Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 8: Slaughtering Heavenly Immortals in the Red Silk Tent

The sea breeze and the autumn moon together soothe the black cliffs of Thunder Bluff.

Before the aftermath of Duobaotan had spread, a small ferry departed from the port and slowly left the market.

In a window of the ferry, Zuo Lingquan stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking the scenery below.

I hadn't noticed it before, but after drinking that cup of tea, Zuo Lingquan realized for the first time that he buried deep in his heart, things that he had never dared to think about before.

These thoughts are offensive and blasphemous to the ancestors of Shangguan and Venerable Peach Blossoms, but the more they don't think about them, the more they linger in their minds, as if they have taken root in their hearts.

But it's no use taking root...

Just now, this strength has been discovered by the ancestors, and he definitely hangs himself in Thunder Cliff and wears **** clothes to show the public...

Venerable Peach Blossom is stronger, but it is estimated that he will also beat himself up...

Zuo Lingquan was wandering for thousands of miles, but Xie Qiutao next to him couldn't calm down. He was still full of enthusiasm, holding his arms and looking like 'We are really amazing', and said incessantly:

"I really relieved my anger just now. That surnamed Han dared to show affection for this girl, and even made Young Master Zuo wink, and he didn't even look at himself..."

Tang Jingxuan held the dumplings, stood beside Zuo Lingquan, and asked:

"Where are we going next? I guess that prankster today will call someone to find us."

Xie Qiutao responded, "Don't worry, I'm good at escaping, ahem—getting away, Luojianshan can't find us..."

Naturally, Xie Qiutao meant to get out quickly.

As for blocking the door? Everyone was killed, pretending not to run away, really waiting for the other party's master to come, isn't it looking for excitement?

But Zuo Lingquan, who was standing at the window, didn't think so. He came back to his senses and said with a smile:

"As a swordsman, you have to promise what you say. If there is no more, who will believe me when I say harsh words in the future?"

Xie Qiutao was stunned for a moment, then blinked: "I also want to cut the weeds and roots of that guy, but after today, he would definitely rather die in the market than come out to die. Come and find a place."

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and looked towards the north: "If you want to kill that guy, Luojianshan will definitely try to protect him, and if he kills him, he will chase after him and make trouble. Ancestor..."

"Yeah, so..."

"So, go and solve the old ancestor first, and then come back to kill, you don't have to worry about trouble."

? ?

This logic sounds reasonable, but...

"No matter how downhearted Luojian Mountain is, it is also a famous immortal family in Hua Junzhou. They just killed the people in Luojian Mountain. Now I go to them to settle accounts and solve them. I'm afraid this is..."

"Isn't Luojianshan saying that Dongzhou's kendo is all about the other side? I wanted to go there and just settle the account together."


Xie Qiutao felt that this was a bit of a big game, but she didn't hesitate to think about it-Luojianshan regarded itself as a wealthy family on the top of the mountain, and was unreasonable in private. , Zuo Lingquan came to the door at this time to ask for an explanation, and brought the matter to the public eye.

As for the way of parrying, Luojian Mountain claims to have been side by side with Juejianya, and is one of the leaders of kendo.

With Zuo Lingquan's current path, it's hard to say whether the elders can't hold up the scene when they come out, and the elders don't dare to rush to kill.

Anecdote of Jiuzhou! In the past, when the kendo giants fell on Jianshan, the ancestors went out in person and fought against the Dongzhou Valkyrie. I don't know how many generations of disciples!

Luojian Mountain and Tiecu Mansion are nominally equal sects, even longer than Tie Tu Mansion, the ancestors beat other disciples and grandchildren...

Thinking of that scene, Xie Qiutao shrank his neck, feeling that Xiaoshan Patriarch could vomit three liters of blood on the spot. It's okay if he doesn't make a move, he made that Zuo Lingquan famous, and also made Luojianshan's status in the rivers and lakes fall to the sewer.

Thinking of this, Xie Qiutao's heart filled with blood again, nodded and said:

"Well, let's settle the account now."

Luojian Mountain is not too far from Thunder Cliff, but it took three days in the past. If you ride the wind all the way, you won't have the energy to fight when you get there, and the three of them still take the ferry.

