Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 42: Double ghosts knock on the door!

Latest website: The sun in Central Continent, even in late September, is still a bit hot.

On the top floor of the five-story ferry, Tang Jingshen stood alone by the fence of the terrace, shielding the scorching sun with her hands, overlooking the river below, and looking for the figure who was thinking day and night on the ferry where people were passing by.

The ferry starts from Panyun Port, crosses thousands of mountains and thousands of waters, and then enters the desolate desert.

Although the scenery on the road is magnificent, Tang Jing, who was traveling alone for the first time, was obviously not in the mood to appreciate these roadside scenery.

Tang Jingxuan grew up in Linhefang, the capital of Great Dan, and never even went out for more than 20 years. Suddenly traveling a hundred thousand miles away, she felt uneasy. After getting on the ferry, she didn't even dare to leave the door of her room. , did not dare to sleep, has been carefully paying attention to the movement outside.

Once there is trouble, Tang Jingshen will be nervous, and quickly takes out the magic weapon Fire Feather Fan, ready to go, and secretly asks:

"Good sister, what's going on outside? Did something happen?"

The dead woman's response is always:

"The safety of the cultivation path is unpredictable, so come back when you are afraid."

Tang Jingshen was really afraid in her heart, but compared to seeing Xiao Zuo, she was not so afraid.

Moreover, he had already left, and if he was afraid of running back in despair, he would not be laughed at by his family.

Knowing that the dead woman was deliberately scaring her, she threatened:

"You'd better tell me if something happened, or I can't hold back when I'm nervous and break the boat, and I won't have any money to pay for it."

Tang Jingxuan is the person chosen by God, and the speed of cultivation cannot be theorized. After the ancestors took the fire of the Five Elements in Yunshui Jiantan, Barren Mountain and other places, they entered the peak of the secluded valley smoothly, even if they did not learn or skill. Without studying the Five Elements Techniques, just using a fan, there are not many things in the world that can resist the power of divine fire, not to mention the ferry.

But the ancestor of Shangguan was not worried that Tang Jingxuan set the ferry on fire, and responded casually:

"You don't have to pay, it's all on Zuo Lingquan's account."

Tang Jingxun knew that it was the mother-in-law who could do such a thing. She didn't have the nerve to let Xiao Zuo spend money unjustly, so she could only secretly warn herself to restrain herself, don't be surprised, and it would be fine when she got to Xiao Zuo.

Fortunately, after traveling all the way, An An An An did not have any accidents. When she got close to Lianjiang and got in touch with Xiao Zuo, her heart was completely relieved.

The population of Zhongzhou is scattered and sparse, and the Xianjia is not as large as Jiumen. It is difficult to establish a transportation channel extending in all directions. Therefore, there are only a handful of ferries. The place where the ferry will dock is only in the middle reaches of the Lianjiang River. b.

Xiangshuiwan is a public ferry led by Jianhuangcheng. There are famous swordsmen on the list all year round. The environment is much more stable than other places in Central Continent. From the sky, there are more monks except swords. Others and Jiuzong Ferry Not much difference.

Before the ferry had landed, Tang Jingxuan knew that Zuo Lingquan had come to pick her up, and kept standing on the terrace looking for it, but there were too many monks on the ferry, and Yufeng was forbidden to get close to the ferry.

Tang Jingxuan's thoughts were hard to suppress, and while she was concentrating on her search, she suddenly heard the sound of chickens flapping their wings from the side of the ferry, and the sound of "jijijiji!"

Tang Jingshen's only relative is Tuanzi, and if she treats it as a heartfelt, how can she not hear the voice; her eyes brightened, she turned her head quickly, and when she raised her eyes, she saw a hairball the size of a watermelon collided.

Meat bomb blast!


A muffled sound.

Tang Jing was caught off guard, her chest was flattened, and she fell on the terrace, her eyes stunned and unbelievable:

"Who are you? The chickens of this family are not optimistic, flying everywhere..."


How could the dumpling hold back the excitement of returning to his mother's side, just like when he was a child, he squatted on Jingshen's chest, turned over again, and rubbed his furry head against Jingshen's neck with his furry head, "jiji~" You don't have to think about it, you know it's saying:

"Niaoniao misses you to death..."

But the dumplings now are not the small dumplings they used to be, they have gained seven or eight laps of weight in one bite, and their **** are bigger than Qingwan's.

