Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 6: Zuo Lingquan's heart...

At dusk, before the sun sets at sea level, Thunder Cliff has turned into a sea of ​​lights that stretches for nearly a hundred miles.

On the street, Zuo Lingquan wore a long robe and hung a sword on his waist, like a literati and elegant guest visiting the scenic spot, walking behind the round-faced little girl, listening to all kinds of chatter along the way:

"...This is Baxianzhai, and the owner inside is incredible. He entered the Tao with a chef, known as the Thunder Cliff Cook Fairy. He made the king crab, which can make the fairies who don't eat human fireworks secretly swallow their saliva..."

"...That storytelling hall is very famous. The Qianji Lang in it is known as the No. 1 mouth in the East. The Xianjia fight in the water moon is basically explained to the audience by him. Many ancestors of the Xianjia have Take his place..."

Tang Jingshen is like a little woman who is accompanied by her husband and sings her husband. She walks beside Zuo Lingquan with a dumpling in her arms, and looks around curiously; the dumpling is reluctantly rubbing her belly, ignoring hints - birds and birds are going to starve to death, let's Can we order food first and then talk?

From the port to the core area of ​​​​the market, it is actually only more than 20 miles, but in the Xianjia market, it is not easy to show off the mountains and dew and use the supernatural powers to hurry, and the time to walk there on foot is not much faster than that of ordinary people.

That's all, Xie Qiutao was very talkative, and returned to the place he was familiar with. The words were so eloquent that he basically told every big shop he saw on the road.

Zuo Lingquan and Tang Jingxing were naturally not in a hurry, and it was useless for the group to be in a hurry, so they still walked over like this, and when they arrived at their destination, it was already the time when the lights were on.

The Duobao Pond mentioned by Wu Laodao is on Qianyuan Street. It is very large and occupies half of the street. There is a row of shops outside, and behind it is a huge round building. From the outside, you can see the top of the round building. The current wave of the formation, with a golden plaque hanging on it, is written with the three characters of 'Duobaotan', and the characters are very elegant.

On the street outside Duobaotan, there were like clouds of cultivators, half of them were pet owners who bought treasures from heaven and earth for spirit beasts, and the other half were fishermen from Xianjia.

Cultivation does not mean that everyone is cut off from the world. Most monks maintain various worldly interests, such as playing chess, listening to music, fishing, gambling, etc., but the higher the realm, the more restrained the desire.

On the way here, Zuo Lingquan listened to Xie Qiutao’s brief introduction to Duobaotan. To put it bluntly, it is a 'black pit' of a fairy family. Fishing relies on craftsmanship and luck. .

This kind of place is not uncommon in Xianjia market, but the scale of Thunder Cliff is too large, and the scale of Duobaotan far exceeds that of other places. According to rumors, the Jiaolong Cave directly below Duobaotan, which leads directly to the East China Sea, once directly caught immortal beast cubs. The cub was favored by the giant Zixiao City on the top of the mountain, in exchange for an avenue to the sky.

Zuo Lingquan did not believe this rumor at all, because of the chance that the word 'immortal' begins with the practice of Taoism, immortal soldiers, immortal beasts, etc. are all treasures at the bottom of the sect's box. It will be released for people to fish and play with.

However, there are indeed many good things in Duobaotan. The descendants of the dragon sons such as Puigu and Jiaotu can be released occasionally. Therefore, there are many monks who come to Duobaotan to try their luck. Of course, there are many who like fishing for excitement. People who come here to spend their money like dirt.

Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao first bought more than a dozen boxes of Beihai dried whitebait from the shop on the street, as well as various spiritual beast rations that they had never seen before. They didn't stop until they were satisfied with the dumpling, because they bought There are many things, and the shopkeeper also gave a ticket to Duobaotan as a means of soliciting customers.

Zuo Lingquan was about to go in and try it out, so naturally he took it over and accompanied Xie Qiutao to pick three more fishing rods.

The Xianjia fishing rod is not a bamboo rod, and the price is quite expensive. The highest quality fishing rod is a magic fishing rod made in Guigu Gorge. It is placed in the hands of the monks on the mountain. Fairy luxury.

Zuo Lingquan was not very interested in fishing, so he just picked three ordinary fishing rods at random, plus two tickets, and spent more than 400 white jade beads before and after. The price is not cheap. It's like a waste of water, and if you catch it, you won't necessarily get your money back, because beasts with too low rank are difficult to shoot, and Duobaotan will not be discounted at the market price.

Duobaotan opened every afternoon and lasted until the early morning of the next day. When Zuo Lingquan entered, it had already opened for an hour.

