Too Reckless

Vol 4 Chapter 63: 1 lot 1

The underground pawnshop is not built underground, but a black market with a pavement, disguised as a pawnshop; it acts like an intermediary, providing information services to monks who are inconvenient to show up.

Zuo Lingquan found the manager of the shop to consign the ghost locust wood.

After Zuo Lingquan came out, he wandered around the market for several times, and after making sure that no one was following, he returned to the wing on the second floor of the inn unknowingly.

After a few hours, the street outside the window was still noisy, but the inside of the house was quiet.

The warm yellow light illuminated the corners and corners, and two beautiful women sat side by side on the tea couch, talking about trivial things; the dumplings rolled around on the tea table a little bored.

Zuo Lingquan opened the door, Wu Qingwan stood up and asked softly:

"Is there any useful news?"

"Second uncle stayed in Leigong Mountain before, and his status was quite high, but he disappeared after that. I don't know where he went. I will look for opportunities to visit Leigong Mountain in the past two days. If I can see the person in charge of the mountain, I will investigate. It shouldn't be difficult to get around."

Zuo Lingquan closed the door, turned around, walked to the tea couch and sat down.

Tang Jingxuan knew that Wu Qingwan was worried, but there was no point in sitting here worrying. She still smiled and persuaded:

"It's not a matter of a day or two, take your time and ask, Qingwan, don't worry."

Wu Zunyi hasn't heard from him for nearly 30 years. Wu Qingwan knows that there is little hope. In fact, she is not particularly anxious, just worried. She sighed softly, sat down on the other side of the tea couch, and said no more.

When the three of them are together, they usually talk a lot.

But for some reason, the room suddenly became quiet, and there was no sound at all.

Zuo Lingquan frowned, thinking about what he had seen and heard today, but didn't move.

Wu Qingwan looked at the lampstand in the room, her cheeks turned to the other side, leaving Zuo Lingquan the back of her head, as if she was thinking about something.

Tang Jingxuan sat between the two people with the most embarrassed expression. He held the dumpling in his hand and rubbed it, looking left and right. After waiting for a long time, the two of them didn't speak. Feeling that he might be in the way, he said softly:

"Um... or... I go to the door to watch the wind?"


The dumpling shook his head quickly, obviously not wanting to go out and play stupid.

When Wu Qingwan heard the sound, she turned around and said strangely:

"What kind of wind do you want? It's not very good in the house."

Zuo Lingquan also nodded: "The house is safe, but going out will expose the target, just stay here."

Tang Jingshen's eyes were strange, and her cheeks were slightly red:

"Don't you want to cultivate? I... I'm in the way here."

How dare Wu Qingwan let Tang Jingxun visit her and Zuo Lingquan's practice, and quickly shook his head:

"Jingxu, don't talk nonsense, how could he and I be here..."

Tang Jingxuan regarded Zuo Lingquan as the closest person, and at this time, she still stood on the man's side and said:

"Qingwan, you said that you only practiced with him to help Xiao Zuo, and you are still the teacher. How can you be awkward when you help the younger generation practice the exercises? Even if I am here, shouldn't I treat it with a normal mind?"


This sentence was very convincing, and Wu Qingwan was speechless.

Zuo Lingquan felt that Yuner was really considerate, but it was obviously too embarrassing to let Wanwan compromise and perform a live **** palace in front of Jingyou. He thought for a moment, then bent over and hugged Tang Jingshen.


Tang Jing fell on Zuo Lingquan's arm, her eyes were stunned. She kindly persuaded Qingwan to stay with the bed, but in the end, Xiao Zuo took her to operate. Isn't this bullying honest people?

Seeing that she was being held to the bed, Tang Jing's face was dyed with burning clouds, and her embroidered shoes kicked the skirt and swayed in the air. She said shyly:

"Little Zuo?! You...don't be like this. Qingwan, Qingwan? Just take care of him..."

