Too Reckless

Chapter 97: Kamui

"Too reckless (!

The drizzle was drizzling outside the window, and the lights in the wooden house had already been turned off.

On the bed, Wu Qingwan was dressed in a small white coat and sat cross-legged on the bed, but there were so many things happening today, how could she be calm, and finally she lay down on the pillow, listening to the fine rain outside in a daze .

In the last battle, Wu Qingwan felt despair for the first time since she was a child, but it also inspired her fighting spirit to improve her cultivation level; she used to think about how to help Ling Quan practice, but now her thoughts have become How to practice so as not to drag Ling Quan back.

Thinking of cultivation, Wu Qingwan's thoughts naturally ran to the hard-won 'blessing'.

It was so late that Jiang Yi was asleep, Ling Quan was probably practicing...

Meditating and refining qi with the "Qi Yang Qi Jue" is too slow, isn't it a waste of time...

Time is a very precious thing. As a teacher, do you have to...

He didn't know how to come here, and I'm fine, so I have to find him...

It seems to be okay to find him, anyway, it is for his own good, not to send...

Wu Qingwan moved her moist eyes twice, bit her lips lightly, and slowly sat up from the embroidered bed, hooked up her embroidered shoes with her toes, and then went to the wardrobe, changed her clothes, and picked up her rouge.

It's just that before she could put on makeup, there were very slight footsteps outside the window.


? ?

Wu Qingwan made a movement and silently fell back on the pillow, closing her eyes and pretending to be asleep.


The door opened and a figure walked in.

Wu Qingwan opened her eyes a little and saw that Zuo Lingquan was wearing a black robe, lightly inserted the door bolt, walked to the bed, and glanced at her, her eyes a little dry.


Wu Qingwan sighed secretly, knowing that this stinky boy must have been suffocated and did not wake up, thinking about letting him pass the eye addiction first, then let him hide his desires and practice seriously.

Just as Wu Qingwan made up her mind, she saw Zuo Lingquan raise his hand, hold the big dumpling, and start kneading the dough.


Wu Qingwan couldn't hold it anymore, she opened her eyes and frowned slightly, like an annoyed teacher who saw the mistakes of the younger generation:

"Ling Quan! What are you doing?"

Zuo Lingquan sat on the edge of the bed, his hand did not let go, he smiled softly;

"Wanwan, I thought you would continue to pretend to be asleep."

? !

Wu Qingwan's face was serious, she pushed Zuo Lingquan's hand away, and said seriously:

"Ling Quan, have you forgotten what I said? If you want to practice, I will help you, but I have to call the shots..."

Zuo Lingquan leaned a little closer: "Last time I was beaten to death for the sake of the sect, can't Senior Wu reward me once?"

Wu Qingwan was stunned for a moment and thought for a while: "It's just cultivation, how can there be any reward that is not rewarded..."

Zuo Lingquan chuckled: "It's the first time I didn't get lucky, it's just that."

Wu Qingwan frowned slightly, not expecting Zuo Lingquan to make this request. What is it that is simple, if you don't practice cultivation, wouldn't it be an affair between a man and a woman? She became more serious and said seriously:

"Ling Quan, I'm your teacher, how can I use such a thing as a reward?"

Zuo Lingquan's face showed a bit of disappointment, he sighed softly, and nodded slightly.

Seeing Zuo Lingquan's lost appearance, Wu Qingwan shuddered in her heart. She was silent for a moment, and finally she was reluctant to let Zuo Lingquan, who was protecting her at all costs, feel too lost. After hesitating for a while, she sat up and took out the blindfold from under the pillow:

"Forget it, you're young, I won't talk about you anymore... Only this time, you can't move your mind, I... I agreed because of your hard work, not because I have other feelings for you. ."

Zuo Lingquan raised the corner of his mouth and nodded: "Okay."

Wu Qingwan maintained her teacher's face, handed the blindfold to Zuo Lingquan, moved a little inward, raised her hand and undid the white jacket, revealing the light green carp in the flowers below, which seemed to be newly bought by herself.

Zuo Lingquan was a little surprised, but Wanwan herself was sensible and changed into **** clothes. Of course, he was not dissatisfied. He threw the blindfold aside and approached Wu Qingwan.

Wu Qingwan was stunned for a moment, then quickly closed her clothes, frowning and said:

"Ling Quan, what are you doing? lie down..."

Zuo Lingquan's robe has been thrown aside, looking at Wu Qingwan, whose face is turning red, seriously said:

"Didn't you say rewards? If you can't move or watch, what kind of reward is that?"

? ?

Wu Qingwan finally understood that Ling Quan wanted to toss her in a different way like the first time.

