Too Reckless

Vol 10 Chapter 48: bracelet

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The wind was rising, and the rain was getting heavier.

The three of them came to the painting boat together. The rain was so heavy that the oil-paper umbrella cracked. Leng Zhu didn't knock on the door when he saw this.

Jiang Yi's expression was neither happy nor angry. Originally, she wanted to make the appearance of an old woman meeting a newcomer, to test the concubine, but when she entered the door, she saw the ancestor of Shangguan in a long dress with dragon scales, sitting on the couch with his legs bent.

The ancestor of Shangguan is a god-like existence in the hearts of the monks. Zuo Lingquan can subconsciously correct his posture when he sees it a lot. Needless to say, Jiang Yi was shocked and almost turned around and exited.

However, Tang Jingxuan was not afraid of the ancestors of Shangguan. Seeing the dead woman in the house, he was stunned for a while, and then his eyes lit up, and he said:

"Death... Yutang, you are here too."

Seeing this, Jiang Yi had to cautiously enter the painting boat, and after a closer look, she found that something was wrong.

The ancestor of Shangguan sat on the painting boat, and his body was motionless, as if time had stopped; the empress of the imperial concubine closed her eyes and rested on the lap of the ancestor, sleeping peacefully and soundly.

The white cat on the table woke up, turned over, first glanced at the dumplings squatting on Tang Jingshen's shoulders, and then quietly moved the box in which he had packed dried fish to hide under his stomach.

It's a pity that this little action didn't deceive Danzi's sharp little eyes, so he threw himself over and started "jijiji~" to deceive food and drink.

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be practicing, Tang Jingxuan didn't bother to disturb them. She said hello to the group and wanted to leave with Jiang Yi.

However, the effect of sandalwood had passed, and Shangguan Lingye woke up when he heard the sound.


With the help of the ancestors, Shangguan Lingye slept soundly this night, and even the complexion on his face recovered most of the time, looking much more energetic. She opened her eyes and saw Jiang Yi and Jingxing standing at the door. Maybe she was a little confused when she woke up, and she said:

"Are you done?"

Are you done? Jiang Yi's expression froze when she heard the sound, she understood the meaning of the words, but she couldn't express it. She could only make an ambiguous appearance and responded:

"Hehe... um, how's your maiden resting? Old Ancestor is this?"

Shangguan Lingye was completely awake, and he reacted to the question just now, revealing that he was listening to the wall. She thought nothing had happened, and when she looked back, she was shocked to realize that the pillow she was leaning against was the ancestor's thigh, and quickly made a respectful appearance:

"Master, I... eh? Master seems to be out of the body."


Tang Jingxuan had seen the ghostly appearance of the ancestor, and it was the first time that she had seen it still. She walked to the front, carefully looked at the exquisite and impeccable face of the ancestor of Shangguan, and shook her hand in front of her eyes.

This move is obviously a little disrespectful to the ancestor, but Tang Jingxuan is very familiar with the ancestor, and even Shangguan Lingye doesn't understand the relationship between them; although the ancestor is out of his body, he still has a sense of the body, since he didn't smoke Tang Jing Chill twice, it means you don't care.

Seeing this, Shangguan Lingye didn't stop Tang Jing from being stunned, stood up, stretched his waist and moved his tibia:

"Master has something to do with Zuo Lingquan. He should have taken Zuo Lingquan out... I haven't slept so soundly for a long time, and my body feels a little lighter."

He raised his hands above his head and stretched his waist, causing the cuffs to slide down, and both the gold and jade bracelets leaked out.

Jiang Yi put the file on the desk, and when she looked back, she saw the prominent 'Zuo Family Daughter-in-law', her already complicated eyes became even more complicated.

She walked to the front and helped Shangguan Lingye straighten the messy bun, and glanced at the bracelet seemingly inadvertently:

"Wearing two bracelets looks a little out of place; the emerald bracelet was given by Aunt Zuo. It is a secular jewelry, and it is easy to be damaged by bumps..."

Shangguan Lingye could hear the voices in the boudoir last night, so naturally he overheard the conversation in the study, and knew what Jiang Yi was thinking - Jiang Yi guessed that she could hear the words complaining about grievances to Zuo Lingquan. , maybe there is a meaning to tell her, otherwise it will not end in the end.

In the past, when Shangguan Lingye first got the bracelet, when he learned that 'the bracelet represents the daughter-in-law of the main house recognized by the Zuo family', he tried to take it down and gave it to Jiang Yi, but Jiang Yi refused, because at that time Hou Jiangyi gave the bracelet to Jiang Yi. She was treated as a concubine; now Jiang Yi suddenly mentioned this matter again, and also meant to let her take it down, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Shangguan Lingye put down his hand, touched the bracelet, and said with a smile:

"I naturally pay attention to what Aunt Zuo gave, and it won't be damaged; as for the mismatch, I think it's okay..."

This sentence only said one thing - I don't want to pay a 'faucet stick'.

Jiang Yi blinked, her smile did not change, but her eyes were slightly different. Just as she was about to continue pulling, she suddenly heard from behind:

"let me see."