Wu Qingwan bit her lower lip, and she really wanted to stop Zuo Lingquan from bullying others. After all, it was the first time she and Zuo Lingquan had a perfect night together. Tang Jingxuan was a young child. What an important thing for the first time, if there was any It would be a bit of a misdemeanor for outsiders to watch from the side.

But when she stopped, she was definitely the one to be punished. Wu Qingwan didn't want to speak at this time. After struggling for a while, she just said weakly:

"Ling Quan, restrain yourself!"

After Zuo Lingquan put Tang Jingshen on the bed, he said with a smile:

"I'm not going to do anything. You sleep, I'll keep watch in the house, okay?"

Wu Qingwan was dubious. But she didn't believe Zuo Lingquan and couldn't do anything else, so she could only walk slowly to the side of the bed and sat down.

Tang Jingxuan sat on the side of the bed and wanted to jump off, but Zuo Lingquan was too afraid to stand outside, and said nervously:

"Little Zuo, I'm not going to sleep anymore, you all cultivate, put down the tent, I won't disturb..."

Zuo Lingquan was a little dissatisfied when he saw that they didn't trust their man so much. He sat between the two of them, put his arms around their shoulders, and fell directly behind.


Two exclamations in unison.

Wu Qingwan's body was tense, and her proud clothes were not reduced much because of the restraint. The hills that looked like two jade bowls were upside down. He was so nervous that even his breathing stopped, and he wanted to get up in a hurry and embarrassment:

"Ling Quan, you are too presumptuous..."

Tang Jingxuan was obviously more nervous than Wu Qingwan, holding her chest with both hands, her already plump and juicy figure, she seemed to be a little more sweaty at this time, her cheeks were puckering, and she looked like she was a little drunk. The whole person seems to be melting, hesitantly said:

"Little Zuo, why are you like this? I'm so angry..."

Zuo Lingquan leaned on the quilt, hugged the two women, and said softly:

"Sleep well. If you can't sleep, just lie down and chat. If you suspect that I will be plotting evil, I will live up to expectations."

Live up to expectations...

This made the two women choked up.

Zuo Lingquan kissed Tang Jingshen's face, and sure enough, it felt hot to the touch. He turned his head and nodded again on Wu Qingwan's lips.


Wu Qingwan tilted her head to avoid it, fearing that Zuo Lingquan would really use her strength and would not be able to struggle any more, she just closed her eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

So is Tang Jingxuan.

Zuo Lingquan was very satisfied when he saw that the two were honest, holding two bodies as soft as cotton, one in each hand.

Wu Qingwan's body is very soft, she seems to have no bones in her arms, it feels soft to the touch, and has a dark fragrance of orchids, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Tang Jingxuan is quite different. Because of her constitution, her body is very hot. After all, she is prone to sweating. It is fragrant and smooth to start with. It is like holding a warm water bag. The natural body fragrance is clearer. Hot and fiery.

Water and fire control each other, water and wood produce each other, Zuo Lingquan can completely suppress Qingwan, but when it comes to Jingxing, he is really not sure to have the upper hand; just the feeling of starting, it is estimated that he can be evaporated to dryness, I really dare not imagine that after entering what is it like...

Zuo Lingquan didn't dare to think wildly because he was afraid that the gun would go off the rails. He suppressed the throbbing in his heart and said softly:

"Don't hold back, let the wood make a fire. Later, you two will set the house on fire, and you will have to lose money."

Wu Qingwan found that Zuo Lingquan was not in a hurry, so he relaxed a little bit, and after thinking about it, he said again:

"Let's go to bed, you got up, didn't you agree to watch the night?"

Tang Jingxuan did not dare to provoke Zuo Lingquan, who was set on fire, and said softly:

"Qingwan, don't talk about it, just lie down like this, you'll make this stinky boy angry later, anyway, it's you who suffer, not me."

Wu Qingwan pursed her lips and stopped talking.

Danzi was obviously the happiest, seeing three people lying side by side, jumping around, looking for the softest place to stay.

