Too Reckless

Vol 12 Chapter 10: Master, wait a minute!

The goose feather snow fell like catkins and fell on the stone cliff by the sea. The body was like a giant tortoise on an island. Its head rested on the edge of the stone cliff and opened its huge mouth. 's spirit fruit.

Behind the stone cliff is a towering tower, surrounded by countless workshops, and the sounds of various knocks are endless. From time to time, there are ferry boats full of magical instruments and medicinal herbs, which are used from under the tower to go to distant overseas.

The top of the tower has not yet been completed, and several monks are holding talisman pens and carving knives, carving array patterns on the pillars.

Wearing a single robe, Wu Zunyi sat cross-legged under the eaves like a supervisor, with a tea table by his hand.

Looking at the snow from the high platform, it seems to be leisurely, but for Wu Zunyi, who was trapped in the enemy camp, he obviously did not have the heart to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of him, and his eyes were always on the giant tortoise by the sea.

Lei Hongliang, with his upper body naked, came to sit next to him, picked up the tea bowl and sipped:

"The old turtle is about to set off again, and I don't know which continent to go to to catch things. This time I went a bit hastily, as if it was a temporary intention..."

Wu Zunyi withdrew his gaze and sighed softly:

"Old Demon Shang buried a secret move in Yuyao Continent, and someone noticed that he had to close the net ahead of time. Listen to their conversation and say, 'Zuo Lingquan, this kid, he was destined to fight with them, what happened where he went... ...', it sounds like it has something to do with Zuo Lingquan and the others."

Lei Hongliang didn't have much potential, so he couldn't get in touch with the high-level Youying aliens, so he said unexpectedly:

"Last time you gave Zuo Lingquan a tip, you almost exposed the hidden senior leaders of the nine sects. They used a guise of the four-symphony gods to suppress the matter. After this battle, they have been wary of you in their hearts. , are you still talking about this in front of you?"

"They did this on purpose, wanting to see what else I can do to get in touch with Yuyaozhou. What if I don't want to work? They have a way to let me study things spontaneously."

Lei Hongliang was taken aback, thought for a while and asked, "Then do you have a way to contact Yuyaozhou?"

"There's nothing that I can't do, but I don't dare to do that. Last time I used Huajunzhou's Tiandun Tower to communicate, they used the gourd to eavesdrop, which almost broke the big thing, forcing Huajun and Yuyao. The high-level officials of the continent have rebuilt the formation of the Tiandun Pagoda. If I continue to mess around, it is not uncommon for me to make myself the first hero to destroy the righteous path."

"Then what should we do?"

Wu Zunyi sighed with helplessness in his eyes, "My children and grandchildren have their own blessings. I hope they will be smarter. A Central Continent Sword Sovereign shouldn't be able to help them."

"Which sword emperor?"

"I don't know. In my opinion, it's either Yun Hongye or Tomorrow's Sorrow. Yun Hongye is only one step away from the peak, and it still can't surpass Jiang Chengjian. strange……"

"Both of them are ruthless characters."

"Ten Sword Sovereigns and Eight Sovereign Lords, which one is not a ruthless character..."



On the other side, the mountains of Yangcheng.

The night could not see five fingers, and several figures smashed through the wind and snow, chasing deep into the mountains, their eyes locked on an indistinct little point in the distance.

Xie Qiutao carried the iron pipa, her eyes were burning with anger, and she cursed from a distance:

"Bah—people in cultivation still use this trick, do you think you can escape?"

Taoist Cloud Leopard hid his cultivation a few days ago, and the speed displayed at this time is probably already in the late stage of Youhuang. This Taoism is considered a master in Yuyaozhou, but compared with Zuo Lingquan's side, it is obviously not enough.

The Taoist Cloud Leopard had just rushed out of Yangcheng when his tail was bitten, and then several purple thunders fell from the top of his head. If it wasn't for the fear that he was hiding his backstroke, Shangguan Lingye would have overtaken and blocked his way.

Seeing that the distance between each other was getting closer and closer, Taoist Cloud Leopard knew that he had no hope of escape, and his mouth was still hard, and he said angrily:

"This way is just entrusted by others to slay demons and eliminate demons. As people in the right way, why are you aggressively holding on to this way?"

Xie Qiutao was almost dragged by Tang Jingshen, and she said fiercely:

"If you were right, what would you be running? Could it be that Jiang Dajian Emperor came over and killed you indiscriminately?"

