Too Reckless

Vol 4 Chapter 90: prison

The highlight of the alliance of the nine sects was originally the battle between the nine sects of the Qingkui on the day of the winter solstice.

However, the rich and powerful sons are still in contact with each other. Obviously, it is not interesting for the dark horse to single out the nine sects. As long as there is a chance to come to the Iron River Valley, the monks are basically there today. Start.

In the winter, the warm sun shone on the mountain walls of the Iron River Valley, and the surrounding area of ​​worshipping sword platform was crowded, and many new faces appeared. Cheng Jiujiang and Song Chi both heard the news, relying on Song Chi's identity as the inner door of the iron arrow mansion, they took up the position on the side. Good location, looking forward to it.

Before the time came, the elders of the nine sects were arriving one after another.

Shangguan Lingye took a few girls and came to sit in the half-suspended attic high on the cliff.

Jiang Yi and Wu Qingwan had just talked about some difficult topics, but their expressions were rather strange at this time. They rarely sat on both sides of the attic, drinking tea without saying a word.

Leng Zhu was the maid, and the princess didn't speak, so she didn't talk nonsense, so she could only look left and right strangely.

Tang Jingxuan stood at the window, kneading the fluffy and soft dumplings in his hands, looked at the crowd of people below, and said:

"A lot of people, I'm afraid there are a lot of real gods inside."

Shangguan Lingye leaned his back against the window, his full buttocks half sat on the window sill, his posture was a little lazy, and he responded:

"There are a lot of monks in the fairyland, but those with advanced Taoism are all arranged in the private room. Those who can stand below and watch are actually not immortals."

Only those who enter the seclusion can control the world and begin to break away from the realm of mortals, so the monks above the secluded can be called 'immortals'; but that is only the view of ordinary people. In the eyes of the nine masters, even they themselves are only Taoist. taller people.

Tang Jingxuan was not very interested in the practice of Taoism, and could not understand what he heard. He took advantage of the situation to look at the many buildings on the cliff, wanting to see what the real gods looked like.

On the cliff, the attic is connected by a flying corridor. It is true that the elders of the nine sects can fly and escape, but others can also see clearly, jumping up and down in front of fellow Daoists of the same generation, which is a bit unstable, so this occasion is still with Shangguan. Ling Ye walked on his feet like he did.

After Tang Jing swept around twice, his eyes focused on a group of monks who were going up the mountain - half of the more than ten monks were women, and the leader was a lady wearing a peach-colored skirt. It's a bit coquettish and looks like a witch, but it's not very evil if you look closely.

Most of the elders of the nine sects and even the Qingkui were male, and few female cultivators could reach this position, which was naturally noticeable.

Tang Jingxuan glanced at her and asked, "That woman is also an immortal? She dresses so beautifully."


The dumplings nodded and continued, as if they were saying 'Sao Li Shaoqi'.

Shangguan Lingye turned around and glanced - Tang Jingxuan was talking about Madam Huazhu in a pink dress with ribbons around her wrists, which looked a bit glam indeed.

Behind Mrs. Huazhu, there are more than a dozen direct disciples and deacon elders from Taohuatan who came here this time; the leader is a young disciple with a feminine face, dressed in white and holding a peach blossom fan. Although he is a man, he looks very beautiful. , is frowning listening to the teacher's teaching.

Shangguan Lingye wanted to eavesdrop on tactics, but couldn't hear it at all, so he explained:

"Mrs. Huazhu of Taohuatan is hundreds of years old. Since the Peach Blossom Lord has been hidden from the world, she has been running the house. It is said that she is a peach blossom essence cultivated from the peach blossom tree, so she likes to wear pink skirts."

Tang Jing was stunned for a moment: "Niang Niang means that she is a goblin?"

Shangguan Lingye shook his head and said:

"In the practice of Taoism, people who look like human beings and behave according to the rules of human beings are human beings; there are actually quite a few spirits in the nine sects who cultivate in human form, but they do not like to be regarded as aliens and never show their identities, so they are just guessing. Strictly speaking, you're not a bird too."

Tang Jingxun hurriedly shook her head, she never thought she was a bird, not even a phoenix. She looked at Madam Huazhu curiously, and asked again:

"When a peach tree becomes a human, will it still bloom and bear peaches?"

The dumpling made two 'jiji' sounds, as if to say, 'birds can't lay eggs even if they turn into humans', but Tang Jingxun slapped his head off.

Shangguan Lingye thought about this question, and then explained:

"All spirits can become enlightened, and carp can be directly cultivated into dragons. In fact, there is no need to become human-like; to become human-like is to be reborn, and to cultivate in the way of human beings, trees blossom and bear fruit for the purpose of reproduction, so they should not bear peaches. , the possibility of having a child is higher."

