Too Reckless

Vol 2 Chapter 35: people as mirrors

"Too reckless (



Morning bells and twilight drums.

The thick bells rang through the endless street market. The princes and princes of Linyuan City, the three sects and nine streams, started a new day of busyness. The entire capital seemed to be larger, and it was not much different from Donghua City, which is thousands of miles away.

Within the majestic imperial city, countless courtiers gathered in the main hall to discuss the political affairs of the various countries.

Zuo Lingquan was wearing a black fish scale armor, a sword on his waist, dressed as a bodyguard, standing under the White Stone Imperial Road, waiting for the end of the morning meeting.

On both sides of the imperial road, there were also many Jingua warriors from the Dayan Dynasty. Although they were all dressed in the military, but from the momentum, it could be seen that they were all born in martial arts, and they all wore the emblem of the Iron Arrow House on their armor.

Iron Arrow Mansion is most famous for its one mace and one shield, because it is a weapon commonly used by the ancestors of Shangguan. In fact, there are many ways to practice in Iron Arrow Mansion. , there is no retreat, big opening and closing, the word 'arrowhead' in Iron Arrow House comes from 'arrowhead', which means 'the arrow goes out without turning back'.

After waiting for an unknown time, the sun in the east gradually came to the heights of the sky, and there were a few more clouds in the blue sky, and a 'retreat' sounded from the palace.

The courtiers filed out. As an exotic princess, Jiang Yi was treated with high courtesy. She walked in front of the courtiers, dressed in a gorgeous palace dress, and walked in the style of a queen, followed by Leng Zhu and Lanzhi dressed as a close-fitting mother.

Zuo Lingquan stood with his sword in hand, and after Jiang Yi passed in front of him, he followed Jiang Yi out of the palace and went to the concubine palace next door.

Jiang Yi maintained an air of majesty and grandeur, until after passing through the palace gate and getting on the carriage, her shoulders loosened a little, and she raised her hand and patted her chest:

"The main hall of the Dayan Dynasty is very big, and there are about two or three hundred courtiers. I used to sit on it and listen to the courtiers. ', the pressure is too high."

Leng Zhu stood outside the hall and waited, feeling the same:

"Yeah, I didn't dare to look around. Listening to the voice, the princess is much more powerful than the ministers of the other small countries. Those envoys of the small countries stuttered when they spoke."

Zuo Lingquan sat in front of him, raised his mouth and praised:

"That's natural. Anyway, it's our princess regent. Nothing else works. The aura is too tight."


Jiang Yi's apricot eyes stared, but she didn't have the heart to quarrel with Zuo Lingquan. Speaking of the failure of cultivation, she remembered something, and said with some humor:

"By the way, I had a dream last night. I dreamed that I learned the 'fire dragon technique' and beat Tang Jing to call her sister."


Zuo Lingquan blinked, and before he had time to evaluate Jiang Yi's spiritual victory, Leng Zhu next to him whispered:

"I'll just say, no wonder last night, the princess fell asleep and suddenly pinched my arm, with a smug expression on her face, um... It looks very awkward..."

? ?

Jiang Yi's smile froze, and her eyes narrowed slightly to look at Leng Zhu.

Leng Zhu lowered his head: "I... I forgot..."

Zuo Lingquan shook his head secretly, thinking it was funny, he didn't open his mouth to attack his fiancée's self-esteem, but said:

"After I've been busy with this matter, I have half a year to practice. Jingxong doesn't like fighting and killing, so if you practice more, you will definitely catch up."

Jiang Yi's eyes narrowed, and she looked at Zuo Lingquan again:

"Ha~ she changed her name to Jingxun? If she really taught you the supernatural powers of the ancestors of Shangguan, would she change her name to 'Xuner'?"

"How could it be, Yi Bao, don't be angry."


Jiang Yi tilted her head slightly, thinking that this nickname is so weird, she thought about it and said:

"What Yibao, it sounds awful."


" still call me the princess, or Long Li."


During the chat, the envoys of several countries came to the next door to the imperial concubine palace. From the empty square in front of the palace, everyone entered the main hall of the palace. From a distance, they could see the deepest part of the palace, and a bead curtain was unfolded. .

