Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 25: Tuan Tuan Jian Xian

The shaking of the earth and the mountains gradually stopped. The broken walls and ruins of the ancient sect were half buried under the yellow sand, and there were only a few towering ancient trees. The tree canopy protruded from the sand slope, and was bent over by the continuous torrential rain.

The raindrops hit the fan-like leaves, making a dense crackling sound, and you can faintly hear a low voice under the leaves:


The tweet is very rhythmic, it sounds like singing, and the lyrics are roughly like 'green umbrella...'.

It's a pity that no one could hear this unique ditty on a desolate rainy night where the fingers could not be seen.

Under the rain hitting the slightly trembling leaves, the solitary dumplings squatted on the branches to shelter from the rain; with dark eyes, they stared blankly at the mountains darker than their eyes, looking for the trace of the nurse.

Just now, the ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and everyone could feel it for thousands of miles. Lao Lu was injured, and he couldn't resist the wind without wings.

I do not want to come to the mountain peak when we parted, the world has changed greatly, and the dumplings don't know where the two went, anyway, they didn't leave any mark on it.

Danzi is very powerful and true, but after all, it's a little bird, and I can't feel the trace of the two of them. The rain is too heavy and it's uncomfortable to fly, so I just wait here to see if the two of them will come back later.

Maybe she was thinking about waiting for the nurse to come back, she was so pitiful and wanted to ask for dried fish; the dumplings also used their wings to catch some rain, and wiped the white fur on the chest, making a pitiful appearance of 'a chicken in soup'.

It's a pity that at this moment, the nanny is feeding others to eat fat and soft steamed buns, and the soft place is also occupied by others.

Danzi played a one-man show that took time, and gradually lost his patience. He broke a small leaf with a bird's beak, rolled it up and made a small green hat.

Danzi put the small bucket hat on his furry head, and was about to open his claws and embark on a journey to find a nanny, but after thinking about it, it looks a lot like Quanquan, so he folded a small branch and inserted it diagonally. between the wings behind.

After finishing, Danzi stood under the leaves, turned his head to look, um... a little bit like 'Tuan Tuan Jian Xian'. It nodded slightly, stepped into the rain curtain, walked along the mountain wall where the sand flow surging, and walked towards the distant night.

The dumplings don't like to fly, not because they are fat and can't fly, but because they grew up with Tang Jingxuan since childhood. Tang Jingxuan was afraid that it would run away by itself, so he trained it as soon as it flew over the courtyard wall. Chatting with a few old hens in the chicken coop in the backyard, over time, I gradually developed the habit of like walking.

The dumpling's current body size is a little bigger than the chicken, and it can be imagined how fast he can walk by relying on his two claws and claws. Below some.

Fortunately, walking around like this is not without gain.

While Danzi was pondering the direction, he suddenly felt a slight movement at the foot of the mountain, as if someone was there.


Danzi thought it was the nanny who came back, so he got a little bit more energetic, jumped all the way, and soon came to the foot of the mountain, and looked at it from the top of the cliff.

The ground at the foot of the mountain was submerged by yellow sand, and it turned into a quicksand lake under the rainstorm. It looked like a flat ground, but as long as you stepped in it, it was a bottomless cannibal swamp.

At this time, with the help of the lightning, a small figure could be faintly seen, wearing a scorpion, half-squatting under a mound on the edge of the quicksand lake, holding a long probe, probing into the quicksand, as if groping for something .

Seeing that it wasn't a wet nurse, the dumplings did not show disappointment, because although the figure in the distance was not as big as a wet nurse, it wasn't very small. It was better to have milk than not to have it.

When Tuanzi saw the acquaintance, he didn't hide his figure any longer. He flew down from the cliff, and a few ups and downs came to the side of the figure. He was slightly surprised and said:



Be careful of the figure hidden under the mound, caught off guard, jumped up in shock, turned around to hold the iron pipa, and landed more than ten meters away, the face under the hat turned white with fright.

