Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 1: Meishan rhyme

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At noon, the scorching sun hangs in the air.

The surging river washed the white stone embankments along the pier. Ships loaded with cargo were moored at the harbour. From time to time, monks stepping on flying swords quietly landed outside the harbour and walked to Xiangyang City, ten miles away.

Xiangyang City is just a small place, no matter in the Xianjia or the secular world, there is not even a serious Xianjia market; the only special thing is that there is a long-standing historical site near Meishan outside the city. .

The ruins are not a mystery, but simply a very ancient forest of steles. The origin of the forest of steles is no longer known. The reason why it can be preserved is because there are many inscriptions of ancient sages, including the ancestors of the nine monks today. The commemorative significance was turned into a scenic spot by the nearby Zongmen.

The Meishan Stele Forest is rare even with ordinary spirit beasts, and the scenery is not very impressive in Jiuzong. The only mysterious place is that it is said that when you are lucky, you can hear the sound of the piano in the forest of steles at sunset, and the 'jade' of the immortal family is lined up. The 'Meishan rhyme' in the Eight Wonders of Yaozhou' refers to this place.

Cultivation practitioners travel all over the world, and not everyone is led by chance. When encountering such places with historical background, there are not a few monks who come to open their eyes, such as Zuo Lingquan.

Cicadas were chirping on the port, and the dazzling scorching sun made people dare not step out of the eaves. Even Lifu on the pier had already rested and sat under the pergola of the tea stall, chatting about what he had seen and heard recently.

Just when the sun was at its hottest, a small painting boat sailed upstream from the river and slowly sailed to the vicinity of the port.

On the deck of the painting boat, a crystal clear ice sculpture was exposed to the scorching sun of midsummer in June, and abnormally did not melt; on the back of the ice sculpture, there was a white bird with the same appearance, with its small claws facing the sky, lying on it. With a small tongue, a pitiful appearance of 'hot dead bird'.

Next to the ice sculpture, is a swordsman in a black robe and a bucket hat, holding a saber in his hand, practicing swordsmanship on a deck with little space.

Perhaps sensing the pitiful appearance of the little white bird, the swordsman said:

"You can breathe fire, and are you afraid of heat?"

Dumplings are definitely not afraid of heat, but they are not pitiful. How can they cheat food and drink?

It made a serious "jiji~", and then opened its beak, indicating that it needed to dry the iced fish to relieve the heat.

Zuo Lingquan couldn't understand what the dumpling said, but he could roughly understand the meaning. He didn't have dried fish, so he took a watermelon bought on the road from Linglong Pavilion and put it on the ice sculpture for the dumpling to eat.

The world's melons and fruits can only satisfy the appetite, but some of them must not be eaten strongly. The dumplings did not dislike it at all, and turned over at one end, performing three mouthfuls of a melon in front of Zuo Lingquan.

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and smiled, then turned his eyes to the shore, saw that he was near Xiangyang City, put away the sword, and entered the cabin of the painting boat.

"Taifei Niangniang, you have arrived in Xiangyang City, don't you want to go to Meishan Forest of Steles to see?"

The interior of the cabin is the same as before, but Jiang Yi, who often sits behind the desk and handles files, has been replaced by Shangguan Lingye himself; Leng Zhu, who is helping to look up the information on the opposite side, has become Wu Qingwan.

Since the ancestor of Shangguan left Yaocheng more than ten days ago, Zuo Lingquan and the three also set off and rushed to Taohuatan, the northernmost side of the Nine Sects.

Zuo Lingquan kissed Shangguan Lingye on the sea. He wanted to talk about it on the road, but there are really a lot of trivial matters. Shangguan Lingye has not stood up since he sat back at the desk, and has been dealing with it. It may be because Qingwan was here, Shangguan Lingye's attitude towards him was no different from before, as if he had forgotten what happened at sea.

Zuo Lingquan was not good at handling official business, so he couldn't help or disturb him.

