The most terrible danger is right beside you.

She didn't know what Zhao Yi was talking about, but a woman's sixth sense made her look at the people in the cave.

Two sleeping players and a hairless NPC.

Was Zhao Yi talking about them?

She wanted to ask more, but when she saw her remaining points, she fell silent for a while.

In the end, she cursed Zhao Yi in a low voice for being greedy, rolled on the ground twice, and returned to the fire.

Although it was still very cold, with the fluffy shirt that Zhao Yi sold her and the bonfire, she could hold on for a while.

But she was very worried about what would happen next.

If it is as Zhao Yi said, the temperature will get lower and lower, and the firewood they stored can only last for three days at most. Once they lose the fire, they may not even have the chance to die of thirst or starvation.

It only takes a few hours for the low temperature to take their lives.

It seems... they have fallen into a desperate situation?

Wei Yun has experienced so many dungeons, but she never thought that this dungeon that seems to have no ghosts can bring her such great despair!

With a messy thought, Wei Yun did not sleep very deeply. She woke up at the slightest movement the next day.

The other two players slept soundly last night because of the cold and mild hunger.

Under this level of hunger, the body often involuntarily enters a dormant state to reduce consumption, but if it is due to excessive hunger, sleep will become worse.

Outside the cave, the rain is heavier.

Like Zhao Yi's news, everyone looked at the trees outside the cave that were soaked by rain all night, and their hearts had sunk to the bottom of the valley.

At this time, Ying Xiangying and Ding Longfei had begun to regret why they did not bring more firewood last night.

Using fire to dry the wood is also a good way.

But the bigger problem now is... it's very cold outside.

It's raining heavily.

They simply can't survive outside for too long.

To put it another way, even if they come back alive holding the firewood, they will probably get sick.

And after losing a lot of calories, the body urgently needs to replenish nutrients such as fat and carbohydrates... but they have no food.

"As you can see... we encountered an unsolvable problem on the second day of entering the Rubaco Mountains - the weather!"

"Damn Bell, it seems to be so unreliable."

"Oh my God! It's so cold outside!"

"Fortunately there is a fire in the cave... I hope this heavy rain will pass soon!"

When everyone looked desperate, Ed turned on his camera and stood at the entrance of the cave to start filming.

After a night's rest, Ed's high fever recovered a little and his body temperature basically returned to normal, but from some of his tiny muscle twitches, it can be seen that the spider venom in his body has not been completely eliminated.

The poison in this mountain is more powerful than Zhao Yi expected.

Or in other words, Ed's poison resistance is not high enough.

"Alas... this is not a solution... it's okay if we don't have food, but how can we survive the rest of the time without water?"

Ying Xiangying was quite anxious.

He was originally a slacker, and he survived the dungeon by hiding, but he didn't expect that he would be matched with a dungeon of purgatory difficulty this time!

Desperate situation at the beginning!

He wanted to escape... but he couldn't!

Zhao Yi took out a stone bowl from somewhere and collected some rain water outside.

"Zhao Yi... you can't drink the rain water outside!"

Ed, who was fiddling with the camera, hurried forward to stop Zhao Yi, his eyes full of concern.

"An adventurer has separated the components of the rainwater here before. It contains many unknown metal substances. If you drink a little, you will have hallucinations!"

"More than 100 milliliters will seriously threaten your life!"

Zhao Yi smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Ed, I drank it last night."

"As long as we boil the rainwater and use charcoal to absorb most of the sediment, this water can be drunk in moderation... Although I felt uncomfortable after drinking it last night, I have recovered this morning."

After saying that, Zhao Yi deliberately turned left and right three times.

Take two steps, take two steps if you are not sick.

Seeing him like this, everyone was relieved. Although Ed looked a little strange, he did not stop him.

Although he has a strong physique, he also needs to eat and drink water.

Especially after being attacked by spider venom, his body needs more water to detoxify.

Since Zhao Yi helped

He solved the problem of drinking water, which was also a good thing for him.

"When the water boils, we can also add some herbs. Drinking it will be very beneficial to the body and can neutralize the toxicity of certain substances in the water."

"When I was studying medicine, I saw this kind of grass, and my teacher told me its efficacy."

Zhao Yi started to be fooled.

And blindly pulled some grass from the cave entrance.

These grasses are non-toxic, but they are not herbs.

The real reason why Zhao Yi wanted to soak them in water was to cover up the special smell of something.

The juice of crushed wild grass tastes very strong, and generally speaking, people are not willing to drink it.

But now... they are willing to accept it.

Poisoning is more frightening than the unpleasant smell.

As the water boiled, charcoal was added, the water was drained, and the "herbs" were added, and it was cooled slightly.

Zhao Yi handed the water to Wei Yun.

The latter looked at the water in the bowl and was reluctant to be the first to drink it, but Zhao Yi's subtle eyes still made her harden her heart and drink a big sip in one breath.

She smacked her lips.

Her expression was extremely painful, and Ying Xiangying and Ding Feilong looked nervous.

They thought Wei Yun was poisoned, and were about to blame Zhao Yi, but they heard Wei Yun say:

"It's so bitter!"

"But I don't feel any discomfort after drinking it."

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

So they took it and drank some each.

During this time, when everyone's attention was on the water, Zhao Yi naturally reached into his pocket and squeezed the cloth bags wrapped with poison.

The juice oozed from one side of the cloth bag and stained Zhao Yi's fingers.

It was Zhao Yi's turn. He stretched out his hand to hold the bowl, drank a sip, and dipped his fingers stained with poison juice into hot water.

It melted.

Then he handed it to Ed.

Ed didn't think much and drank it in one gulp!

Everyone drank it, and he was the last one to drink it. What was there to hesitate about?

After drinking the hot water, everyone felt a little warmer.

Ed continued to complain to his camera:

"I learned an old saying in the East, which is very good: the weather is unpredictable, and people are subject to misfortunes and blessings overnight."

"This sentence means: the weather in the sky is unpredictable, and people cannot predict it, just like the misfortunes and blessings in people."

"Maybe you just drank a sip of water inadvertently, and then something happened... Hey? Why do I feel a little... a little dizzy..."

Ed's eyes showed a trace of confusion, and then he staggered a few steps, and finally his eyes rolled up and fell to the ground...

PS: Brothers! I'm not lazy! I'm holding it in! Holding it in! Holding it in!

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