The team of envoys will be feasted and eaten in the main hall, and will send birthday gifts to the empress dowager, which is expected to last for a long time.

Jiang Yi brought Lanzhi and Leng Zhu in. Zuo Lingquan was just a bodyguard, so it was not easy to follow him into the seat. He still stood under the steps outside the hall, waiting for the banquet to end.

As the sun rose to the middle of the sky, the sound of the qin and the sermon came from the palace behind. The palace singer dressed in a glamorous and atmospheric palace danced in from under the eaves of the main hall and danced the palace dance in the palace.

Zuo Lingquan was inconvenient to turn around to appreciate it, he just stared at the flowing clouds floating in the sky a little bored.


Zuo Lingquan looked down, and at the corner of the steps, a white long-haired cat ran out of nowhere. It was snow-white, with blue eyes. It was extremely beautiful, and it looked like a princess in a cat.

Zuo Lingquan practiced sword only to strengthen himself, not to kill.

As a result, the white cat was very face-saving, and took small steps to the front, and stepped on his cloud-patterned boots with a meat pad, in a 'to hug' posture.

Zuo Lingquan is not good at licking other people's cats casually, but only teasing the white fur with the toes of his shoes. After touching for a while, behind the palace wall at the corner of the main hall, a few little palace maids ran out and found the cat in front of him. I was seen by the courtiers in the palace, so I asked him for help.

Zuo Lingquan is a foreign minister. Unlike the imperial guards who are standing guard, he can walk around. Seeing this, he leaned over and picked up the white cat, walked from the bottom of the steps to the corner, and handed it to a few beautiful little palace maids:

"This cat is so pretty."

"Thank you, General."

"Little master just now got lost and scared us to death, but luckily we found it back..."


Several little palace maids repeatedly thanked Zuo Lingquan's face for a while, then turned back three steps and ran to the depths of the palace city.

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and smiled, and returned to his original position to wait.

It’s just that this time I didn’t wait long, and the little palace maid who I just saw ran to the front again and gave a respectful salute:

"Many thanks to the general for bringing back the little master. The master invited the general to go to the Royal Garden. He said that he wanted to thank him in person. Please, the general."


Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment and wanted to say no, but this is the imperial city of the secular world, and it was obviously wrong to send a palace maid over to invite him. He looked back at the main hall. Lost, think about it or follow the palace maid to the back of Miyagi.

The Toffee Palace is not small, but it seems that there are not many places to live. After passing through the thousand-step corridor on the left side of the main hall, you will enter a beautiful garden.

The garden is full of rockeries, rocks, flowers and trees. Below the veranda is a green lake with ten thousand koi.

Zuo Lingquan walked to the end of the veranda in a daze, and came to a viewing stone pavilion by the water.

Outside the stone pavilion stood many palace maids, two of which were holding peacock feather fans and gently fanning the wind.

Beside the stone table in the pavilion, a beautiful woman in a palace suit in a golden phoenix dress sat gracefully on her side, with a white kitten on her lap, and she lowered her head and stroked the cat's hair.

Zuo Lingquan glanced slightly, and he could see that this beautiful woman in palace dress, with black hair like black hair, although she did not wear makeup or pearls, her face was flawless and her appearance was self-sufficient. Just right in every way.

The temperament is even more unique. It seems to be dignified and gentle, with the charm of a familiar beauty, but invisibly exudes an unattainable and repulsive widowhood, which makes people feel very strange, as if this palace-dressed beauty, no She should be wearing this concubine's dress.

Zuo Lingquan knew that the imperial concubine was banqueting in the hall, and she was almost 100 years old, so she could not guess the identity of the concubine in front of her. Without looking sideways, she followed the palace maid to the vicinity, and bowed her hands in a salute:

"I don't know if you are..."

The beauty in the palace dress raised her eyes, evoked a smile, and gestured to the palace maid next to her:

"Give a seat."

The smile is very beautiful, 'Looking back and smiling Bai Meisheng, Liu Gong Fen Dai has no color' is probably to describe this kind of smile, but for some reason, Zuo Lingquan felt that this smile was not warm, as if he smiled step by step when it was time to laugh , and no emotions were involved.

After the maid received the order, a stool was brought in and placed in front of her.