Qingwan has a soft temperament and originally only meditated in the room. Seeing that Shangguan Lingye was so busy by herself that she didn't even have time to rest, she couldn't sit still, so she offered to help.

Shangguan Lingye naturally couldn't ask for this. He wanted to cultivate Qingwan so that she could also be on her own, and then directly delegate power to be the boss.

But Qingwan and Jiang Yi have different personalities. They don't have a strong will. For all matters that require decision-making, they can make up their own minds without making up their own minds. Shangguan Lingye must decide for himself.

After Shangguan Lingye hinted several times to no avail, this idea could only be abandoned.

At this time, Shangguan Lingye was sitting behind the desk, looking at things with a bronze mirror. Hearing Zuo Lingquan's voice, she raised her eyes and glanced out the window, and shook her head:

"I can't go now, I only have time at night."

Shangguan Lingye himself said that he wanted to go to the Forest of Steles in Meishan, and asked Zuo Lingquan to pay attention.

"Is the matter of the Demon Hunter in a hurry?"

"It's a little bit. Yun Zhengyang finally climbed out of the iron arrow cave, and Situ shocked the **** and lied to others that his master thought that he was too slow to come out, so he expelled him from the master's door, took in a new disciple, and gave him an immortal sword... …”

? ?

Isn't this coming later!

Zuo Lingquan's expression froze, he stood up straight, and asked seriously:

"and then?"

"Situ shock is just a lie, and he also used the authority of the Demon Hunting Division to limit Yun Zhengyang's sword trump card; Yun Zhengyang couldn't contact Jiang Taiqing, believed it to be true, and disappeared directly. Find a way. What can this palace do? If this breaks down other people's apprentice Jianxin, and the master pays you to be an apprentice, they won't necessarily agree..."


Zuo Lingquan's expression froze: "Yun Zhengyang is a high-ranking disciple of the Sword Sovereign, won't the Dao Heart be so fragile?"

"Who knows, no matter how unbearable it is, they are still people from Central Continent. The swordsmen in Central Continent are all martial arts lunatics.

Shangguan Lingye raised his eyes and looked at Zuo Lingquan: "This matter has nothing to do with you, you and Qingwan go shopping first, I'll come to you when I'm done."

Wu Qingwan has been helping for more than ten days in a row, and she was already a little dizzy. She heard the sound and put down the file, and said softly:

"Then it's hard work, madam. If you need to contact me at any time, I'll be right back."

Shangguan Lingye nodded lightly, and resumed his busy work.

Wu Qingwan returned to the small cabin at the back, put on a light blue summer dress, found another veil to put on, and walked out of the cabin...


The nine sects are in the south of Yuyaozhou, but the actual territory has already covered the middle of Yuyaozhou. Fulong Mountain is in the middle of Yuyaozhou on land. The mountains spread in a north-south trend. , The site of the Medicine King Pagoda.

Xiangyang City is built on the Yinlin River. The source of the river is Fulong Mountain. Zuo Lingquan is currently located only three thousand miles away from Fulong Mountain. Taohuatan and Fulong Mountain belong to the relationship between the mountains and the mountains. It can be said that it has been to the door.

In order not to disturb the people, the painting boat was moored by the river in the countryside outside the port. Wu Qingwan held a flower umbrella to block the fierce sun, and after getting off the boat with Zuo Lingquan, they walked to Xiangyang City together.

It was tens of thousands of miles away from her hometown. It was the first time she came to this place that she had never seen in books. Wu Qingwan would inevitably feel a little fresh. She would take a close look at everything she saw on the road, just like living in a deep boudoir and occasionally going out. A little daughter-in-law on a walk.

Finding Zuo Lingquan's brows furrowed and a little absent-minded, Wu Qingwan asked softly:

"What's the matter? Are you not happy when you came out with me? How about I go back and replace the concubine?"