Tuanzi was a little dazed, and spread out his small wings:


Actually, it's not that Xie Qiutao was surprised.

Xie Qiutao sensed that there was movement in the sand sea, said goodbye to Wu Qingwan, ran here alone, and found the mountain after looking for the movement of the earth and the mountain.

Xie Qiutao has traveled alone for many years. She looks young, but she is actually extremely cautious. She knows that this place is not peaceful and there may be potential rivals or monsters, so she hides her tracks along the way.

Xie Qiutao thought that she was well hidden. When she was just looking for treasure, she was still carefully paying attention to her surroundings, but she thought that she would suddenly make a "squeak!" from behind her buttocks. In a blink of an eye, there was a 'fat mushroom essence' with a green head, a distance away from her. Only a short distance away.

The surroundings were pitch-dark, Xie Qiutao must have thought it was a monster in the mountains at first glance, but at this time, keeping a distance and looking carefully, only to find that it was a dumpling with a leaf on top of it, looking at her eagerly.

"Eh? Tuanzi... scoff..."

Xie Qiutao had a look of surprise on her face, but after seeing how the dumplings were dressed, she couldn't help laughing, and she quickly covered her mouth, fearing that the laughter would be heard too loudly.

Danzi was very smart. He could see that this was a mockery, and he was immediately unhappy. He wanted to use his wings to slap all the mess on his body.

"Don't, don't, it's so pretty, did Mr. Zuo get it for you?"

Xie Qiutao trotted to the front, held up the dumpling, looked at it with a baby-like smile, and helped to straighten Ye Zidou hat.

For the dumplings, the biggest thing is to eat in the sky and the earth. At this time, they don’t move around. They pretend to be weak and lie down in the palm of their hands. A tragic experience of not eating a hot meal.

Xie Qiutao saw that the dumplings were starving, and hurriedly took out a bunch of fairy fruit spirits that were found on the way to the dumplings as food rations, and asked at the same time:

"What about Young Master Zuo and the others? Is it nearby?"

Danzi shook his head like a rattle as he devoured it.

Xie Qiutao blinked, feeling a little dazed. She didn't understand why the two who had always been inseparable with the dumplings were not in front of her.

However, judging from the expression of the dumplings, the two of them didn't seem to be in trouble, and the dumplings couldn't speak, so Xie Qiutao didn't ask any further questions, just instructed the dumplings to eat slowly and not to choke.

As the saying goes, eating people's mouth is soft, and the dumplings stood in the palm of their hands and chewed the fruit of the spirit, looking at the probe inserted into the quicksand, and asked curiously:


Xie Qiutao understood what she meant this time, and was asking her what she was doing. Like Shangguan Lingye, she put the dumpling on her shoulder and picked up the probe again to inquire:

"There is a long ditch under here, extending from the foot of the mountain to here. It should have been poked by Zuo Gongzi's This mound is formed by the accumulation of uplifted soil at the end of the long ditch. Zuo Gongzi If you're hitting something, the corpse of that thing should be here, I..."

When Xie Qiutao said this, she blinked and coughed lightly:

"I'll help pick up the spoils and return it to Young Master Zuo when I see him, hee~."

Tuanzi could see that Xie Qiutao was trying to get some oil and water along the way. He shook his head, made two "jiji" sounds, and then pointed his wings into the distance. He should be saying:

"It's all smashed. What kind of **** can you pick up? Elbow, Bird and Bird will take you to find the big guy."

Xie Qiutao probably understood the meaning of dumplings. Danzi had found a stone room buried deep in the ground a few days ago, so compared to her own feelings, she obviously believed in Danzi's ability to search for treasures. She immediately put away the probe and walked in the direction pointed by Danzi, smiling. :

"You want to take me to find the baby?"


"What baby?"


"Uh... can you write?"




There's one more chapter to come.


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