Zuo Lingquan closed the window after completely leaving Thunder Bluff and seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

The short-distance ferry is not comparable to the cross-sea ferry. The room is simple, there is no place to meditate, just a room with a wooden bed, the space is small but neat and clean.

The dumpling was a little gloomy, squatting on Tang Jing's legs, "gugujiji~" all the time, it should be complaining, Taotao took its small fish to dry the nest, but nothing was caught.

Tang Jingxuan sat on the bed, saw Zuo Lingquan turned around, sat up a little bit, threw the dumpling on the ground, and gently poked it with his embroidered shoes:



Tuanzi turned his head blankly, after a moment of stunned, he realized something, and walked to the door with a dejected step.

Zuo Lingquan smiled, opened the door so that the dumplings could go to sleep with Tao Tao, and then came to the bedside:

"Aren't you happy?"

Tang Jingshen was born in the market, and is naturally more resistant to fighting and killing, so naturally he does not find it funny; but in the past, I have seen many scenes of fighting and killing, and it is not too much trouble.

She put the curtain on the bed into Linglong Pavilion, so that Zuo Lingquan could sit down and pursed her lips and smiled:

"How can you be unhappy? Women are bullied and men are angry. I feel relieved. The mother-in-law praised you just now."


Zuo Lingquan's eyes were surprised, and he took Jingxing's hand and put it in his arms:

"How did the ancestor praise it?"

"Say you're doing well today and you're like a man. Alas~ she's just like that. She can't say good things when she praises people, but I think she's quite satisfied when she can speak."

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and smiled, putting aside many thoughts in his heart, and set his eyes on Jingxun:

"Is there a reward for that?"

How could Tang Jingxun not understand what her husband meant, but just nodding like that, she pulled her hand back and snorted softly:

"My mother-in-law praises you and rewards you. What should you ask her and tell me what to do? ... How about I tell her, let her come over, and use my body to make you feel good?"


Zuo Lingquan's expression froze, and he secretly said: This is what the ancestors heard, I have to be a skin, even if the ancestors really have Yaxing to make me happy, you will kill Xianggong if you don't take care of it?

Zuo Lingquan raised his hand to cover the quiet lips, and said solemnly:

"Hey, this can't be said, so the ancestors can't hear it."

"What's the big deal, it's not like she hasn't kissed before..."

After making a few jokes, Jingxun returned to the topic, took off his embroidered shoes, sat on his side with his knees bent, his round buttocks resting on his calf, and looked at Zuo Lingquan:

"What reward do you want? I heard Qingwan say that she used to reward you for letting you play with your tail and walk behind..."

"Huh? Did she even tell you this?"

"Che~ I have a very good relationship with Qingwan. I don't know what's going on... By the way, you seem to have done that kind of thing to her. We haven't tried it, only Ling Ye has played with the tail..."

Tang Jingxuan propped up the bed with her hands, raised her beautiful eyes, and felt a little unfair in her eyes.

Zuo Lingquan was laughing and laughing, and secretly said: Ling Ye and Jiang Yi are both afraid of tigers, but you are like a wolf like a tiger, when you really try it, you should cry.

However, the ancestor was behind, Zuo Lingquan was afraid that the ancestor would feel something indescribable, and no matter how greedy he was, he would not dare to get on the tail or do it with real guns. He raised his hand and squeezed Jingxing's face:

"That's punishment, didn't you see Qingwan crying every time?"

"It's not, it's just pretending, I see that Wan likes it very much now, and every time I do something, it's a must-order item..."

Tiger words and tiger words, eyes full of spring.

Zuo Lingquan was teased twice by his daughter-in-law, and he really couldn't hold it anymore...


When Jing You was talking, the front of his clothes became cold.

The shot was rough, and the two jade **** popped out directly, with the jade pendant hanging between them.


Tang Jingxuan hurriedly sat up straight and crossed her arms, saying angrily:

"Why are you in such a hurry? It's just a few pieces of clothes, what should I wear..."

Zuo Lingquan smiled playfully, grabbed Jingshen's wrist, separated it from left to right, and lowered his eyebrows to watch carefully:

"Why didn't you wear a carp between flowers?"

"Where do I dare to wear it when I'm out and about, I'm not that coquettish child of Ling Ye..."

