Too Reckless

Vol 6 Chapter 12: Grandma Shangguan understands

   Chapter 204 Grandma Shangguan understands

  When the wanderer returns, the family will inevitably gather together.

   Zuo's uncle, brothers and sisters who heard the news all went to the ancestral house in the afternoon, held a family banquet, and washed the dust for Zuo Lingquan.

   Shangguan Lingye was injured and needed to rest. After seeing Zuo Lingquan's parents, he went down to rest on the grounds that he was tired.

Naturally, Shangguan Lingye didn’t attend the evening’s family banquet, and Zuo Lingquan’s parents were not surprised by this—it’s normal for a girl who is alone in the house to be thin and shy. Introduced, and no one was bothered.

After Zuo Lingquan went to the capital, it was equivalent to becoming a 'son-in-law'. After getting married, he also lived in the princess' mansion. Missing is false.

   During the dinner, Zuo Lingquan greeted his relatives one by one, and recounted what he had seen and heard outside. As for the practice of Dao, he did not elaborate. It's mainly about those mysterious things, and the family doesn't like to hear them. The most asked questions are, "How is your relationship with the princess, and when are you going to let your mother hold your grandson?"

  The family dinner was over, the rain did not stop, but it was completely dark.

   After Zuo Lingquan sent the uncles away, he wanted to see the young woman and grandma, but she should be meditating to recover from her injuries, so it is inconvenient to disturb; Zuo Lingquan was also injured, so he returned to his yard.

  The courtyard where he lived as a child is in the east courtyard, a courtyard composed of four rows of houses. The entrance is the hall, the left and right are the wing rooms where the maids live, and the main house is in the middle.

   Zuo Lingquan has some vague memories of his past life. He didn’t like being served by others since he was a child. After he was able to run around, he didn’t let the big maid sleep in his arms. The two rooms on the left and right were empty all year round, and they were locked at this time.

  The small trees in the yard were all trashed when I was a child, and there were a few wooden figures placed next to the wall, and there was nothing else.

   Zuo Lingquan entered the yard where he had lived for more than ten years, just glanced at it, the first impression was that it was a little small, and when Wanwan, Jingxuan, and Jiang Yi lived in, Leng Zhu would have to sleep with him.

  Little Lengzhu should be very happy.

   went around from under the eaves to the main house, the door was not locked, it should have been cleaned by my mother. Zuo Lingquan raised his hand to push the door and entered it, just as he was about to reminisce about his childhood, he suddenly found that there was someone lying on his bed.

  ! !

   Zuo Lingquan's mind instantly sobered up, and he hurriedly exited the room, but he immediately reacted and looked at him with a probe.

  The bedroom is clean and tidy, and the red quilt is laid in the hollow landscape canopy bed carved by huanghuali.

A beautiful woman with red lips like fire and as delicate as jade, lying quietly beside the red quilt embroidered with mandarin ducks, with her hands folded on her waist and abdomen, the peaks of the mountains bulge high, the light blue jacket skirt has no wrinkles at all, and the white skirt The hem naturally fell on the slender legs, and at the end of the skirt revealed a pair of suet jade-like crystal feet, so tender that there was not even the slightest flaw on the soles of the feet, and the palace shoes were neatly placed beside the bed.

   On the red quilt beside the beauty, a large white dumpling was lying on its back between two mandarin ducks, wings spread, small claws facing the sky, head tilted and sleeping soundly.

   As a bird, I don’t know how to describe it.

   Hearing the sound of the door opening, Shangguan Lingye did not wake up, but the dumpling turned over, and after looking at Zuo Lingquan, he consciously moved inside, looking to make room for Zuo Wenquan.

   Zuo Lingquan hooked the corners of his mouth amusedly in the face of the warm invitation from the dumplings.

   Seeing that Shangguan Lingye didn't wake up, Zuo Lingquan was worried about his injury and hesitated, but he went into the room and came to the bed, wanting to reach out to check Shangguan Lingye's pulse.

