Too Reckless

Vol 6 Chapter 4: Purchasing flower carp

   Chapter 196 Purchasing Flower Carp

   Before the evening, the whole earth turned into a polar night under the heavy dark clouds, the rainstorm poured between the cities, and the pedestrians could not be seen on the avenues, only the criss-cross of street lights.

   Zuo Lingquan took a painting boat and came to the sky above Donghua City. Afraid of scaring the people, he did not make much fanfare and flew from the street until he came to Fuyan Palace and fell from the clouds.

  Fuyan Palace is Jiang Yi's bedroom. Because it has not yet officially married, the palace is still preserved, and the palace people live in it to keep the palace clean and tidy.

   Heavy rain poured down, and the painting boat fell silently, without disturbing the maid.

  Jiang Yi walked out of the cabin and saw the once-familiar residence, feeling a bit like 'going back to her mother's house', but it was not easy for her to say this, but she was a little uncomfortable:

   "I used to think this place was quite big. I lived in the Toffee Palace for a while, and when I came back, I felt that this place became smaller."

The scale of the capital of the Dayan Dynasty is estimated to be more than ten times that of Donghua City; the imperial city is also similar. The old city where the imperial concubine lived alone is estimated to be three big as the Dadan Imperial City. In comparison, Jiang The Fuyan Palace in Yishenju is naturally like a small family.

Leng Zhu held up the oil-paper umbrella and sighed: "No matter how small it is, it is still my own home. I feel much more comfortable living here, and I can be regarded as the steward of the palace; when I see anyone in the palace of the concubine, I have to be called my sister, but I am suffocated. ."

   "How about you stay in the palace to watch the house in the future?"


  Leng Zhu's expression froze, and he secretly glanced at Zuo Lingquan. He wanted to say, "The prince has seen me all, and I must be responsible."

   But after this word went out, she might have stayed to watch it, so she smirked:

   "I am a palace maid, and my duty is to serve the princess. Where the princess is, I am naturally. I will inform the palace servants, the princess will wait a moment."

   After saying that, he jumped off the painting boat with his head sullen, and ran out of the palace pavilion.

   Zuo Lingquan understood the mind of the maid who accompanies the bed, and twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled; but Jiang Yi also understood the mind of the maid, and squinted at him slightly.


   Zuo Lingquan put away his smile, looked back at the cabin as if nothing happened.

   Wu Qingwan bent through the carved wooden door of the cabin, opened an umbrella to cover her and Tang Jingxuan's heads, and said:

   "It's getting dark, I'll go back to Phoenix Valley tomorrow, you guys go check the situation first."

  Tang Jingxuan also wanted to go back to Linhefang to see if her property had been occupied by the Chen family, but the situation outside was unknown, and she was not good at doing private affairs at this time. She didn't say much and got off the boat with Wu Qingwan.

   However, before Wu Qingwan jumped off the deck, she secretly glanced at Zuo Lingquan, meaning something inexplicable, obviously implying something.

   Zuo Lingquan understood and took Jiang Yi off the deck with an umbrella, and then walked out of Miyagi together.

  The dumpling stayed on the boat for two days, and was directly fed by Shangguan Lingye. If you don't like sports, you should be tempted to turn around, jumping from Tang Jingxing's chest to Jiang Yi's shoulder.


   In a natural vision, the acting suzerain of Xihuang Valley sent a message to the court. The emperors and generals of the Great Dan Dynasty were all a little nervous.

Hearing that the eldest princess suddenly returned to the court, the little emperor and courtiers were a little bit more energetic; but because they had already returned to power, they came to the court to point fingers and broke the etiquette. .

  The third uncle Zuo Han, who is the official obeisance, is also half the ruler of the state. Because the little emperor's ability to govern is not yet mature, it can be said that he has been heartbroken these past few days, and he has not slept for two days.

   Zuo Lingquan accompanied Jiang Yi to the corridor of the side hall of the square, when he saw Zuo Hanchou, dressed in the robe of a prime minister, standing slightly tired and waiting under the eaves, chatting with his subordinates.

   "Three Uncles!"

   The relatives who haven't seen for half a year, Zuo Lingquan naturally misses them, and quickly greets them.

  Jiang Yi took on the aura of the eldest princess in the past, but in the face of Zuo Lingquan's elders, there was always a little daughter-in-law who saw the parents' embarrassment, so she didn't speak and followed silently.