Her eyes panicked slightly, and she shook her head. Before she could speak, she saw Zuo Lingquan sigh in disappointment:

"Hey... Senior Wu just doesn't want to..."


Seeing this, Wu Qingwan gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do. She didn't want to disappoint Zuo Lingquan, so she could only bear it for a while and said seriously:

"Forget it, it's just this time. But I said in advance, you can't kiss... oh~"

Before Wu Qingwan finished speaking, Zuo Lingquan blocked his mouth as if he was hungry.


The sound of fabric tearing.

Wu Qingwan was a little flustered, she raised her hand and slapped Zuo Lingquan's shoulder twice, but it didn't work, she could only close her misty eyes in the end...


rustling --

It was drizzling, and it was not just the wooden house next to the waterfall that had no intention of sleeping in the long night.

Below the stone cliff, in the small courtyard among the bamboo forests, there were also two pairs of eyes that were not at all sleepy.

In the elegant and tidy hut, the jewelry box is placed on the small case, and there is a rouge box next to it.

Tang Jingxuan was lying on the soft pillow with clothes on, looking at the gorgeous colors on the window paper, and sighed faintly from time to time:

"How could I be a bird~"

The soft and white dumpling lay listlessly beside the pillow, with a few peeled pine nuts placed in front of the bird's beak, but had no appetite, just followed with a "ji~" sound.

Although I can't speak, but looking at the meaning of the group, it should be saying:

"A bird is a bird, what's wrong with a bird."

Tang Jingshen, a native of Beijing, obviously couldn't accept the reality like a dumpling. She turned to her side and pulled the dumpling's wings, her eyes were a little disgusted:

"When you grow up like this, it's probably useless except for being delicious. You don't even have to wear clothes. It's better to die."


Tang Jing rubbed the dumplings for a while, and then remembered the incident of being overtaken by a ghost, and was even more annoyed:

"You said that mother-in-law won't keep looking at me?"

Of course, the dumpling didn't know it. Lying on the side, he suddenly heard the 'humming' sound of flapping his wings. His dark eyes lit up, and he quickly flapped his wings and flew out of the window.


Tang Jingxuan was instantly annoyed and wanted to get up to clean up the dumplings, but it was too late and he didn't want to get up, so he finally let it go.

Tang Jing sighed, closed her eyes, and wanted to continue to feel the big phoenix, whether it was eaten clean or not.

Since the phoenix was taken away, Tang Jingxuan could feel that the big phoenix left her side, but it did not disappear, but was in a very far place, and occasionally some scenes could appear in her dreams.

She closed her eyes, calmed down, felt it carefully, and slowly found the big phoenix.

This time, the feeling is clearer than before, and there is even a picture in front of my eyes - a crystal-clear palace, a lotus platform under the butt, a strange-shaped golden rod on the left, and a sword on the right...


Tang Jingxuan didn't know why.

She lowered her head and glanced, but saw that 'self' was wearing a golden skirt, her **** seemed to be a little bigger than before, and the shape had changed a little, very straight, like two peaks...


Before Tang Jingxuan looked carefully, she suddenly found herself saying a word, and then her head fainted, and the scene in front of her disappeared completely.


Tang Jing turned his head up, rubbed his slightly dizzy eyebrows, and looked left and right blankly, where he was still in a hut among the bamboo forests.

what happened?

Just fell asleep and had nightmares...

No, how can a nightmare get bigger breasts? Shouldn't it be smaller...

Tang Jing frowned, thinking about what happened just now, but when she saw the dumplings, she flew back from the outside again. A black bug was caught on her little claws and landed in front of her.

Tang Jingxuan instantly recovered, and quickly raised his hand to blast the dumplings away:

"Hey~ You're going to die! Take it away, don't throw it on my bed!"


The dumpling landed on the small table by the bedside, stepped on the little beetle, kept nodding and acting like a spoiled child, obviously wanting Tang Jingxun to help him break up the little beetle that couldn't eat it and feed it.

It's just that Tang Jingxuan would touch an unknown beetle, not to mention that she recognized that it was something raised by Zuo Lingquan, and said with a fierce expression:

"Don't eat I'll stew you if you dare to eat it!"


"Eat everything, but don't have enough rice? Don't catch this bug in the future, do you hear?"


The dumpling stepped on the little beetle and felt a little aggrieved. In the end, under Tang Jing's fierce and fierce eyes, he reluctantly released his claws and slapped the little beetle off the table. .


Tang Jingshen's eyes were angry and annoyed, she even forgot what happened just now, found a broom and a small shovel, and sent the little beetle out of the house...

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