Jingshen's face gradually turned red, her hand could not be pulled back, nor was it blocked, her eyes were aimed elsewhere:

"Don't be like that, what kind of reward do you want?"

Zuo Lingquan wanted everything, he raised his hand and weighed the group: "You think about it yourself."

Jingshen's shoulders trembled slightly, recalled a little, and said:

"By the way, you stared at the back of that maid today, do you think she's better than mine?"

Where would Zuo Lingquan take this proposition, he quickly shook his head:

"How is it possible, that maid is like that, she is fat and has no sense of beauty, how can it be compared to being in a hurry, let the husband appreciate it..."

Tang Jing was half-believing and dubious, turned over according to the words, lay down on the ground with a soft pillow, turned her back to Zuo Lingquan, and whispered:

"I do not believe……"


"Try to contradict Xiang Gong again?"

"I'm going to say..."


Next door, another room on the ferry.

The young woman with the flower hairpin stood at the window, looking at the sea of ​​​​clouds and the galaxy, her cheeks gradually showing a chill under the autumn moon.

The short-distance ferry, the isolation of the formation method is not very clever, and the young woman with the flower hairpin is too high. At such a close distance, although you can't see the details, you can still deduce the general words through the leaked shock and aftermath.

no beauty...


The woman with the flower hairpin clenched her hands slowly, looked back at her waist, and then turned her eyes back, her eyes became more and more cold.

Most of the peak monks will change their body shape when they go out. In order not to be noticed, they just fine-tune it, so as not to make their body strange, and they will not force themselves to be ugly.

Although the figure of the young woman with the flower hairpin is not as good as the round and jade-like bead she used to look down upon, it is also a rare figure in the world.

Is it bad to have meat in the buttocks?

Don't they all say "bee waist, fat buttocks, beautiful shoulders, slashing angels in the red silk tent"?

Is this stinky boy blind?

The young woman with the flower hairpin took a breath and suppressed the turbulence in her heart, but after being silent for a while, her figure still changed slightly, slightly flattened, and then looked back - it was like malnutrition, forget it...


"Clang clang clang~~"


In another room, the crisp sound of the pipa and the chirping of birds intersected together to compose a cheerful piece of music.

Xie Qiutao sat cross-legged on the bed, holding the iron pipa in his hand, playing with his five fingers like flying.

Danzi stood on the windowsill, shaking his furry head rhythmically up and down.

Only the little dragon turtle, who was trampled under the feet by the dumplings as a stage, huddled in its shell silently, looking at the two neurotics.

Xie Qiutao's eyes were full of smiles, but she was also a little ecstatic - today in Duobaotan, Zuo Lingquan's domineering but elegant appearance has been lingering in his mind. Valley

She doesn't think it's her fault, because such a manly man, I'm afraid there's no fairy who won't be impressed; if it's her who shows off her power today, Zuo Lingquan will probably look at her with admiration, it's all the same.

Alas~ Sister Jingxun is probably full of admiration, otherwise, she would not be able to get on the boat soon, and she would drive the dumplings over...

It is estimated that he is wearing that small cloth now, kissing Zuo Gongzi...


Xie Qiutao blushed. As a little girl who was always sixteen years old, she was not ashamed to think about this, so she cleared her mind and stopped playing the pipa.

The dangzi, who was shaking his head for a while, stopped playing music, and raised his head:


"What the hell, go to sleep obediently."

Xie Qiutao got up, with the pipa hanging on his back, holding the dumplings and the little dragon turtle, and put them into the bed together.

Danzi was reluctant, but he still lay on the pillow and covered himself with a thin quilt in his bird's beak.


Xie Qiutao nodded in satisfaction and came out of the room.

The ferry is built by a small sect. It is not large in scale. The ship building has two floors. There are eight wing rooms on the second floor and a hall on the first floor. Most of the monks who can ride this kind of boat are going to the lowland for treasure hunting nearby. Cultivator, there are few rooms open, and there are quite a lot of people in the ship hall on the first floor.

Xie Qiutao came to the corridor on the second floor, pretending to relax, and walked slowly outside Zuo Lingquan's room, his ears moved, wanting to see what tricks were playing inside.