   It's just that Shangguan Lingye didn't wake up, he was taking care of his meridians and Qi, and he didn't want to open his eyes.

   found that Zuo Lingquan walked to the front lightly, and raised his hand to touch her, Shangguan Lingye took a light breath, opened his cold and beautiful eyes, and said calmly:

   "What to do?"

   Danzi called out twice, "Jiji~", as if to answer "Sleep!".

   Zuo Lingquan definitely didn't dare to answer like that, but when he found that the young woman's grandmother was awake, he quickly retracted his hand and asked:

   "How's the maiden's injury?"

   "It's fine, it'll be fine in a few days."

   Shangguan Lingye didn't get up, closed his eyes and said, "Why have you started calling me Empress again recently?"

   Zuo Lingquan sat down beside the bed and said with a smile:

   "It's easy to be confused with Senior Shangguan when you call him senior, so he ended up calling him with Jiang Yi. I'm afraid it's a bit offensive to call him 'Lingye'."

  Shangguan Lingye didn't like to pretend to be a concubine because he wanted to draw a clear line with the world. After seeing it, he didn't care about these messes.

   "You can call it whatever you like. Aunt Zuo told me today that you are not interested in women, and that you run into my house at night after drinking some wine, don't you think it is inappropriate?"

   Zuo Lingquan is a bit innocent, he looked left and right:

   "This is the yard where I lived when I was a child. I'm just wondering how the lady slept here."

   "Aunt Zuo arranged it... Well, I guess it was a misunderstanding of our relationship, so I said how to use the red quilt. You don't need to sleep anyway, so let's go."

   Zuo Lingquan, a big man, can't always watch Shangguan Lingye sleep next to him, so he didn't bother anymore, he got up and wanted to go to the next room to spend the night.

   It was just that Shangguan Lingye was awakened, and it was a little difficult to settle down. Seeing Zuo Lingquan was about to leave, she opened her eyes and sat up:

   "You finished drinking, but I haven't. Owe me a drink, when are you going to pay it back?"

   Zuo Lingquan turned around when he heard this:

   "Jingxun dug up the wine that was buried last year and brewed it by himself. It tastes very good, do you want to try it?"

   "You give me the wine that Miss Tang buried, are you not afraid that she will tell you?"

   "Jingxun doesn't drink much, and it buried several jars. It was originally intended for everyone to drink, as long as you don't finish drinking it."

  Shangguan Lingye didn't say much after seeing this. He raised his jade feet and raised the palace shoes on the ground. His posture was graceful and elegant, and he looked very attractive.

   Zuo Lingquan saw this scene and remembered that every time Wanwan finished her practice of hooking her shoes, she was a little confused.

   He looked away, went to the study next door, opened the window, and put away the chessboard on the chess couch.

  Outside the back window of the study is a piece of evergreen bamboo for ornamental use. It is often taken care of and the environment is very good. In particular, the Xiaoxiao rain curtain hangs down from the window, making the study a little more elegant as a water town.

Shangguan Lingye held the dumplings, came to sit on the side of the chess couch, bent his legs and folded them under the graceful hip line, and supported the small case with his left hand lazily. A candlestick was taken out from Linglong Pavilion, and a backflow incense with tigers roaming the mountains and rivers.

  Danzi is very sensible, jumping on the small table, opening the bird's beak, spewing small red flames, lighting the candlestick and incense. The room became brighter, and the incense poured down from the incense platform, showing colorful colors. It gathered in the smoke lake at the bottom and did not disperse. It looked extremely mysterious.

After the    dumpling completed the duty of playing the turkey, he opened his beak and asked for a reward.

   Zuo Lingquan looked a little funny, sat down opposite, set up two wine bowls, opened a jar of the wine brewed by Jingxing, filled the wine bowl, and said:

   "The secular world is that people are more polite, not as straight as the cultivation way. Are you still used to living here?"

