The weather has been bad, but the weather has been bad.

[November 12, sunny]

My mother's condition has worsened again. I am still writing to make money. I fell asleep while writing at night because I was taking care of my mother. I lost my full attendance this month. I asked the editor for leniency, but the editor said he had no choice. I will go out to do some work this weekend and eat one less meal every day. I hope I can get enough money for my mother's surgery as soon as possible!

[December 12, cloudy]

I got a job delivering food. Although it is a bit hard, I hope I can get enough money for my mother's surgery!

[December 27, light rain]

It has rained for more than ten days, and the town is full of water. I fell while delivering food today, and all my money for today is gone, woo woo woo…

[February 9, heavy rain]

It has been raining for nearly three consecutive months, and I can’t deliver food anymore. My mother’s illness has worsened. What should I do?

[March 18, thunderstorm]

What happened in the town…?

How did it suddenly become like this?

The streets… are so empty…

Where did people go?

The diary ends here.

There is no useful information except for selling misery.

Zhao Yi threw the diary aside and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped.

He opened the crybaby’s diary again, and after carefully reading it, his eyes were dim.

“Mother… surgery…”

Zhao Yi seemed to understand something.

He took the diary with him, left the room, and entered the ghost fog again.

The entire map of the hospital emerged in his mind.

Admittedly, the picture was very complicated, but for Zhao Yi, a freak who could easily remember the symptoms of hundreds of patients without confusion, it was not difficult.

The hospital building was not safe, and there were ghosts of varying strengths wandering on the road.

Zhao Yi did not take the initiative to conflict with them, but carefully avoided them and came to the more densely populated inpatient wards.

The conditions of these wards were extremely poor, even dirty and messy, and they were obviously not prepared for rich people.

It was consistent with the description of him and his mother in the diary of the crybaby before.

—— Poor.

Zhao Yi did not want to complete this side quest.

He was looking for the female ghost because he had other ideas.

He glanced over.

The two rows of corridors were full of low-level dangers and neutrals.

Zhao Yi stepped on the damp and raised floor, his footsteps were fragmented, and he stood at the door and looked inside through the glass one by one.


: What is he doing?

: I don't know... maybe he is exploring the map?

Yang Tao: He is eliminating options.

: Eliminating options? Big Brother Yang Tao, please elaborate!

Yang Tao: Didn't you notice? In that diary, Crybaby was worried about his mother many times. It is very likely that his obsession is also his mother in the hospital bed. The side quest is probably related to this, so as long as Zhao Yi finds Crybaby's mother, he can naturally continue the side quest.

Yang Tao: Now Zhao Yi is actually eliminating which wards have women and which don't, determining the scope, and then going in to explore, which can save time and be safer!

: Damn, that makes sense!

: As expected of Big Brother Yang Tao, he saw through Zhao Yi's thoughts at a glance!

A group of people flattered Yang Tao, while other silent players focused all their attention on Zhao Yi!

This newcomer... is a bit outrageous!

Although his strength is still weak compared to everyone else, many veteran players cannot make such judgments, be bold, and adapt to changing situations!

Yang Tao: You see, now he has found his target. Next, he will go in and interact with the target, then get useful information and continue the side quest.

After a short elimination process, things went unexpectedly smoothly.

Among all the wards on this floor, only 3004 has a female ghost lying on the bed.

Therefore, Zhao Yi can almost be sure that the mother of the crybaby is the female ghost lying on the bed.

Don't look at her weak and thin face with a pale face.

Like the crybaby, she is "intermediate danger".

On the contrary, the old ghosts in the previous rooms who look ferocious are "neutral" units.

Zhao Yi came to the door of 3004, held the door handle with one hand, slowly pushed the door open, and asked with a polite smile:

"Hello, are you Ah Xiao's mother?"

Ah Xiao is the signature of the crybaby in the diary.

