Too Reckless

Vol 6 Chapter 8: haunted

  Chapter 200

  Shangguan Lingye Yufeng crossed the barren mountains and went to the Jing Terrace.

  The eight lords have long since left, and only the masters of the Xianjia who came to help from various sects helped to deal with the aftermath and rescued the treasures that had accumulated on the terrace for thousands of years.

   There must be an internal response among the nine sects. Although the Lord of the Barren Mountain has survived the scrutiny of the other seven Lords and cleared his suspicions, this undoubtedly makes the situation even more confusing.

The entire nine sects have fallen into a situation of mutual suspicion. If it wasn't for the strong opposition of Lord Fulong, the ancestors of Shangguan even prepared to 'I would rather teach me to lose the world, and don't teach the world to lose me'. Lord, the three elders took action together and removed all the five junior lords from their names, so as to avoid future troubles.

Of course, the removal of the five venerable lords is just a show of the three elders singing red and black faces; the pattern of the nine sects has been set, and the five esteemed lords are one line worse than the three elders, but if they really fight, they will definitely lose both; even if they succeed, their vitality will be great. Under the injury, other continents came over, or Youying aliens attacked, and the nine sects were over.

   But the ancestors of Shangguan have never been sympathetic in doing things, and never regarded the practitioners as human beings. She can really do such a strong man's broken wrist.

   Therefore, the ancestors of Shangguan directly murdered, and the deterrent force was still full; the other five lords saw the scene and understood the seriousness of the matter. The self-examination and the review of the disciples and grandchildren when they went back must be extremely harsh.

These matters are the top secrets of the nine sects, and they are all handled by the eight lords themselves. Even Shangguan Lingye can only hear a few words of news. When the 'Gestapo' cleaning up the nine sects does not fall on her head, she is all about it. The object of the censorship, naturally, can only do their own thing and not pay attention.

  According to the location of the painting boat, he came to the small rural town in Shangougou. Shangguan Lingye glanced at random and saw the secular street scene almost, and went directly to Jiang Yi's bedroom.

   Wu Qingwan saw this and was embarrassed to keep it any longer. After opening the door and saying hello, she quickly left.

   Jiang Yi greeted him at the door. The absurd things from last night were hidden in his heart, and he said with a smile:

   "Empress Concubine, why didn't you tell me in advance, I didn't arrange anyone to greet you."

   "They are all practitioners, so what is there to welcome?"

  Shangguan Lingye wore a golden shawl and walked slowly into Jiang Yi's bedroom. He was about to ask where Zuo Lingquan went, but before he could say anything, his nose suddenly twitched, and he said strangely:

   "What incense did you use? Why does it smell like heather."


  Jiang Yi blinked, and it took a while to react, her face flushed, and she quickly pressed it down, explaining:

   "I haven't lived here for half a year, it's a bit smelly, why don't we go to the side hall."

   "No, I haven't smelled it before, and it feels quite unique."

  Shangguan Lingye didn't delve into these little details, sat down on the couch, looked at the "exotic" furnishings in the palace, and asked:

   "Where's Zuo Lingquan? I haven't gotten up yet."

   "He went out with Jingxuan in the morning, he should be shopping."

   Jiang Yi was a little restless when she saw Shangguan Lingye sitting on the soft bed - when she first started practicing last night, she was on the soft couch with Zuo Lingquan...

  Jiang Yi didn't want to ask the imperial concubine to move her hips away from the soft couch, her heart turned sharply, she ran to the cabinet on the inside, took out the prepared gift box, and said:

   "Empress Dowager, you finally came here. I went to buy some specialties of Great Dan yesterday; Great Dan has nothing special. It is not as good as the Great Yan Dynasty, which is rich in land and resources. I hope you don't dislike it."


  Shangguan Lingye stood up, walked over and took the beautifully patterned wooden box, opened it and glanced at it—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and white, a whole row of carp in various styles of flowers, neatly stacked in it.


  Shangguan Lingye was stunned for a moment, not expecting to receive such a gift.

  When she was in the capital, Jiang Yi went to Canyang Pond to practice for the first time, and she saw Jiang Yi's bellyband with moving fish, and thought it was pretty.

   Receiving such a gift at this time, Shangguan Lingye raised his slender eyebrows slightly, all of them were women, without showing any signs of shyness and embarrassment, he nodded lightly:

"If you have the heart, the embroidery work and creativity are unique, and the level is much higher than that of Dayan Embroidery Mother; this thing can be imported into Dayan, and the fabric can be replaced by silk from Taohuatan, and sold to the fairies of Zongmen, it can be squeezed out. A lot of fairy money."

