Too Reckless

Vol 12 Chapter 17: Wind and Thunder Curse

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Zuo Lingquan jumped up to the big pit and looked at the col in a blink of an eye.

Between the cols, the mainland turtle stood in place, looking down at the little guy in front of him.

Danzi stood on the ground, pointed with his wings in the direction of Tomorrow's escape, and stepped on the ground a few times with his small claws, the meaning was self-evident.

But heaven and earth treat all living beings equally, and the deity's behavior is also the same. Either they will be trampled to death, or they will not be stepped on, and there will be no emotional bias.

Seeing this, Danzi hurriedly jumped forward, opened his beak, and pointed with his wings:


But Kui Yu is not the dragon king of the four seas, his position in the heaven and earth is on the same level as the dumplings, and water, fire and heaven are incompatible, so he can give some face to his colleagues. How can he take the initiative to feed the luck of the north to the south. reason.

The tortoise shook its head, not only did not give anything, but also pushed the dumpling with its tortoise claw, pushing the dumpling on the ground several times, and then sank into the ground and disappeared without a trace.


Danzi's eyes were full of shock, and he touched his belly with his wings, as if he was wondering if he was not cute anymore.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Lingquan didn't know what to say, so he called out:

"round and round."

The dumpling, who was doubting life, heard the sound and flew to the front, with a gesture of asking for credit, opened his beak:


This time it clearly worked.

Venerable Peach Blossom ended up in a situation where he was rescued by the younger generation, and he couldn't hold back his face, and he wouldn't assume that it didn't happen. She generously took out a big peach, handed it to Dango, and asked:

"What kind of bird is this? I haven't found it so powerful before."

"I'm not very clear. The ancestor didn't see anything at first. Maybe it has something to do with Phoenix."

Zuo Lingquan responded, turning his eyes to the direction where Tomorrow was escaping. While observing where he was going, he found that lightning flashed over there, and a purple thunderbolt fell behind the ridge.

boom -

"It's Lingye girl."

Zuo Lingquan was just dragged over by the dumplings, and Ling Ye must have followed behind. At this time, I am afraid that he will run to intercept tomorrow's worry. Seeing this, he quickly chased the mountains with Venerable Peach Blossom.

Venerable Peach Blossom seemed to be seriously injured, and did not show any more magical powers, but just walked in the wind as usual, walked not far, and warned again:

"You are not allowed to tell anyone what happened just now."

Zuo Lingquan hurriedly said: "Senior, don't worry, I will talk nonsense about this kind of thing that damages the innocence of the senior."

Shame on innocence?

Venerable Peach Blossom's expression condensed, and subconsciously stroked the front of his shirt:

"What are you thinking? This deity is talking about you coming to save me! My dignified lord, I came out to do business and was rescued by the younger generation. Let your fellow Daoists know that you have to be laughed at, and I will record your kindness in private. As for It will damage your innocence, and it is inevitable that you will touch your innocence in a hurry. How can you have anything to do with innocence, the deity has already let go, and you still keep this in your heart?!"

Can Zuo Lingquan not remember it?

The ancestor of Shangguan was touched indirectly through Jingxun, and he had never seen his real body a few times, but this time he pressed his hands directly.


still so big...

Zuo Lingquan felt that his heart was unstable and said sternly:

"I didn't take it to heart, um... fight! Come over..."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were sharp, and he flew towards the mountains with a swish of his sword.

Venerable Taohua has become an old goblin. He could see that Zuo Lingquan was wrong, and his eyes were a little annoyed, but Tan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, and Yufeng flew over...


The sky and the earth fell into the night, and the streams between the mountains reflected the galaxy hanging overhead.

The source of the stream is a natural stone cave under the snow cliff.

At the entrance of the cave, a jet-black gourd hung in the air, from the size of a palm to a giant gourd more than two feet high.

The dark aurora lingering above the mountains turned into a torrent here, converged towards the Hulukou, and illuminated the snow cliffs into colorful colors.

In the past, the mountains and rivers were used as formations, and the water was long, and it took more than ten years to slowly absorb the power of the gods scattered throughout the northern border. The movement was smaller than the fluctuations of the natural movement of the world, and even the monks on the mountain were difficult to detect.

At this time, the firepower is fully on. Although the accumulation in a short period of time has exceeded the past few years, the movement that has been brought about is probably about to spread throughout the entire Yuyao Continent. It will not be long before the eight masters and ten sword emperors arrive.

Wu Songzi suspended in front of the giant gourd, controlled the mountains and rivers, and shouted anxiously:

"It's too late if you don't run, any one of the eight masters and ten sword emperors will come over, and we all have to die."

There was no response to the words, because the pioneer of the righteous path had already reached him.

On an ice lake only a few dozen miles away, a huge hole was blasted out of the ice surface by the thunder.

He was in a state of embarrassment, half-kneeling on the ground with a sword in one hand, his eyes still as cold as a hero who sees through life and death, but he couldn't hide his exhaustion.

In front of heaven and earth, the Immortal Venerable on the mountain is just a passing passerby borrowing power from his hands.