Zuo Lingquan hurriedly shook his head, raised his hand and took the umbrella over Wu Qingwan's head:

"How is that possible. It's not that I'm unhappy, it's the concubine who just said that. I just let Cheng Jiujiang fool Yun Zhengyang. I didn't expect the shocking brother to do such a complete trick..."

"Your idea?"

Wu Qingwan was slightly surprised, but did not say anything to Zuo Lingquan because of this, but said:

"There's nothing to worry about. People in the practice have to rely on themselves, not to mention Situ Shaking deceived Yun Zhengyang, even if he is really expelled from his master's school, he can only blame himself for his lack of heart. Jian. I have taught many disciples in the past, and the teacher is just a guide. If the disciple cannot leave the master, and everything has to be approved by the teacher, then one day the teacher will not know what is right or wrong, what should I do?"

"That's true."

"If I were Yun Zhengyang, if I was rejected by Master and expelled from the school, my first thought would be to refuse to accept it. If I didn't make steamed buns, I would have to climb out of the hall and let Master see how blind he was back then. Yun Zhengyang is missing, it is estimated that he has such an idea, if he really makes a name for himself, it will be too late for his master to thank you."

Zuo Lingquan pondered for a while, and felt that this was very reasonable, nodded and said:

"It's still Wanwan who sees clearly."

Wu Qingwan walked slowly with her hands folded around her waist, and sighed faintly:

"What's the use of seeing clearly? If you don't have a high level of cultivation, you won't have any weight, and few people will listen. When I was in Phoenix Valley, my cultivation level was much higher than yours. At that time, no matter how good you were, you should say anything. It's a golden rule, I can't wait to engrave the words in my mind; now it's good..."

Zuo Lingquan spread his hands slightly: "Am I disobedient now?"

"What are you listening to?"

Wu Qingwan glanced at Zuo Lingquan:

"'If you don't want it, you still want it', that's your original words, right?"

Don't just want to...?

Zuo Lingquan paused and blinked:

"Well... yes. But how can these private words be used as examples?"

"Why can't you? These foolish words are bullying me and can't cure you. When you were in Xihuang Valley, I said no, you dare not listen?"

Zuo Lingquan recalled it carefully and nodded: "When we first practiced, you didn't let me kiss you anywhere, and I didn't listen."


When Wu Qingwan thought about it, it was true, she didn't want to talk anymore, and walked forward with her head buried in it.

Zuo Lingquan hurriedly chased after him, covered the scorching sun with an umbrella, and said with a smile:

"I know, I'll be obedient in the future, if you say no, don't, I'm not rude."

Wu Qingwan was almost used to the loss, she didn't believe it at all and ignored it.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan could only pull Wu Qingwan's wrist and walk into the grove:

"Why don't you try it now? If I don't care what I say, I will change my name to You Lingquan from now on."


Wu Qingwan was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, she quickly freed her wrist:

"Be honest, you finally came out for a walk, and you want to do bad things before you take three steps... Isn't the sun too hot?"

Zuo Lingquan was just joking, he did not reply, and accompanied Wu Qingwan to watch the scenery of Xiangyang City.

Xiangyang City is just a secular city, and there is nothing special about it. Turning from the outside of the city to the trail into the mountain, the scenery gradually changed.

Meishan is about 30 miles away from Xiangyang City. There is a tree-lined stone road from Xiangyang City along the river to the depths of Meishan Mountain. and other secular buildings.

There are quite a few monks and ordinary people who come to enjoy the scenery. There are also many fortune tellers and hawkers on the roadside who set up their stalls to sell.

However, after walking a few miles in and turning around the foot of a mountain, I suddenly see the light in front of my eyes. A lake with blue waves appears between the mountains, and it is full of worldly cruise ships. One side of the mountain wall stands on the other side of the lake.

There is a carved picture scroll on the mountain wall, but unfortunately it was destroyed by man for unknown reasons. Now there is only one uneven mountain wall. When you get closer, you can see some picture scroll lines.

