Too Reckless

Vol 4 Chapter 59: Jiang Yichagang

"...That's the way it is. Zuo Lingquan and I are just cultivating. Every time I cover his eyes, we have no other contact with each other..."

After listening to Wu Qingwan's serious explanation, Tang Jingxuan really believed that Wu Qingwan was sleeping with Zuo Lingquan "to help Zuo Lingquan's cultivation". She looked strangely and held Wu Qingwan's little hand that had nowhere to put:

"Qingwan, you sacrificed a lot for Xiao Zuo and the princess. But you already have the reality of husband and wife..."

Wu Qingwan shook her head and said, "There is only a Taoist couple in the practice of Taoism, and there is no such thing as a husband and wife. The lifespan of practicing Taoism can be thousands of years, and the defense of men and women is not as particular about the world as it is."

Tang Jingxuan disapproved of this, and said earnestly:

"Qingwan, you can't think like that. I don't know how the monks are out there, but our Great Dan can pay attention to these things. The reputation is greater than the sky. You have already been with Xiao Zuo... He has to be responsible to you."

"Jiang Yi calls me Auntie..."

"You're not the princess' aunt, you don't have any blood connection at all, you just shouted like that. Xiao Zuo called me auntie when he came here. He forcibly kissed me and ruined my innocence, even if I didn't like it in my heart. , you have to obey him."

When Zuo Lingquan heard this, he walked forward and said:


"What is it? Don't interrupt!"

Wu Qingwan was so embarrassed to admit this relationship before Jiang Yi accepted it. She sat a little farther from Zuo Lingquan, held Tang Jingshen's hand and said:

"Jingxu, don't tell Jiang Yi about this, I'll tell her myself later."

The troupe, who had been squatting between Tang Jingxing's legs and watching the play, heard the words "jiji~", which meant "call me sister".

Tang Jingxuan raised her hand and patted the dumplings, comforting:

"What are you talking about? I'm not a broken-mouthed woman in the market, so I just don't know. In fact, this is not bad, doesn't the fat water flow to outsiders? Qingwan, you are so beautiful, just look at it. Nurturing..."

The blush on Wu Qingwan's face could no longer be suppressed, but she had no choice but to defend her denial feebly:

"I'm helping him cultivate, how can I help him have children..."

Zuo Lingquan saw that Wanwan couldn't bear it, so as a man, he naturally came out to attract firepower. After thinking about it, he raised his hand and picked up Tang Jingshen and put it on his lap.

Tang Jingxuan, who was teasing Wu Qingwan, was stunned for a moment, and found that she was sitting in Zuo Lingquan's arms, with her arms around her waist, her face was suddenly embarrassed, and she wanted to get up:

"Little Zuo, what are you doing? Qingwan is still..."

Zuo Lingquan put his arms around his soft and boneless figure, and said seriously:

"The cabin is so big, I can't stand all the time."

The carved soft couch is indeed crowded for three people, but there are also piano platforms, desks, and chess tables in the cabin, so there are quite a few places to sit.

Where is Tang Jingxuan so embarrassed to make out with a man in front of Wu Qingwan, she struggled:

"You let me go, can I get up? I'll go outside for a walk."

"The boats have taken off, it's not safe to go out, sit down."

"Oh, do you believe I'll set you on fire?"

"This is the concubine's ship. We can't afford it if it burns out."


Tang Jingxuan opened her mouth, she really didn't dare to burn the things that were burned by others, she could only writhe and struggle in vain.

Wu Qingwan was sitting next to her, seeing Tang Jingxuan flustered and shy, even more embarrassed than her, she felt better. She didn't stop Zuo Lingquan from bullying others, but just watched silently.

However, my man was making out with other women, so I could only sit and watch it, and it was very embarrassing to talk about.

Wu Qingwan felt a little weird in her heart, but she couldn't say it clearly, so she could only look elsewhere, treating it as if she couldn't see it.

But she and Zuo Lingquan shared the same bed many times, and they already had a tacit understanding with each other. Zuo Lingquan obviously knew her intentions.

She just turned her head away when she found that the hand that had been dishonest stretched out from behind and placed it on her waist.


This stinky boy also knows that the rain and dew are all soaked...

Wu Qingwan blinked, posing as a teacher, and wanted to reprimand Zuo Lingquan; she secretly looked, but found that Tang Jingxuan did not notice this little gesture.

She hesitated for a while, and finally didn't say anything, leaving Zuo Lingquan to be presumptuous once.

However, Zuo Lingquan's problem of taking an inch and a step has obviously not changed. Seeing that she does not resist, his hand begins to be dishonest and slides down.

Wu Qingwan stood up slightly, bit her lower lip and glanced at Zuo Lingquan. Seeing that Zuo Lingquan didn't hold back, she had no choice but to sit upright, out of sight.

Zuo Lingquan leaned on the soft couch, with the plump and juicy Tang Jingjing in his arms, and his right hand on Wu Qingwan's tight skirt.

Both women are well-established, the powder **** under the light fabric are soft, smooth and full of tension, and the dark fragrance of orchid lingers around them, the taste of which is difficult to describe in words.

It's a pity that the enjoyment of the immortals who hugged and touched the right did not last long before Zuo Lingquan discovered that the unicorn paperweight on the desk lit up.

The painting boat was owned by Shangguan Lingye. Zuo Lingquan didn't even know how to sail the boat. He thought it was some special function on the boat, so he tried to investigate it. As a result, a water curtain appeared in front of him. ?