The female ghost turned her head, and a pair of pupils exuding the breath of death stared at the door

Zhao Yi.

"I... am... Ah Xiao's... mother... what... do you... need..."

Zhao Yi's face showed joy.

"Great! I finally found you! That... excuse me, is your husband or relatives in the hospital?"

The ghost girl was silent for a moment and did not answer.


"What... are you looking for me for?"

While she was talking, her hair began to grow strangely, and it went towards the door like a ghost!

Obviously, she was not going to let Zhao Yi go easily.

Of course, Zhao Yi was not going to let her go either.

"No, it's good."

"This way I don't have to run around... It's troublesome to run around and find people..."

Zhao Yi muttered to himself.

Then he threw in a black thing.

The ghost girl caught it accurately with her ghost hair.

The next moment, Zhao Yi slammed the door shut!


A huge flame exploded at this moment, accompanied by the screams of the female ghost!

The whole building seemed to shake!

After the afterglow disappeared, Zhao Yi pushed the door and looked inside. The female ghost was dead.

The ground was in a mess.

The resistance of ghosts was seriously reduced, and the direct consequence was that hot weapons had a place to use.

There were more and more viewers in the live broadcast room, but no one was communicating at this time.

The newcomer in front of them made them feel cold on their backs!

Yang Tao was also silent.

This newcomer's brain circuit was really not normal.

Shouldn't a normal person look for the female ghost to continue the unfinished side quest?

Zhao Yi was so good that he gave a grenade when he met!

And it is not difficult to find out from the conversation just now... Zhao Yi was rushing to kill Xiao's family!

Obviously, after Zhao Yi killed Xiao, he was worried that Xiao's family would retaliate... After all, the hospital is only so big, and ghosts can easily find him...

So, he made a decision.

——Kill all of Ah Xiao’s family first!

Is this man…really not a psychopath?

At this moment, Yang Tao’s eyelids twitched slightly.

Zhao Yi finished his work, turned around and left, and continued to walk towards the roof.

All the ghosts nearby hid, trembling, fearing that Zhao Yi would kick open the door of their ward and send them an aurora.

After a while, Zhao Yi came to the door of the dean.

Data appeared in front of him.

[Dean of Colossus Hospital: Extremely dangerous! ]

[Note: Don’t try to confront him head-on]

Before entering the door, Zhao Yi had already felt a deadly aura!

He touched his chin and thought for half a second.

Then he took out the printed paper from his body.

From the next room, he found a pen and circled a part of it with a thick red frame.

He looked at it carefully and was very satisfied.

Then he directly taped it to his face with transparent tape.

Holding a bloody scalpel, he kicked open the door of the dean's office!


A loud noise!

The crisis of death and the dean's gaze came at the same time!

A pair of pale hands, without any warning, pinched Zhao Yi's neck from an unknown angle!

Zhao Yi had no chance to resist at all!

The opponent's move was too fast!

And this pair of cold hands directly drained all of Zhao Yi's strength!

The dean's mouth split to the roots of his ears, and his bloody mouth opened, ready to swallow Zhao Yi directly!

At the critical moment.

Its eyes fell on the newspaper that Zhao Yi covered his cheeks with.

There was a group of words and images deliberately outlined by a red frame on it.

[March 6]

[Colossus Hospital was invaded by an unknown ominous person]

[All personnel died]

[No one was spared]

[Attached: Picture]

In that picture,

The body of the dean happened to be hung on the roof, and his body swayed like a tattered newspaper.

His tongue was long and his face was purple.

His eyes stared into the distance with empty eyes, and the corners of his mouth were torn open, and blood could be vaguely seen dripping.

Seeing this picture, the dean seemed to recall something.

The hand that was pinching Zhao Yi's neck was weakening rapidly.

The cold retreated, and the strength returned to Zhao Yi's body.

It was this moment!

He held the scalpel, and with the fastest knife he could, he stabbed the dean's eyebrows!


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