Tang Jing nodded as if understanding but not understanding: "Oh... it feels weird to marry a tree back. If a man picks peach blossoms and eats peaches, in her opinion, is it similar to monsters eating children?"

"Peach Blossom Lake's specialty products are peach blossom brewing and Xiantao. There shouldn't be such taboos. I don't know the specifics."

Tang Jingshen nodded slightly, and wanted to ask something else, when she heard a warm noise from below:

"Look, here we come!"

"Zuo Jianxian..."

Leng Zhu quickly ran to the window when he heard the sound, and Jiang Yi and Wu Qingwan also got up and squeezed in...


In the winter, the warm sun shines on the heads of thousands of monks outside the Iron Arrow Mansion.

Zuo Lingquan wore a black robe and hung a sword at his waist. He walked slowly through the long avenue between the crowds and came to the octagonal gatehouse.

When the weak side challenges the powerful, the crowd watching the fun will always stand on the weak side, and they are cheering him on at this time.

Today is bound to be an uphill battle. Zuo Lingquan's goal is to at least defeat Shang Si's life; the rumors of Wolong and Jiulong are too tyrannical, and the three-day special training will be difficult to surpass. All he can do is to force Wolong out to see how big the gap is.

With the arrival of Zuo Lingquan, the elders of the nine sects also appeared one after another.

Nangong Yue still served as the referee, sitting in the middle of the high platform, with two more platforms beside him, on which were placed a pile of white jade baht like a hill, and a 'Tiandi decree', which could be exchanged for a magic weapon from Tiandi City.

The elders of the nine sects all sat on the high platform, and Li Chongjin and Qiu Fengqing were among them.

At this moment, the one who most wanted Zuo Lingquan to wear nine candied haws was Yunshui Jiantan, who had lost all face a few days ago.

After all, if Zuo Lingquan loses the second game directly, it means that Yunshui Jiantan ranks first in the bottom of the nine sects; if Zuo Lingquan can beat a few more, Yunshui Jiantan will naturally feel more balanced, and the distance in his heart is about Yes - it's not that my family can't beat it, it's that you all can't beat it, let alone anyone.

Under the watchful eyes of Li Chongjin and others, Zuo Lingquan walked up to Situ Shaking, handed over his saber familiarly, and stood on the anti-cheating formation.

In three days, but in an instant, Zuo Lingquan's cultivation base was not diligent, and there was no difference in the test results.

After Zuo Lingquan's inspection was over, Peach Blossom Lake Hyacinth, holding a peach blossom fan, landed outside the octagonal gatehouse and walked into the inspection array.

Soon, outside the formation, Situ sang and shouted in shock:

"Twenty-eight years old, three talents."

The onlookers cultivator heard this, and their faces showed surprise.

The Three Talents Realm of Youhuang represents the refining of the three types of the Five Elements.

Yunshui Jiantan Li Chusun started with the fairy sword embryo. The status of the Taohuatan sect was no worse than that of Yunshui Jiantan, and the five elements of the master Qingkui were definitely not worse than Li Chusun.

Comparing with each other to suppress the realm, you can't suppress the Five Elements' life. If the three Five Elements are hit and there are Five Elements, this game will be very difficult to fight.

Hyacinth has a feminine face and looks a bit girly, but her demeanor is quite elegant. She walked out of the formation with a peach blossom fan and raised her hand in a salute:

"It's a pleasure to meet Brother Zuo at the lower hyacinth."

Zuo Lingquan raised his hand and bowed back:

"Happy to meet."

Nangong Yue flew up from the high platform and landed outside the octagonal gatehouse. He raised his hand and touched the eyebrows of Hyacinth, and began to press the realm.

Zuo Lingquan took a long sword and waited quietly.

After the hyacinth realm was pressed to the sixth level of Linggu, he took a wooden staff and came to stand on the sword worship platform under the attention of all the people.

There is no special requirement for the starting distance between the two sides when fighting with the sword platform, as long as it is not out of bounds.

Zuo Lingquan was still standing in the same position as last time, but Hyacinth, a warlock, obviously did not dare to be like Li Chusun, standing 100 feet away from Wuxiu looking for excitement, and retreated directly to 30 feet away, leaving enough for himself. Reaction time.


The onlookers were booing when they saw this scene.

Zuo Lingquan was also a little helpless, and said:

"Brother Feng is a little too cautious."