Tang Jingxuan, who was still teasing the ancestor just now, seemed to be attracted by the topic of these women. She turned around and walked to the front, and touched the jade bracelet:

"Jewelry is very particular and should be matched according to the temperament. The concubine is noble, and wearing gold utensils can set off her temperament, and the same is true for princesses; like me and Qingwan, there is no grace and nobility that has been nurtured since childhood, so they rarely wear them. gold.

"This emerald bracelet is a style from the south of the Yangtze River. It is more suitable for gentle and conservative women. The implication is 'keeping the family and maintaining the business'.

Shangguan Lingye and Jiang Yi have both devoted themselves to practice since childhood, and then took up important positions. When it comes to the attention to worldly jewelry, how can they say that they can talk about a rich woman like Tang Jingxuan. heard it:

You don't wear it right! I wear it properly.

As expected, Tang Jing explained in a soft voice for a while, then pulled up her sleeves and placed her white as tender tofu wrist next to the jade bracelet for comparison.

When a monk cultivates until his golden body is flawless, there are no impurities on his body, and his skin will be extremely delicate; but his body shape is not impurity, no matter how much he cultivates, it cannot be deformed, and it will only become more and more perfect.

Shangguan Lingye has ice muscle and jade bones, and his skin must be surprisingly good, but his body is relatively slender and tall and slender.

Tang Jingxuan is different. The beads are round and jaded, and the wrists can't be said to be thick, but very sensual. To use the world's words to describe it, it is very blessed and good for life. Wearing a jade bracelet is indeed more suitable for temperament, and it feels like a tailor-made one.

Jiang Yi watched from the side and felt that if there were no accidents, Tang Jingxuan would say to try wearing it next, and then she couldn't put it down and suggested 'exchange the dough for a bracelet' or something.

Shangguan Lingye might actually agree!

It is possible to get this bracelet back in Shangguan Lingye's hands, but in Tang Jingshen's hands, it goes without saying.

At this time, Wu Qingwan was not in front of her, Jiang Yi was alone, and she was obviously a little overwhelmed in the face of the two women. She wanted to bring the situation back, but there was no suitable reason.

Fortunately, Leng Zhu was good at observing words and expressions, and saw the sudden scuffle between the three women. Seeing that the princess was in danger, he hurriedly interjected:

"I think gold and jade are better-looking, unassuming and elegant, and they are suitable for princesses and concubines."

Jiang Yi took advantage of the situation and said, "Really? I don't know much about jewelry, so I'll just talk about it casually."

When Shangguan Lingye saw this, he naturally borrowed the donkey and said with a smile:

"Miss Tang is very interested in jade articles. I still have a few jade articles here, but I rarely wear them..."

As he said, he put away his hands and prepared to take jewelry from Linglong Pavilion.

What Tang Jingxuan wanted was bracelets, not jewelry. Seeing that the two of them had reached a consensus, she pushed her away first, shook her head and smiled:

"I don't wear jewelry very often, but when I see the objects in my hometown, I miss it. Forget it, is it okay for the ancestor to sit like this? It's raining outside, do you want to put a blanket for her..."



Outside the flower gate.

Holding a small umbrella, Wu Qingwan paced back and forth in the aisle under the courtyard wall, surrounded by electric lights on her fingertips, studying Lei Fa on her own.

Walking here alone on a rainy day is naturally not because of leisure.

When she was 'cultivating' last night, Wu Qingwan was tormented by the three people, Jiang Yi and Tang Jing were booing, Zuo Lingquan didn't know how much she was too embarrassed, she forgot how many poses she took.

As the saying goes, "Mud Bodhisattva also has a three-point fire". No matter how gentle Wu Qingwan is, she will fight back if she is pressed. In the end, she couldn't afford it, so she surrendered to Zuo Lingquan. Give a hand.

Jiang Yi's half-step Linggu's cultivation level, how can she fight against them, she was bullied to the point of crying, and she still didn't protect her.

According to Jiang Yi's temperament, she would definitely find this auntie to settle accounts during the day.

As for the smell of gunpowder in the painting boat, Wu Qingwan was the second eldest in the family. She was embarrassed to fight for the bracelet when Jiang Yi was around, so she naturally didn't care, and of course she didn't know.

After wandering under the courtyard wall for a long time, I never saw Leng Zhu running to call her over, but I heard some noise outside the courtyard wall.

Da da da--

The sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella.

Wu Qingwan came back to her senses and walked to the door to take a look.

The house is in a secular city, and there are ordinary alleys outside. When there is a heavy rainstorm, no people walk around. There is only a round-faced girl in a summer dress, carrying an iron pipa, standing outside the courtyard wall.

The little girl was not tall, and stood on tiptoe to probe, as if she wanted to check the situation in the yard.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the little girl hurriedly pretended to be hanging out, walked to the door, and greeted from a distance:

"Sister Wu, why did you come out without knowing the prophet? I was about to knock on the door."

Xie Qiutao Taoxing is taller than Wu Qingwan. According to the rules, Wu Qingwan has to call the other party a fairy. However, Xie Qiutao's face is too small, and Wu Qingwan treats the elderly very strangely, so she cares so much:

"Miss Xie. Ling Quan and the others just came back yesterday, but they have gone out now; the concubine is still in the house."

