The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

"He died in the underground garage in Area B. Because of his deep resentment, he affected the entire university. Our goal is to destroy his body!"

"Only by destroying his body can the curse be ended!"

"Coincidentally, when we first entered the university, we brought a very powerful weapon... But when that thing approached Chen Qiong's body, it was attacked by Chen Qiong's spirit and was left in a shaft with the word 'dirty fire' written on it in the underground garage in the west area."

"That special weapon requires identity recognition, but it won't take too long. As long as you can help me attract the attention of Chen Qiong's spirit, I will be able to activate that weapon and destroy Chen Qiong's body soon!"

Yang Linlin bit her lip.

"How long will it take?"

Li Sheng replied:

"About three minutes!"

Yang Linlin looked at Zhao Yi with a questioning look in her eyes.

Zhao Yi stretched out his hand and shook it with Li Sheng.

"When will we act?"

Li Sheng pondered:

"It's too late tonight. Tomorrow night, you can come to the water tower again. I will take you to the underground garage in the west area!"

Zhao Yi:

"Can we check the place first?"

Li Sheng scratched his head and said:

"I almost forgot... You are not familiar with the terrain. It is right to check the place outside first!"

After the three of them agreed, they sat here quietly for about four hours until the ghost fog outside disappeared. Zhao Yi took Yang Linlin out of the water tower and went to the dormitory building.

The next day, they sat down according to the positions on the roster.

A few people in the class sat in the wrong positions and were beheaded on the spot!

The blood was cold and smelly.

But in a blink of an eye,

they all disappeared along with the corpses.

The two survived the day without any danger.

When eating in the cafeteria at night, Zhao Yi asked Yang Linlin beside him while eating:

"Do you have fishing line?"

"Silk line will has to be thin, long and tough enough."

Yang Linlin was still thinking about what happened tonight and had no intention of eating.


"But...what do you want this for?"

Zhao Yi replied:

"Kill someone."

Yang Linlin was stunned.

"Kill who?"


"Li Sheng."

Yang Linlin was still staring at Zhao Yi who was eating non-stop. The other party spoke calmly, as if describing a trivial matter.

But only the person involved knew how crazy this was!

"Are you crazy?"

"Who will help us break the curse if we kill Li Sheng?"

Yang Linlin didn't know what Zhao Yi was crazy about, but from Zhao Yi's tone, he didn't seem to be joking!

He really wanted to kill Li Sheng!

After finishing the last bite of rice in the bowl, Zhao Yi raised his head, opened a bottle of 1982 soybean milk elegantly, and said seriously:

"If you still expect him to help us break the curse, then you are really not far from death."

Yang Linlin glanced at the noisy cafeteria around her, moved closer, and whispered:

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Yi drank the soybean milk in one breath.

"He lied."

Yang Linlin frowned.


"How do you know?"

Zhao Yi tapped the table lightly with his index finger, recalling everything last night, and said:

"First, he is just an investigator, not a student in Class 8 of Senior 1. Don't you think his description of Chen Qiong is too detailed?"

"So detailed that he even knew that Chen Qiong saw the mayor's son Pang Xiao put his hand into the clothes of the class flower Zhang Ya during class."

Yang Linlin's body stiffened.

"Second, there are three people missing from the roster."

"Chen Qiong, Pang Xiao, Zhang Ya."

"None of these three are on the roster."

"If things are exactly as Li Sheng described, then I think Chen Qiong, who has the power to make the whole school fall into strange power, will not let Pang Xiao and Zhang Ya go - at least he will not let Pang Xiao go."

"Because Pang Xiao is the source of his tragedy!"

Yang Linlin fell into deep thought.

Zhao Yi continued:

"Third, the basement of the water tower was not discovered by him by accident... I even suspect that he built this basement."

Raising her head, Yang Linlin stared at Zhao Yi, her face full of black question marks.

If she could understand the first two points, she really thought Zhao Yi was talking nonsense about the third point!

"The curse of this school has spread to most corners, involving all the teachers and students inside. Where did he have the time to build such a large basement in front of so many evil spirits?"

Zhao Yi's eyes were dim.

"No dust."


"I said, there is no dust in the basement."

Recalling what happened last night, Zhao Yi explained:

"Last night, I deliberately tried many corners."

"The lampstand, sofa, and even... those sundries, there is almost no dust, very clean."

"No one usually cleans the basement."

"Unless someone lives there often."

"As you said, it is almost impossible to build such a basement on the face of the evil spirit after the curse occurs, so the basement can only be built before the curse occurs."

"The entrance is so hidden, there is no light, and the mechanism is hidden behind the bricks that people can hardly think of... Do you think it is more likely that he accidentally discovered the basement while being chased by the evil spirit, or that he knew the existence of this basement all along?"

Yang Linlin was stunned.

This Zhao Yi's observation ability... is it too terrifying?

"But if he deceived us, what was his purpose?"

Zhao Yi explained:

"Psychology believes that purposeful lies are usually half true and half false."

"In order to make the lie more logical and realistic, some real elements are often added to it."

"For example, in the underground parking lot in the West District, even if there is no evil ghost Chen Qiong, there are definitely dangers that we can't imagine."

"And Li Sheng really wants to enter the vertical shaft with the word 'dirty fire' written on it."

"But once he goes in, he won't come out again, so he lied and asked me to help him attract the ghost outside."

Analyze layer by layer.

Yang Linlin now believes that Li Sheng, who looks completely harmless, is actually a liar!


Live barrage:

: Damn, this observation and judgment are really amazing!

: To be honest, I also feel that this Li Sheng is not right!

: This unlucky kid actually wants to plot against Zhao Yi, a madman, and I guess he will end up miserably!

: But since Zhao Yi found the problem, why didn't he kill Li Sheng last night, but had to kill him today?

: It's normal that you can't think of it. After all, we are normal people, and he is a lunatic!


Take out the fishing line from your body and hand it to Zhao Yi.

After Zhao Yi put it away, Yang Linlin asked again:

"What do you need me to do tonight?"

Zhao Yi said:

"You don't have to do anything."

"Whether it will succeed depends on this time tonight."

"With luck, we can break this curse tonight!"

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