Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 11: Unhappy Life 10 of 89

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At noon, the mountain wind is hunting.

Dressed in a red dress, Jiang Yi stood on the covered bridge outside the main peak of the barren mountain, overlooking the mountains in the north.

The covered bridge has just been built. It is constructed of giant wood and is six feet wide. The giant pillar supports hang in the air and leads directly to the center of the Jingtai Zongmen. There are sculptures of thousands of birds and beasts on the fences on both sides, among which are unique to the barren mountains. White Mountain Essence.

Because Bai Shan Jing looked similar to the dumplings, Jiang Yi stood next to the sculpture, and the back figure was a little smaller than the majestic covered bridge.

Between the mountains in front of you, the giant beasts slowly walked through the stone, and the formation masters from Fulong Mountain and the craftsmen of Tiandi City commanded apprentices and disciples on the top of the mountain, and carefully carved magnificent or exquisite buildings.

In the winter of last year, he escaped by stealing Dan. Although he did not attack the frightening terrace between the mountains, the aftermath still destroyed most of the buildings in the sect.

There is a lot of attention to the structure of the sect, repairing and repairing is too cumbersome, and the stealing pill is gone, there is no need to beware of the main peak of the barren mountain, the original layout has lost its effect, and all the terraces are simply pushed to build a new one, from last year to this year , is nearing completion.

When the main peak of the barren mountain rushed out of stealing pills, the entire south side of the mountain was knocked open, and the divine fire cave below became very unstable. .

The villa was originally the residence of Qiu Boyue, the founder of the mountain, in the sect. At first, there was only a small house. After getting married and having children, it was expanded several times.

Qiu Boyue is relatively young among the eight masters, but she is definitely not young. It has been passed down for thousands of years. It is reasonable to say that the Qiu family should be a prosperous family, but in fact it is not the case.

The higher the humaneness in the practice, the more cautious about the inheritance of blood.

Although the heaven and earth do not restrict the cultivator of Gaojing from having children, the cultivator of Gaojing can already live for a long time. He does not need to rely on quick life and quick death to continue the bloodline. The birth of an offspring will not give birth to an ordinary offspring whose life span is only a few decades. Come Add the pain of losing a child to yourself, and only give birth to descendants who can also live forever.

In this way, the investment in raising children and grandchildren is bound to be huge. It is not just one shot that can give birth to the best sons of the world every time; the high investment in training invisibly limits the number of children a cultivator can breed.

If one only cares about giving birth and not raising them, then no matter how many births they have, they are just ordinary people, and their children and grandchildren are all passers-by in this world. I am afraid that few people are willing to live like that.

Not only practitioners, ordinary birds, beasts, fish and insects, but also the longer the lifespan, the fewer the offspring. The reason is the rigid limitation of the resources of heaven and earth.

The Qiu family has been in a single line since the ancestor Qiu Boyue, and now there are only a few people in the entire enemy family. There are some distant relatives such as grandparents, but they are not here in the barren mountains.

Jiang Yi followed the ancestor Shangguan to the barren mountain. The people brought by the Lord Lin Yuan were naturally distinguished guests, and were settled in the villa by the Qiu family.

After half a month, Jiang Yi had not seen anyone in the villa. The Lord of Barren Mountain refused to say that she was injured, and she went to retreat in an unknown place to cultivate, and she would not be able to come out for a few years; the ancestor of Shangguan accompanied Tang Jingxuan and soaked together in the Shenhuo Cave; although her cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds, but It's still very low, I can't stay in Shenhuo Cave for a long time, I can only go in and out slowly.

At noon, when the anger was at its peak, Jiang Yi couldn't bear the surging power in the Shenhuo Cave, so she rested on the edge of the covered bridge and looked into the distance.

Leng Zhu, as a personal servant girl, followed suit this time, standing in front of her, trying to hug the Baishan Jing sculpture much larger than her.

