Too Reckless

Vol 4 Chapter 66: Take it to heart...

The autumn sun is hanging in the air, and the blue waves on the Kutuo River are rippling.

Shangguan Lingye stood by the river, and after watching the two women and one man walk away, he turned his eyes to Lingtian.

Different from the dresses of noble ladies in the palace in the past, Shangguan Lingye was wearing a coarse linen skirt and a turban. From a distance, she looked like a little farmer-in-law washing clothes by the river.

When the monk reaches the peak of Youhuang, the five elements are fully capable of controlling all things, and naturally they can also change their body shape. With the above Guan Lingye's cultivation, it is not a problem to change into flowers, butterflies and plants.

However, the change of body shape will cause the fluctuation of spiritual energy. The role in the practice of Taoism is to deceive mortals at most, or play fun between Taoist couples, change into various appearances to please each other, and so on.

If you want to use it to disguise and deceive opponents in the same realm, the effect is not as good as standing in place and meditating "you can't see me, you can't see me".

The reason why Shangguan Lingye appeared here is actually not clear to her.

It may be that I want to observe the relationship between Zuo Lingquan and the ancestor; it may be that I have been in the palace for too long, and I have a free labor force on top of the shift, so I want to come out to relax; She realized the feeling of being a 'friend', no matter how unbearable it was that there were only shadows around her.

Maybe there are all factors, but at this time Shangguan Lingye doesn't have to think about it, because the purpose of this time seems to be in front.

After observing for a while, Shangguan Lingye walked to the thatched cottage between the Lingtians.

Outside the cottage, people and monks mingled together, queuing up to go in to see the sick and heal the wounds; the people who came out were full of praise and thanks, and it seemed that they had indeed confiscated a penny.

Such a medical center, placed in the secular world, is definitely a great man in eight townships, and it is worthy of being written into the county annals.

But Shangguan Lingye has been in the Demon Slayer Division for too long and has seen too many kind and wicked people.

In the case files of the past, the evil demons who murdered and set fire everywhere and believed that "I am the first in the world" were often opponents of the lowest level. It was easier to find and kill, and it took almost no effort.

The more difficult ones are Tang Tiejin, who is cautiously living in the old forest in the deep mountains, and even repairs bridges and roads to benefit the villagers; if there are no mistakes, they can't be seen from the external conditions. Only then did he know that this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes turned out to be a big devil.

And the most terrifying thing is the evil demon who is more decent than the righteous monk.

The right way and the wicked way are distinctions made by people, and it is also people who set the standard, but people's thoughts will deviate according to their personal experiences.

It is like a doctor who saves the dying and heals the wounded for a lifetime and wants to eradicate a certain disease. In the end, it is found that the disease can only be inherited. In order to prevent this kind of disease for future generations, he "eliminates" all the patients and bears all the guilt.

Or, a certain cultivator felt that 'people in cultivation are cancerous tumors that do harm to the people, and the world would be a better place without immortals', so he martyred himself and dragged all those in cultivation to die together.

The original intention of this idea may be well-intentioned, but the practice is too extreme, and it is more terrible than a monk who only cares about his own desires.

There are actually many people in the world who are too extreme. According to Shangguan Lingye's understanding, there are many heroes of the devil outside. These people have lived in impossible places since childhood, and were oppressed and exploited by practitioners. When they grow up, they are the only The ideal is to make 'immortals' disappear from Jiuzhou.

Not to mention, Shangguan Lingye's master, Shangguan Yutang, had suffered enough from the ravages of wild cultivators when he was young. Later, he established the Nine Sects in the South, established various strict iron rules, and hung a knife on the heads of all cultivators. , In fact, the cultivator has been placed in a hostile position, but it is not too extreme.

From Shangguan Lingye's point of view, the Shen's Thatched Cottage in front of him is too 'good', which fits some of the characteristics of the second type of demon heresy.

Tang Jingxuan just now said that there was something underneath, which deepened the guess and made her sure that there was something hidden underground.

If it was in the Dayan Dynasty, Shangguan Lingye would have no reason to go in and search, but this is the country of Fushui, which is closer to Tiandi City. If she dares to expose it, Tiandi City will definitely kick her out; at this time, she can only disguise herself. Verify the authenticity of the guess.

Shangguan Lingye came to the outside of the compound, and looked at the old man inside with a probe. From the perspective of the gas, the cultivation base of Linggu in the middle and late stages is not too high, but whether it is really the case, it is impossible to tell without showing the mountains and dew. .

If you want to check the underground situation without being noticed, you can only find the formation eye of Lingtian first, then jump over the formation with your hands and feet, and enter the underground exploration.

The Lingtian was unobstructed, except for the building by the river. Normally, the entrance to the formation eye and the underground should be inside the thatched cottage.

After Shangguan Lingye took a few glances, he unknowingly walked around to the back of the cottage, and found a small building at the back of the compound according to the path of the aura.

But the compound was covered by the formation, and she couldn't do anything without going through it. She thought about it for a while, but she could only hide in the dark to see if there was a chance to sneak into it...—

The city of Burning Smoke is calm.

Zuo Lingquan returned to the city to inquire about the origin of the thatched cottage in the Shen family. After asking around, he found that the owner of the cottage was named Shen Wen. He came to Burning Mist City more than 20 years ago. It's amazing, the level of alchemy is also high, and he is a good person; he has some personal friends with Lei Hongliang of Leigongshan, and the property of Lingtian was bought by Lei Hongliang with the help of negotiating with the Burning Smoke Sect.

There was nothing suspicious about the news, but it was a bit weird when it was related to Lei Hongliang, as if there was a thread connecting various things together.

Wu Qingwan came here for the second uncle. After thinking about it carefully, she opened the mouth and said:

"I feel that there is a big thing behind Leigongshan. The second uncle disappeared more than 20 years ago, which must be related to this incident."