Zuo Lingquan didn't want to stay for a long time, and was about to say goodbye, when he heard the woman in the palace dress say:

"Your name is Zuo Lingquan?"


Zuo Lingquan's words stopped, and he raised his head in confusion.

"I've been in charge of the Demon Hunting Division for 80 years, and the monks who are close to the imperial city will check the background. You don't have to be suspicious."

Eighty years?

Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized the meaning of these words:

"The maiden is the imperial concubine? Hmm...then over there in the main hall..."

"I don't like places that are too noisy. I got up during the dinner and came over to see the li slave, but it ran away."

Zuo Lingquan nodded slightly. When the envoy team is dispatched to other countries, the monks and even servants they bring must report to the other party. This is the rule of diplomatic relations between the two countries, to prevent someone from assassinating the emperor and causing war between the two countries; this young woman and grandmother, who is almost a hundred years old, knows his name. There is nothing surprising.

Zuo Lingquan hesitated for a moment: "The raccoon slave has been found, and I didn't do anything just now. The Empress Dowager doesn't need to be so kind."

Shangguan Lingye gently stroked the white cat, his eyes always looking at the beautiful landscape in the garden:

"I've been in the palace for a long time, and I'm bored. Seeing that you have a good talent, I want to chat. I used to be a practitioner, and I'm interested in this aspect."

A 100-year-old grandmother looks like this, a blind person can see that she is a practitioner, and her cultivation is definitely not low.

Zuo Lingquan couldn't figure out her intention. Seeing that she didn't mean to see off guests, she could only sit down and shook her head:

"I can't call myself talented, I just practiced swords for a few years."

Shangguan Lingye raised the corners of his lips and smiled again, the smile was the same as before:

"You are being self-effacing. Don't be wary. Immortal masters will be registered with the Demon Suppression Division on the road in Dayan Dynasty. Only Ye Xiu, who has committed crimes, will avoid me. People on the mountain may not obey the rules, but in the world. The court preaches the laws of the country, and neither wrongly punishes an innocent person nor misses a guilty person, this is the foundation of the country.”

'Fa' is the foundation of governance, Zuo Lingquan did not refute this sentence, he thought about it and shook his head:

"I just came out of Great Pill, and I don't know much about cultivation, so there is really nothing worth talking about."

"Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Only by taking people as a mirror can we understand our own strengths and weaknesses."

Shangguan Lingye looked at Zuo Lingquan and asked calmly:

"Great Dan is a barren land, with scarce materials, and it is difficult to produce good seedlings from the immortal family. There are not many cultivators in Linggu. You are young, and you can start in that kind of place. How did you cultivate before?"

There is no need for Zuo Lingquan to lie about this:

"Practice hard, diligence can make up for one's self-defeating, that's all, I can't find any chance if I look for it, there is only one way to go."

"By perseverance?"

"That's it."

Shangguan Lingye nodded slightly: "Since you have come this far with great perseverance, with your ability, you should continue to climb the mountain. How can you be among the envoys of a small country?"

"Continue to climb up, and walk with the envoy team, is there a conflict?"

Shangguan Lingye nodded: "Cultivation is one step, one step at a time, one step at a time, and staying in the mundane world has a great impact on the practice."

Zuo Lingquan understood the meaning of this imperial concubine. Facing the person who met for the first time, he didn't want to talk to the heart, just shook his head and said:

"The concubine also stays in the mortal world, and the Demon Slayer is also a place full of mundane affairs. It seems that there is not much difference between me being a guard in the envoy team."

Shangguan Lingye raised his hand slightly, and after letting the surrounding maids back down, he shook his head and said:

"Privately, you can call me a senior or an immortal. I don't like others calling me the concubine. Unlike you, I don't stay here voluntarily, it's only when I'm ordered by my teacher."

Zuo Lingquan was stunned when he heard this, and asked:

"Senior means that you have stayed in the secular imperial city for eighty years without being willing?"

Shangguan Lingye did not deny:

"As ordered."

It's not that you don't want to...

Zuo Lingquan recalled a little: "We Great Dan, there was a senior in the past, in order to serve the court, he served as a national teacher in a barren land for several decades, and his cultivation base stagnated, and finally..."