Seeing that Jiang Yi was holding her chest, and her eyes sometimes had a look of worry, Leng Zhu comforted:

"Is the princess worried about Young Master Zuo? Don't worry, with the concubine in front of you, Young Master Zuo will be fine, and my aunt must be safe..."

Jiang Yi is here because the concubine is in front of Zuo Lingquan, and she is here to be the husband stone. Seeing this stupid maid who can't figure out what she wants, she frowned and said:

"I'm worried about what he's doing? I'm worried that when I'm not in front of me, my aunt and the concubine can't talk to each other, and I'm bored alone."

"How can Auntie be bored, the princess is not around..."

Leng Zhu wanted to say, "You can let go of the mess with Zuo Gongzi", but she noticed that Jiang Yi's eyes were wrong, which might make her go back to Dadan immediately, and quickly changed her words: "The princess is not with me, my aunt must have been thinking about the princess, Shall we get in touch?"

Jiang Yi didn't want to disturb Zuo Lingquan and the others, and she really contacted her. If Zuo Lingquan was practicing and her auntie covered her mouth and chatted with her, she would have to die.

Jiang Yi didn't want to talk anymore, turned around and walked towards the entrance of Shenhuodongtian.

Leng Zhu shrugged angrily and followed behind, but before he had finished walking the covered bridge, he saw two figures walking out from the other side of the covered bridge.

The person who came was also a pair of master and servant. The figure walking in front was a woman, wearing a long snow-colored dress, tall and slender, and her body was spotless. Her face was covered with a white gauze. All she could see was a long black hair, like a cold star. The sharp bright eyes and eyebrows like willow leaves do not look fierce, but they are very cold, making people feel unattainable at first glance.

There was also a woman behind her, dressed like a housekeeper in a big family, with a slightly longer face, more graceful, dignified and dignified, holding a long white sheathed sword in her hand, walking behind her back, looking at the two of them.

After Jiang Yi came to live here, she knew that there were other people in the barren hills, but she had never seen them before, and she was a little stunned when she suddenly encountered two people coming out of it.

Although I hadn't seen the two who came out, Jiang Yi probably guessed that the person who came was probably the eldest lady from Jing Terrace.

In the past at Dengchao Port, Jiang Yi, through Zuo Lingquan's perspective, saw Miss Qiu who returned from Hua Junzhou from a distance.

After coming to the barren mountain, Jiang Yi had no chance to inquire about these matters. She was very unfamiliar with this eldest lady from the Xianjia family with an outrageous background; there was no fork in the Pingchuan on the covered bridge, and she pretended not to see anything inappropriate, so she stopped in place and watched The two went over.

Miss Qiu was evaluated by Shangguan Lingye as 'the swordsmanship is sloppy, the technique is not good, the comprehension is not high, the talent is not good, the second child of ten thousand years...', but in reality it will definitely not be so unbearable; Throwing so many adjectives to Shangguan Lingye, who has a high opinion, at least has to be an opponent that Shangguan Lingye finds difficult to deal with, so that he will be so impressed.

As one of the young masters with the greatest background in the nine sects, a high attitude is inevitable. Miss Chou walked in the middle of the covered bridge, walking without looking sideways, as if she didn't notice the two at all, or noticed, but didn't bother to pay attention.

The other party said that it was also the beginning of the jade step, and Jiang Yi didn't care about it. After the other party entered, she wanted to continue to go to Shenhuodongtian.

But what Jiang Yi did not expect was that after Miss Qiu walked over, she suddenly stopped and looked back at her and Leng Zhu:

"Are you the new apprentice of Lord Linyuan?"

The sound is like a silver bell, like water like a song, the voice sounds very comfortable, but it has a hint of sharpness.

Jiang Yi was very surprised, stopped, turned around and nodded slightly:

"Fairy misunderstood, I just followed the Lord Linyuan along the way, not the apprentice of the Lord Linyuan."

In the jurisdiction of the nine sects, people who can be taken out by one of the venerable lords to go out to experience, even if they are not apprentices, must have a close relationship.