"Who knows who you are calling, I see that the situation is not good, if you don't run, do you wait to die..."

Shangguan Lingye's speed was extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, he had circled from the side to the front of Taoist Cloud Leopard, blocking him above a mountain col, and said solemnly:

"You and I know it well, why bother. Now confess the whole story, let you die happily, or you will be locked in the forbidden area of ​​Fulong Mountain, you should understand what it feels like."

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Taoist Cloud Leopard was also aroused by his ferocity, and he waved his whisk with his hands, and the wind suddenly blew across the mountain.

Under the snow, the rocks shifted and the vegetation grew wildly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into the 'Nine Palaces Golden Light Array' of Fulong Mountain.

The Jiugong Golden Light Array is similar to the Peach Blossom Miasma in Peach Blossom Lake. Both are formations that disrupt the battlefield. If you practice it to the max, you can make the monks trapped in it lose their sense of direction, and the golden light in the array flashes, obscuring all vision.

Cloud Leopard Taoist's fire is not low, and the formation is completed in a flick of the dust. Twelve purple gold talismans float out from the big sleeves of the Taoist robe, and they are transformed into twelve puppet phantoms in the air. Four people.

The rank of the purple gold talisman is second only to the fairy talisman that can only be drawn by the monks of the jade rank. The puppet talisman is even more expensive than the magic talisman. Twelve pieces are thrown out in a row. It was used once when escaping in the East China Sea, which shows how much money the Cloud Leopard Taoist has invested.

Twelve purple-gold puppets can hover in the air, each of them has a combat power no less than the first-layer You Huang, supplemented by the nine-gong golden light array, if it is placed in normal times, it can also delay for a while when encountering a jade-level cultivator.

But unfortunately, the clouded leopard Taoist encountered this time is not a normal person, not even a bird is a normal bird.

When the four of them saw the formation, they quickly retreated to the outskirts of the mountain. Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye used the cage formation and the sword formation at the same time to interrupt Taoist Cloud Leopard's formation.

Xie Qiutao didn't know how to play formations, so he flew to high altitude to beware of the clouded leopard Taoist escaping from the chaos; Tang Jingxuan picked up the fire feather fan, held it in both hands, and came to the mountain col where the golden light flashed.


From the corner of the mountain where the golden light burst, a fan-shaped flame suddenly emerged, pressing down from the mountain like a torrent of a broken embankment.

The temperature of the flame was so high that not only the snow in the mountains, but also the rocks on the ground melted the moment it touched the flame.

The originally formed golden light array melted the eyes of the array that supported the formation just at the moment when the sea of ​​fire poured in, and the golden light dissipated immediately; the twelve menacing purple-gold puppets, before they flew out of the mountain, turned into nothingness under the fire. , not even the crumbs were left.

The Taoist Cloud Leopard, who was waiting for an opportunity to escape, saw that the magical power under the cloth could not be held up for even a blink of an eye, and the sea of ​​​​fire came in front of him. His face was ashen, and he quickly waved the whisk, using the wind method to prop up the air wall in front of him and blow the sea of ​​​​fire. up.


The flame was isolated by the wind wall, forming a flame cavity, which was pressed from above the clouded leopard Taoist.

Although the flames were temporarily blocked, Tang Jing made a full-strength blow, and it was no problem to burn the mountains and boil the sea. Daoist Cloud Leopard's move was nothing short of a drop in the bucket.

When Shangguan Lingye saw this scene, he said anxiously:

"Keep your hands."

Tang Jingxuan was no longer the silly daughter-in-law who used to be light-hearted. When she heard the words, she raised her hand and grabbed it in the air. She forcibly grabbed the sea of ​​​​fire that was rushing towards the mountain and returned to the palm of his hand, and whispered something. :

"So can't help fighting?"

The dumpling nodded as if pecking at rice: "Gee."

When the flames receded, the originally snow-covered mountain collapsed into a crimson groove, and the ground was covered with magma, still smoking black smoke and emitting hot, rising air waves.

Daoist Cloud Leopard's whisk was burnt and bald. He stood in the middle of the mountain and looked at the four people around him, his face ashes.

Zuo Lingquan put away the Demon Sealing Sword Formation, flew to the front, and said:

"It's still too late to explain. When Jiang Jianhuang comes over, he will directly search for his soul."