In the end, it was no surprise that they landed in the middle of Wu Qingwan's large-scale dumplings. They also turned over, their claws were facing the sky, and they lay together, making a comfortable "ji~" sound.

Zuo Lingquan looked at the warm scene in front of him, and his heart was naturally warm. After thinking about it, he sighed:

"It's a pity that Jiang Yi is not here. It's actually quite reassuring for the family to lie down together and do nothing."

Tang Jingxuan has lost all her relatives since she was a child. Compared with the love between men and women, she actually prefers the feeling of 'home'. Even if she does nothing, she can't even practice cultivation. greatest wish.

Hearing this, Tang Jingyou took out the Tiandun card from her arms and was about to call Jiang Yi.

Seeing this, Wu Qingwan wanted to stay away, but Zuo Lingquan put his arm away to take the shield, and instead let her lie on her side and put it in her arms.

Zuo Lingquan took the shield, called Jiang Yi himself, and said:

"Princess, are you there?"

There was almost no waiting for the Tiandun card, and Jiang Yi's lazy voice came:

"Yes, are you still willing to contact this palace? I thought you were missing."

"Is that Mr. Zuo? Are you here yet?"

"Don't talk, take your bath..."


Zuo Lingquan raised his eyebrows when he heard the clattering sound in the Tiandun card:

"Are you taking a shower?"

"It's very comfortable to soak in the Canyang Pond. The big pond with a radius of ten feet is just me and Leng Zhu. The fire of the five elements is so rich that it doesn't need to be refined, just inhale..."

Zuo Lingquan said, "Oh?" "Is there a moon in the water around me? Send it over to let me see how the environment looks like."

"You think beautifully! ...Auntie and Jingxun are in front of you?"

Tang Jingxun replied, "I'm here. After I come back, the princess will take me to the bubble too."

"No seem to be getting a little closer, what are...what are you doing?"

The voice sounded suspicious.

Wu Qingwan's face was red as blood, she slowed down her emotions, and said softly:

"We're all together. It's not safe to be apart when we go out, so we opened a room. Are you okay these days?"

"That's natural. Calling forward and hugging back, brocade clothes and jade food, is much more comfortable than sleeping outside, and your cultivation base is also rising..."

Zuo Lingquan chatted for a while, remembering that Shangguan Lingye had just been thousands of miles away, micro-manipulating him to the pawnshop in the basement, and asked:

"Is the imperial concubine in the palace?"

"How do I know where someone is, and you won't ask yourself? Well, don't bother you, lest you say I'm jealous and stalking or something, this palace allows you to take a sip in person, but you are not allowed to advance in advance. Bad Jing is innocent, do you hear me?"

Tang Jingxun quickly said: "Your Highness Princess Xie, if he dares to mess around, I will sue you."

Zuo Lingquan was a little helpless: "I know."

"Hmph~ How's the news?"

After some trivial chat, the curtain became quiet again.

Zuo Lingquan put away the Tiandun card, and after enjoying a moment of warmth, he turned over and sat up, and put down the curtain:

"Get some rest early, call me if you need I'll sit outside."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and sat cross-legged by the tea couch under the window, took out the news booklet given by Shangguan Lingye, and wrote on the back that he got the news today.

The curtain was lowered, and the light on the bed became a slightly dim red.

Zuo Lingquan retreated on his own, and the two women secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Jingxuan moved cautiously to the inside, wanting to chat with Wu Qingwan, but was afraid to invite Zuo Lingquan in, so she closed her eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

Wu Qingwan was relieved, lying upright on the pillow, her eyes looked in the direction of Zuo Lingquan's window, pursed her lips, hesitated, and finally closed her eyes temporarily.

Although Linggu cultivator can not sleep, he can also sleep if he wants to. As long as he deliberately relaxes his mind, his body will still appear sleepy.

Tang Jing lay down quietly, thinking about some unpredictable things, unconsciously in a state of wandering, became confused, and then fell asleep...


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