Miss Qiu knew that the ancestor of Shangguan was alone, and Jiang Yi could not be the daughter and niece of the ancestor, so she treated it as an apprentice, and she said:

"You look much more comfortable than Shangguan Lingye. If you practice well, you will not be worse than her in the future."


Jiang Yi was at a loss, and of course she was a little surprised. She hesitated before responding:

"Fairy won the prize."

Miss Qiu didn't seem to have any intention of making friends. After saying a word without thinking, she stopped talking and turned to leave.

Jiang Yi didn't say much, and watched the master and servant leave with some doubts.

It's just that the two of them hadn't walked a few steps before Jiang Yi saw a white rainbow flying from between the mountains and landing on the covered bridge, turning into an elegant man in a brocade robe.

The man Jiang Yi had seen, it was Qiu Fengqing, the sword-wielding elder who shocked the terrace. When he came here last time, Qiu Fengqing was neither humble nor arrogant when he saw Venerable Lord Linyuan, but this time he was full of smiles and blooming, and he looked almost like , said with a smile:

"Niuniu, Dad was just discussing with Lao Zhao of Covering Yuelin about building a new ferry for you. I didn't expect you to leave the customs earlier and come late..."

niu niu...

Jiang Yi's eyes widened a little, but she didn't expect this cold-looking fairy to have such a down-to-earth nickname.

But she didn't find it funny. She was born in a royal family and grew up in Xihuang Valley since she was a child. Speaking of which, she never got along with her father like a father and daughter in the world since she was a child. Faced with such a scene, it is a bit difficult to say. The taste described may be envy.

However, as the pampered young lady Qiu, she didn't seem to want to appreciate her feelings, but after nodding slightly, she walked over the covered bridge just like a stranger, without stopping.

Qiu Fengqing is under the Lord of the Barren Mountain, and is the most famous person in the mountain gate of Jingtai Town. He can be considered a giant wherever he is, but in the face of this situation, he also shows helplessness. .

Jiang Yi is not good at watching other people's housework, but it is inappropriate to turn her head and leave, so she said hello:

"Senior Qiu."

Qiu Fengqing's eyes were complicated. After her daughter left, she shook her head and sighed, showing a wry smile:

"Ah~ let the princess laugh."

"Senior Qiu is polite, just call me Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi was the eldest princess of the Great Dan Dynasty, and the Great Dan Dynasty was a secular dynasty with its back on the Jing Terrace. It was on the other side of the barren mountain. It was reasonable to call Jiang Yi a princess, but Qiu Fengqing could call it that, obviously because he was behind his back. For the sake of Lord Linyuan.

Venerable Lord Linyuan was nearby, and when Qiu Fengqing met Jiang Yi, he was not left out, and came to him and said:

"How is the princess living on the mountain these days? There is no suitable person at home to accompany the princess, so I really neglect the princess. Originally, that kid from Zuo Yunting was on the mountain, he also came from the Great Dan, and the princess seems to be relatives, so they can talk. It's a pity that I went out a few days ago."

Jiang Yi knew that Zuo Yunting was here, and when she came to the barren mountain, she wanted to inquire about the idiot, and when she heard this, she asked:

"Where did Zuo Yunting go?"

"I went to Central Continent with Lao Lu. There seems to be news of the immortal sword there. Qi Jia went home to grab the opportunity, and he followed to help."


Jiang Yi blinked and felt that this was too nonsense. Zuo Yunting was famous for doing nothing in the capital of Dadan. The only way she could think of to help was to stay at home and not move around, so as not to drag her teammates down. .

Qiu Fengqing's sense of Zuo Yunting is actually quite good. Seeing Jiang Yi's strange expression, she said with a smile:

"Don't underestimate Zuo Yunting, he can't do anything else, doesn't seem like he can do anything, but this kid is lucky and popular. Cultivating one way, luck is like everything works. Thinking back then, how many of us were I was wandering outside with Lao Lu. At that time, Lao Lu was ruthless and dared to do anything. We all knew that we couldn’t make friends, but we couldn’t hold back that boy’s luck. He could find magic tricks and secrets wherever he went. I can't bear to break up..."