   Zuo Hanchou turned his head and saw the two of them coming, his expression was a happy one, but he immediately frowned and said:

   "No matter how big or small, how can you let Her Royal Highness go to the back and forget the rules after going out for half a year? Don't blame Her Royal Highness, it was Wei Chen who taught his nephew Wu Fang and neglected the Princess..."

   Zuo Lingquan has been out running for so long, he has long forgotten these worldly understandings, and after seeing this, he walks behind Jiang Yi again.

   Zuo Hanchou has always been smooth as an official. This is obviously to compliment the princess, but Jiang Yi is also very useful to hear it. She smiled:

   "Left Chancellor doesn't have to be so frightened, the wife will marry her husband, and I will not handle the affairs of the state on my behalf, just treat me as a junior."

   "No, the princess can marry my Zuo family, it is the blessing that the Zuo family has cultivated in eight lifetimes, if the minister is not grateful..."


   After seeing Zuo Lingquan's extraordinary achievements in the practice of Taoism, Jiang Yi felt that he had picked up a genius husband for nothing, and Zuo Lingquan would be almost married to her. Listening to a lot of flattering words, she was too embarrassed to be praised, and asked:

   "Stop saying these polite words, how is the situation outside?"

   Zuo Hanchou knew that the two were back, and he must be worried about the safety of Dadan, so he said:

"It's mostly fine. There are a few county towns that are in trouble, but the scale is not large. There are many fierce beasts running out of Changqing Mountain. The flying and escaping are really powerful. Jumping into the suburbs of the capital, the arresting division is searching day and night, nothing else matters..."

   Zuo Lingquan listened quietly and asked, "How is the situation in the four southern counties?"

"There is an urgent message from 800 miles over there. There is no major problem, but the sea water has become hot for some reason, and the dead fish directly blocked the coast and the estuary. Your second uncle's fleet did not dare to leave the port. ...It's far away. Then there was a sudden rainstorm. There was already a lot of rain in the south, and there was no problem in flood control, but many houses collapsed; The weather is so abnormal that it will affect the spring planting and autumn harvest next year, which will lead to famine..."


   After Zuo Hanchou carefully described the situation in various places, he asked about Zuo Lingquan's current situation. It was learned from Jiang Yi that after Zuo Yunting broke out the splendid lintels of the Zuo clan, the Wolong and the young phoenix, and so on, he didn't believe it at all, bowed down, and returned to the main hall to wait for the latest news.

   After hearing about the situation in the Great Dan Dynasty, Jiang Yi had a hard time imagining that this was just caused by a fight between a few characters on the mountain. After she watched the third uncle leave, she said:

"The immortals on the mountain burn the mountains and boil the sea at will. I don't know if they know how many mortals suffered because of this, and how many people racked their brains to deal with the mess they left behind; no wonder the Nine Sects restrict the monks on the mountain from interfering with mortals at will. , If no one cares about this, I dare not imagine what it will become."

   Zuo Lingquan also felt the same way: "So the ancestors of Shangguan are still very powerful, um... If there is no Shangguan Yutang in the world, and I don't know how many people are called Immortal Emperors and Immortal Kings, it is not bad to be overbearing and powerful."

   "Hmph~ When you can do this, it's really amazing."

"Ha ha……"


After a brief handover with the officials of the Great Dan Dynasty, Jiang Yi did not return to the palace.

  Jiang Yi likes seeing is believing, and goes out of the palace with Zuo Lingquan to see the situation in the market on the spot.

  Although the sky was extremely dark, it was not too late. The most prosperous Xinghua Street was still full of hymns and songs.

   Zuo Lingquan helped Jiang Yi hold a red oil-paper umbrella and walked around the street to have a look.

Danzi returned to Donghua City, where he grew up since childhood, and was a little excited when he saw the familiar street scene. He couldn't fly around in heavy rain, so he squatted on Zuo Lingquan's shoulder and cried out 'gujiji~gujiji~' It sounds like 'red umbrella umbrella, white ball...'.

  Although it has only been half a year, Jiang Yi feels that it can be described as 'like a world away', walking slowly along the street with her chest in her arms, her eyes like apricots showing a little fascination, recalling the mornings and evenings when she visited privately.

  Because both of them have to continue their cultivation, it is difficult to improve in the Great Dan, who is short of opportunities. They will not stay for too long, and sooner or later they will have to leave with Shangguan Lingye.

