It was late at night.

All the patients in the lunatic asylum returned to their rooms to rest.

After what happened not long ago, many people were restless and couldn't sleep.

Especially the players.

For them, time is life.

They knew very well that the murderer would never stop!

The lights in the corridor were turned off, and a sense of coldness permeated.

All was silent.

At this time, the sound of a pin falling to the ground would be heard!

Many players were focused, ready to face the danger at any time.

During the day, Chen Long, a forensic doctor, carried a blue fire Gatling gun on his shoulder and stared at the door in front of him.

As expected, a series of heavy and slow footsteps sounded from the end of the corridor, making all the people who were awake tense!

As expected... the murderer appeared!

The footsteps extended forward step by step along the corridor, and there was also the sound of metal rubbing on the ground, which made the hair on the body stand up!

Is it a knife?

To make such a sound... it must weigh dozens of kilograms?

"Black-faced Zhang Fei..."

The murderer spoke with a strange voice.

"Stealing the imperial horse!"

"Red-faced Zhang Fei fought in Changsha!"

"Blue-faced Zhang Fei, white-faced Zhang Fei..."

Who is Zhang Fei?

Everyone was confused.

The man sang and walked forward, passing Zhao Yi's door, passing the boy's door... and stopped at the door of Chen Long's room at the end.

Chen Long's heart... was in his throat!

Did the murderer... choose him tonight?

The other party did not seem to be ready to come in and kill him immediately.

Instead, he kept firing outside the door, not knowing what he was doing.

The Gatling gun in Chen Long's hand... was already preheated!

As long as the door was opened, he would definitely spray it at the first moment!

What's more...

His two teammates were also lying in ambush in the room!

Tonight, they would wait for the murderer to be caught!

Chen Long's face was grim.

His teammates' faces were grim.

Open the door... Open the door!

You TM open the door!


A sudden and subtle sound came.

Maybe it was from the door, maybe it was somewhere else.

The next moment,

The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and a shrill scream, spread throughout the building!

A large amount of blood spilled from the crack in the door.

After seeing the blood spilling from the crack in the door, the people outside knocked and smashed the door frantically, and soon the door was knocked open, and the scene inside scared him!

Everyone also came out of their rooms and walked towards the room where the scream came from!

Just as Zhao Yi was about to go out, he heard the flushing sound of the toilet next door.

First close the lid, then flush.

Then, the boy also went out and followed the crowd to the room at the end.

When Zhao Yi passed by the boy's room, he glanced inside.

The toilet lid was open, not closed.

Luo Qili obviously noticed this, and she winked at Zhao Yi.

"I think there is something wrong with your neighbor."

Zhao Yi glanced at her and said nothing.

But his eyes made Luo Qili understand that Zhao Yi had been eyeing the boy next door for a long time.

When a player dies in the game, the items disappear with the player.

But this will not happen in the big world and the tide of demons.

However, all the players' attention was attracted by the miserable situation of Chen Long and others.

But Zhao Yi noticed the Gatling gun hidden behind the door.

"Please make way, make way... I'm a doctor!"


"Please make way, I'm a doctor... OK!"

Wearing a hospital gown.

Among a group of patients.

In a mental hospital.

Zhao Yi squeezed into the room with the impeccable excuse of "I'm a doctor".

A careful investigation.

The Gatling gun was in hand.

Okay, the investigation is complete.

"According to my inference..."

"If my guess is right..."

Zhao Yi's tone was heavy.

Many people pricked up their ears to listen.

Including players and viewers in the live broadcast room.

"The three people on the ground...maybe they are already dead."




What a mess you made!

The heads of these three people were chopped off, and we didn't know they were dead?

You clearly went in to touch the equipment!

Seeing Zhao Yi being so unreliable, the other players couldn't help but shift their attention to the man with a face full of oil paint and holding a big knife.

He had blood on his body and a knife in his hand.

And he just appeared at the door of Chen Long's room.


It's the murderer!"

A very smart player pointed at the knife-wielding man and shouted loudly.

But the system did not send a prompt that the task had been completed.

It proved that he was wrong.

Next, he will face the murderer's pursuit.

The player's face turned pale and he fell to the ground.


"I'm going to die!"

"I'm sorry for the 50,000 points I borrowed!"

The patient who was identified took off his costume, threw away the knife, and raised his hands high.

"I'm not the murderer!"

"I just came out to kill the gods!"

He wiped his face, and most of the colorful face was gone.

So someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"Old Three?"

"Are you sick again?"

Old Three said indignantly:

"I'm just protecting Kara!"

"Those gods have invaded Kara! Fellow patients, follow me to kill the gods! ”


The mistake was resolved, and the players helped the female manager deal with the three bodies. The white police officer was unwilling to waste time in the mental hospital, and no matter how the female manager cried, it was useless.

In the desolate and cold garden, the three stood side by side.

Zhao Yi said:

“Manager… Although you may not think it is reliable, no one outside will come to help us now.”

“If we don’t find the real murderer, more people will die!”

“Now we can only rely on ourselves.”

In the past, the female manager would never trust the patients in the mental hospital.

She knew that these people’s brain circuits were somewhat abnormal.

But now…

She had no choice.

And the thin and handsome patient in front of her looked very trustworthy.

“I want to ask you a question.”

“Where did the director of this mental hospital go? ”

The female manager wiped her tears and choked up:

“The director disappeared not long ago. We contacted the police... but there has been no news...”

“Maybe the director also...”

Luo Qili on the side asked curiously: “Didn’t you contact the reporter?”

“Once this matter gets out, it will always attract some attention, right?”

The female manager shook her head, wiped her tears, and looked embarrassed.

“You can’t tell anyone...”

“The reason why the mental hospital can still get a considerable amount of money every year is because of the director... Once the news of the director’s disappearance or death gets out, the mental hospital will soon fall into despair because of the lack of financial resources!”

Zhao Yi blinked and patted the female manager on the shoulder.

“Okay, I understand.”

“Manager, go and rest first... Don’t open the door no matter what you hear.”

“About the murderer... We will help you deal with it!”

After sending the female manager back, Luo Qili’s originally clear thoughts became messy again.

“Why did you suddenly ask about the director? "

Zhao Yi's eyes followed the corridor, through the night, and locked onto a house in the distance.

"I'm curious because I've never seen him before."

"So many patients have died, but he never showed up."

"As the dean, this shouldn't happen."

"I had already ignored this person, but the boy mentioned him to me not long ago..."



I'll write the next chapter right away.

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