  Shangguan Lingye wasn't used to it, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with it. She picked up the wine bowl, brought her red lips and took a sip:

"I used to hear the word 'human touch', but I basically couldn't feel it in the cultivation way. Teachers and seniors, even if they were nice to you, they wouldn't say it. It's all up to you, and I also feel protected and favored by others. , It's a sign that I'm not strong enough; but now it seems that it's a very happy thing to have elders to help and worry about everything."

  Cultivation seeks longevity, and the road must be walked by oneself; secular pursuit is peace, and the family can take care of it for a lifetime. The difference between the two is indeed quite big. Zuo Lingquan nodded and said:

   "Yeah, who wouldn't want to be a baby if given the chance."


  Shangguan Lingye felt that the name was so strange, but she could understand the meaning. She pursed her lips and smiled:

   "You can be a baby, why do you have to run out? If I was born here, and a mother like you is pampering me, I would be a baby honestly."

   Zuo Lingquan sighed: "When I come to this world, I have to live a human life. I was born with everything, and then I felt that I could see the end of my life at a glance, and it was very boring..."

   "So you tossed 'fire gun' 'soap' 'distilled liquor'?"

  ? ?

   Zuo Lingquan's expression froze, looking at the pair of beautiful eyes in front of the lamp:

   "How does Niang Niang know?"

   Shangguan Lingye has a bit of pride in his eyes:

   "Aunt Zuo told me."

   "Uh, why did I even tell you about this... how much?"

   "It's all said, from birth until you married into the capital." Shangguan Lingye leaned on the small case, changed a comfortable position, and joked: "Do you think it's boring to be a gangster, so you tossed those tricks and tricks?"

   Speaking of stupid things when he was a child, Zuo Lingquan couldn't hang his face:

"Almost, tossing those things, it is because the cultivation path can't work, and I am going to change my method to prove myself different. The result is good, I was hit badly, but fortunately the Great Dan is relatively closed, and there is no Tiandun card, water moon, and Xianjia. Ferry, or Taoism will collapse on the spot."

  Shangguan Lingye held the wine bowl and said with a smile:

   "Thousands of years of living and working in peace and contentment, the things that ordinary people can think of, the ghost craftsmen of the Nine Sects have long explored, and the only reason why it has not been widely circulated is that there are better substitutes.

"For example, the ferry boat, the craftsmen of Coveryue Forest, also tossed out an iron boat that can run after boiling water, and Coveryuelin proposed to build a large number of items to transport objects back and forth. As a result, the cost is higher than the Xianjia ferry, and the capacity is also high. Can't keep up.

"As for the fire gun you made, it existed before the establishment of the Nine Sects, and it was used by the secular dynasty to fight the monsters summoned by stealing pills. Later, it was banned after the war, because the immortals couldn't use them, and the mortals used them. There are too many casualties in the war. It seems that another sect has explored it a few days ago, and it was taken by mortals to blow up other people's immortals..."

   After Zuo Lingquan listened quietly, he picked up the wine bowl and took a sip, sighing:

"It's because the immortals are so powerful that I want to spare no effort to climb up, mainly for a sense of security. For example, this time, the aftermath of the pill-stealing escape has affected the entire south. If I can't climb to the top of the mountain, I can only watch it. It's so desperate to put life and death in the hands of others."

  Shangguan Lingye agrees with this statement, but at this moment, she doesn't want to talk about common topics such as "the heart of the Tao". Instead he asked:

   "You were only seven or eight years old at the time, where did you get these fantastic ideas?"

   Zuo Lingquan’s memory of his previous life is not very clear, how he was born, whether it was Meng Po soup mixed with water, and he can’t even remember, so he could only shake his head and say:

   "It may be that I haven't forgotten about the past life. Anyway, there are always some messy thoughts, which are of no use."

  Shangguan Lingye didn't understand the theory of reincarnation, but she knew there should be, she said curiously:

   "Do you remember any messy things, I wonder if there is a way of practice?"

   "Everything I can think of, there are better ones out there, and there are unimaginable practices, but none... By the way, the outside seems to be more conservative, and the women's clothes are gorgeous, but... um..."

