"What are you looking at?" Luo Qili asked in a low voice. The two were in a corner, and the players were relatively isolated from each other. Now that they were in a competitive relationship, their defense against each other had reached the extreme. The atmosphere was tense and full of gunpowder! Now they just lacked a chance and reason to take action. Although the name of the game is dedication. But the players who have the ability to enter the Tide of Demons are definitely not willing to dedicate their interests or even their lives to others! Zhao Yi's eyes kept scanning the corners of the square. Since he swallowed X-3 and the evil god meme was rebuilt again, he can now see a little more information. Because of the information annotation, Zhao Yi can easily see many tiny things that are invisible to the human eye.

"I'm looking at the pinhole camera."

"There are 67 pinhole cameras in the hall, which can observe all corners... This is a good thing."

Luo Qili immediately became nervous when she heard this.

It was hard for her not to be nervous when she learned that everything she did was under surveillance by others.

"Being monitored by others, you still think this is a good thing?"

Luo Qili didn't know how to complain about Zhao Yi.

She now found that Zhao Yi was much crazier than the rumors outside.

Zhao Yi pointed at the corner near the red door on the left side of the square and said:

"Do you see that corner?"

"I will die there later, with my butt facing up."

Luo Qili: "???"

She glanced at Zhao Yi beside her in surprise, wondering what this guy was doing.

"Are you... kidding?"

Zhao Yi replied:

"No, I'm serious..."

"When the time comes, you have to complete the main quest alone... But if you're lucky, I should be able to give you some help."

Luo Qili is not stupid. When she heard this, she vaguely guessed what Zhao Yi wanted to do.

"Is it too risky?"

Zhao Yi shook his head slightly.

"If I'm not mistaken, your side quest reward is a mobile phone battery, right?"

Luo Qili nodded.

Zhao Yi continued:

"We must get the battery as soon as possible... Since the future 'us' guided us to come to this place on the third day to get the battery, it is very likely that we will call the first day 'us' today and start to complete the logical loop!"

"Even if the location doesn't match, at least the time must match. The sooner we can use the mobile phone, the more likely we can fit the correct timeline!"

Luo Qili understood.

If, in the original correct timeline, they gave a reminder on the phone call to the first day at 6 pm on the third day, but because they completed the side mission too late on the third day, it was already 7 or 8 o'clock when the phone could be dialed, then they would probably enter another... wrong timeline!

For example, in this wrong timeline, Zhao Yi on the first day had already left the hotel and went to other places, and the guiding phone ring in the empty room was late!

"What do you want to do?"

Luo Qili was not optimistic.

Zhao Yi said:

"It's very simple, we do this, that, and then this..."

After listening to Zhao Yi's plan, Luo Qili's face showed a puzzled look.

What's the difference between this and committing suicide?

"Give me the flashlight first."

Luo Qili handed Zhao Yi a flashlight.

The latter tried it.

It works very well.

"What do you want the flashlight for?"

Zhao replied without even looking up:


Luo Qili: "..."

In the live broadcast room:

: God damn photosynthesis... You are called a vegetable, right?

: I feel sorry for goddess Luo Qili, meeting such a crazy teammate... It's okay if you can't argue, the key is that you can't beat him...

: Is there a possibility... that what he said is true?

: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! (Cao Cao emoticon package)

: With Zhao's brain circuit, mortals like me can't guess what he will do next...


Time passes.

The smell of gunpowder in the air is getting stronger and stronger, and even some players have begun to focus their murderous eyes on some weak players in advance in a small range!

Two doors, a total of only 200 people can pass through.

But they... There are 600!

Including those who just died, there are still about 500 people left!

If you want to survive the first level safely... you must kill at least 300 more people!

Kill one more

If you kill one person, it means that you have a greater chance of survival!

So a small-scale riot began to occur.

Many players took out many cold weapons or small pistols and started to attack the people around them!


I don’t know who was cut in the throat, and there was no time to scream. Only blood bubbles came out of the throat, and the sound of gurgling continued.


Another person’s spine was twisted silently and fell to the ground.