After Xie Qiutao walked into the gate carrying the blue fishing rod, she said with some pain:

"If I had known, it would be faster to come here. If you round up the hours, maybe you will lose a fairy beast cub..."

The dumplings squatted in Tang Jingxun's arms, holding the snack box and digging their head down, hearing the sound and saying "jiji!", as if he was saying, "You're too embarrassed to say it? Didn't you all talk nonsense all the way, and almost starved the birds to death?" …”

Zuo Lingquan followed the crowd into the central area, and it could be seen that it was a giant round building with a radius of nearly 100 feet. It was divided into three floors. Inside was a bottomless black pool with white mist condensed from spiritual energy.

There are many monks around the edge of the black pool. Most of them are sitting on the futon, with a tea table and a chessboard next to them, and some are sitting directly on the ground. There are many fishing rods, the longest of which is dozens of feet, and can reach the center of the pool. It is quite lively, and the monks can be heard chatting everywhere:

"...I heard that someone caught an iron-backed tortoise before, and it was too heavy to pull it up. He was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot..."

"Who is so unlucky..."


Zuo Lingquan just came in to have a look. He didn't spend a lot of money on the private room upstairs. He walked around the edge of the black pool. After finding a place that no one cared about, he sat down beside the tea table.

Xie Qiutao grew up by the sea and did some research on fishing. After looking around a few times, he hesitated:

"I'm afraid this place won't work, right? No one sits, so it's definitely not a good pit."

Tang Jingxuan sat down beside Zuo Lingquan and said softly, "There are not necessarily good things in a good place. It's good to be quiet here. What are you fighting for with those people."

Xie Qiutao thought about it too, so he sat down on the other side of the tea table and began to prepare skillfully.

Zuo Lingquan has been practicing swordsmanship since he was a child, and he has no leisure to go fishing. He is not very familiar with it. When he was looking at Xie Qiutao, he suddenly heard a voice from the pool:


In a blink of an eye, I saw a famous sword guard in military uniform on a platform on the third floor, throwing white jade beads into the cold pool.

Tang Jingshen's eyes were surprised: "This is playing a nest? The money is burning too much."

The surrounding cultivators seemed to be used to this scene, and a few of them said happily:

"Han Jianxian is really here. He spent a lot of money to attract fish. I'm afraid we will get a lot of light tonight..."

"Which immortal is this? The handwriting is really big..."

"The nephew of a mountain immortal in the north, who was given the honorary title 'Han Qianjin', has always been proud of himself. The shop in Thunder Cliff, seeing him is happier than seeing his ancestors..."


Zuo Lingquan listened to the messy chatter, but didn't hear the result, but he roughly judged the background of the person who threw the coins from the title.

In practice, there is no special requirement for honorific titles, and they can be called Immortal Chiefs, but if you are very respectful, there will still be differences in the titles. To sum up, those who enter Youhuang are immortals, so Youhuang is called Immortal Chief, and the jade rank is better than You Huang is so powerful that he is called Xianzun, and then there is Xianjun, but that title is unbearable for ordinary people, and it is not often used.

Judging from the casual cultivator's chat, this Han Jianxian is estimated to be the nephew of a certain jade-rank ancestor. Of course, it is not ruled out that the scattered cultivator does not know the way and tries to shout as much as possible.

Zuo Lingquan's half-step jade step is actually worthy of the title of Immortal Venerable. He didn't care about these small talk, and focused his attention on the pool:

"Are we going to have a nest too?"


Xie Qiutao took out a box of small dried fish dumplings:

"But it's too extravagant to use fairy money to make a nest. It's fine to use small dried fish. Anyway, I buy more."


The dumpling was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly drilled into Tang Jingshen's arms, trying to protect Linglong Pavilion, lest the impersonal Tao Taoquan be fed to the fish.

The three of them talked for a few words, and before they threw the pole into the pool, the maid of Duobaotan came over with a tea bowl and melon seeds dessert, and sat down beside the tea table:

"This is the tea and snacks sent by the owner, the three guests please take it slow."

As he spoke, he poured a cup of tea for each of the three of them.

Zuo Lingquan has an easy-going personality. He never treats his servants as people, and uses his hands to hold the teacup.

At first he didn't pay attention to the maid's face, but when the maid got up and walked back to the round tower, he suddenly found...

I found that this maid has a very good figure, with narrow shoulders and round hips...

Just after a few glances, Tang Jingxuan, who was sitting next to him, had a sour look in his eyes and pinched Zuo Lingquan's waist:

"Lord Xianggong, what are you looking at?"


Zuo Lingquan turned back quickly, not knowing why he was caught by the waist and buttocks of a maid, and said seriously:

"It's nothing, just take a look."