  Jiang Yi has long seen that Shangguan Lingye likes Tiancaidibao Xiaoqianqian, and followed the words:

   "No problem, I'll arrange it later. When the time comes, the business will be handed over to the empress, and she will be given the same name as "Taifei Empress". The empress will definitely be able to make a lot of money."

   "I am the second saint of the Dayan Dynasty, but I dare not use this gimmick."

After appreciating for a while, Shangguan Lingye picked up his favorite golden carp in the flower, and opened his eyes. There was very little fabric, and it matched her figure well, but it could only wrap the dumplings, and there was an opening in the middle. Hollow……

   "Huh~ So flamboyant? Where can I wear it..."


   Jiang Yi's expression was stunned, but she did not expect that the always graceful and noble imperial concubine would say such private secret words.

   But then again, the graceful and luxurious Concubine Dayan, who manages the heroes of the immortal family and the emperors and generals of the secular world, is wearing such a coquettish dress under the gorgeous phoenix skirt. The contrast is huge, and it is quite exciting to think about it...

   Shangguan Lingye's 100-year-old grandmother is not a little girl's film, and there is nothing taboo about her words. She held a small apron and gestured on the bulging chest:

   "This jacket, paired with ankle-length bottoms, doesn't feel like a match, so I have to study similar bottoms."

   "I think so too. Zuo Lingquan said that the translucent silk fabric can be made into long socks and trousers like an inverted triangle. I didn't understand the specifics..."

  Shangguan Lingye's eyes moved slightly and looked at Jiang Yi's chest:

   "You also wear this in front of Zuo Lingquan? What's his reaction?"


  Jiang Yi's expression froze, she accidentally said something, her expression was cramped, and she didn't know how to respond.

   Shangguan Lingye was embarrassed to see Jiang Yi, so he gave up. She picked up other styles and colors of flower carp to appreciate, but before taking a few glances, there was a loud noise outside:


   The loud noise is far away, it seems to be in the corner of the capital.

  Shangguan Lingye's face sank, and in a flash, he disappeared in place...


The rain was too heavy, and Linhefang was at the mouth of the river. The water level of the inland river was less than two feet away from the street, so that there were no pedestrians on the street, and the shops and boatmen were closed. Zhu Kuai Lao Zhang was wearing a mink robe, and he took Xiao Chu Kuai to patrol in the heavy rain.

  The bluestone lane on the side of the street was full of muddy rainwater. Zuo Lingquan carried Tang Jingxun on his back and walked slowly in the heavy rain.

  Tang Jingxuan lay on his back, hugged Zuo Lingquan's neck, and held an oil-paper umbrella in his hand to shield the man from the wind and rain.

  The dumpling returned home, looking very happy, squatting on Tang Jingxun's squashed chest, calling out twice from time to time, and saying hello to the birds he knew.

The two came all the way and looked at Jingxing's private property. Because the third uncle took care of it, the Chen family did not have any idea of ​​occupying the family property. The son is a 'friend', anyway, he is trying to gain a relationship.

Tang Jingxuan is the granddaughter of the Chen family's eldest house and has nothing to do with the second house, so she is quite dissatisfied with this matter; but she has become a 'sixth ancestor', and she doesn't care about the fact that these market parents are short-sighted and a little out of character, so she doesn't care anymore. .

   Seeing the small wine shop that has lived for more than 20 years appeared in front of him, Tang Jingxuan's eyes were relieved, and he sighed softly:

   "No matter how big it is outside, it's not your own, but your own house looks pleasing to the eye."

   Tuanzi shook his head with a "ji~", probably saying, "The wine shop is not delicious, and the millet and beans will eat the birds and vomit", but was beaten by Tang Jingxuan.

   Zuo Lingquan put his arms around Tang Jingxun's buttocks and played with it calmly. He looked at the courtyard wall where he once fought with Jiang Yi, and said with a light smile:

   "I don't really want to be an immortal when I am a cultivator. After we can all live forever, I'll be 'hidden in the city', open a small wine shop here, drink and go shopping every day, and be carefree. That's the day of an immortal."

  Tang Jingxuan thought about it and said:

   "There are only three rooms in the wine shop, so I'm afraid it won't be able to live there at that time; even if the princess and Leng Zhu live in the palace, there are still me, Qingwan, and the dead wife..."

   "Huh?" Zuo Lingquan paused slightly and turned his head: "Why did you include the ancestors?"

"I made out with you, and she came to interrupt. According to the views of the neighbors, her innocence has been ruined. That mother-in-law doesn't have a man, so she must have an idea in her heart. In the future, I can't tell if we will be the youngest in our family. Then I will let her take a shower every day. water……"

   Zuo Lingquan didn't know how to evaluate, he shook his head and said:

   "Don't say this, if the ancestor hears, she won't take care of you, but she will take care of me."

