Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 40: practice exercises

The latest website: The courtyard is silent, and the warm yellow light in the study reflects the reflections of the three people on the window paper.

Shangguan Lingye leaned on the chess couch, watching the men and women with strange expressions on the opposite side pulling and pulling, he was at a loss, and asked:

"what are you guys saying?"

Zuo Lingquan didn't say anything, just reunited after a long absence. He didn't want Qingwan to leave the empty boudoir alone. He held Qingwan's wrist and said with a smile:

"It's nothing, I just left for a few months, and finally came back. After a few chats, I'm going to leave, and I'm reluctant."

Wu Qingwan sat sideways on the edge of the chess couch, twisting her wrists, but unable to free the big hand, she could only say:

"What can't you bear, it's not that you can't chat tomorrow. It's getting late, you two should rest early. I'm afraid Miss Xie doesn't know you're back. I'll go and tell her."

Shangguan Lingye couldn't promise to rest with Zuo Lingquan in front of Qingwan, he shook his head and said:

"What is the day and night for people in the practice? If he wants to talk for a while, let him talk, don't rush this moment."


Wu Qingwan opened her mouth and saw that Ling Ye didn't know Quan's heart was sinister and jumped into the fire pit, she was speechless.

With a smile on his face, Zuo Lingquan turned around and picked up the chess case and placed it on the tea table on the side, leaving the chess couch empty; then he took three silk hidden sacs from the room—that is, the pillow— Put it on the side of the chess couch by the window.

Wu Qingwan's eyes were strange, she sat a little further away, picked up a cup of tea from the tea table, sipped it, and remained silent.

Shangguan Lingye was leaning on the chess table, but when the chess table was opened, she naturally sat up. She looked at Zuo Lingquan who was busy back and forth inexplicably:

"What are you doing?"

"The chessboard takes up space, and I have nowhere to lean on, so it's uncomfortable to sit."

Zuo Lingquan placed the three soft pillows along the windowsill, leaned comfortably in the middle, and then motioned left and right:

"Lie down and talk."

"You're quite enjoying it."

Shangguan Lingye usually likes to lean against him, but at this time he didn't show a twisted look. He leaned generously by the window and sat side by side with Zuo Lingquan. Because there was no topic, she thought about it and asked:

"By the way, after you were kidnapped by Venerable Peach Blossom, why did she embarrass you?"

Taohua Zunzhu is a good person, but he has a little temper. He wants to compete with the ancestors of Shangguan, and he never treats Zuo Lingquan badly.

Zuo Lingquan was behind him, so naturally he wouldn't say that it was the Peach Blossom Venerable Lord's fault. He just asked the Peach Blossom Venerable Lord to ask for his guilt and that the ancestor didn't attend the appointment. Then he talked about the calamity in Meishan.

Wu Qingwan was sitting on the edge of the tea couch drinking tea. She knew that she would lean over, and she would not stand up tonight, so she was always looking for a chance to escape; but when she heard that there were still a lot of peaches left, Zuo Lingquan took out the peach pit and gave it to Shangguan. Ling Ye looked at it, but she still couldn't hold back, she put down the teacup and moved closer.

The peach pit of Xiantao is not much different in shape from ordinary peach pits, but the color is dark green with a dark luster, about the size of a baby's fist.

Shangguan Lingye held it in his hand and played with it, faintly aware of the gentle power that nourishes all things, and nodded slightly:

"Such a pure source of the five elements, it is difficult to find a second one in the world. Even if Qingwan can't refine her life, it is not small to bring her to meditate and practice."

Wu Qingwan is the master of wood and has a natural affinity for the wood of the five elements - just like ordinary people who like certain weather and certain colors, they will instinctively pay attention when they meet them - and it is precisely because they are Attracted by peach pit.

Wu Qingwan sat on the side beside Zuo Lingquan, took the peach core, and groped twice between her hands:

"It's true. I feel like a spring breeze just by holding it in my hand. If I hold it to practice, I'm afraid I can get twice the result with half the effort."

Now that we talked about cultivation, Zuo Lingquan naturally answered:

"Want to try it?"

Wu Qingwan's eyes froze admiring the peach core, just as if she didn't hear the nonsense, she picked up the peach core and rubbed it on her cheek.

Shangguan Lingye said, "Cultivation is not about eating and drinking. It's over in two sessions. If you want to benefit from it, you have to retreat and meditate for a while to see the effect. What can you try here?"

Zuo Lingquan shook his head: "Didn't I show you that "Qing Lian Zheng Jing" before, it doesn't require retreat, it's simple and efficient, and you can see the difference in a few hours."


Shangguan Lingye didn't expect Zuo Lingquan to turn the topic to this, and snorted softly:

"What? Do you still want to practice the method of "Qinglian Zhengjing" with Qingwan here?"

Zuo Lingquan did not nod, but jokingly said:

"I want to practice, but I'm afraid you're too shy to watch it."

This aggressive method really hits Shangguan Lingye's weakness.