"That maid's **** is quite round, I guess if you squeeze it with your hand, you can squeeze out the water..."

"Hey~ I'm out and about, there are so many people, don't talk about it."

"Don't you dare to look at it? You're not allowed to say it? Isn't that right, Qiu Tao?"

Xie Qiutao held the fishing rod and smirked, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

Zuo Lingquan looked helpless, picked up the teacup and wanted to take a sip to ease the embarrassment.

But just as he brought the teacup to his mouth, Zuo Lingquan was stunned again, looking at the aura of tea and the crystal clear tea leaves, he said unexpectedly:

"Duobaotan's hand is quite large, and this tea is not very cheap at first glance."

Xie Qiutao picked up her teacup and took a sip:

"Hmm... Yuhua Maojian of Ziluo Peak, ten white jade baht a pot, it's alright."

Ten white jade baht?

Zuo Lingquan was a little puzzled. Judging from the color and quality of the tea, he believed that it was ten golden baht per pot.

Zuo Lingquan didn't study the tea ceremony deeply, and he didn't care too much. After confirming that there was no problem, he took a sip.

Bitter in the mouth, other than that there is no special taste.

Zuo Lingquan's tea entrance was a little disappointed in his heart, and he felt that it was far worse than the fairy tea of ​​the rich mother and baby.

But while feeling the slightly bitter taste of the tea, Zuo Lingquan somehow, through this bitter taste, recalled the unwillingness and despair when he learned that he could not practice cultivation.

He had resisted this hardship for a long time, and swept it away in a flash, but the face of the ancestor of Shangguan immediately appeared in his mind, and there was a tangle in his heart.

The entanglement comes from the thoughts buried deep in his heart - what if he likes the old ancestor one day, and the old ancestor has a tough and stubborn character, but what if he doesn't agree?

I hadn't dared to think about this question before, but Zuo Lingquan knew the answer - my mother said that if you don't like yourself, you can fight for it, and you can expect her daughter's family to fail.

Therefore, Zuo Lingquan quickly swept away this inexplicable thought.

Next, Zuo Lingquan remembered that he touched Venerable Peach Blossom's chest, it was big and soft, and took advantage of it, but Venerable Peach Blossom didn't let him be responsible. Face.

The solution to this problem is not much different from that of the ancestors of Shangguan.

As for the others, since Zuo Lingquan has been practicing, he has focused on his goals to the extreme, nothing more than to go to the top of the mountain to gain the strength to protect the people around him. There is nothing to be ashamed of in what he has done in his life, and he has never given up on himself and doubted himself. Where did it come from? to other knots.

Zuo Lingquan picked up the teacup and drank it all in a daze. When he put the teacup down, there were no more distracting thoughts in his mind, and he began to reminisce about the taste of the tea. As a result...

That's it?

Zuo Lingquan looked down at the teacup and shook his head:

"No wonder it's so cheap. The treasures of heaven and earth have been added a lot, and there is no taste at all. It feels as flashy as the rare soup."

"There are only ten white jade beads, so I will drink it soon."

"I feel that ten is expensive, it's better than plain water..."



The other side.

The young woman wearing a flower hairpin, standing in the secluded part of the round building, looked at the men and women who were discussing tea, her eyes slightly darkened.

"Qizhen soup? Hmph... I remember it clearly..."

After the young woman with the flower hairpin muttered to herself, her eyes returned to the bowl of tea, with suspicion in her eyes.

Just now, she carefully observed Zuo Lingquan's situation when he was drinking tea, picked up the cup to drink tea, and put it down naturally, as if she was not breathing at all, and she was not stunned.

For this result, the young woman with the flower hairpin had psychological expectations, but what she didn't expect was that Zuo Lingquan didn't even drink any flavor.

Immortal tea bought with 100 golden baht must have some flavor, right?

It can be described as a derogatory term like 'Qizhen Soup', even if it is not as good as boiled water, not so much...

There is no response, and the taste is not right. Could it be that Chu Yi, that bastard, is selling fakes to trick me?

The young woman with the flower hairpin frowned, thinking that the local gang was really rude!

She waited in place for half an hour, and after confirming that Zuo Lingquan did not show any reaction, she thought that she disappeared in place in a flash, and when she reappeared, she had returned to the old teahouse in the remote alley.

Lights were lit in the teahouse, the little girl was lying on the table writing, and Chu Yi was still leaning on the reclining chair to take a nap.

The curtain opened.

Chu Yi opened his eyes, and when he saw the woman with a flower hairpin walking in, he was obviously taken aback:

"Daoist friend went and returned, did you forget something?"