The three of them went around for a long time and were a little tired, so they sat in the boat to rest.

Tang Jingxuan sat on the soft floor, holding the dumpling waiting to be fed, and thought for a while:

"Do you think this is the case, um... similar to the father and son of the Tang family in Zezhou, Lei Hongliang is a great villain who keeps a fire-related monster underground. In order to cover it up, he built a spiritual field on it; The monster belongs to fire, so it must be yang, so we need to find a person with a body of yin to neutralize it, so I found that little girl..."

This statement is scary, but it does have some logic.

Zuo Lingquan pondered for a while and asked, "Second uncle is also a body of Taiyin?"

Wu Qingwan shook her head: "Second Uncle, like me, is a relative of the Five Elements, but the Eight Characters are not pure Yin. This statement has nothing to do with Second Uncle."

"There is a high probability that there is something hidden underground. If you don't look at it, you will definitely not be able to guess."

Tang Jingxuan was a little worried, looked at the dumplings in his hand, and said, "A fat person is like a pig, can you bend the earth? Why don't you go down and have a look?"


The dumpling spread his small wings, indicating that he was a bird, not a pig.

Zuo Lingquan was also helpless. Lingtian's isolation formation was in place. He would be discovered when he dug the tunnel, so there was no other way.

The three of them sat in the boat, racking their brains to think about countermeasures, but did not speak.

Zuo Lingquan lightly clasped the table with his fingers, and looked at the people coming and going on the street while thinking. He didn't think of a good idea. Instead, he saw a familiar figure on the street, Yun Zhengyang, whom he had met last night, carrying a sword from the street. Come from a distance.

The painting boat has the function of covering their tracks, but Yun Zhengyang didn't notice them, and was scanning the stalls on the street aimlessly.

Seeing the apprentice of the Central Continent Sword Sovereign, Zuo Lingquan raised his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly——

There were people coming and going on the long street, and the cries of scattered cultivators were endless.

Yun Zhengyang, dressed in gray and white robes, walked slowly with his hands behind his back, carefully picking up leaks on the street.

Qi Jia's evaluation of Yun Zhengyang's stinginess is actually a bit inappropriate. He is really poor and can't be generous at all.

Although Yun Zhengyang's master Jiang Taiqing was one of the Ten Sword Sovereigns in Central Continent, half of the sword cultivators were lone cultivators, and Jiang Taiqing was the same.

No matter how powerful a loose cultivator is, if he abides by the right path and does not commit any wrongdoing, there is not much money to be made. For example, Jiang Taiqing, the eight masters have countless disciples and grandchildren to farm the fields and dig treasures. Jiang Taiqing has only one sword of his own, one of the ten dignified sword emperors. To be worshipped and protector of Taoism, few people can afford it if they want to die.

Master has no stable source of income, not to mention Yun Zhengyang as Jiang Taiqing's apprentice. He is completely free-range and has to earn everything by himself, which is incomparable to the children of chaebols such as Jiuzong Qingkui and the young master of the Zhongzhou family.

Yun Zhengyang came to the Nine Sects in the South this time. The plan was to grab a magic weapon from the Nine Sect Alliance, grab a good sword when Yunshui Jiantan asked about the sword, and then visit Qi Jia on the Jing Terrace, trying to find a way to rub a lot of money. A piece of phoenix blood stone or a spirit beast, anyway, just go all the way.

In a place like Burning Smoke City, there are many treasures in heaven and earth, and it is most likely to encounter good things that are missed. With Yun Zhengyang's 'hard-working and thrifty' temperament, he must take good care of it, so as not to dust the pearl.

It's a pity that Yun Zhengyang has been around for half a month, but he hasn't met anyone that catches his eye. He finally found a valuable piece of ghost locust wood. Good guy, the **** stall of Wolong in Central Continent was almost hacked.

Yun Zhengyang didn't know the details of "Central Continent Wolong", but they had no grievances or hatred with each other, and they couldn't fight under normal circumstances, so he didn't care about that person anymore, and continued to pick up his own leaks on the street.

But what Yun Zhengyang didn't expect was that the 'Zhongzhou Wolong' he met last night was met again today.

Yun Zhengyang was looking at the street stalls when he suddenly noticed a familiar figure flashing in the distance.

He turned his eyes and saw a young swordsman in blue clothes walking through the street with a woman, frowning and saying something.

Yun Zhengyang was a little puzzled and hid his voice. He followed the two to a secluded place. In a very far place, he could distinguish the words of the two by the shape of their mouths:

"...It's definitely under the field. From the perspective of Feng Shui, things are not small..."

"...How do the two of us dig?..."

"...The staff has been notified, and it will arrive in a few days; you pretend to buy medicine pills in the past few days, and observe the situation first. I will definitely get this thing..."


After Yun Zhengyang eavesdropped for a his heart moved slightly:

Tian Xia... to buy medicinal herbs...

There are many elixir shops in Burning Mist City, and there are also many Lingtians, but the only one where the shops and Lingtians are together seems to be the Shen Family Thatched Cottage...

There are big things buried under the fields...

Yun Zhengyang thought of this, and his eyes showed a little luster.

Eavesdropping on the news and stealing it in secret is not in line with the style of a swordsman, but that doesn't mean he can't go over and take a look in advance.

If it is an immortal sword embryo, and he has a relationship with him, and considers him as the sword master, then it cannot be said that he robbed him.

The immortal sword has wisdom, and whoever believes that it is the master should belong to it. If someone else robs it, it can't be used, nor can it be robbed.

The good thing that Wolong in Central Continent treats so solemnly may be an immortal sword...

Thinking of this, Yun Zhengyang didn't hesitate, turned around and went to the thatched cottage of the Shen family...

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