Jiang Yi is as interested as Zuo Lingquan in the past of these Xianjia bosses. She has heard of Lao Lu, and she is curious about this:

"In this way, Old Man Lu should be very successful, but now Old Man Lu... doesn't seem to be as powerful as Senior Qiu."

Qiu Fengqing recalled the past, sighed, and said earnestly:

"Cultivation is all about cultivating the mind at the end, the chance of magic and even longevity, in the end, it is the bait that evokes greed in the bottom of the heart. If you drill too deep and forget why, it will be too late when you want to look back; Lao Lu is wrong. If you fail to be ruthless to the end, otherwise you won't be able to become an immortal, you can also be a big devil, and you will regret halfway through, and as a result, you will not be able to achieve both."

Jiang Yi seems to understand but does not understand.

"It's normal that you don't understand now. There are many things like this. In the past, there was a swordsman in Central Continent, named Lin Zifeng, who was a little older than me. If you are obsessed with demons, you can't understand Jianyi, and you think that it is caused by the shackles of your heart. Gradually, you no longer distinguish between good and evil, enemies and friends. When you feel that you are coming, you will use the sword, and when you use the sword, you will kill people. No one can judge his intentions, maybe one moment he was a brother, the next moment he killed people, and in the end everyone met him first, even his relatives and friends in the past..."

"So what happened to this man in the end?"

"There has been no movement for some years, either dead or transformed. However, the evil deeds in the past are irreversible. If you see it, you will commit suicide, and if you don't see it, you will be killed. If you can find the Dao, who will reason for those who died in vain?"

Qiu Fengqing chatted a few words casually, and felt that Jiang Yi didn't understand these big truths involving Taoism, and smiled again:

"Zuo Yunting is very powerful, he can see things clearly, there are countless small problems, but he knows what is right and wrong. If Zuo Lingquan's talents are divided into ten and two, I am afraid that the cultivation path will not meet a bottleneck in a lifetime; it's a pity God is just so fair, and won't concentrate all the advantages on one person."

Jiang Yi nodded slightly, but when it comes to her man, she still disagrees:

"I think Zuo Lingquan doesn't seem to have any shortcomings."

"Saints have no shortcomings. Generally, saints have to do big things. They are destined to be vigorous and have no chance with Zun Qianye Xia. There is a saying in the secular world that loyalty and filial piety are difficult to balance, so why not practice the Tao?"

Qiu Fengqing looked at the direction of her daughter's departure, and this sentence was probably talking about himself. He sighed softly, and raised his hand to say goodbye.

Jiang Yi stood in the same place and recalled what he had just said. She really hoped that she and Zuo Lingquan could be peaceful and peaceful for a lifetime, instead of being full of dynamism and danger, and still a little tangled.

But these things are far away. Jiang Yi didn't think about it. After there was no one else on the covered bridge, he and Leng Zhu entered the entrance of Shenhuo Cave...



The sand dunes are like waves, undulating and stretching to the sky. The cross wind swept up the sand and drifted between the dunes. Under the shining of the silver-white moonlight, it was like a misty white mist.

The moon in the desert is huge, like a silver disc hanging in mid-air, within reach; the scenery of the galaxy overhead is far more splendid and magnificent than the barren sand sea, so that the people walking in it always stare at the sky, Even forgot the distance between each other.

On the east side of the sand sea, on an unnamed sand dune, a bearded man in a cape walked along the ridgeline of the hill on the moonlit night. The cape was blown to the side, and the sound of hunting was like a black flag moving in the sand sea. , sometimes revealing the hilt of the sword wrapped in sackcloth under the cloak.

Behind the man, a scholar in a robe, with a square scarf and a folding fan in hand, walked slowly.

The scholar is very slender, looks weak, and his chest muscles are slightly larger; his face is as white as jade, his eyes are clear and full of energy, even if his face is too feminine, he looks like a rare and elegant young man in the world. Compared with the bearded man in front of him, Yun Mud difference.