The woman with the flower hairpin didn't look very good. She sat down at the tea table and said coldly:

"The tea you gave me is fake?"

Chu Yi was stunned again, sat up straight, and brewed a little:

"Fellow Daoist...what do you mean?"

"There is no reaction after drinking it. It tastes like boiled water. Are you sure it is mirror flower tea?"

No reaction at all?

Chu Yi frowned, as if he wanted to laugh after listening to a big joke, but he was worried that what he said was true, and he seemed to be laughing like a fool. He pondered:

"Are you sure, fellow Daoist?"

The woman with the flower hairpin knew that there was no basis in her words, but Chu Yi would not admit it. She flipped her palm lightly and formed a water curtain in her palm.

It was pitch black in the water curtain, and there was only the outline of a figure. The figure could be seen as a man, but his clothes and face were blurred, so he could only roughly see the movements.

Chu Yi was not low on the road, and seeing that the picture was not fake, he squinted to examine it carefully.

The man in the water curtain took a sip from the teacup, paused for a while, then raised the cup and drank it, and put down the teacup.

On the whole, there was indeed no special reaction, but Chu Yi's eyes showed incredible color, and the little girl next to him raised his head:

"Wow! This man..."

The woman with the flower hairpin saw the expressions of the old and the young, her anger faded, and she said with a frown:


Chu Yi sat on the reclining chair with a shocked expression on his face. After a long silence, he asked:

"Are you sure you didn't cheat?"

"I also want to ask you if you sell fakes. You say I'm doing tricks?"


Chu Yi nodded slightly, and the inconceivable expression on his face became more and more obvious.

Chu Yi saw too many young people in the tea shop, and at a glance, he could see the reaction after drinking the tea.

The man in the picture just now was indeed not breathing, but after sipping it lightly, he drank it in one gulp, obviously distracted and subconsciously drank.

This shows that the man is a cultivator who climbed up the mountain seriously. He was aroused by the mirror flower tea and lost his mind.

But the time of trance is very short. If you count it with one breath and one breath, it is at most two breaths.

Being able to take two breaths away can clear up countless stagnations since childhood, indicating that this child's mind is pure, almost flawless, and his goal is firm to the extreme.

This situation is very abnormal!

Because people do not make mistakes after they are sensible, but they cannot control what they do before.

For example, when I was two or three years old, I was arguing about buying candy and kites. Only after I became sensible did I realize that my family was poor and that my parents were not easy.

It takes two breaths to clear away distracting thoughts, or this person has been as sensible as an adult since he can remember at the age of two or three, he has never done anything wrong, and is extremely confident and has a heart like iron; or he is heartless to the extreme, He was even more ruthless than Lu Jianchen back then.

The former is more terrifying than the latter, because people who are born ruthless can easily go the wrong way and be targeted by the world.

As for the former one, one knows how to behave in the world since childhood, and will not leave irreparable regrets to one’s mood. The natural mood is flawless, and there will be no shortage of help from contacts. In addition, the goal is focused and the Tao’s heart is like iron. How high is the upper limit? Can't imagine.

Fortunately, this person was stunned for two breaths, indicating that there was still something in his heart that was difficult to decide.

To make this kind of arrogance linger in the heart, it must be a major event related to heaven and the common people, and it is definitely not easy to see through and smooth.

But even so, he was only absorbed in two breaths, and he was a genius that Chu Yi had never seen before. In the future, his role in the practice of the Dao would inevitably be terrifying. , he did not find it unusual.

If this person was asked to write, and he came to watch the spirit between the lines, maybe he would really lose his motivation to move forward...

Chu Yi was silent for a while, then sighed, flipped his wrist and took out a bag of immortal money, and put it on the table:

"If the Taoist friend didn't do The old man is willing to admit defeat, this bag of colorful money will be treated as a friend of the old man. If there is a chance in the future, I hope the Taoist friend will let me know and let the old man pay a visit to this man. A promising junior."

The woman with the flower hairpin is very confident, and it is not surprising to hear this comment, and she takes it for granted. She was about to speak, but she frowned and looked outside:

" the sword intent?"

Chu Yi also felt it, and looked somewhere in the market, his face sank:

"Humph! Dare to draw a sword at Thunder Cliff, I guess he is a stunned young man who has just come out of the mountain. With a little swordsmanship, he doesn't know how high the sky is. Excuse me, the old man will go back when he goes."

After the words fell, Chu Yi's figure disappeared in the shop.

It was only at this moment that the young woman with the flower hairpin appeared inexplicable, and she secretly said something like "fishing, fishing, beheading people for what? I just gave you a good fate, and I'm going to beat you..." She also went out of the shop without a sound...


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