Daoist Cloud Leopard had nothing to do, he was silent for a moment, turned his head to look west, gritted his teeth and said:

"I'm just running errands. To be honest, you can save me a life, even if I abolish my cultivation."

When Shangguan Lingye heard this, he knew that there were other people behind him.

Before the matter was clarified, Shangguan Lingye could not directly negotiate with the criminals about the conditions for a confession. She thought for a while and said:

"You learned from Fulong Mountain. You should know that Jiu Zong acts according to the rules, and he will not let an evil sect go, but he will not impose heavy punishments for no reason. Tell me."

Cloud Leopard Taoist held the bare whisk, hesitated for a while, but still said:

"In recent years, madness has been rampant, and it has attracted the attention of many monks including you. That iron bell crow was indeed secretly placed outside Yanjiazhuang by me to cover people...people..."

Daoist Cloud Leopard spoke very fast, but just after he uttered only two words, his body trembled, his face quickly turned blue, his forehead was bruised, and even his pupils were bloodshot.

Zuo Lingquan was startled when he saw this. Knowing that someone was secretly muttering, he quickly launched the Demon Sealing Sword Formation, trying to disrupt the flow of spiritual energy and interrupt the movements of those behind the scenes.

And Tang Jingshen, who was standing behind him, also had a golden streamer in his eyes at this time, but in the blink of an eye, the ancestor of Shangguan had already arrived from Tiannan.

Ancestor Shangguan quickly raised his hand to make a tactic, forming a pattern of flaming lotus flowers on the ground, wrapping the clouded leopard Taoist in it.

The golden phoenix flames burned together with the soul, and this isolated the connection between the clouded leopard Taoist and the outside world.

However, the Cloud Leopard Taoist body was manipulated in advance, even if the external interference was blocked, the changes in the body still did not stop, and the infuriating qi was randomly mobilized to collide in the body, causing the body surface to bulge around, and there was a faint trend of bursting.

The ancestor of Shangguan used Tang Jingshen's body, and the power of his soul was limited, so he couldn't forcefully pull the Taoist Cloud Leopard's soul away, so he suppressed the flow of breath in Taoist Cloud Leopard's body with a technique, pointed his finger at Taoist Cloud Leopard's eyebrows, and said solemnly. road:


The sound is like a bell, meaning to startle ghosts and spirits.

The clouded leopard Taoist who fell into madness, his eyes were slightly emotional for a moment.

It was at this moment that the ancestor Shangguan locked the eyes of Taoist Cloud Leopard, causing him to freeze.

Zuo Lingquan watched from the side and recognized this hand - when he first met the ancestor, he was entertained like this, and he could trace the past of his practice.

But Taoist Cloud Leopard's eyes only lasted for a short while before he fell into madness again, cracks appeared on his body, and then he released countless true qi, and his body exploded on the spot.


Under the loud noise, a blood mist burst out from the flame lotus, and was pressed back by the surrounding formation. When the blood mist dissipated, there were only two portable instruments and a bare whisk.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan asked:

"Senior Shangguan Wan'er, do you see anything?"

The ancestor of Shangguan was expressionless, put away the formation, turned his head and pointed directly at Zuo Lingquan's eyebrow.

Zuo Lingquan didn't know why, but the moment he looked at the ancestor, his body froze, as if his soul was pushed out, traveled through space and time, and came to an unfamiliar place.

The technique of the ancestors of Shangguan is not to search for souls, but to check the traces of cultivation in the monks’ bodies. By stimulating the abnormal places, the monks can recall the freshly remembered moments on the cultivation path, such as breaking through the realm, obtaining opportunities, etc., the more the memory becomes. The deeper you see, the clearer you see.

Ancestor Shangguan had already read it, and recounted it to Zuo Lingquan, instead of going backwards, he played straight ahead.

The first thing Zuo Lingquan saw was a child standing in line outside the mountain gate. Someone came over and held the child's wrist to check his qualifications.

Then it was a long and tedious process of refining Qi and forging the body. After more than ten years, it appeared in Huihe Bay in Zhongzhou. An old Taoist came over to examine the bones.

Afterwards, he arrived at Fulong Mountain. After several decades of practice, he was not talented enough to climb higher. He left the sect and became a loose cultivator. He returned to the northern border and became a wandering Taoist.

All of this is normal, nothing special, but suddenly one day, Daoist Cloud Leopard appeared at the entrance of a tavern, and the sign of the tavern was clearly visible, indicating that Daoist Cloud Leopard had a deep impression of this matter.