But because of Xie Qiutao's Taoism, it was natural that Zuo Lingquan could not be seen lying down, so Bai Yueyue was brought to him, and he carefully admired the moon and tasted the flowers. After walking back and forth twice, he went down the stairs angrily.

Xie Qiutao prefers to be lively. In the past, he had never opened a guest room on a ferry. He was in the lobby chatting with monks traveling from south to north, picking up some leaks by the way.

There were no seats on the first floor of the ferry. Nearly a hundred monks were standing in the lobby and on the deck, chatting in groups of three or five. There were also a few little pharmacists and talismans who went back and forth to sell the medicinal talismans produced by their sects.

The bottom layer of the practice path is the most realistic and interesting place.

Everyone holds the dream of one day Yufeng Mountain, scrambling and rolling in every square inch, full of passion and blood, doing trivial things that the children of rich and powerful families will not even glance at.

Xie Qiutao had heard a sentence before, saying, "It's not being at ease on the top of the mountain, it's Gu Ying's self-pity." She used to think it was nonsense, but after seeing people like Shangguan Patriarch, she realized that this sentence must be someone. Said by a wise man.

Because the higher the practice path, the fewer friends, and the passion and blood to hunt for treasures and slay monsters together. Shadow froze.

It feels terrible to think about it, so God don't harm other people, this invincible loneliness, let Tao Tao bear it...

Xie Qiutao thought about life secretly, thinking about it, and his thoughts drifted.

She shook her head, swept away her messy thoughts, and listened to the conversations of many small loose cultivators.

The news of the cultivation path was passed very quickly. The boat came out of Thunder Cliff. Some people have already started to talk about what happened in Duobaotan.

"...It's absolutely true, it was a love kill, Han Jianxian of Luojian Mountain, a Taoist couple who had an affair with someone, found someone to settle the account, was beaten on the spot and vomited three liters of blood..."

"Stealing a Taoist companion and beating others is too much..."

"What is this? Later, it was great. After defeating Han Jianxian, the swordsman tore off his robe in front of thousands of people. Guess what?"


"The little dragon is more than seven inches long, with a thick mushroom cover on his forearm. On the spot, he said, 'Now do you know why she gave up on this sword fairy?'"


? ?


Xie Qiutao's eyes were full of shock, and his anger suddenly came up. He knew that loose cultivators liked hearsay and gossip, but he didn't expect to be so outrageous.

I wanted to go up and say a few words, but as a half-mountain ancestor and a little girl, it was inappropriate to run up to the theory.

Therefore, Xie Qiutao listened angrily for a long time, but still ignored these idlers, came to the deck, and secretly pondered what 'mushroom cap' meant.

Before he could figure out why, the chatter of another team of monks entered his ears:

"... This year's Yuefu Mid-Autumn Festival, several fairies from Yingyang Immortal Palace and Guigu Gorge will come over. It is said that Mr. Sanzhu, who is known as the number one master of the Qin Tao, will also present his music..."

"Hey, whoever is serious in this kind of situation listens to music, doesn't they all go to see fairies..."

"This time is different. When Mr. Sanzhu went to Qianqiu Yuefu, he said he was offering a song, but he was obviously challenging in secret, just like Wen Jian. Mr. Sanzhu is famous and has many admirers. I have taken out all the guqin in my collection and lent it to Mr. Sanzhu, what is it called Qingxiao, Qingxiao..."


Xie Qiutao was originally listening at random, but when he heard this, his expression suddenly condensed, and he turned his head and said:

"Qingxiao He Weeps?"

The talking little loose cultivator slapped his forehead:

"Yes, yes, Qingxiaohe weeps, the girl has heard of this too?"

Xie Qiutao blinked, slightly dazed, as if recalling something.

"I've heard of it, but I don't know much."

After finishing speaking, he went back to the boat and hugged himself...


Three thousand miles north of Thunder Cliff, Luojian Mountain.

Luojian Mountain is named after the two immortal mountains in the sect - Hanzhi Peak and Shuxi Peak.

The two peaks are soaring into the clouds, and the gap between them looks like a red sword falling from the sky at dusk. This is rooted in the world heritage to this day.