Although two men walked together, there was no one around, one was tough and masculine, the other was feminine and handsome. Walking together would still make outsiders misunderstand the relationship between the two; especially the bearded man, who occasionally glanced back at the scholar behind him. , that look is like saying 'the moon is beautiful, but how can you look good', people who don't know the inside story may get goosebumps all over.

The two unfamiliar faces on the dunes were naturally Shangguan Lingye, who was a woman dressed as a man, and Zuo Lingquan, who was a man dressed as a beast.

After arriving in Central Continent, Zuo Lingquan did not stop for a moment, and did not contact outsiders. He sneaked past the residences of several major families and entered Shahai from a remote place.

The sand sea is extremely wide, occupying a small half of the western part of Central Continent. All you can see is the sand and the oases with few rare oases, but there are more things inside; The strange geographical environment and the wild repairs that may appear at any time make entering the sand sea with a certain danger.

As the name suggests, the Bone Burial Ground is buried under the ground. The horizontal wind keeps changing the surface of the ground. No one knows how deep it is buried. Most of it has a formation to cover the Qi machine. Meaning, otherwise, the eight masters will know at a glance where the spiritual mines are buried in the nine sects. If you want to find things buried in the ground, you still have to conduct on-the-spot exploration to determine.

Zuo Lingquan didn't study these things deeply. There was no other way except digging with a shovel. Naturally, the exploration work was handed over to Ling Ye, who was knowledgeable and talented. Aside from finding some scattered debris, the target was not found; there were also some scattered cultivators who were hunting for treasures, but they were all small cultivators, and there was no intersection.

Wu Qingwan should also follow along to dig for treasures, but Shangguan Lingye's disguise is too old-fashioned.

As the saying goes 'a woman is a person who pleases herself', Wu Qingwan herself doesn't want to look in the mirror, how can she be willing to follow her lover, let him always look at her honor, just stay on the painting boat, follow behind, help Shangguanling Ye handles business affairs.

The white and round dumplings also failed to escape the poisonous hands. They were dressed up as yellow-brown sand larks that can be encountered in the desert, and turned into 'scout chickens', helping them explore together around the area.

Zuo Lingquan was also quite dissatisfied with his appearance as a rough man. After pondering for a long time, he felt that Lingye did this on purpose to make Qingwan voluntarily stay in the painting boat to work. He walked on the sand dunes for a while and looked back. To the queen concubine behind:

"Lingye, if you dress me and Qingwan like this, and you just wear men's clothes, will you show any flaws?"

Shangguan Lingye stopped on the sand dunes and looked down at the details of the ground. Hearing Zuo Lingquan's words, she looked down at the scholar's robe on her body:

"What's the flaw?"

Zuo Lingquan slowed down and walked side by side on the sand dunes, his eyes on the beautiful side face that looked different, but the appearance was not reduced by half:

"The whole body is full of flaws. The face looks like a woman, and the proportions of the body are too thin. The waist is too thin and the legs are too long. It looks very thin, but the bust and hips are huge..."


Shangguan Lingye narrowed his eyes slightly and stood up straight.

Zuo Lingquan quickly looked away from the graceful buttocks line, serious:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just talking about things, and I don't mean to be eloquent; this kind of body proportion cannot appear on a man. The most obvious thing is the walking posture. When a man walks like this and twists his butt, he is easy to be beaten..."

Shangguan Lingye knew that she was full of flaws, so she acted like a fan of the authorities and wondered:

"I walk like this all the time. I don't think there is any problem. Is it strange? Would you like to learn it and let me see?"


Zuo Lingquan was about to take advantage of the situation to learn the steps of the swaying lady of the concubine, but fortunately, the reaction stopped immediately.

He tilted his head to look at Shangguan Lingye, who was pretending to be stupid, and wanted to continue to explain, but he felt that he couldn't wake up the stupid person, so he followed the trend:

"That being the case, when a stubborn man like me encounters a demonic girl, he must be corrected, otherwise it will be too fake."