   Zuo Lingquan didn't know how to describe it.

  Shangguan Lingye has a smart mind, and when he sees Zuo Lingquan's expression, he understands the meaning - not coquettish enough.

   "The underwear outside is really not as good-looking as Dadan's flower carp; I heard Jiang Yi say, what kind of translucent socks are you going to make? This thing sounds flashy, but there really isn't any outside, what is it like?"

   Zuo Lingquan was a little embarrassed when he heard the sound. He didn't have the nerve to explain things like suspenders and stockings to Shangguan Lingye, and shook his head:

   "Jiang Yi told you this? I just thought about it, I haven't started to do it yet."

  Shangguan Lingye really likes carp in flowers, but it doesn't look good when paired with common trousers, she said:

   "If you have an idea, just say it. I just have nothing to do. I will help you with the staff, and there are no outsiders."


   Zuo Lingquan saw the young woman's grandmother insisting so much, so she could only raise her hand, condense a cloud of rainwater from the window, and then shape it into the approximate shape of net socks on top of the small case:

   "It's a very close-fitting, gauze-like fabric that is very elastic and can stick to the skin. With my cultivation, I can't make it so fine. I don't know if the empress can understand the meaning."

  Shangguan Lingye looked at the condensed water socks, and after thinking for a moment, she gently pulled up the skirt, revealing her bare feet and calves that were crystal clear under the dim candlelight.

   Zuo Lingquan's expression was slightly stunned, his eyes were surprised, but what made him even more surprised was still behind.

I didn't see any movement from Shangguan Lingye. The thin trousers under the skirt began to change on their own, covering the snowy feet. The material of the fabric was also changing, from finely woven white cloth to gauze. Vaguely see the flesh color.


   Zuo Lingquan saw this scene, he almost choked to death on the drink, his face turned red, he sat upright, and it was not easy to stare at him, but he seemed a little embarrassed to not look at it.

After   Shangguan Lingye changed, he leaned back, supported the tea couch behind his back with both hands, raised both feet, swayed in the air, and bowed his toes, asking:

"that's it?"

  Although the side is facing Zuo Lingquan, and the skirt also stops at the knees and does not slide to the bottom of the legs, but this enchanting posture, coupled with the dress of a wealthy lady, feels like it can kill people.

   Zuo Lingquan's concentration is very good, but there is a limit. When he noticed that the wine was a little too strong, he turned his eyes away and said with a smile:

   "That's about it, the color can be made into other colors, white is more suitable for little girls..."

  Shangguan Lingye's aesthetics are not bad. After taking a look at it, the net socks on his legs changed on their own and turned into colorful colors.

  Danzi watched from the side, and when he saw this, he quickly shook his head and said "jiji~", obviously feeling that the color was too earthy.

   After Shangguan Lingye found that the color was too bright and inappropriate, the color of the fishnet socks began to change again and turned into black.

   The taste is right this time!


   Zuo Lingquan took a breath, hesitant to say anything, not knowing how to evaluate it, but felt that this extravagant concubine of Emperor Yan, Bi Wanwan could play.

  Shangguan Lingye turned his toes, looked at it carefully for a moment, and nodded with satisfaction:

   "Yes, it's quite attractive, or you men understand women better. But this thing is similar to tulle, you can see everything, and it's inappropriate to walk in the wind."

   Zuo Lingquan hurriedly shook his head and said, "Don't wear Yufeng Yujian on this thing, just wear it at home and see it."

  Shangguan Lingye turned his head and said, "It won't work at home either. There's not much difference between wearing it under the skirt and not wearing it. Your idea won't work."

   Zuo Lingquan estimated that the bottom of Shangguan Lingye's skirt had all turned into fishnet stockings, and everything could be seen from the front. He didn't have the guts to go to the front and look at it, and he couldn't say anything about underwear, so he shook his head and said:

   "Let's do this for now, and I'll talk about it later. If you have any ideas, you can design it yourself. I'm a man after all, so it's not appropriate to talk about it."