Zuo Lingquan's expression froze, and after reacting, he quickly withdrew the hand behind Wu Qingwan, but he couldn't throw Tang Jingxuan out of his arms, and Tang Jingxuan was still sitting on his lap.

The water curtain quickly formed, and the scene in the Tianji Temple was displayed inside.

Shangguan Lingye sat behind the desk to check the file, while Jiang Yi was half-prostrate on the somewhat large desk, her cheeks were very close to the view of the water curtain, and she was still talking:

"Can you see... eh~? I can really see... Zuo Lingquan!"

The look in Jiang Yi's eyes changed from half-belief to surprise in a short period of time, and then she showed the confusion and annoyance when she was caught in bed. She raised her hand and patted the table:

"What are you doing?"

Wu Qingwan didn't notice anything strange beside the desk, she was wondering why Zuo Lingquan touched the key point, why he suddenly stopped, heard Jiang Yi's scolding, and almost fainted from fright.


Wu Qingwan jumped up directly from the soft couch, tidied up her skirt subconsciously, and after realizing that it was just the moon in the water, she quickly patted her chest to cover up her abnormal behavior:

"It scared me to death, how come a voice suddenly appeared."

Tang Jingxuan was about the same. Seeing Jiang Yi's face in a blink of an eye, he hurriedly stood up from Zuo Lingquan's arms. After thinking about it, he quickly reacted and glared at Zuo Lingquan:

"Xiao Zuo, you are too much, how can you do such a thing? I... ah..."

Tang Jingxuan looked ashamed, ran quickly into the small cabin at the rear, and closed the door.

Zuo Lingquan's expression was also a little embarrassed, but it was not the first time Jiang Yi was caught in the face, and he was not frightened, he raised his hand and shook it:

"Jiang Yi, can you see it?"

Jiang Yi couldn't even see it, she almost had a brain hemorrhage.

Jiang Yi's eyes were full of jealousy, and she wanted to yell at Zuo Lingquan with her silver teeth clenched. However, with Shangguan Lingye by her side, she still held back and said coldly:

"You have a good life, are you comfortable?"

Seeing the water curtain, Tuanzi flew up, and said "jiji~" at Shangguan Lingye behind him, obviously saying hello.

Shangguan Lingye raised his eyes to respond, and also glanced at Zuo Lingquan with a three-point disdain in his clear eyes, obviously saying, "You still say that you are not lustful? You deserve it".

Zuo Lingquan's old face couldn't hang up, he said with a smile:

"It's quite comfortable on board, um... But the concubine has something to arrange for me?"

Jiang Yi can't wait to rush into the water curtain and beat Zuo Lingquan, but this is obviously impossible. She suppressed jealousy and said:

"It's okay, just try to see if I can contact you, you... Auntie, take good care of him and don't let him do anything wrong outside."

Wu Qingwan herself was being molested, how could she control Zuo Lingquan, but she still had to nod her head at this time:

"I know, I'll talk about him later."

Jiang Yi was not good at talking about housework in front of Shangguan Lingye. After taking a few glances at Zuo Lingquan, she could only withdraw the water curtain unwillingly.

The water curtain dissipated, and the cabin was restored to its original state.

Wu Qingwan breathed a long sigh of relief, turned around and gave Zuo Lingquan a cold look, but she didn't know what to say to him.

Zuo Lingquan stood up, glanced at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window, and said:

"The faster you fly, the greater the consumption. The painting boat belongs to the concubine. We borrow it. If it is not necessary, we can only fly at a constant speed. It will take six or seven days to reach the Fushui Kingdom where Burning Smoke City is located. What's the matter, let's start practicing."


Wu Qingwan was almost caught by Jiang Yi yesterday, and was directly caught by Tang Jingxun today. She doesn't want to accompany Zuo Lingquan to practice, and she doesn't want Zuo Lingquan to touch her this month.

Her eyes were slightly dark, and she said with a little bit of caution:

"Ling Quan, I'm your teacher. If you dare to use force against me, if you don't treat me as an elder, I... I'll leave you alone."

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and said, "What are you thinking? Huafang is the mobile residence of the imperial concubine, and she is also a woman. She does...things she loves in other people's homes.

Wu Qingwan thought about it too. When Zuo Lingquan was repairing her, there were messes on the table and chairs, and maybe there would be water everywhere. It's really impossible to do this in the house of the imperial concubine.

Seeing that Zuo Lingquan was not trying to repair her, Wu Qingwan relaxed a little, returned to her teacher-commander appearance, turned around and walked to the rest cabin at the back:

"You still know some rules, I thought you would just mess around... I'm going to practice, you also meditate well, don't run back if you have nothing to do."

Zuo Lingquan went to the back to see Because of the limited size of the painting boat, it was a small boudoir, and the bed took up 80% of the space.

He really wanted to go in, but it was Shangguan Lingye's embroidered bed. Although it was not often used, it was his daughter's bed after all. He, a big man, would have the nerve to run and sit there.

"I'm just outside, you can rest assured to cultivate."

Wu Qingwan took two deep breaths, and after suppressing the mess in her heart, she entered the room and closed the door.

After the two women hid, the compact and beautifully furnished cabin was completely quiet.

Zuo Lingquan smiled, took the painting boat's 'instruction manual' from the desk, went out to the deck, sat cross-legged at the bow, and carefully checked the process of using the various formations.

The sky hangs with autumn sun, and below is the boundless sea of ​​clouds.

A lonely boat galloped across the sea of ​​clouds, heading for the far southwest. After activating the hidden formation, it gradually became illusory and disappeared without a trace between heaven and earth...——

Thank you [DeerPenguin] for the great reward!

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