The deity stepped on it casually twice, and it seemed to be light and even unable to keep up with the might of Zuo Lingquan's sword, but the force in it was the crushing of the objects in the palm of the heavens and the earth.

The pain in Tomorrow's body can still be suppressed, but it can't suppress the trembling of the five elements. Invoke the power of heaven and earth.

On the opposite side of the ice lake, Shangguan Lingye hovered in the air, his hands wrapped around the purple thunderbolt, his eyes locked on the severely injured Tomorrow Sorrow, and his expression was equally serious.

The thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse. No matter how badly injured tomorrow is, it is also a top ten mountain sword cultivator. The dying tiger still has more courage. There are probably few people in the world who dare to take the desperate death of a mountain sword immortal. counterattack.

The two faced each other for a moment, and Asuka stood up, without fighting back, turned and walked towards the water source.

Shangguan Lingye knew that she couldn't stop Tomorrow's worry alone, but fortunately there was a sound of breaking wind from behind, and the two of them chased after them.

When Shangguan Lingye saw this, he didn't hesitate any longer. He raised his hand in the air, and the ice surface below exploded.

boom -

The water dragon smashed through the ice with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, and came to the back of Tomorrow.

Tomorrow was worried about holding the hilt of the sword in his hand and was about to dodge, but a figure descended from the sky, raised his hand and drank lightly:


The words fell, and the two water dragons with aura like a rainbow seemed to have lost their restraints, and they scattered in the air, turning into water sprays that spread across the sky and sprinkled on the ice.


Shangguan Lingye saw this scene, and his eyes couldn't help but show surprise - there are people who can perform magic tricks everywhere, but there are no people who can crack magic skills on the spot; because this requires super high talent and amazing experience. , If you don't fully understand all kinds of methods, it is impossible to find a way to crack the magic door when the opponent casts the spell, especially an opponent like her who doesn't even have any tricks.

With this hand alone, Shangguan Lingye can see that the other party's research on water law has reached the pinnacle.

Zuo Lingquan, who came to help, landed in front of Shangguan Lingye, and when he saw this scene, he became cautious.

Venerable Peach Blossom is the ancestor of the Xian family who walks the magic method. There was a little surprise in his eyes. After looking carefully, he saw that the person who came was a middle-aged man dressed in white. He didn't know him, and asked coldly:

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged man in white standing on the ice didn't respond, but turned to look at Tomorrow's Sorrow:

"You go first, I'll be there later."

Tomorrow was unable to exert his fighting power, turned around and left without saying a word.

Naturally, Shangguan Lingye couldn't let the opponent escape. The opponent was good at water, so she switched to the earth method, raised her hand again, and the ground shook under the ice surface, until the stone tablet broke the ice surface, forming a large formation around the man in white. , the sky began to condense thunderclouds.

Zuo Lingquan knew that his opponent was not Han Ning, the iron-headed boy, so he naturally wouldn't get close, waiting for an opportunity beside him, looking for an opportunity to use his sword.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that the middle-aged man in white did not use the blue-green flute on his waist, but raised his hands lightly to form an ancient boxing frame.

The boxing frame is ordinary, nothing unusual, but Zuo Lingquan is very familiar - because he can see Xie Qiutao practicing every morning, and he just posed it.

Zuo Lingquan's eyes showed strange expressions, he thought it was a coincidence, but the next scene made people unable to understand.

I saw the middle-aged man in white put out the boxing frame and snorted softly: "God's Gate." The skin on his hands quickly appeared scales and armor patterns, and a swimming snake appeared all over his body, almost condensed into a solid body, circling around the body, exuding all over the body. An indestructible tenacity, like an iron tower erected on the ground.

This God's Sect is much stronger than Han Ning, Xie Qiutao and other half-bakeds. Just looking at the momentum makes people lose their desire to fight.

Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye couldn't hide their surprise and asked in unison:

"who are you?"

The middle-aged man in white didn't respond, just said:

"You can't make it, go back."

Venerable Peach Blossom's experience was placed there, his brows furrowed for a moment, and he said:

"Xie's family in Xuanwutai seems to be from the outside, where did you steal it from?"

The middle-aged man in white did not speak.

Zuo Lingquan felt that this man's identity was not simple, but the current situation was so I couldn't sit down and do things at home. Seeing that tomorrow's sad back had disappeared, he asked:

"how to spell?"

Shangguan Lingye had just seen the domineering of Shenmen in Han Ning, which was similar to her master's Xuanwu shield, basically immune to the influence of spells, and could only use force to break the defense or find the gate of life.

The shield is only in front of the body, and can attack the back of the flanks, while the gate of the gods protects the whole body. I have never studied it. The ghost knows where the gate of life is.

Although Venerable Peach Blossom's battle strength is not high and she was injured, but she is a pharmacist, and her recovery ability is much more tyrannical than Tomorrow's. It is not easy to use the power of heaven and earth to fight the enemy at this time.

Seeing that the other party was blocking the way with supernatural powers, Venerable Taohua didn't say much, raised his finger, pressed it on the Fengfu acupoint on the back of Zuo Lingquan's head, and said silently in his mouth:

"Mengzhang's divine spell, cover and protect my body, Xunfeng enters the body, and uses the **** of thunder..."


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