   "What are you afraid of her doing? It's me. If it wasn't for something happening these days, I would have to clean up her... I just didn't think of a way to clean up..."

  Tang Jing muttered for a while, feeling that it was a disappointment to talk about this, and brought the topic back again, and said:

   "When you entered Beijing at the beginning of the year, if the concubine was not selected and Qihuanggu didn't want you, would you just run to my sister every day, and then the two of us would... be able to open a wine shop in a calm way?"

   Obviously, Tang Jingxuan grew up in the market, and was used to living without support, but still prefers to guard one person, one bird, one acre and three points of land, and live the life of a young couple.

Zuo Lingquan thought for a while: "I met the princess on the day I came here; and when I practiced swordsmanship, I didn't want to be subservient to others, and I would continue to climb up no matter what I encountered; Sister Tang and Phoenix have a relationship, and it is impossible to bury them. In the mortal world. In hindsight, no matter how we went at that time, it would become the current situation, and I don’t know if it was destiny or fate.”


  Tang Jingxuan thinks about it carefully, it really is the case.

   Zuo Lingquan turned around, looked at Jingxing's profile, and said with a smile:

   "What? Xun Xun thinks I'm distracted and jealous?"

  Tang Jingxuan actually has a strong vinegar taste, but it is lighter than Jiang Yi, she hummed softly:

   "What is jealous of my elder sister? It's a small life anyway... But I should be in front of Qingwan and her mother-in-law, right? Logically speaking, we knew each other the first time, so it's not unreasonable for Qingwan to call her elder sister."

   Zuo Lingquan started to talk about this sending proposition, and he started to talk about other topics.

  Tang Jingxuan was just talking casually. When he got to the back of the restaurant, he jumped off his back, took out the key and opened the copper lock.

  The yard was empty, only the leaves were soaked in the rain, the doors were locked, and there was no sign of outsiders staying.

  Tang Jing entered the hall of the restaurant with familiarity, glanced in front of the big wine vat, took out a small shovel, and dug out several wine jars under the osmanthus tree.

   Zuo Lingquan held an umbrella and held hands beside him, and put the wine jar into Linglong Pavilion.

  Danzi obviously missed his own nest a little, so he flew under the eaves, opened the bird cage, squeezed in with difficulty, and squatted inside to recall his childhood.

  After the two dug out the wine, the rain was too heavy to stand in the yard. Tang Jingxuan turned around and went to the bedroom in the west wing, wanting to 'rest' with Zuo Lingquan on his embroidered bed.

   But at this moment, the swinging dumpling suddenly became alert:



   Zuo Lingquan also noticed something was wrong, his face changed suddenly, he raised his hand to control the rain curtain, and directly pulled Tang Jingxuan back in front of the door.

  Tang Jingxuan was also alert, and gave up the door and quickly retreated, but the door did not have any sealing effect. Just as the two were alert, a gust of wind blew out from behind the door, deflecting the rain curtain hanging from the eaves.


   A sharp cry with boundless arrogance entered the minds of the two and one bird.

  Although he can't see anything, what a gigantic beast he can think of the owner of his voice!

  Stealing Dan? !

   Zuo Lingquan recognized what he had encountered from his voice, and pulled Tang Jingxun towards him with all his strength.

   But the speed of the yin wind was like a and there was no slight fluctuation of spiritual energy. When the two noticed it, it had already merged into Tang Jingxun's eyebrows.

  A golden streamer appeared in Tang Jingxun's eyes, obviously the ancestor of Shangguan noticed it.

   But the golden light disappeared without a trace, Tang Jingxuan lost consciousness, and then golden flames appeared all over his body, instantly vaporizing the surrounding dense rain curtain and water flow, causing a violent explosion.


  The shock wave caused by the hot air wave directly shook Zuo Lingquan back a few steps.

   Dango's birdcage was completely shattered, flying around in horror, directly crashing into the arms of the beautiful woman in palace dress who suddenly appeared...


   (Chapter 6 is missing, if it is deleted and changed, one chapter will be abolished immediately, there will be flaws in the continuity of the plot, the juncture is too big, I hope everyone can continue to support Or2!

   It's almost 8,000, and I feel like I can touch Wan's buttocks.

  A Guan is too weak and has been adjusting. If he is full, he can actually write faster and better. The next book will try to restore his 18-year-old state. I hope everyone will still be there.

  Thank you [Lemon Flavored Faith] Big Rewards)

   (end of this chapter)

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