Huajunzhou and Yuyaozhou are quite different. Yuyaozhou has only eight and a half of immortal wealthy families. It has been strong since its appearance and has not changed much. Huajunzhou is not the same. It has never been dated since ancient times. How many have appeared. The sects are hard to count, as long as the sects still exist, the ancestors are more or less wider.

Whether the Xianjia sect is strong or not depends on the power at the top. As long as a wizard is born and successfully reaches the top of the mountain, it is enough to lift the small portal of 100 people into a giant that can compete with the heroes of all parties.

The opposite is also true, once the ancestor who supported the facade died, and the younger generation did not accept it, a wealthy family like Tietu Mansion could instantly become second-rate.

To put it bluntly, the practice is a place to talk with fists. No matter how many disciples there are, there are no shortage of other families. The person who supports the front is not the opponent of the other party, and it is half a point to speak.

For example, the right to mint coins in Tiecu Mansion, without the ancestors of Shangguan, will Tiandi City and Fulong Mountain give profits and resources according to the rules of the ancestors of Shangguan? Redistribution of benefits is inevitable.

Cultivation resources are the lifeblood of maintaining the sect, and if there is a slight loss, it will fall into a vicious circle.

And this is not to be suppressed by others, but to let your sect return to a position that matches your strength.

Many sects in Huajunzhou are like this. As soon as the ancestor of the family dies, the family business begins to decline. After several generations of people can't turn it back, they will no longer have the power to turn around, and slowly become a marginal force until it completely disappears.

Luojian Mountain is considered to be in relatively good condition, but it is far from what it used to be.

In ancient times, Luojianshan even served as the 'leader of swordsmanship' for a period of time, and Juejianya had to avoid its edge, and other sects were the younger brothers in Luojianshan's eyes.

After the old ancestor passed away, Luojian Mountain began to go downhill, but it was still the top immortal family, which lasted for a long time until the old ancestor took office.

The ancestor who took office was regarded as the ancestor of ZTE, and he raised the sect a lot, but then it was a bit floating, and he wanted to challenge the position of Juejianya again and recreate the glory of Luojian Mountain.

But the head of Juejianya is already the ancestor of the sword **** Huang Chao!

Just like the other "ten people on the mountain", no one knows how strong Huang Chao's ancestor is, because no one has ever been able to push an immortal king of this level into a desperate situation.

When Luojianshan took office as the ancestor, he wanted to shake the status of the sword god, and he issued three battle books before and after, and the old sword **** asked him to practice for another hundred years.

Three hundred years later, he was rejected again, and the ancestor who took office could not bear it, saying that the ancestor of Huang Chao had a false reputation and dared not fight.

Luojian Mountain has really become Luojian Mountain.

When the sword came down, the old ancestor was seriously injured, and the heart of the sword was broken, and he died in just a few years.

The ancestor of Xiaoshan, who is the heir, belongs to the ducks and put it on the shelves, which is similar to letting Zuo Lingquan take the position of the Lord Linyuan now. The talent is too old and too tender.

Moreover, the ancestors of Xiaoshan are not considered high in talent among the powerhouses on the top of the mountain. They are about the same level as Venerable Lord Wanghai and Venerable Zhuangyue, and they are not as old as Venerable Peach Blossom.

Since Xiaoshan Patriarch took over Luojian Mountain, Luojian Mountain is no longer going downhill, and the situation is not much different from jumping off a building.

Originally, Luojian Mountain was the closest to Thunder Cliff, and it should be the owner of Thunder Cliff Ferry. Now the sect of Thunder Cliff is the Qianqiu Yuefu, which is tens of thousands of miles away. The situation of other Dongtianfudi and Lingtian mines is almost the same. .

Resources were crowded out, so naturally it was impossible to retain fresh blood. Later, Luojianshan even had to recruit son-in-law and other methods to win over good seedlings who practiced Dao.

Loose cultivators all say that Luojianshan likes to do things and make some gimmicky gimmicks. This is true, but Luojianshan has no other way. There is no good seedling who is willing to be a teacher.

And it is the same principle to mention the glorious days of the ancestors when everyone meets them. Luojian Mountain does not force himself to be a top immortal family, and can he expect other sects to blow Luojian Mountain? That doesn't mean that you are reduced to second-rate by default.

However, in the past two years, Luojianshan's reputation has risen a lot.