   Shangguan Lingye saw that Zuo Lingquan looked unnatural, she was a little funny:

   "I'm 80 years older than you, and I'm still the concubine of Dayan. I'm discussing the socks with you. Do you still have evil thoughts?"

   Can I be called a man by my unintentional evil thoughts? You call it teasing, you know?

   Zuo Lingquan admitted that he couldn't stand it, and he couldn't provoke Grandma Shangguan, so he could only sigh and say:

   "Niangniang is joking, how can I dare to have evil thoughts on Niangniang, I just think Niangniang looks good in such a dress. If I don't feel it when I wear it, it can only mean that something is not good."

  Shangguan Lingye raised the corner of his mouth: "You are quite strange. You don't feel anything when you are barefoot, but you dare not look at it with socks on. Can you see anything?"

   He turned his feet around and rubbed the dumplings on the small table with his toes:

   "Danzi, don't you think so?"


  Two feet with black fishnet stockings hang above the small case. Although the skirt is hidden, it is true that the scenery under the skirt cannot be seen, but if the toes are a little further forward, it is estimated that Zuo Lingquan's chin can be picked.

   This behavior is completely a crime, Zuo Lingquan's blood pressure is up, and he looks out the window:

   "Niangniang, let's still have a bar. You are the concubine of the Great Yan Emperor. It's beyond the norm for you to be so approachable to me."

   "According to the rules of the world, it's already outrageous for you to drink with me in the middle of the night. If you don't drink, you have to let go of your identity. The wine table has no size.

  Shangguan Lingye put away her beautiful feet, hid it under her skirt, changed to a serious posture, picked up the wine bowl and shook it:

   "Forget it, you're always thinking crooked, let's talk about business. The nine sects are over, what are you going to do?"

   Zuo Lingquan breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the wine bowl and touched it, and talked about the practice:

   "You have to go to the dark side after you go through the cultivation path. In the future, the main thing is to practice swordsmanship and make the 'half of the sword'..."


   "The meaning of half a sword can break everything."

   "Isn't it more appropriate to call it 'Jianban'?"

"It's almost the same, you must practice it anyway; in addition, the realm has to be even higher. There are still a few months before the year. After returning to Linyuan City, I will see if I can go to retreat in places like Cave Heaven and Paradise, and strive to rush to the After a half-step of seclusion, I refined the obtained water."

  Shangguan Lingye heard this and looked more serious: "After refining the water essence, you have to find the five gods, are you sure you dare to bet?"

   "I only seek the strongest, not longevity. If there is anything I dare not, it will be over. But if there is water, where can I find the tree of the five elements?"

"If you can't find Qinglong and the eastern master of Yuyao Continent, you have to go to Taohuatan to find the ancestral tree; that tree is said to have a great chance and is related to Qinglong. If the essence of life can be shared with you, it should be It can also be used; but the essence of life is not an endless branch or seed. Asking the ancestral tree for this, it is not difficult to find the oriental master. After the wood is fire..."

   Hearing this, Danzi quickly spread his small wings, posing as a 'fat phoenix spreading wings':


  Shangguan Lingye looked at Tuanzi, his expression moved slightly:

"Maybe Huo can really ask the dumplings for it, then it will save you a lot of trouble. The fire creates the earth, go to the Middle Continent Sword Emperor City to find the Middle Earth Qilin, as long as you find it, you don't have to worry about the last 'gold', the ancestors may be able to A surprise for you, let you become the strongest sword cultivator in Jiuzhou."

  Shangguan Lingye's idea is exciting, but he obviously thinks a bit far; I don't know how many immortal heroes have never encountered one of them, let alone five.

   Zuo Lingquan pondered and nodded slightly:

   "These things, you can only look at them one step at a time. Let's talk about it half a step first. What are you going to do in the future? Continue to sit in the police department?"

  Shangguan Lingye raised the corner of his mouth when he heard this and said:

   "Bengong has been there for a long time, and his cultivation has lost the momentum. In the future, he is going to be a 'baby', the kind of clothes that come to stretch out his hands and food to open his mouth."