Tang Jingxuan's eyes were full of disgust, he raised his hand and rubbed the dumpling twice, then raised his claws and lifted the dumpling upside down, angrily said:

"What's the matter with you? How much did you eat?"

The dumpling was hanging upside down and swaying in the air. Facing the quiet question, he pressed the white fluff on his belly with his wings, indicating that he was puffy and didn't eat much. If you don't believe me, see.

Tang Jingshen felt in her heart, as if she was a beautifully dressed little girl who was sent to her grandmother's house for a few months, and came back as a stocky fat girl.

Disliked and disliked, but after all, it was her own child. After she taught a few words, she put the dumpling down and looked back and forth to see if there were any scars or hair loss on the dumplings.

There can be many nanny, but there is only one mother, this dumpling is still very clear, and it is very clinging to the body.

Now that the collar can't get in, the dumpling wants to jump on his shoulders.

But Tang Jingxun's figure is round and jaded, and her shoulders are relatively narrow. The dumpling feels very crowded when squatting up. Tang Jingxuan turns her hands and hugs the dumpling in her arms, and asks East and West:

"Xiao Zuo and the others are below, right?"


"I heard what happened to the Empress Dowager and Xiao Zuo, is it true?"


"What's the relationship between Qingwan and the imperial concubine? Who's your sister?"


The dumpling spread out his wings, indicating that the fight was old and fierce. The three of them fought a group fight. For a while, Wanwan was pressed by the two hammers, and the nurse was pressed by the two hammers, or the two of them pressed the Quanquan hammer together...

It's a pity that Tang Jingxuan didn't understand the meaning...


On the riverside of Xiangshuiwan, the small painting boat with its unremarkable appearance stopped quietly, and did not attract the attention of the monks who came and went.

Shangguan Lingye and Wu Qingwan were sitting in the painting boat, dealing with today's official business, their expressions were very serious, but sometimes their eyes met, and they could still see the smell of gunpowder in each other's eyes.

After getting along for more than ten days, the relationship between the two has changed a lot. From the previous elders and juniors, superiors and subordinates, to the current "carrying guns together, together...", anyway, no matter what you think, the relationship has already very close.

Wu Qingwan's reverence for Shangguan Lingye dissipated, and her aura naturally rose, especially when Shangguan Lingye fanned the flames, made her suffer the torture tool she made, and fled, confiscated the torture tool and refused to try it herself, she was almost angry.

After suffering such a big loss, it's no wonder that Wu Qingwan can swallow her anger. She has been trying to find ways to let Shangguan Lingye taste the unspeakable taste these days.

The torture tool was confiscated, and while she was rushing to make it again, she also instigated Zuo Lingquanjian to take a slant and come to the real, and clean up Shangguan Lingye.

Shangguan Lingye refused to agree, Zuo Lingquan naturally had nowhere to go. Seeing that Qingwan was in a hurry and wanted to rebel, Shangguan Lingye also changed ways to pick up Qingwan these days.

Now that Jingxun is coming soon, Wu Qingwan has regained some confidence - she knows Jingxun's temperament, except that she is very polite to Jiang Yi because of her identity, everyone else is a sister in Jingxun's eyes.

Wu Qingwan and Jingxu were tied anyway, but Shangguan Lingye obviously couldn't compete with Jingxu. Even the ancestors were called dead mother-in-law and good sister by Jingxu. You are an apprentice, and you dare to mess with the elders and the younger ones?

Therefore, Wu Qingwan has been waiting for Jingxun to come over these days and take good care of this little fox who wants to take the top position as soon as he enters the door.

Shangguan Lingye didn't care about it - even the sullen Qingwan and the strong Jiang Yi couldn't do anything about her, what about the honest and honest Jingxun?

She didn't believe that in the boudoir, Jing You dared to call Master over to press her!

Even if Jing You dares to call, is it possible that the Master can really come over?


The two of them had their own thoughts, waiting for Jingxing to join the battlefield to see who was the woman in the family.

At home, Zuo Lingquan, who didn't want to interrupt, was standing by the river, looking at the sky in the south, waiting for the ferry to drop.

No matter where it was, there were a lot of people at the ferry, and there were many pedestrians on the riverside, to the point where they were shoulder-to-shoulder. There were also many monks setting up stalls along the street, selling the rare objects just dug from the sandy sea.