The technique can only help people recall a few scenes, and the details cannot be seen clearly, only an old man in a casual appearance can be seen. The next scene is that the cloud leopard Taoist refines the life object, and the cultivation base is rapidly improved; the subsequent practice experience is basically Wandering between several countries in northern Xinjiang, either meditating or retreating.

These scenes, but in an instant, flooded into Zuo Lingquan's mind.

After Zuo Lingquan came back to his senses, the ancestor of Shangguan had already put away his fingers, he frowned and said:

"The wine shop is Feng Siniang? Is this related to the shopkeeper Zheng?"

The ancestor of Shangguan nodded again on Shangguan Lingye's head:

"Just now, someone used the technique of the soul to secretly silence his mouth. The quiet and peaceful way of doing things is too low. I can't trace the source, but I can only feel that it is in the southwest. He should be afraid of Jiang Chengjian coming over, and he didn't dare to show up. When he saw the Taoist Yunbao wanted to inform, he was arrested. Forced to silence."

Xie Qiutao thought about it, and suddenly realized:

"It's probably the old shopkeeper. I just said that day, why did he teach us not to be nosy for a while, and then he said that there was a magic weapon born in the north. At that time, he should have seen our identity and wanted to lead us to other places... It's dangerous, if he did something to us at that time..."

Shangguan Lingye said: "He was secretly planning things, and he was afraid of being discovered, so he wanted to steer the tiger away from the mountain. How could he start to fight grass and startle the snake when he met him?"


Zuo Lingquan recalled what he had just seen, and asked in confusion, "Then who is Manager Zheng, and what are his plans?"

The ancestor of Shangguan shook his head: "This person is extremely alert, he only uses the Cloud Leopard Taoist as a chess piece and does not penetrate any ground. However, it is easy to track down. After the Cloud Leopard Taoist gets the opportunity, he often spends his time in Caiyi Country, Dachen Country, Xuefeng. Mountains, going to the North Cliff, the Junior Teachers Gate and other places to meditate and practice, you must often travel to and from these places, you just need to follow the vine to check."

Xie Qiutao asked, "To raise a thug like Daoist Cloud Leopard, the cultivation base is definitely not low, can we deal with it?"

The old ancestor of Shangguan was a little helpless: "When you practice one step, no one knows how high the next opponent is. You can only keep improving yourself and be cautious. If you expect your opponents to be weaker than you every time, why are you still practicing?"

Xie Qiutao shrank her neck and whispered:


Shangguan Lingye thought for a while: "Today, I've already caught the grass and scared the snake. The other side really has a plan. I'm afraid it will be carried out in advance or the corpse will be destroyed immediately. You have to move quickly, let's go directly."

The ancestor of Shangguan nodded slightly, and after talking about the matter, he wanted to leave.

But when Shangguan Lingye was riding Zuo Lingquan in the bed yesterday, he bumped into Master, and he had some doubts in his heart that he couldn't explain clearly.

Seeing that Shizun was going to leave, she didn't know where the courage came from, so she grabbed the sleeve of the ancestor of Shangguan:

"Master, wait."



The ancestor of Shangguan turned his head and looked at Ling Ye.

Shangguan Lingye's eyes were a little embarrassed, but he still bit the bullet and pulled Shizun to a secluded place, whispering:

"Master, last night, I... I really did not do my job properly and lived up to Master's expectations..."

Ancestor Shangguan didn't even want to recall the matter of lying in bed with the man with her apprentice. She had a calm expression and replied:

"Between a husband and wife, the harmony of yin and yang is justified, and there is no such thing as not doing the right job. However, there are still some things that need to be paid attention to. Only one yin and one yang is called the harmony of yin and yang, and two yin and one yang become yin and yang. ."

Shangguan Lingye's expression was stiff, and he didn't know how much perseverance it took to suppress the emotions in his heart without showing any strangeness. She nodded and said:

"Disciple remember the teaching, next time... ah~ I won't talk about this. I just have some questions that I can't figure out, so I want to ask Master."

"Tell me."

"Well... it's about the soul and the body. Normally, the body and the soul are part of a human being, but sometimes... like now, the master uses a quiet body, so the one in front of me should be Master or quiet?"