   Zuo Lingquan blinked, not knowing why.

  Shangguan Lingye took the wine bowl and drank it, wiping the corners of his lips:

"Boy, don't forget, the first time you crossed the calamity, you promised to give me back a set of the five elements. The water of the five elements, I will pay you back today, and you have to find two for the remaining four; I am going to give the five elements. My life has changed, and I will accompany you. Of course, if you don't believe what you say, Ben Gong doesn't mind, as a man, he is very good at talking, and if he really does something, no one can trust him."


  You're not just pulling the geese out, you're going to let the geese learn how to cook by themselves and cook them for you!

   Zuo Lingquan opened his mouth, and if he went back on his word, he couldn't say it, he could only say:

   "The chance depends on the fate, especially this big chance, I can't guarantee to get it 100%. If I really have this luck, I will definitely give it back to the empress, if I can't find it..."

  Shangguan Lingye was very comfortable, half lying on the couch, with his hands on his face:

   "I really can't find it, so this baby will accompany you to rehabilitate. Is it interesting to you?"


   Zuo Lingquan had nothing to say, nodded slightly, and picked up the wine bowl:

   "Enough, come and go."

  Shangguan Lingye took the wine bowl, touched Zuo Lingquan, and said leisurely:

   "I knew that cultivation was so easy, I shouldn't have worked so hard in the past. Master said that I couldn't see through it, and it was true. Now I understand that I can cultivate immortals while lying down. This is called the days of immortals..."

   Zuo Lingquan's bitter wine hurt his throat. He looked at the graceful and charming young woman's grandmother, and thought about it:

   "To be proud in life, you must be happy. This is how your practice should be. I just can't see it through. Niangniang's silk stockings are very beautiful. How about I give Niangniang's counselor?"

  Shangguan Lingye swayed his wine bowl and glanced at Zuo Lingquan:

   "When you don't want to watch it, it's okay to show it to you; when you want to watch it, show it to you and it will be a problem. This is the great truth of practice, I won't tell ordinary people, you just have to keep it in your heart."

   "Niangniang, didn't you say you shouldn't talk about practice?"

   "You changed the subject first and didn't want to talk about me going back to sleep?"

   "'s my honor to get the advice of the mother, why don't you want to talk. If the mother tells me, what else is interesting about practicing the Dao?"

   "There are a lot of interesting things..."

  Shangguan Lingye leaned on the small case, his eyes blurred, as if he was drunk, but he recalled a little:

"I forgot how long ago, there was a small craftsman in Tiandi City who thought about a 'self-propelled donkey'. Was alerted; because this is not common sense, it is equivalent to creating something out of nothing, similar to the 'one' at the end of the avenue."

   Zuo Lingquan was slightly startled, leaned a little closer, and asked:

"The results of it?"

"As a result, the day the craftsman took out the things, countless immortal masters on the road ran to observe, the red cloth was lifted, and they found that it was an iron frame with two wheels under it, and you could walk with your feet. Although self-propelled donkeys don't eat grass, But when one walks on foot, it takes three steamed buns to travel a hundred miles; because of deceiving people, they are beaten uh... In fact, this is really a talent, for a craftsman's whimsy, It shouldn't be so strict."

"Maybe, anyway, there is no shortage of ghosts in the practice, and it will be useful sooner or later. But there are too many things that are not available. There is also a fairy tailor in Taohuatan. It's mysterious; just after the weaving, the disciples in Taohuatan wore experimental effects, learned from others, and were smashed by the water method, guess what?"


   "According to changes in the environment, it becomes transparent when it encounters water. At that time, thousands of people watched... poof~..."

  Brows and eyes are curved, and the smile is alluring.

   "Tsk tsk, this thing is really useless."

"anything else……"

  The candles are quiet, and the cups are changed.

  Lights and laughter came out of the window, and were covered by the pattering rain curtain, which continued until dawn...


  Thank you [this book is really good QAQ] for the great reward!

   (end of this chapter)

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