"It's the same for me. I only took a few steps forward in eighty years. No accident. After a few decades, it's time to die."


Zuo Lingquan blinked: "What did the senior do wrong?"

Shangguan Lingye asked Zuo Lingquan for a heart-to-heart talk today, just for this, she whispered:

"I admit that I am right, you have heard of Dayan's reputation, and I am not a wicked person; I don't understand the intention of the teacher, so I want to talk to you young people to see if I am not. Live too long and get confused."

Zuo Lingquan understood the intention of the young woman's grandmother, he hesitated, and asked:

"Giving up longevity and serving the country requires a lot of determination and perseverance. Seniors didn't mean it, and I don't even understand the reason. How did you persevere?"

Shangguan Lingye stroked the white cat and said softly:

"Master's life is difficult to violate."

Zuo Lingquan frowned slightly: "If it is a teacher who really cares about his apprentice, he should not use this method to force his apprentice to marry someone he doesn't like and stay in a place he doesn't want to stay for the rest of his life, thus breaking the apprentice's avenue; It's been ruined for a lifetime, it's a bit cruel to deal with the enemy, not to mention the apprentice, it's better to kill with one knife."

"I think so too. However, my teacher shouldn't deliberately destroy my Dao, maybe I just didn't guess it."

Zuo Lingquan didn't think so: "The deadline is coming, and this life has been ruined. No matter how good the original intention is, what's the point?"

When Shangguan Lingye saw that Zuo Lingquan thought the same as her, he smiled lightly and looked up in the direction of Ji Hengshan:

"It seems that the fault is not on my side."

Zuo Lingquan felt that this senior was pitiful and asked:

"Since the senior thought that the teacher would not harm you, how did the teacher persuade you when he was unwilling?"


Shangguan Lingye's eyes moved, but she took it back and didn't respond - she didn't even see the ancestor's face at that time, but just gave her a marriage letter. She thought the ancestor had deep meaning and came over without asking...

Zuo Lingquan waited for a while, understood the meaning, and was a little unbelievable:

"Senior didn't ask, just obeyed the order to marry someone he didn't like, and gave up the Dao to stay in the mortal world when he didn't want to?"

Shangguan Lingye was silent for a while: "My future teacher has a deeper meaning, for the sake of my future."

Zuo Lingquan was a little confused: "Senior is for the Great Way of Longevity, so he took orders that he didn't like and married someone he didn't like?"

"That's right. Cultivation is the way it is. As long as you can obtain the Dao, you have to suffer what ordinary people can't bear. I thought the teacher was doing it for my own good, so I agreed."

Zuo Lingquan frowned: "Senior's meaning is that for the avenue of longevity, even the word 'love' can be given up; today, for the sake of the avenue, you can get married, and tomorrow for the sake of the avenue, you can cut off the world, and the past is gone?"

Shangguan Lingye is more thorough than this. She was born as a fairy and has no mortal affection at all:

"I only seek the Dao. The only people I respect are my parents and teachers. If I have no affection for others, there is no such thing as giving up."

"Isn't the senior married? The weight of the love between men and women is only under the parents..."

"I thought I was just here to worship, and I pretended to be a worldly identity to hide people's eyes and ears. From the first day I entered Beijing, I lived in the old city, and I didn't even worship heaven and earth, and I didn't have any intersection with the emperor. They only enshrined me as an immortal family, and thought that I was supervising the court for the division, and even kept guarding me. I did my duty in the capital and did my duty to enshrine it. I have not owed the Zhou family for 80 years, so I will not be stained with it. Cause and effect, even more ruthless, even if you leave in the future, there will be no demons."

After Zuo Lingquan heard this, he couldn't believe it:

"Senior doesn't want to get married and marry again because he thinks that the teacher is for the sake of your Dao; if you get married and separate from the secular marriage, you will be alone here for nearly a hundred years, so that there will be no demons on the Dao in the future?"

"That's right."

"Then I've been here for 80 years now. Seeing that the deadline is approaching, and I still can't improve my cultivation, why don't my predecessors leave? Afraid of the teacher's punishment? This life is almost ruined, and the punishment will not be worse than this. ."

Shangguan Lingye was silent for a while: "I still think the teacher is thinking about my avenues, but I didn't see it through."

