanks for reading.

Ready to start the next copy.

Good night, darlings!

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