One of Xie Qiutao’s hobbies was sweeping the streets. After the boat arrived at the ferry, he wandered around the scattered repair booth, searching for the objects that caught his eye.

Seeing that the ferry was about to arrive, Xie Qiutao trotted back, and was about to ask Zuo Lingquan to go to the pier to pick him up. When he walked to the river bank, he saw Zuo Lingquan standing with his hands behind his back and looking up at the sky, his stern brows were a little lost, as if he was thinking about something very important. matter.

Xie Qiutao was stunned, and subconsciously slowed down:

"Young Master Zuo?"


Zuo Lingquan retracted his thoughts of wandering thousands of miles, turned and walked towards the pier:

"The ferry is here, let's go."

Xie Qiutao felt a little strange in her heart. She followed her with her iron pipa on her back, thought about it and asked:

"Young Master Zuo, what were you thinking just now? Could it be that you're not happy that Sister Jingxu came over?"

"how could be……"

Zuo Lingquan was just thinking, in the past ten days, Ling Ye and Qing Wan have become more and more angry, and they are almost turning him into medicinal dregs. After Jing Xun comes over, three charming sisters will turn him together, will he? die young.

This kind of man's bitterness can only be endured alone. He naturally won't spit bitterness to Xie Qiutao, shook his head and said:

"I'm just thinking about going to Caiyi Country. The news there is blocked, and it's far away from Jiuzhong. If something goes wrong, the ancestors can't help, so be careful in this trip."

Xie Qiutao was not stupid, she felt that Zuo Lingquan was definitely not thinking about this kind of thing, but she continued:

"Don't worry, I'm a veteran of the rivers and lakes, and I won't go wrong. Even if something goes wrong, I'll do it later. Master Zuo runs first, and I can delay the most powerful person for a while."

"I'm a swordsman, how could I leave my teammates and run away..."

"No, I'm afraid that Mr. Zuo will run slowly. If I run away first, you won't be able to catch up. You don't need to run faster than your opponent to know about running for your life, just run faster than your teammates. I'm not That kind of person..."


Zuo Lingquan wanted to reply, "Do you underestimate me?", but arguing about who escaped faster seemed to be incompatible with the style of a swordsman, so he laughed.

The two walked together, and soon came to the dock of Xiangshui Bay. There were only a few ferries docked inside, but the monks waiting for the boat were crowded into the third floor and the third floor, and the monks who did not board the boat could only stand on the periphery.

As the five-story-high nine-story giant ferry slowly descended, the ferry was busy, and the steward cleared a passage on the wharf.

The long ladder was put down on the ferry, and the three monks on the deck filed out, and most of the monks sitting on the top floor of the ferry had some Taoism or seniority, and did not crowd with the three monks below. .

Zuo Lingquan stood behind the crowd and watched, and soon saw a woman in a maroon pleated skirt, covering her face with a tulle, holding a white feather chicken in her arms, flying out from the top terrace.

Seeing this scene, Xie Qiutao was slightly stunned.

The stupor was not because of Tang Jingshen's outstanding figure, but because of Tang Jingshen's dress fluttering out, and nothing was stepped on under her feet.

Yuji and Yufeng look similar, but they are actually worlds apart.

The threshold of the imperial instrument's volley is at the eighth level of Linggu. The monks have not yet united with heaven and man, and must use the magic instrument to fly.

Without relying on the magical power to control the wind on his own, he would have to be at the peak of the secluded Huang at the start.

The peak of Youhuang is due to the rank of natal objects, and the upper and lower limits are extremely large. The strong, such as Lu Jianchen and Shangguan Lingye, can compete with the monks of the jade rank in the case of desperate; Ling Quan may not be able to do it.

But even the peak of Youhuang, where the Five Elements are all born, belonged to the ancestors on the mountain in the eyes of ordinary monks.

You must know that the source of the five elements, no matter how bad it is, is also a necessity for refining magic weapons. If you don’t have amazing financial resources and opportunities, where can you find the five invaluable sources of the five elements?

Xiangshuiwan is not a big place in the first place. Most of the cultivators are in Linggu. There are very few true sword cultivators who can enter the secluded valley to refine the sword of life. Suddenly, a big guy at the peak of the secluded scorpion comes down from above. Thousands of cultivators were startled, all looked sideways, and the entire pier was quiet for a while.