Shangguan Lingye really didn't dare to look at it, but how could she admit in front of Zuo Lingquan, and she knew that Wu Qingwan would not dare to mess around, so she took the graceful attitude of a concubine and said disdainfully:

"The two of you together are not as big as me. I have seen all kinds of strong winds and waves, so why don't you dare?"

"That's what you said."

"I... what did I say?"

The more Wu Qingwan listened, the more wrong she became. She glared at Zuo Lingquan:

"Don't talk nonsense... eh?"

Before the words of warning were finished, Zuo Lingquan raised his hand and pulled her, causing her to stagger and lean against Zuo Lingquan's chest.

Zuo Lingquan looked innocent and said seriously:

"Since Ling Ye doesn't mind, let's try practicing and see how this peach pit works."

As he spoke, he undid a cloth button on the side of Wu Qingwan's clothes.

The scale of Qingwan's clothes is magnificent, and the long cloud pattern skirt is very slim, the bulging is very tight, and one cloth button is opened, and a gap is opened in the layer of the clothes in an instant, revealing the cloud-white flower room and the fat-headed fish inside. .


No matter how stable Wu Qingwan's mind was, her face instantly flushed red, she raised her hand to cover the front of her clothes, and said angrily:

"Stinky boy, you..."

Shangguan Lingye's expression was stunned, and she didn't expect Zuo Lingquan to dare to move in front of her.

"Zuo Lingquan, are you floating?"

Zuo Lingquan's face was ashamed, he stroked Qingwan's back waist, and hugged her to his side:

"I don't mean anything else, just try the peach pit to see if it's good for cultivation. Ling Ye, you are the best, and you can just give some pointers to see if there are any shortcomings."

? ?

When Shangguan Lingye saw Zuo Lingquan's serious nonsense, he was unavoidably embarrassed and angry. She had only been in the same room with Zuo Lingquan twice. How could she have the ability to point out such a thing, she immediately wanted to get up:

"Then let's practice. I haven't studied "Qing Lian Zheng Jing", so I can't give any pointers, so I'll go out first."

Wu Qingwan knew Zuo Lingquan's temperament and knew that she couldn't run away, so she immediately sold Lingye:

"Lingye has a higher Taoism and more experience than us. If you try it with her, the feeling will be more real. It just so happens that Lingye hasn't studied yet, so you are just teaching her. If there is anything wrong, I can also say a few. Speaking of experience, you say?"

Zuo Lingquan felt that Wan Wan's words were reasonable, so he held Ling Ye's wrist.

How could Shangguan Lingye dare to do such a thing, she drew her hands like an electric shock, and said alertly:

"Are you overwhelmed? Believe it or not, I'll throw you out now?"

Zuo Lingquan said earnestly: "Ling Ye, you are the best, just want to ask you to give some pointers on the exercises. Don't have evil thoughts in such a serious matter."

"I have evil thoughts in my heart? What kind of advice is this... eh?"

Shangguan Lingye refuted it seriously, and before he finished speaking, he saw Zuo Lingquan holding her ankle, pulling her down, lying directly on the tea couch, and pulling up her skirt.

Shangguan Lingye's expression was very annoyed, but how could he really be cruel to his man, seeing Zuo Lingquan start to stalk him again, he naturally panicked, and said solemnly:

"Don't be presumptuous, Qingwan is still here."

Wu Qingwan wanted to run for a long time, got up and said:

"Yeah, I don't think it's suitable. I'll go out first. Call me after you try it."

Unfortunately, before she stood up, she was pulled back by Zuo Lingquan:

"How come you run again after you've agreed to practice the exercises? Ling Ye, don't think about it all the time. Well, this is Qinglian's serious method. You can try it out according to the exercises above..."

"I'm not trying! You really want to die, don't you? I... ah~ don't make trouble, it's too much..."



"Ling Quan, why are you tearing up your socks again? You said that the cost is high, and practitioners can't be extravagant and wasteful... Ling Ye's legs are really white..."



clang clang~~

The crisp pipa minor tunes reverberated in the front garden wing, the sound was intermittent, and without seeing the person, one could sense the absent-mindedness of the person playing the tune.

Xie Qiutao is not a stupid girl. Although she couldn't see Zuo Lingquan, the doors and windows at the back were closed, and there was no movement. If she asked the group why, she knew that Zuo Lingquan had come back and was doing something that the little girl shouldn't know. .

Zuo Lingquan didn't come over to say hello, but Xie Qiutao was not surprised. As the saying goes, "a long absence is better than a new marriage". It is normal for a man to go home in the middle of the night and go to his daughter-in-law first. There is no reason why his daughter-in-law will come to disturb the rest of the guests first.

But what's more embarrassing is that Xie Qiutao didn't have to rest, and guessed what the backyard was doing.

As a sweet and lovely little girl with yellow flowers, Xie Qiutao couldn't help but feel weird, even if she couldn't hear anything, she still felt like she was listening to the wall.

Therefore, after lying on the bed for a while, Xie Qiutao gently got up and picked up the dumpling.

After all, the dumpling was a phoenix, not a Pixiu. Hu Shihai drank a lot of things, and he just supported himself. He was lying on the dressing table to sleep and digest. He was held up and placed on his shoulders.


"It's a bit boring, go out for a walk and buy you something delicious."