Zuo Lingquan sighed when he heard the three words of this palace-dressed beauty never leaving the 'Longevity Avenue':

"I heard the senior say for so long, it seems that there is only the Great Dao in my heart, and everything else is irrelevant. The junior dared to ask, if the senior really got the Great Dao, what are you going to do?"

Shangguan Lingye shook his head: "No one knows what the Dao is before I get the Dao. When I get to that point, I naturally know what to do."

That is, I don't know right now, practice for the sake of practice...

Zuo Lingquan understood, he thought about it, and asked:

"Do you have anything, senior, that you can give up the Great Path of Longevity?"

Shangguan Lingye's eyes moved slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"My parents are deceased, and the only one who can make me sacrifice my life is the teacher, but the teacher doesn't need my protection."

"Then, for example, if one day the master drives a crane to the west, will the seniors completely cut off the world and have nothing to worry about?"


"Then if senior finds out that if you want longevity, you have to kill an innocent person. If you don't kill, you won't be able to get the Dao, senior or not?"


Shangguan Lingye fell silent, frowned slightly, and did not answer.

This seemingly simple assumption is actually a very cruel questioning. Ninety-nine percent of the practitioners cannot answer with a clear conscience; she should have asked the teacher, but the teacher is not here.

"The avenue is not a child's play, and there will be no such problems."

Zuo Lingquan had just heard so much, and now he probably understood the character of this young woman's grandmother. He shook his head and said:

"Senior will avoid this problem, it means that he knows he can't kill, but he wants to kill, right?"

"This question is meaningless."

"I haven't practiced for a long time, and I don't know much, but if I ask myself, and I can't understand the thoughts, then even mortals can't do well, so what kind of immortals can I cultivate? I think this question is still meaningful."

"If you encounter this choice, will you not kill?"

Zuo Lingquan shook his head - he would never encounter such a choice!

The purpose of his practice is to hold the sword in his hand and not be controlled by others.

If he finds that the Dao is contrary to the morality in his heart, then the Dao is wrong. He has to cut the Dao. If he can't cut it, he will practice until he can cut it. Put the cart before the horse.

"This is not a question of whether to kill or not. For example, in my Great Dan Dynasty, the emperor asked me to kill a commoner, and then rewarded me with high-ranking officials and great wealth; normal people should not want to kill or not, but feel that the emperor He's a faint-hearted prince, and the Great Dan Dynasty should change."

Shangguan Lingye was stunned, obviously not expecting Zuo Lingquan to answer like this.

She thought about it for a long time, and suddenly she Why did the ancestor choose this wild boy in front of him-this perspective of looking at things is really different from ordinary people...

After a moment of silence, Shangguan Lingye nodded slightly:

"It seems that the fault is indeed mine, and I haven't understood the deep meaning of the teacher."

Zuo Lingquan chuckled lightly: "I don't think there is any deep meaning to guess. Immortals are cultivated from people, and they have a clear conscience when they are good people. My father said I was wrong, and I have to reason with my father. I understand, let alone the immortal teacher."

Shangguan Lingye didn't speak any more, just stroking the white cat, secretly fascinated.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan didn't stay any longer, got up and said:

"The junior will say goodbye first."

Shangguan Lingye regained his senses and smiled a little:

"Just now, thank you very much for retrieving Li Nu. Your princess bought a house in the city and asked someone to inquire about the arrangement of the formation. I will arrange it later, so I will take it as a thank you."

"Senior is really polite."

"The foreign princess came to live in my court. As the host, you should have done the friendship of the landlord. Okay, you can go back. If I have any questions in the future, I will ask you again."

Zuo Lingquan bowed and saluted, turned and left the stone pavilion.

Shangguan Lingye sat in the stone pavilion and watched Zuo Lingquan go away, and only frowned slightly after his back disappeared, as if he was thinking about the conversation just now.

It's just that some things are engraved in the bones from birth, how can they be enlightened just because of a word...



Born to be an immortal means to draw a clear line with mortals from birth, knowing that he must stand above the nine heavens and have a bird's-eye view of all beings; the last such character in the book is Lao Lu, but Lao Lu later had an epiphany. I will write, after all, it is impossible to write a whole book in one chapter.


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