The new player actually completed the hidden mission of the Colossus Hospital!

: Awesome!

: It turns out that Old Man Liu can't move at all! But how did he know?

: Who just said that this new player has cerebral palsy? Please stand up and speak!

Everyone was talking about it, and suddenly a person with a special frame spoke in the live broadcast room.

Yang Tao: Although it was a bit of an accident, he is indeed among the new players who were newly included in the bone zone this year. His performance is currently very good. The results of the new player's dungeon are often not very important. What is important is his mentality, judgment, and reaction ability.

: ? ? ? Isn't this the vice president of the [Blowing Horns and Camps] Guild, Yang Tao?

: It's really Yang Tao! Take a group photo!

: How come Mr. Yang Tao is in the mood to come to the newcomer live broadcast room?

: Is your club short of people? Mr. Boss, look at me! I'm already level 12!

Yang Tao: No, I just happened to have time to come and take a look. I can just analyze the dungeon situation of newcomers this year.

Yang Tao: In the current situation, the best way for Zhao Yi to deal with it is to abandon the temptation of hidden tasks and concentrate on completing the main line. The map of the Colossus Hospital is not large, and there are not many monsters, but there are many restrictions on the exits. You must get an access card before you can leave.

Yang Tao: But there are currently two known access cards in the hospital, one is with the dean and the other is in the logistics department. The former must be extremely difficult to obtain, and the latter may be more difficult to explore. Let's see how this newcomer will perform.

Yang Tao: Moreover, Old Man Liu has already told Zhao Yi implicitly that his daughter died in the elevator, which means that the elevator in the hospital cannot be used.

In the live broadcast room, Yang Tao analyzed it rationally and suddenly stopped.

Because he saw that Zhao Yi actually went straight to the elevator with the property certificate...


The wood decoration in the elevator was very worn.

There were many dark brown spots.

That was dried blood stains.

Obviously something had happened inside.

Zhao Yi touched his chin and stared at the elevator for a long time.

[Elevator: Low-level danger]

[Note 1: There is a dead ghost inside, whose strength and resistance have been severely reduced, but it still has a physique five times that of humans. You can't fight it barehanded. ]

The mark appeared again.

Zhao Yi smiled when he saw this mark.

The one who died in the elevator was probably Liu Laohan's daughter!

The strength and resistance were severely reduced.



Step out.

Zhao Yi walked into the elevator.

And his hand reached into his trouser pocket, took out a black object, and placed it under the property certificate.

Most hospitals in different regions have maps on the first floor, which is very helpful for Zhao Yi to complete his mission.

So he wants to go to the first floor.

Press the button.

The elevator starts to sink slowly.




The lights start to flicker unnaturally!

The elevator also starts to shake gradually!

The changes in the elevator make the audience in the novice live broadcast room nervous!

: If a newcomer is a newcomer, it is easy to ignore the details. It seems that he will stop here!

: As the saying goes, an elevator is a living coffin. In such a dangerous world, entering an elevator is a very unwise choice!

: Indeed!

: By the way... Is the mental quality of this newcomer too abnormal? Up to now, his mental strength has not decreased at all? !

: Really? Is he not afraid at all?

In the elevator,

Zhao Yi kept looking around.

At some point——

A drop of sticky liquid dripped from the top.

It just landed on Zhao Yi's forehead.

It passed through the tip of his nose.

When he looked over, he saw a bright red.

It was blood!

Something strange, wet and cold was placed on Zhao Yi's shoulder, and the biting cold was permeating.

Zhao Yi slightly side-eyed and was hair that was tangled and difficult to tangle like seaweed!

Without any sign,

A shattered, bloody and terrifying ghost face suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Yi!

This time, many people in the live broadcast room were directly scared into a cold sweat!

This sudden horror is really too bad!

"I died so miserably..."

The cold sob echoed in Zhao Yi's ears, almost coagulating Zhao Yi's blood!

Zhao Yi stretched out his tongue and licked the blood on the tip of his nose.

The expression was strangely excited.

"You are the daughter of Old Man Liu

, Liu Xue? "


: Brother Meng... Why do I feel that Zhao Yi's expression... is not right?

: He doesn't seem to be afraid, and even a little... excited?

: He can even charge like this?

: Never forget your original intention! I would like to call him... a real warrior!

In the live broadcast room, the people who were originally frightened by the sudden appearance of the female ghost, when they saw Zhao Yi's expression, their fear was immediately dispelled by more than half.


Looking at the man in front of her who was not afraid of her at all, Liu Xue herself was also confused.

What's going on?

Isn't she scary enough?

"I am Liu Xue... Are you here to help me avenge?"

Bloody face, wet and sticky black hair...

Pale skin, sinister tone...

Zhao Yi was not afraid, and even wanted to perform a craniotomy on the other party.

"Your father, Old Man Liu, has a special gift for you."

Liu Xue was stunned.

"My... father? "

Zhao Yi nodded.

"He left it for you alone, saying it was very important, and asked me to bring it to you."

"It seems to be related to some real estate certificate."

"But tell me about your story first?"

"Didn't you die in an elevator accident? Why do you want revenge?"

Hearing the words "real estate certificate", Liu Xue, the female ghost, knew that Zhao Yi was indeed entrusted by Old Man Liu.

Because of this matter, only three people in the entire hospital knew about it.

She, Old Man Liu, and the dean.

Liu Xue's eyes were cold, hanging outside her eye sockets, full of resentment, and her breath became more and more unstable.


"Yes... Everyone thinks it's an accident..."

"Do you think it's an accident too?"

"Do you think so too! !"

As she said, she suddenly put her horrible rotten face in front of Zhao Yi!

The resentful eyes stared at Zhao Yi!

Zhao Yi blinked and asked:

"Then what? "

The atmosphere was silent for a few seconds.

It is very scary for a ghost to scare people.

But it is very embarrassing if it can't scare people.

Liu Xue coughed twice, slowly retracted her face, and said coldly:

"It's the dean."

"He murdered me and pushed me off the roof!"

"Then he asked people to collect my body and announced that the elevator was faulty!"

Zhao Yi suddenly realized.

"So, you want me to help you kill the dean?"

Liu Xue nodded.

"If you help me kill the dean and bring his head back to me, I will give you a generous reward!"

No system prompt.

This means that the female ghost is lying to Zhao Yi.

She is not prepared to pay Zhao Yi at all. is very likely that she wants to kill Zhao Yi afterwards!

"Does he have any weaknesses?"

Zhao Yi seemed unaware and asked on his own.

"He is the most powerful ghost here...but he can also be said to be the weakest ghost. ”

“Unlike other ghosts… he doesn’t know he’s dead!”

“If you can let him know he’s dead… his obsession will disappear, and his power will be lost!”

After the female ghost finished speaking, Zhao Yi handed the property certificate and the sphere below to the female ghost.

“I understand.”

“These things are what your father wants to give you.”

“I’ll find a way to help you get revenge, you can take a look first. "

Liu Xue's cold eyes fell on the property certificate, and she took the two things Zhao Yi gave him.

The process was so smooth.

It was so smooth that the female ghost didn't even have any doubts.

Zhao Yi went out and turned right.


Covered his ears.

A strange pull ring was on his middle finger.

After a short wait-

An extremely dazzling and shining light exploded in the elevator!

The violent explosion was immediately accompanied by countless flesh and wood chips flying out, sweeping all over the ground, spreading more than ten meters!

A blown-up, bulging head rolled out of the elevator, and the falling eyeballs were extremely unwilling and terrified...


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