The guild was in a state of panic, and the situation was not uncommon.

It is not uncommon for the guild to act independently.

The fat boy Fang Bai looks ordinary, but he is actually very good at communicating with people.

And the honest middle-aged man... his face is very stable, and his eyes reveal the panic that he has not yet fully adapted to this place.

After a few people introduced each other briefly, they left the guild station.

There is a very long winding mountain road outside the door. Since the guild station is built on a flat land in the mountains, the environment here is particularly bleak and cold.

There are occasionally street lights on both sides of the dilapidated road, but the dim and bleak lights will make people feel more creepy.

In the distant mountains and forests, unknown strange shadows occasionally flash by.

Obviously, these dangers are beyond the reach of current players.

However, due to the constraints of the rules, they will not deliberately enter low-level areas, so players are relatively safe on this road leading to the abandoned station.

In the mist at the end of the road, a few figures can be seen occasionally. They are all players who come to try to complete the world mission.

After walking two kilometers along the road, a shabby and shabby small platform appeared in the distance. The awning above the head was full of holes, and the surrounding area was full of weeds and mold. The walls of the entrance were full of hideous scratches, as if they had been specially taken care of by an unknown terrible ominous.

The mist was cold.

When the players came here, few felt comfortable.

On the Qingli stone steps at the entrance, a young man with colorful hair was standing and smoking. He had a gloomy look in his eyes, and there were many younger brothers beside him.

These people were pale, and some of them had obviously just vomited, and there was vomit on the ground.

"Xiang Weishan, what's going on inside?"

Fang Bai stepped forward with a cunning expression.

The murderous dyed-haired man glanced at him and ignored him, but when his eyes swept over Zhao Yi, they suddenly narrowed their eyes.

"Hey, isn't this the number one on the list?"

"What? Want to get a piece of the pie too?"

The appearance of Zhao Yi made many people nearby more vigilant and gathered around. After all, Zhao Yi's gimmick of being the number one on the list was here. Some of them had seen Zhao Yi's live broadcast highlights and knew that this guy was not only strong, but also somewhat... crazy.

Having such a person to grab the reward made them nervous.

"I know this reward is very generous, and no one wants to give it to others... But have you ever thought about it? This is just a guide task. There are still many tasks and rewards to come. If everyone is stuck here, then no one can get the things behind."

"Let's get rich together, or starve to death together?"

Zhao Yi showed a friendly smile.

The sentence of getting rich together or starving to death together made some subtle changes in the mentality of many people.

He threw the cigarette butt in his hand to Wei Shan, and the color changed slightly.


"You want to go, I'll give you a chance."

"But I remind you that many people have died in there."

"Also... I can tell you the rules of the clown game in front."

"The clown game requires at least three people to enter the game and play rock-paper-scissors with him, taking turns, one person guesses ten times, and the loser cuts off a finger. If you win three times out of ten, you win the game, otherwise the players who participated in the rock-paper-scissors game will be thrown into the grocery room behind it. I don't know what terrible things are there, but the people who went in have never come out again."

"The previous one After the player who failed in the rock-paper-scissors game with the clown is killed, the next player to participate in the game will continue to play rock-paper-scissors with the clown, and the entire game will be reset and started again! "

"In addition, we have discovered that the clown's third and sixth rock-paper-scissors are fixed. The third time, it will definitely play scissors, and the sixth time, it will definitely play cloth."

Fang Bai asked curiously:

"If it follows this rule, its ninth or tenth time should also be a fixed rock-paper-scissors. Why haven't you completed this task yet?"

Xiang Weishan sneered and looked at Fang Bai as if he was looking at an idiot.

"So, are you willing to risk your life to try out the fixed rock-paper-scissors game later to make wedding clothes for others?"

Fang Bai was silent.


If the previous trial and error gave people hope and made many people eager to try, then no one would be willing to do the last trial and error.

The passion in their brains has cooled down, and they are unwilling to use their lives to make wedding clothes for others.

People are selfish.

Why should you get beaten while others eat candy?

At Xiang Weishan's signal, these brothers gave Zhao Yi and his men

They made way for someone to try and make mistakes anyway. Whether Zhao Yi succeeded or not, they were all beneficiaries.

It was just a matter of how much or how little they benefited.

After several people entered the station, a young man with a nose ring and earrings and a mole on his face came forward and asked Xiang Weishan:

"Brother, did you tell them wrong?"

"I remember that the clown's fixed moves in finger-guessing were not..."

Xiang Weishan glanced at him, and the latter's face twitched slightly, but he was very sensible and took out a cigarette from his pocket to light it for him.

Xiang Weishan took a puff of the cigarette, and a sinister look appeared in his eyes when he looked at the interior of the station.

"Mo Yao, are you stupid?"

"Who is he?"

"No. 1 on the newcomer list!"

"Didn't you notice that the flirtatious Liu Ruoqing looked at him in a strange way in the lobby on the first floor?"

"As long as this kind of person is alive, do you think the guild's managers will let us take over?"

Mo Yao suddenly realized what was going on, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes when he looked at Xiang Weishan.

This guy is indeed a perverted murderer, so sinister!

It's good that Zhao Yi is dead!

This way, there will be one less strong competitor who will compete with them for rewards and women in the future!


The rich women in the guild are strong and beautiful. If they can get close to them in the future, wouldn't they be very successful?


Inside the station entrance, the pungent smell of blood permeated the darkness.

Tian Tian held her rag bear doll and looked around curiously, while Bai Shuiji, who was dressed a little vulgarly, walked to Zhao Yi and kindly reminded him:

"Brother Zhao, the guy's eyes were not right just now. I think he might be lying."

Zhao Yi replied:

"He is a little bit wrong."

Bai Shuiji saw that Zhao Yi knew what was going on and said no more.

Soon, several people walked towards a lighted exquisite grocery store not far away.

Outside the door of the grocery store, there were bloody...fingers scattered all over the ground.

Like reptiles, people were frightened.

The clown, dressed funny and weird, waved to Zhao Yi and others and greeted them very warmly.

"Welcome to the clever grocery store!"

"Excuse me, are you here to buy things or play games?"

The clown was short, about 1.5 meters tall, wearing a large flowered cotton jacket sewn by his grandmother, and the smile on his face was very friendly.

Zhao Yi came to the counter, put one hand on it, and asked:

"What are the benefits of playing games?"

The clown clapped his hands and said happily:

"Oh! My dear guests, if you are willing to play the game of rock-paper-scissors with me, and you win me three times out of ten times, then I will always provide you with all the goods in the grocery store for free and unlimited."

Zhao Yi nodded and said slowly:

"What if you lose?"

The clown smiled politely:

"If you lose, then you need to pay a little... a small price."

"After all, you also know-if a game loses the stakes, it would be too boring!"

It stated the rules of the game to everyone, and it was exactly the same as what Xiang Weishan described.

"In addition, I want to emphasize one thing to everyone... Don't try to break the rules of the game by killing me or cutting off my fingers during the game, otherwise..."

The clown said here, showing a creepy smile.

The door of the utility room behind it was slowly pushed open a gap.

Inside, countless pairs of terrifying green eyes stared at everyone with greedy eyes...


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