Under the moonlight, Shuji Peak was crowded with people outside.

Countless monks gathered outside the sword gate, watching the two swordsmen fight on the huge round platform.

Under the Panlong wall behind the round platform, there is a row of Taishi chairs, and the famous sects are seated among them. In the center is the head Xue Yuanxia, ​​and there are several elders in the sect next to them.

The head of a sect has never been good at combat power, and all he worries about is the sect's firewood, rice, oil, salt, and immortals' sophistication.

Seeing the scene where all the people in the sect were respected, Xue Yuanxia couldn't hide the sigh in his eyes, and the stagnation in his heart for so many years was slightly relieved.

The two swordsmen on the stage, one is a young swordsman from Dongzhou, with decent talent. Today, they may be able to win by a narrow margin, but when they meet Song Qianji, the direct disciple of the ancestor, there is no chance of winning.

Thinking of his younger brother Song Qianji, Xue Yuanxia felt a little sigh, or gratitude.

Although this little junior brother is frivolous and arrogant, his talent is really amazing. Two years ago, the sentence "East Continent Sword Cultivators are all sideways" made Luojianshan a big face.

The Dongzhou cultivator must have been furious when he heard this sentence, but the people of Huajunzhou sounded great, at least Juejianya did not dare to say this.

Since these words came out, Dongzhou's people have never stopped asking for swords. Xue Yuanxia doesn't even need to think about marrying a daughter. Every day he sits here to call on the younger generation, and his reputation rises.

After more than two years, the disciples have won and lost, but the younger brother Song Qianji has not lost a game.

This record is the best admissions document. The younger generation who came to the top of the mountain last year alone is more than the previous ten years combined.

There is no shortage of fresh blood, and the revival of the sect is only a matter of time and time. The ancestor has not sighed for the past two years. He smiled and drank tea and played chess in the back mountain; once this heart calmed down, maybe the ancestor could step forward. Two steps to bring Luojian Mountain back to its peak...

Xue Yuanxia frowned and was secretly imagining a bright future when Han Song, the elder of the pill weapon sitting behind him, frowned, and took out the Tiandun card from his waist.

Xue Yuanxia frowned slightly, wanting to remind his junior and junior brothers to pay attention to the demeanor of immortals, communicate with one's heart and mind, and don't hold the Tiandun card in his hand; before he moved, he heard hysterical shouts from the Tiandun card:

"Uncle, someone wants to kill me! Come and save me! Quickly..."

The voice quickly disappeared, but the elders of Luojian Mountain next to them all heard it, and their faces The person on the other side of the Tiandun card, Xue Yuanxia naturally knew, he was the nephew of the pill elder Han Song Han Chupeng; his talent is moderate, his personality is loose, and he has a little cultivation with the blessing of Han Song.

Although Han Chupeng is useless, Han Song is among the five elders, but he is the core of the sect;

Xue Yuanxia turned his head and asked in a deep voice:

"Han Song, what's going on?"

After listening to his nephew's narration, Han Song's face turned cold:

"My nephew was playing in Thunder Bluff and met an unknown junior..."

Han Song didn't listen to his nephew's one-sided words, because he knew his nephew's virtues. After confirming with Shen Wanning and others, he explained the cause, process and result of Duobaotan.

The elders of Luojian Mountain had anger in their eyes when they heard that someone had gone so mad.

"Chu Yi didn't show up. I'm afraid the person behind this son is not simple. A little careless handling will ruin the reputation of the sect..."

Xue Yuanxia thought about it a little, and ordered: "Han Song, you go to Thunder Cliff to see, if this son has left, he is bluffing, be sure to recover it, and hang his head to show the public; When the scandal has to be separated from the sect, I will waste one hand and one foot on the street to suppress the style of the sect."

Han Song knew the seriousness of the matter, so he cut off his hands and feet and brought it back, just to show the Daoist friends on the mountain, and he had no objection to this.

"If this son is waiting outside the market?"

"Dare to wait outside the market, either because you have a real background, or you are a young and arrogant man. First check the teacher's inheritance, if you are not qualified to kill, let him apologize in Thunder Cliff, and make the big matter small; Town gate prestige."

Han Song nodded slightly, and took two disciples to hide behind the Panlong Wall.




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