The butcher peeled off Liu Han's skin in front of everyone. He grabbed Liu Han with one hand and pulled Liu Han's face with the other hand, and then tore off Liu Han's skin alive amid Liu Han's shrill screams and terrified eyes! Blood splattered. The hell-like scene almost made Fang Bai and Bai Shuiji vomit! Although some guild members in the distance could not see clearly through the dark curtain, they could also see the general and hazy scene, which made the coldness of their feet rush to their heads! Under the dim red light, Zhao Yi turned around and smiled at them. Half of the face hidden in the shadows was as scary as a ghost!

They shuddered and stumbled downstairs to escape!

"The guidance mission is completed, do you want to go back?"

Looking at Fang Bai and Bai Shuiji who were already scared, Zhao Yi said seriously:

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of cruel person. Killing is still difficult for a kind and soft-hearted person like me."

Fang Bai glanced at Zhao Yi cautiously.



Killing is difficult for you?

Are you kidding me?

If he hadn't seen with his own eyes that Zhao Yi killed two people while chatting and laughing, he would have been fooled by Zhao Yi's harmless and handsome face!

"Anyway, these two attribute points were given by you, so I have to thank you!"

"As long as you don't want my life, everything else is fine!"

Fang Bai gritted his teeth and said, things have developed to this point, and he probably understands that Zhao Yi is not a good guy at all!

In fact, he should have thought of it earlier.

How could the strongest man who can kill out of millions of people be a kind-hearted person?

It's just that Zhao Yi's live broadcast of the last dungeon, Zhao Yi always brought Yang Linlin, the oil bottle, with him, making all the viewers think that he is a good person.

The four of them went to the guild station. On the way, they could see that many players had already started to transport food.

Fang Bai and Bai Shuiji walked behind Zhao Yi. After a while of silence, Fang Bai looked up at Zhao Yi and Tian Tian in front of him, and suddenly said:

"Zhao Yi..."

Zhao Yi turned around.

"What's the matter?"

Fang Bai's face was a little tangled.

"If you kill Xiang Weishan, I'm afraid... there will be some trouble!"

"I heard from a friend before that Xiang Weishan has a brother who is also a member of the Hunzi Guild. He came in early and is a core force. Although no one saw you kill Xiang Weishan with your own hands, you have become the completer of the Butcher Game, and his death is inseparable from you!"

"I'm worried that he might retaliate against you... We really can't help you in this matter, so you should be more careful!"

The small team formed by Fang Bai has no background.

Because of this, people like Zhao Yi are members that they can't ask for!

Everyone has experienced the clown mission and the butcher mission together. He saw Zhao Yi's ability and showed his sincerity to Zhao Yi.

Fang Bai was able to help Zhao Yi, who couldn't pack the takeaway box, pack his food under the conditions of the competition just now, which has proved that he is completely different from Liu Han, who is ungrateful and bullies the weak and fears the strong.

"I'll be careful myself."

He was not surprised that Xiang Weishan had a backer, but anyone with a little bit of brains could probably guess this.

In a world without the constraints of law, it is not enough to win over a group of people in such a short time with just mediocre military force.

Zhao Yi returned to the guild's residence, entered his room, turned on the computer, and began to search for the name Sun Baibai.

The forum of the Hell Game records many things about the chaotic world, so maybe some clues can be found from some posts!

However, Zhao Yi did not get anything after looking through almost all the posts about 'Sun Baibai'.

Those Sun Baibais are either NPCs with the same name in other places, or players.

Kneading his eyebrows, Zhao Yi fell into deep thought.

Thinking is the fastest way to solve your doubts and calm yourself down.

The tasks issued by NPCs are usually designed.

This means that the butcher's daughter could not have died inexplicably in a gutter that no one knew about.

To put it another way, even if she really died in the gutter, she would definitely turn into a ghost and stir up trouble!

Zhao Yi thought for a while.

After a while, he took out the recorder given to him by the butcher.

Clicked it.

There was a noisy conversation inside.

[Baibai, has the train arrived at Guxuan Town? ]

[Dad... It's so cold here...]

[Cold? Baibai, are you in Guxuan Town now? ]

[I'm... I... I don't know... I can't see... woooo...]

[Baibai! What happened? Don't cry, tell Dad, Dad will help you find a way! ]

[Woo woo dad... I... They... I don't want to go to Guxuan Town anymore...]

[What's going on, Baibai, tell Dad clearly. ]

[Dad... Baibai is so cold... Can you come and pick me up home? ]

[Okay, Baibai, where are you? Dad will come to pick you up now! ]

[I'm... I'm...]

[Hello? Baibai? Where are you? Baibai! Talk to me! Don't scare Dad! Baibai? ! 】



The two spoke in a hurry.

From the recording alone, we can find some useful information.


Sun Baibai boarded a train to Guxuan Town.


The butcher was not with his daughter Sun Baibai.


Something must have happened on the train.

Zhao Yi opened the system map.

Most of the maps between their guild area and Guxuan Town were black and undeveloped.

Those areas can only be opened after their tasks are unlocked.

So now he can't go there at all.

It seems that the butcher's tasks must be temporarily slowed down.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yi opened the system again and checked the latest big world tasks.

Now there are still a few days before the copy update next month, he decided to see if he can get involved in this task.


[World Quest: Liberate the Resentment in the Train (Dungeon)]

[Recommended Level: Level 3-6]

[Recommended Number of People: 6]

[Quest Reward: 2 Free Talent Points (only available to participants)]

[Introduction: You came to an abandoned train station. After searching, you found a six-car train with a locomotive in the station. You were very happy and immediately entered the train to check whether the train could start. However, you found some strange figures in the carriage...]


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