No matter how full the dumplings were, they would not refuse the next meal. When they calmed down, they rolled over and squatted on Xie Qiutao's shoulders, and looked back at the backyard in confusion.

Although the dumpling couldn't see through, but he could feel the three people in the backyard, scrambling together, and the nurse was still pressed down, as if she was about to cry, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"What are you doing behind you? Sister Shangguan is asleep, so you don't need to say hello."


"Don't worry, I'm smart, it's fine to go out alone."


The dumpling was inexplicable and secretly said: Niaoniao is worried that the nurse is in trouble, you run faster than the bird, what can happen...

One person and one bird chatted across channels, and within a moment, walked out of the house and came to the streets of Feisha City.

After the third watch, the ordinary people in the city had already slept, but the lights were still bright. The main streets were full of monks from Central Continent. Eighty percent of them were wearing swords. Martial Arts Conference.

Xie Qiutao has been staying in Feisha City these days. She has already figured out the environment in the city, and she came to a large restaurant on the main street.

Linggu cultivators can avoid the grains, and under normal circumstances do not waste time eating, but wine is an exception, especially in Central Continent where sword cultivators are like clouds, the 'beautiful wine and sword' is a swordsman's lifelong pursuit, and half of the sword cultivators are addicted to alcohol As fate would have it, the other half drank less at first, but in order to fit in with the group, they gradually raised wine bugs, and there were basically no people who didn't drink.

However, after all, the drinks are packed for entertainment. Due to the lack of materials, it is difficult for Zhongzhou to cultivate a family of sects who are good at winemaking. The best wine in Yuyaozhou is still in the Taohuatan of Jiuzong. The wines drunk by the monks in Zhongzhou are basically the world. Drinks, Xianjia aged wines with a little spiritual energy are extremely rare, and can only be found in large places.

The restaurant that Xie Qiutao entered is the property of the Qi family. It sells home-brewed 'Qujianshi'. The name is quite unique, but it is actually a wine brewed from ordinary Linggu. There is nothing special, just because the surrounding area No other family is famous.

When Xie Qiutao came here, it was naturally not a long night of unintentional sleep, and came to the restaurant to relieve loneliness.

Xie Qiutao has been paying attention to this matter since the ancestor Shangguan gave her a clue to the dragon turtle last time, and has been inquiring about the news; the wine in this restaurant is good for a few hundred miles, and there are a lot of people entering and leaving Shahai recently. , most of them will come here when they come to Feisha City. If they want to inquire about news, this is naturally the best place to go.

Because there were too many guests, Xie Qiutao didn't go in, but just pretended to watch the fun, standing outside the window, listening to the storytellers who wandered around and telling interesting stories from all over Central Continent, and at the same time paying attention to the conversations of the drinkers.

The deconstruction of Jianhuangcheng is too scattered, and Jiang Chengjian’s orders can be followed in major matters, and the rest are all handled separately. It is impossible to achieve full coverage of the Tiandun Tower and ferry channel like the Nine Sects. The transportation is inconvenient, which greatly affects the transmission of information. Limited, there is basically no news in the north.

Fortunately, the sand sea has been lively recently. Every day, monks from all over the world come here. I can still hear some of them after waiting patiently, but most of them are not nutritious. Out of the desert, the national border is not small, but in the bitter cold land in the north, the national strength is very weak, and the power of the Xianjia is unknown.

There were people coming and going in the restaurant, Xie Qiutao stood alone outside the restaurant for an hour, waiting for the dumplings to be hungry, and then saw three cultivators coming over and entering the restaurant.

The monks came here, half to drink, and the other half to find someone to inquire about the situation in the sand sea.

When chatting with people, most of them will report to their home. Xie Qiutao saw the group of loose cultivators sitting down, and the leader called the restaurant boy, claiming to be from Caiyi Kingdom, and wanted to ask about the situation in Shahaili.

Seeing this, Xie Qiutao moved to the window and listened secretly.

The three scattered cultivators are not high-level, most of them are up and down Linggu. After inquiring about the situation, they discussed the arrangements for tomorrow with each other, and began to chat with each other. Most of them were related to the rumors of treasure hunting in the secret realm. Local things:

"...There are a lot of weird things in the world, it's better to be careful. Before I came here, I heard that something went wrong in Yangshan, and people were attacking others in a frenzy. If you didn't call me here, I would definitely have to go and make a fortune..."

"You're a little bit of a There are really demons at work. In the past, it wasn't death..."

"Hey~ there are really demons at work. The Sword Emperor has passed away long ago. How can I make such a little trouble. Although I don't have the ability to subdue demons and eliminate demons..."

"But some of the ability to make money by subduing demons and eliminating demons is..."

"Hey—you're right..."


Xie Qiutao frowned as the messy words entered his ears.

The inheritance of the Xie family is to subdue demons and eliminate demons. Although she doesn't know whether this is true or not, she is going to Caiyi Country.

After a few people finished talking, Xie Qiutao listened carefully for a while, until the three of them finished drinking and got up, she took the hungry dumplings, bought some snacks on the street, and returned to the house where she stayed...


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