Zuo Lingquan and Wu Qingwan came to the front of the mountain with the vast number of people, and listened to the surrounding people's talk. "Tan worshiping the moon", when Venerable Lord Linyuan passed by in the early years, it was not pleasing to the eye, so he erased it. ’.

The reason for this statement is naturally that the two venerable masters disagreed in private. Zuo Lingquan's understanding of the ancestors of Shangguan, it is impossible to do such a cheap thing. After listening to it, he just laughed.

The stone wall is at the entrance of Meishan Mountain, but most people turn back when they come here. Very few people go in. Because they have to collect tickets, the price of 100 white jade pillars is too high.

Zuo Lingquan and Wu Qingwan came here, and naturally they would not be stingy with the ticket money. After paying the money, they crossed the stone bridge and entered the winding path. Both sides were full of undeveloped barren mountains and ridges, and even the edges and corners of buildings could be seen not.

Wu Qingwan was originally very interested, but when she saw the barren mountains and ridges that could not be seen, she was suddenly disappointed:

"What's the 'Meishan's rhyme', I saw that the moon in the water is mentioned every day, and I thought it was beautiful, but it turned out to be not as good as the Phoenix Valley. No wonder no one wants to spend money to come in. Isn't this a shame?"

"It's such a beautiful place, you don't need to invite people to promote it every day. The ticket price is so high, probably because everyone will only come here once in a lifetime."

After Zuo Lingquan took a few steps, he also felt that the scenery in front of him was very different from what he imagined, so he set his eyes on the stone monument by the roadside.

Between the mountains on the side of the stone road, there are many stone monuments that are half buried in the soil. I don’t know how many years of wind and rain have washed them away. Most of them can’t be seen clearly. Only a few stone monuments in good positions are left, and the handwriting can be recognized.

Next to the stone monument where the writing can be seen, there are some monks around, watching carefully, because it is forbidden to expand the monument, and there are disciples guarding it.

Zuo Lingquan walked up to him and glanced at it. The handwriting engraved on it was completely understandable. Literary poems such as 'If you want to draw a spring breeze, make a brush, Feng Shui will become a river with falling clouds', are not interesting at all.

Zuo Lingquan didn't do much research on poetry, but he could still tell whether it was good or bad. He was about to shake his head and joke about something when he suddenly saw the signature below - Chen Chaoli.

Zuo Lingquan's footsteps staggered, and his words became:

"What the **** is this... a wonderful poem, the person who wrote the poem is also a great person."

Wu Qingwan also wanted to comment, and when she saw the name, she knew that I was not worthy, so she obediently shut her mouth.

The few monks who were looking at the stele could naturally see that the poem was not well written, but no one dared to go outside Fulong Mountain and say that the Lord Fulong was not.

"The Taoist has good eyesight, not to mention poetic accomplishments, just this artistic conception, I can't match it..."

Zuo Lingquan suddenly felt that this ticket was actually quite reasonable. In other places, where can you see the "Humble Work" of the Eight Lords.

He became interested again, and continued to move forward with Wu Qingwan, trying to find out if there was any calligraphy left by the ancestors of Shangguan.

There are many stone monuments outside Meishan, roughly estimated to be no less than a thousand. Most of them have been completely corroded. Although no notes left by Shangguan Yutang have been found, there are only a dozen or so words left, all of which are famous people.

Even if Zuo Lingquan hadn't heard of it, he also learned the origin from other monks, the last time being the first-generation elders of the three major sects.

Zuo Lingquan stopped and walked, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became - the place where so many immortals are willing to leave the calligraphy, he currently only knows the city wall of the Sword Emperor City; Meishan's influence was probably not lost to the Sword Imperial City, and the handwriting on the stele, judging from the choice of words and sentences, all praise the beauty of the plum blossoms here, without any publicity or devaluation.

For this to happen, either the scenery here is so good that everyone is fascinated, or the people here are so qualified that no one dares to say anything bad.