   Jiang Yi has been in contact with Shangguan Lingye a lot in the past few months. Although she is used as a free labor force, she has obtained a lot of cultivation resources. At this time, I walked around the streets of my hometown for a while, got some thoughts, and said:

"The Concubine Dayan has been helping us all the time, and she is running back and forth for us this time, do you have to prepare some gifts or something? But we can't give money to the gods, and there are no treasures from heaven and earth, I feel embarrassed... "

   Tuanzi made a "chi~", saying "It's okay, Niaoniao will stay with the nurse in the future", but unfortunately the two of them couldn't understand.

   Zuo Lingquan also felt that he had to thank him and responded:

   "Prepare some souvenirs, courtesy is light and affectionate."

   "What souvenirs does our Great Dan have? Can't we give away a few chickens?"

   "I'm afraid the turkey is not suitable..."

  Phoenix originated from the Danzi in the Antarctic. The specialty of Great Dan is actually only dumplings, but few people know about it, and they can’t give it away.

  Because the materials are too poor, the things that the two of them can think of, Dayan Dynasty has better, and for a while, I was a little worried.

   Zuo Lingquan walked for a long time, and gradually came to the "Xianzhizhai" in the middle of Xinghua Street, only to have an idea:

   "The rouge of safflower nectar seems to be a specialty of the four southern counties. I have never seen it in the Dayan Dynasty."

  Jiang Yi rolled her eyes: "The concubine is naturally beautiful, so she doesn't need any powder to embellish her, and she never uses these."

   But she wears a bellyband!

   Zuo Lingquan has seen Shangguan Lingye's apron embroidered with a white cat. The fabric may be the best in the world, but the style is a bit conservative, and it is not worthy of the big and soft white dumplings.

   But he definitely wouldn't dare to send Grandma Shangguan's apron again, and it's hard to say it right now.

  Fortunately, Jiang Yi's mind was active, and she quickly thought of another special product of Xianzhizhai. Her face turned a little red, she turned and walked into the three-story high-rise building, and said:

   "Go in and have a look, maybe there is something pleasing to the eye."

Zuo Lingquan knew very well, so he followed in, but he also had other plans in his heart - Wanwan's several apron have been worn for half a year, and I cherished the ones that I had nowhere to buy. I was afraid that he would break it, and I would be reluctant to practice. Take it out, it will only be worn when rewarding him; and the color matching is too monotonous, the role of the female master who was forced to be humiliated should be more dignified black, but there is no such thing in Wanwan's little treasure box, so she has to buy it again. A dozen or so.

   Jiang Yi can't be less in the future, maybe a dozen pieces are not enough...

   and sizzling…

  Because it was raining heavily on the street, there were not many guests in Xianzhizhai, and the guys were standing everywhere to rest.

   Zuo Lingquan put away his umbrella and entered the lobby with Jiang Yi. The female shopkeeper standing behind the counter to settle accounts lit up and said directly:

   "Hey~ Rare guest, Master Zuo, please come in..."

  ? !

   Jiang Yi's smile was a condensed expression when she heard this warm greeting - Xianzhizhai is only for women, and the male guests who come here also buy things for women. It's been half a year and I still remember Zuo Lingquan...

   Jiang Yi glanced at Zuo Lingquan:

   "Are you familiar? Have you come here often before?"

   Zuo Lingquan didn't expect the proprietress to have such a good memory, he said with a smile:

   "Didn't you buy rouge and flower carp for the princess before? It's not strange to know them."

   Jiang Yi was dubious - Zuo Lingquan had only bought her a rouge and a bellyband once; the proprietress looked at the God of Wealth, not like an ordinary guest.

   Seeing the proprietress walking Jiang Yi didn't think much, and said:

   "Treasurer, safflower nectar and flower carp, are there any new styles released recently?"

   "Yes, there are only things that customers can't think of in this store, and there is nothing that can't be bought."

  The proprietress walked in front and took Zuo Lingquan, who was familiar with the road, to the second floor, and looked at Jiang Yi in a blink of an eye:

"Who is this?"

   "I am his wife."


   With an inexplicable smile, the proprietress looked at Zuo Lingquan again:

   "Young Master Zuo still wants that kind of... huh?"

   Zuo Lingquan knew that the proprietress wanted to say something 'saucy', so he hurriedly said:

   "It looks better, don't worry about the price."

  The proprietress understood, "Understood! Our embroidery lady recently designed a new one, which is called 'Three Steps to Kill a Man', and your son is sure to be satisfied..."

   Jiang Yi's eyes were a little suspicious, and she always felt that something was wrong, but she didn't catch any actual clues, and she didn't say much at the moment...

   (end of this chapter)

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