Hyacinth acts within the rules, and naturally does not care about the ridicule of the onlookers, he smiled:

"Within ten feet, no one can avoid Brother Zuo's sword. Since it is a competition, Brother Zuo must give me a chance to shoot."

In fact, Zuo Lingquan can also walk forward and get close to the hyacinth, but pulling like that is not in line with the style of a swordsman. He still raised his hand neatly and said:

"Southern Wilderness Zuo Lingquan."

Hyacinth raised the wooden staff and said:

"Peach Blossom Lake, Hyacinth."

Baijiantai fell silent, and everyone held their breaths.

Nangong Yue sat on the high platform and raised his hand gently:


boom -

After the words fell, there was a loud noise from the Baijiantai.

Zuo Lingquan's words were calm and calm, but he didn't care about it in the slightest; if you fight a warlock, you can kill him instantly, and giving the opponent a chance to shoot is courting death.

At the beginning of the duel, Zuo Lingquan's figure changed from stillness to movement, but in the blink of an eye, he slammed out more than ten feet, and the black light of the sword in his hand lingered, and attacked the hyacinth with terrifying power.

But the distance of thirty feet is really too far.

As the Qingkui of the Iron Arrow Mansion, Hyacinth is by no means a generalist. He inserted the wooden stick in his hand on the ground and said loudly:


The wooden staff lit up with a khaki-yellow streamer, and then the ground in a radius of 30 feet rolled and vibrated, turning into quicksand, and all the sand, stones and trees on the ground fell into the ground.

Zuo Lingquan can't resist the wind. No matter how fast he is, he can only start from the ground. The ground turns into quicksand and he can't exert his strength. The speed suddenly slows down, and half of his body has fallen into the quicksand.

However, Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye have been discussing for a few days. He has seen this kind of 'sand-melting spell' to prevent him from getting close. He quickly raised his hand and pulled a stream of water from a distance, splashed it on the sand, and condensed into a The hard ice, with the hard ice as the focal point, rushed to the hyacinth again.

But Hyacinth used the 'sand-melting spell' only to slow Zuo Lingquan's offensive, and the real means of preventing close proximity was Taohuatan's signature stunt, 'drawing the ground into a prison'.

I saw the hyacinth inserting the wooden staff into the ground, and the surrounding area turned into quicksand. At the same time, four walls rose from the ground and instantly turned into a cage.

On the surface of the wall, there is a relief of a bull, which is about ten feet thick. It stands on the ground like a small city, and even the top is quickly closed, enclosing the hyacinth.

Zuo Lingquan rushed to the vicinity and raised his hand with a sword.

But he didn't know the defensive power of the earth wall. He didn't waste his true energy with 'Jian Yi', but used Yunshui Jiantan's 'Wind and Remnant Cloud' to tentatively attack.

Only heard the sound of 'Sa—' a sword sound.

The ground in front of Zuo Lingquan was lifted by the sword energy, and the dense sword net followed closely, pressing against the earth wall.

clap clap-

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the sword net fell on the relief of the bull, splitting hundreds of inch-deep fine sword marks, but that was all.

Under the control of Hyacinth, the damage to the earth wall was quickly repaired in an instant, and it was restored to its original state in the blink of an eye.

Zuo Lingquan flew away, and frowned upon seeing this scene - with the defensive power of the earth wall, he could pierce with a sword, but he might not be able to seriously injure the hyacinth behind him. defeated.

The onlookers saw the hyacinth wrapping themselves into a huge iron-clad bastard, and the situation fell into a stalemate. After being stunned for a while, they began to swear:

"Aren't you kidding?!"

"How can you fight like that?"

"Come out!"


Jiang Yi and others were also burning with anger.

Qiu Fengqing frowned, looked at the woman in pink skirt not far from the high platform, and said:

"Mrs. Huazhu, Qingkui's style of play, isn't it a bit..."

Madam Huazhu smiled in the corners of her eyes and didn't care at all:

"I'm not an iron-headed mansion in Taohuatan, and I don't have the habit of confronting hardships. It's not a foul. Can't I fight like this?"

Qiu Fengqing sighed and had nothing to say.

In the sword worship platform, Hyacinth shrank in the tortoise shell, but he did not mean to tie himself up with Zuo Lingquan. Seeing that Zuo Lingquan couldn't break the defense, he began to raise his hand to pinch.

Zuo Lingquan was thinking of a way to break through the wall with his sword in hand, but saw the thunderclouds above his head begin to condense, and countless blue-violet electric lights were flowing in the dark clouds, making a crisp sound of 'crackling--'.

Wood creates fire, fire creates soil.