Although the riot occurred in the crowd, most people still did not take action.

They are not conscience, but they are preserving their own strength.

Cold-eyed bystanders often have sharper butcher knives in their hands!

Bal hid in the crowd. Such a murderer held back and did not take action, even the viewers in the live broadcast room could not understand it at all.

Bal changed his nature?

Of course not.

There was only one reason for him to hold back and not take action - Zhao Yi.

When a diner faces a favorite dish, he will naturally not focus on inferior food.

Especially this dish... He has been thinking about it for so many years!

From childhood to adulthood!

Today... He can finally taste it.

Bal even felt a little embarrassed. If he didn't prepare enough elegance and patience, it would be a waste of such a delicious dish!

Therefore, he didn't kill Zhao Yi directly at the beginning.

Observe... smell... touch...

Finally taste it.

The bloody smell in the air is just an appetizer for Bal.

The red splashing from the neck is like nectar and jade liquid.

He trembled with excitement, and his extremely sick eyes fell on Zhao Yi, and his fingers trembled because of the killing hidden in his genes!

Hold on a little longer, it's not time yet!

Bal said to himself.

The next moment, Zhao Yi's eyes met Bal's.

It's the same as before.

There was no change.

That was——

A different kind of admiring look.

An elegant look that made people feel cold all over.

In the depths of his eyes, there was Zhao Yi's generous praise for him.

There was also greed to eat him up!

The other party just stood there, and Bal knew that the man who was only level 5... was at the top of the food chain!

Clenching his fists tightly, Bal looked forward to the arrival of the last moment!

Zhao Yi once left him with an indelible inner shadow for his whole life... It can only be erased with Zhao Yi's blood!

Zhao Yi didn't know that Bal's inner thoughts were so profound and obscure.

After all, to him, Bal was no different from the pigs raised in the pigpen.

Just whiter and fatter.

He once deliberately left "something" in Bal's body, like fertilizer, to make the killing gene in Bal's body... extremely strong.

Pigs are strong, of course they need to eat.


A vicious and cold cry suddenly came from behind him. A man holding a blood axe jumped up from behind Zhao Yi and slashed at Zhao Yi fiercely!

The man in front of him was only Lv5!

He was the best target for bullying!

With Zhao Yi's previous instructions, Luo Qili did not stop him, but hid at a certain distance from Zhao Yi!

Seeing that the blood axe was only one foot away from the back of Zhao Yi's head, Zhao Yi suddenly took a step back and stuck the opponent's arm with his shoulder, and the blood axe attack immediately missed!

Just when the man was horrified, the scalpel in Zhao Yi's hand appeared, leaving a small cut on his body.

Skin injury.

But some black tentacles grew.

The player stabilized his body and wanted to continue attacking Zhao Yi, but his strength was too different from Zhao Yi, and he was not Zhao Yi's opponent at all, and was soon subdued by Zhao Yi with his bare hands.

But Zhao Yi did not kill him.


Took out a bowl of fragrant broth, pinched the player's nose, and forced him to drink it down!

[Item: Soup carefully cooked by the butcher]

[Quality: Consumables]

[Introduction: Although he is a butcher, his cooking skills are impeccable, but for some reason, the food he makes always contains resentment and anger! ]

[Effect: Overdraw part of your life in advance, gain huge power, and fall into a riot without recognizing your relatives, which lasts for five minutes. Within twelve hours after the riot ends, you will completely lose your combat effectiveness! ]

[Note: Do you want to be a coward for life, or a hero for a moment? ]

Gurgle gurgle gurgle——

Watching the player drink up the soup, Zhao Yi immediately put the player's body on the adulterer's skateboard and kicked Bal in the distance.

And smiled and said in lip language:

"I'll give you a small gift."

The player

When they reached Bal's feet, Zhao Yi took back his skateboard.

Bal stared at the level 7 player on the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching all over, and frowned slightly.

An ominous premonition filled his heart...



Thank you for reading.

I will start writing the next chapter directly.

At least the outline of three chapters is finished.

Let's go!

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