Saying that, Zuo Lingquan glared at him and made a fierce Zhang Fei look: "Walk well for me, what kind of decency is it for a big old man?" He raised his hand and patted Shangguan Lingye's fragrance. buttocks.

Shangguan Lingye's movement is self-evident, twisting his waist slightly did not let Zuo Lingquan succeed, but he did not joke any more, his eyes indicated his appearance:

"Both of us pretend to be flawless, but people can't figure out the truth and want to investigate carefully. The other party's target is you, I dress up as a flawless person, and those who are interested will investigate, and my attention will be on me, I won't think You also disguised yourself, glanced at it and left."

This explanation is a bit far-fetched, but it also makes sense. Zuo Lingquan thought about it and no longer bothered about it, but he didn't let go.

At this moment, Shangguan Lingye was leaning over to put his hands on the sand dune to perceive, and the large bowing movement made the loose scholar's robe, the hem of which was tight against his buttocks, and the original curve outlined under the back waist, which was full of tension. The fabric was not even wrinkled at all. Looking at it in the moonlight, it looked like a big ripe peach, and it felt a little rounder than the big moon in the sky.

There was no one around, and Zuo Lingquan inevitably had some distracting thoughts in his heart. After he traced his eyes slightly, he continued:

"Since it's a woman at first sight, and I'm alone with a man and a widow, and I'm such a man, it feels weird not to move..."

Speaking like a rough old man, he took advantage of the situation and stretched his hand to Shangguan Lingye's buttocks, trying to play with it.

Zuo Lingquan thought Shangguan Lingye would dodge again, but he didn't expect his hand to reach it, it felt soft and warm to the touch, and he could feel the amazing elasticity under the robe, and he really touched it.


Zuo Lingquan stood behind him, maintaining a posture that was not on the table, blinked his eyes, raised his hand and patted as if covering his ears and stealing a bell, and explained as if he had patted off the dust:

"Well...there is sand, I just photographed the ashes..."


On the soft cloth, ripples like meat waves swayed slightly, and Zuo Lingquan's heart jumped when he saw it.

Shangguan Lingye closed her eyes to perceive the underground situation, and seemed unable to focus on it. She didn't turn her head, and said in a deep voice:

"I asked you to come out and look for opportunities, are these things all you have in mind?"


Zuo Lingquan thought so, but he couldn't say it like that, he withdrew his hand angrily:

"Besides sand or sand, just kidding to relieve boredom."


Shangguan Lingye didn't care about Zuo Lingquan's actions, and said plainly: "If you feel bored, you can go back to the painting boat to accompany your Qingwan, so I don't have to share with you when I find a big opportunity."

Zuo Lingquan naturally wouldn't let Shangguan Lingye work here alone, he said with a smile:

"This kind of thing is based on the rules of the practice, and it is divided according to the amount of effort. I can't help anything right now, and it should be all yours."

To put it bluntly, Shangguan Lingye is actually a bit at a loss. After all, no matter how much treasure she saves, if she is killed by Zuo Lingquan in the future, it will become a dowry.

However, Zuo Lingquan didn't have the heart to cheat money and robbery, and Shangguan Lingye didn't think so far, so he nodded and said:

"This is what you said. If I get the fairy sword, I will switch to martial arts and practice Then don't be jealous and say that I rob you of your chance."

"how could be."


The two chatted not far from each other, and then explored the distance for a while. Zuo Lingquan really couldn't help, so he put his mind on each other, and wanted to talk about some topics between men and women, and let the spirit of finding a needle in a haystack. Ye is not too boring.

But Zuo Lingquan hadn't thought of what to say, when the sound of flapping his wings came from far away.


The two looked up at the same time, but saw Huang Buliuqiu's dumplings flying over from a distance, very fast, their little wings fanned out afterimages, chirping, and their voices were still a little anxious.

Zuo Lingquan's face froze, knowing that the dumpling must have found something, and hurriedly greeted him...

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