The three types of five elements that Hyacinth controls are already clear.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Lingquan quickly flew up to the river, grabbed the river, and formed a semi-circular ice prison on top of his head, wrapping himself in it.


There was a low shout from the earth wall, and then thousands of thunders fell, smashing on the ice wall, bringing up countless broken ice.

The earth-shattering sound and electric light made the onlookers take a half step back.

However, the lightning strike continued for a while and did not break the ice-breaking wall.

Zuo Lingquan maintained the ice wall to block lightning strikes, and secretly thought about countermeasures; the earth wall was composed of the soil of the five elements.

But the Demon Sealing Sword Formation had to be reserved to deal with the stronger Shang Siming, and it would have missed the bottom when it was used on Hyacinth, so it still had to be outsmarted.

And Hyacinth found that the lightning strike was difficult to break, so he quickly changed his strategy and manipulated the ground under his feet to quickly close the river that was not wide.

The hyacinth stands in a very tricky position, in the upper reaches of the river, which blocks the natural flow of the river.

Zuo Lingquan manipulated the river water into an ice wall to block lightning strikes. He needed an endless stream of water to replenish the shattered ice wall. If there was no water source, the ice wall above his head would soon be exhausted.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan didn't stand still with Hyacinth anymore. He secretly made a tactic, and used the 'greedy wolf' taught by Grandma Shangguan to pour his zhenqi into the river water, and then condensed an ice shield on his arm, which was about to stop flowing. The water rushed directly to the bank.

The elders of the nine sects were able to see the details clearly, and when they saw the 'greedy wolf', the secret art of the inner door of the Iron Arrow Mansion, they frowned slightly, and looked at Nangong Yue a little strangely.

Nangong Yue was also surprised, but didn't say anything.

The elders of the nine sects can detect subtle abnormalities, but the monks watching and the hyacinths in the earthen wall have no such ability.

Hyacinth shrank in the dark dungeon, and could only determine Zuo Lingquan's position based on the feedback of the earth. After finding that Zuo Lingquan was rushing, he quickly mobilized Thunder to pursue Zuo Lingquan.

boom boom-

Razers fell densely.

Zuo Lingquan held an ice shield and ran with water with great strides. His body was like a dragon python standing on the top of a wave.

"Rush to the city!"

boom -

The ice shield slammed into the earth wall, and the whole body poured out with true energy, shaking the mountain in an instant.

The iron arrow mansion cultivator is best at breaking defense skills, and rushing into the city is a technique specially aimed at various wall bunkers, and the effect against earth walls is not generally good.

At the moment of the collision, a huge pit appeared on the thick earth wall. Although it didn't crack, dozens of cracks broke out and went straight into the earth wall, and the water carried by Zuo Lingquan also seeped into it.

Hyacinth didn't expect Zuo Lingquan to make this move, but the earth wall was not completely broken, he did not lose his sense, and quickly restored the earth wall to its original state.

The cultivators onlookers felt a pity when they saw this scene. After all, this is the iron arrow mansion's signature city-rushing technique. If it can't hit the earth wall, it will be difficult to break the defense.

After Zuo Lingquan hit the cracked earth wall, he quickly pulled away a little distance, and rammed again.

Hyacinth was in the dark dungeon, and he felt it, and quickly raised his hand to make a tactic, trying to raise another barrier outside the earth wall for reinforcement.

But the word 'gen' has not yet been exported, and Hyacinth's complexion suddenly changed, and he felt a strong spiritual energy fluctuation under his feet.

In the closed dungeon, the water that had just cracked the wall and infiltrated, condensed into a water ball without knowing it, and a low drink sounded outside the dungeon:


The water polo exploded directly, turning into countless ice picks, stabbing in all directions.

The 'greedy wolf' symbolizes powerful is the pinnacle of the art of imperial control, and it can gather gold and become a dragon like Shangguan ancestors. The magic package is hidden, and it can still be done when it is sent to the enemy before it explodes.

Hyacinth is in a closed dungeon, and the ice pick explodes from under his feet. If he doesn't hide, he is likely to be stabbed into a sieve by thousands of ice picks, and he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Hyacinth reacted extremely quickly, quickly released the control of the earth wall, and rushed out directly from above.

boom -

That is to say, in the next instant, countless ice picks rushed up from the ground, rushed out of the cage with the hyacinth, and spread several feet into the sky.

The tortoise couldn't help showing its head, and it was self-evident how the squatting hunter should react.

Under everyone's attention, the moment Hyacinth was forced out of the dungeon, a black figure had already reached the back; the long sword in his hand stabbed the back of Hyacinth's head with a shrill sound...


Not in a good state today, even a little less...

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