Under normal circumstances, cultivators would behave in a low-key manner in places like the Ferry Market where the tiger hides the dragon, not showing off the mountains and dew.

But Tang Jingxuan had just learned to ride the wind and missed her lover so much that she didn't notice these things at all; when she flew into the air and saw that the people on the ferry looked wrong, she realized that she was a little rash.

Tang Jingxuan opened a shop in previous years and welcomed the delivery. She would not have stage fright in a crowded place. When she found something was wrong, she did not panic and lost her identity as the ancestor of the Xian family, but quickly put away her excitement and learned The aloof appearance of Shangguan's ancestor, he flew slowly from the top of the ferry, and he looked like a mountain-top ancestor.

The dumpling squatting in his arms was dishonest, and found that his mother was standing up, fluttering his wings, and greeted Xie Qiutao below:


It probably means "my mother is amazing~"

Zuo Lingquan stood on the ground, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing in his heart. He did not go up to meet again in front of everyone's eyes, and followed Xie Qiutao to an undisturbed forest.

After avoiding the sight of the crowd, Tang Jing returned to normal, threw the dumplings, jumped from the sky, ran to Zuo Lingquan with her skirt, and threw her arms directly:

"Little Left!"

Zuo Lingquan didn't miss it in his heart, he opened his arms and hugged Jingxing directly, turned around in a circle, and said with a smile:

"It's been hard work, eh? Why do I feel like I've lost a few ounces..."

Tang Jingshen has a thousand words in her heart that she wants to tell her lover, but she is meeting, but she doesn't know what to say first.

She was held in place and turned in circles, just as she was about to talk about the stressful experience she had experienced along the way, but found a sweet-looking little girl beside the two of them, looking around as if she didn't see anything.

In the past, Tang Jingxuan and Xie Qiutao met each other from afar, but they never communicated face-to-face.

No matter how much Tang Jingxuan doted on Zuo Lingquan, she was too embarrassed to be so affectionate in front of outsiders. She slid down from Zuo Lingquan's arms quickly, adjusted her dress a little, and said embarrassedly:

"Thank you girl, you are here too."

Xie Qiutao felt that she was following, and she meant to disturb others, but it was too late to avoid it at this time. She pretended not to see the intimacy of Fang Cai, and said with a smile:

"Yeah, is Sister Jingxun okay on the way?"

"The road is very good, and I came here in a blink of an eye. I heard Qingwan say that you are very kind to the dumplings. Feeding eight meals a day is really expensive..."

"No, no, I just fed me some melons and fruits. The dumplings are so fat, they were fed by Zuo Gongzi."


Tang Jing's smiling expression condensed, and turned to look at Zuo Lingquan.

Zuo Lingquan naturally did not shirk his responsibility, he walked to the riverside with Jing Xing's back, and said with a smile:

"You look good when you eat fat. Look how safe you feel now."


The dumpling who followed behind the three of them as a freelance chicken nodded in agreement.

Tang Jingxuan knew that when the dumplings grew up, they would be able to breathe fire to help out, but maybe it was subconsciously, afraid that the dumplings would fly back to the mountains when they grew up.

These thoughts were not clear, she just hummed softly:

"If you gain weight, you will gain weight. It's just about the beginning of winter. When the Chinese New Year comes, you can cook a big pot."


"Sister Jingxun is joking with you. How could it be that you are really stewing you, and at most you won't be allowed to eat in the future."


The dumplings spread their wings, and it seems that the meaning is - it might be better to stew the birds!

The three of them chatted and laughed and returned to the small painting boat by the river.

Tang Jingxuan had psychological expectations for the situation of the painting boat, but when it arrived, she was still stunned.

I saw Wu Qingwan and Shangguan Lingye standing side by side on the deck, not giving each other an inch.

? !

Seeing this scene, Tang Jingxuan's smile did not change, but the look in the depths of his eyes had obviously changed, with a bit of murderous aura!

These two little aunts, can't they rebel?

When you come up, it's a trick of two ghosts slamming the door. This is treating me as the youngest, and you think I'm easy to bully? !



Zuo Lingquan was walking with a bitter sigh.

Xie Qiutao was holding the dumpling for unknown reasons and asked:

"Young Master Zuo, why is your face so pale?"

"It's autumn, and the weather is getting colder and freezing."


"Oh... it's a bit cold, remember to add more clothes..."



Overhaul yesterday's, today's writing is a bit watery...


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