But after thousands of years of vicissitudes, the glory of the past has long been attributed to the weeds and rotten trees all over the mountains. Zuo Lingquan has never even heard of such a person in the practice.

Wu Qingwan felt similar to Zuo Lingquan. After walking for a while, she sighed:

"There is a saying in the secular world, 'dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth'. The same is true for the practice of Taoism. No matter how famous people and things are, they can't bear the years. It is a powerful place; I am afraid that in a few hundred years, the world will not find any traces at all."


Zuo Lingquan nodded slightly, and continued to walk forward until he came to the foot of Meishan Mountain full of plum blossom trees.

Plum blossoms are developed in winter and spring. Because it is summer, you can only see the lush greenery of the mountains. Except for the neat tree species, the scenery is not very beautiful.

Zuo Lingquan came to the foot of the mountain road and found that there are more tourists here than on the road. Many new stone tablets have been erected all over the mountain, and the handwriting is clearly visible. The distance is at most more than a hundred years, and the closest may be yesterday; as for the above His poems and songs are not as good as those of Lord Fulong.

The two found a wooden building at the foot of the mountain, and there were a lot of monks watching the fun. After asking, they learned that the sect in charge of this place, in order to make money, specially made these stone tablets, so that tourists can spend money to leave handwriting. The price is extremely exaggerated, a thousand white jade baht, which is close to a spiritual tool.

Although it is ugly to eat, I have to say that my calligraphy can be put together with Lord Fulong and other immortal bigwigs, which can make many people who are not bad for money tempted.

Zuo Lingquan can afford the money, but it is meaningless to let him do this kind of thing at present, and it may make people laugh when he becomes famous in the future.

Wu Qingwan naturally didn't have the habit of being a prodigal daughter-in-law. After glancing at the young people who were paying for money, she wanted to set off on the return journey. But seeing the Zongmen brand on the waist of the disciple who paid the money, Wu Qingwan frowned suddenly and stopped.

Zuo Lingquan thought he had seen an acquaintance, and looked back at the crowd, but found nothing unusual, and asked:

"What's up?"

"Ling Quan, look at the sign on the young man's waist, the Zong emblem on it, doesn't it look familiar?"

The emblem of the sect is the symbol of the major sects, and it is also engraved on various produced objects. It is too normal to look familiar.

Zuo Lingquan was a little funny at first, but when he looked carefully at the big head in Tsing Yi, he found that the Zong emblem on his waist was a 'two-leaf gourd'. Definitely looked closely somewhere.

"Really... have you met somewhere? We have met together..."


Wu Qingwan frowned, and after thinking about it for a long time, she suddenly took Zuo Lingquan's Linglong Pavilion and rummaged through it. She didn't know where she was, and found two pages of 'Fu Pu'. Looking at the emblem on it, she suddenly realized :

"As expected, I said where I saw it..."

When Zuo Lingquan saw Fu Pu, he remembered that he still had this stuff in his collection-this was when he was ambushed by Ye Xiu in the back mountain of Qihuang Bone Valley, and he got it from the robe of Master Fu, and he was also Junior Brother Wang Rui. It was found by touching the bones; because I couldn't understand it and it was not easy to sell, I kept throwing it away.

Zuo Lingquan was full of smiled and said, "Can you remember this? I forgot all about it."

"Are women attentive? Besides, the baby you brought back for the first time, let me study it, I must be deeply impressed."

Wu Qingwan glanced at Fupu and asked: "The Fupu is a scrap page, it looks like it was stolen, and it's useless for us to hold it, what should we do now?"

Zuo Lingquan felt that something that a Qi refining cultivator could steal would not be a treasure, and it would be useless for him to keep it.


Many thanks to the leader of [Exiled Immortal zx] for the reward!

Debt...a lot or2!

I wrote it last night until now, I just finished it, and then I have to write it at night, I guess I can't make it out...

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