Ancestor Shangguan didn't want to talk about this sensitive topic, but when the apprentice asked, she couldn't talk nonsense, she was silent for a while, and still said:

"With the soul as the main body, whose body is controlled by the soul, the responsibility for the crime will naturally be counted on whose head, otherwise the high-level cultivator manipulates others to kill, but the responsibility is counted on the person being manipulated, and the world will be completely messed up. "

Shangguan Lingye naturally knew such a simple truth, she glanced at Shizun and continued;

"Oh... I'll make an analogy, Master, don't get me wrong. Hmm... For example, a man and a woman are doing double cultivation. A monk on the mountain suddenly borrowed the woman's body. The male monk is... repairing, is Dao Companion or Mountain Cultivator?"


Is this an analogy?

You call it name calling!

This question is not an ordinary direct question. Rao is the ancestor of Shangguan, and there is an unnoticeable strangeness in her eyes. She takes a breath and looks at her beloved disciple:

"Lingye, what do you mean by that?"

What does Shangguan Lingye Neng mean?

"The disciple has no other meaning, just can't figure it out. I'm afraid that Zuo Lingquan's mind will contaminate his master's innocence..."

The ancestor of Shangguan stared at Ling Ye for a long time before he said seriously;

"One thing, you can't just look at the appearance, but also the motive. Take the example you gave as an example, the monk on the mountain borrowed the body of the female cultivator, it must be a last resort, and it is a matter of rubbing it. Quickly follow the right. If you only look at the appearance and not the motive, what is the difference between those who see a woman falling into the water, a man goes to save someone, and later says that the man harbors **** to defile the woman?”

The old ancestor's words are very reasonable. Shangguan Lingye thought about it carefully and felt that his suspicion was indeed wrong, so he lowered his head and said:

"Teacher knows what's wrong, because I think too much."

The ancestor of Shangguan nodded slightly: "It's normal to be misunderstood, but as a practitioner, you must look at the problem from the depths. If the cultivator on the mountain, the original intention was to have a bad idea, and at that time, he deliberately borrowed a female Xiu's body, even without any contact, can't erase the fact that the plot is evil.

"But if that's not the original intention, and it's just a matter of urgency, and you have to do it as a last resort, then even if you have a skin-to-skin relationship with the male cultivator, you shouldn't care about each other, and you shouldn't have any grudges about it, understand?"

Shangguan Lingye blinked his beautiful eyes and looked at the ancestor:

"Master and Zuo Lingquan have skin-to-skin relationship?"

? ? !

The ancestors of Shangguan looked down at the common people, and for the first time there was a slight anger - or shame and anger - her face sank:

"Lingye, if you don't understand the truth, don't call me Master in the future, I can't teach you."

! !

When Shangguan Lingye saw that Master had angered him, he finally calmed down, put away his thoughts, and hurriedly bowed his hands:

"The disciple knows he's wrong."

"If you know your mistakes, you have to correct them, not just talk about it."

The ancestor of Shangguan took a breath and wanted to teach his apprentice a few words, but in the end he forgot it and left Tang Jingshen's body silently.

Tang Jingxun has been listening awake all the time. Seeing that the dead mother-in-law was suspicious, ashamed and annoyed by her apprentice, she was almost dying of laughter in her heart. At this time, she took back control of her and almost laughed out loud.

Fortunately, when the realm is high, the reaction is quicker. Tang Jingshen's mouth just twitched, and he pressed it back again. He coughed lightly, and persuaded like a big sister:

"Lingye, Lingye, as my sister, I have to tell you, how good your master is to you, how could you misunderstand her like this?"

When Shangguan Lingye saw this, he straightened up and walked towards Zuo Lingquan:

"Master and I opened up our hearts and talked. If there is any misunderstanding, don't misunderstand. If you open up your words, I feel better in my heart now. It's better than hiding the words in my heart and pondering blindly."

"That's right, as long as you didn't misunderstand."

"By the way, what Shizun said makes sense, yin and yang double cultivation, you have one yin and one yang, you don't want to join in the fun in the future. It just happens to be able to avoid suspicion, Shizun has to borrow your body, you can't help but misunderstand, it's really what It doesn't matter, what should be avoided should be avoided."

"Huh? Why? You...why don't you cool off yourself?"

"Zuo Lingquan and I have already married, so there's nothing you can do."

"I just don't have it yet, it's not that I can't, the big deal is with Xiao Zuo Yuan Fang..."

"Then we'll talk about it when you're finished."




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