"Really? Are they all right?"

"It's safe and sound, let Miss Xie worry about it. It's raining heavily outside. Let's go in and talk."

Wu Qingwan and Xie Qiutao didn't know each other very well, but they met once at sea that day. Xie Qiutao also came two days ago, which had a good influence on the girl, and raised her hand to signal her to enter the room to speak.

It's just that Xie Qiutao stood at the door holding an umbrella, hesitated, did not go in, but said:

"Last time I came back from the sea, Lord Shangguan set me on fire for a while, and asked me to go to the north to find an opportunity. I was worried that Young Master Zuo and the others would comfort him and have not left. It's good that they are safe and sound, and I have to leave too."

Cultivation is like this, always on the road. Wu Qingwan wanted to keep it, but the delay in her cultivation was not very good, and she had no excuse to keep it, so she could only say:

"Since it is what Shangguan respects the Lord, the girl can rest assured and go, and be careful on the road."

Xie Qiutao and Zuo Lingquan didn't have a deep friendship, but they were friends with each other. She didn't know when to see each other next time. She hesitated, took out a card from her bosom, and exchanged contact information with Wu Qingwan. Holding a small umbrella, he walked out of the alley alone.

Wu Qingwan watched off at the door, watching a little girl wandering the cultivation path alone, she couldn't help feeling a little sighed in her heart.

Most of the people in the practice come and go alone, like duckweed in the rain. Wherever they go, there are a few people who can rely on them and walk hand in hand with them.


When Xie Qiutao's figure was about to disappear from the entrance of the alley, a thunder suddenly flashed across the overseas sky, and the electric light illuminated the entire sea, followed by another.

Wu Qingwan turned her eyes to look at the sea, where she could see the rolling thunder and clouds and the vastness of the sky, but she couldn't see the details, and only heard a voice in the distance:

"Young Master Zuo has entered Youhuang, it's amazing..."

When I turned around, the little girl holding the paper umbrella had disappeared...


The extreme north of Jiuzhou, above the snow peaks.

The ancient buildings stand majestically on the top of the mountain, but without disciples, no matter how magnificent the building is, it will inevitably look lifeless.

Hou Yushu lived here, and during the few days of cultivating his body, he learned from other people that it was called 'Jade Pure Immortal Sect'.

However, the prominent and wealthy families that stood on the top of Yuyaozhou Mountain in previous years have long since declined and are sparsely populated; all they can see are the recruited 'consecrations', helping Youying aliens to run errands and get those opportunities that were not available in the past.

Hou Yushu has been doing good deeds and accumulating virtue in previous years. He never thought of himself as a demon and a heretic. He was forced to join the Youying Alien because he had to avenge his blood feud, and he was forced to join the Youying alien race because he had to avenge his blood feud.

After living here for a few days, Hou Yushu discovered that the upper class of Youying's alien race was very different from what he imagined. He couldn't see the vicious place in his life, and even some people were very friendly and funny. He learned that he came from Yuyao Continent and made a special trip. He came here to ask him about the current situation of Yuyaozhou, and talked about his wandering in Yuyaozhou so-and-so, and even mentioned his old friend of Yuyaozhou who is still alive.

But "knowing the face but not the heart", there is no way to understand what these people are doing behind their backs.

After training for a few days, after the injury recovered, the old man who received Hou Yushu went to the cave where he cultivated, and asked him to go to the back mountain to meet the ancestor Mei, saying that he was going to accept him.

Hou Yushu had already arrived at the territory of the Youying alien race and had no choice, so he followed him to the top of Xuefeng, in a frozen cave.

The sect is very large, and half of the ghosts cannot be seen on the road. The same is true in the cave. There are only many ice coffins inside, and all kinds of people and things are frozen.

Hou Yushu looked all the way, and the people in the ice coffin were all unfamiliar, male, female, young and old, but with aura fluctuations, obviously not dead people, just sleeping forever.

Hou Yushu originally thought that these were the disciples who practiced in seclusion in the sect, but when he walked to the side of an ice coffin, his body was shocked - there was a woman inside, although she was a little old, her eyes were already wrinkled. But Hou Yushu still recognized the woman. He once had a relationship on the seaside of Yuyaozhou, and the image was very deep.


Hou Yushu was incredulous, looked left and right at the cave, and frantically searched several ice coffins.

It's a pity that Hou Yushu has not yet been found, and an ethereal female voice sounded from the depths of the cave:

"Cultivation well, what you are looking for will be given to you in the future."

"Why is she here with you?"

"Yuyaozhou has no shortage of my disciples and It's easy to save one or two unknown people."

"You use these people as threats to force the monks of the right way to use them?"

"Did I force you to come here?"


"Without me, they have all died of depression, or died in the hands of others. I just give those who rely on me a chance to untie their knots. You don't want this opportunity, you can leave on your own, no one will stop you. you."

Hou Yushu was silent, and after a while, he bowed his hands and bowed:

"Junior Hou Yushu, meet the seniors."


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