Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 24: fall into the hole

The next day, an autumn rain fell on the Lanfeng River, the boat went down with the wave, and three women rode in it.

"Hmmmm~" Xie Qiutao hummed an unnamed tune, wearing a bamboo hat on her head, and was still fishing, her expression was a little boring; but as to why the three of them had to float on the river all night, and only went to meet in the morning, she didn't know what to do with her. Rather understand.

Xiaobie wins the newlyweds? You have to give Sister Qingwan and Sister Jiang Yi some personal space.

I just don't know if Zuo Gongzi has become a human...


Xie Qiutao felt that his thoughts were a bit inconsistent with the identity of a simple little girl, so he quickly swept away the mess and looked back.

The atmosphere inside the canopy was peaceful.

Shangguan Lingye, with gorgeous makeup, sat sideways in the boat, holding this picture album in his hand, like a wealthy lady listening to Qiu Yu's reading, with a focused look.

Tang Jing was sitting upright, holding a book in his hand. The cover was "Relentless Sword Immortal", and it was unclear whether it contained "Twenty-Eight Styles of Spring Tide". His expression was serious, and he read it very seriously.

The funniest thing is that both of them avoided each other, not wanting to let the other side know what they were looking at.

Xie Qiutao didn't know what the two of them were reading, but who would maintain such a serious attitude when reading serious books? Just by looking at it, they knew that the two of them were looking at something that little girls couldn't.

The dumplings, who were supposed to sleep until the sun basked their tails, got up very early today and were rolling around in the awning of the boat.

Lingye and Jingxun had a fight yesterday. Dumplings are not stupid. They know that if they ask who wants breakfast, the other mother who wants to feed it will definitely feel chills.

For this reason, the dumplings simply do not offend on both sides, and have been rolling between the two, rubbing east and west, making a "bird is very hungry" appearance, waiting for the mother to feed it; so as long as there is one to feed it, The other will definitely be fed, and will be able to eat double.

The boat went down the river, crossed the rainy and foggy river surface, and gradually came to Elm Bay, and the summer resort appeared in the field of vision.

Xie Qiutao put away the fishing rod, crossed the river surface like a dragonfly, and came to the other courtyard, wanting to see if Zuo Gongzi would stand outside and hold his waist and sigh.

But when I came to the gate of the other courtyard, I didn't see Zuo Lingquan. Instead, Xiao Lengzhu was sitting on the threshold, holding a small face in his hands, and he looked lost:


Xie Qiutao was stunned for a moment, and flew down in front of the door, tilting his head to look at Leng Zhu's face:

"Sister Leng Zhu?"

A small round face with a hat suddenly appeared in front of him, making Leng Zhu shiver with fright. After seeing the person, he quickly restrained his sullenness and stood up:

"Thank you girl, you are back."

With a smile on her face, Xie Qiutao first looked inside the gate, and then asked in a low voice:

"Why are you so unhappy? Did your princess and Zuo Gongzi push you out to look out for the wind?"

According to past practice, it should be so, but it was not the case last night.

Yesterday, Leng Zhu was waiting for the princess to take a bath, and Zuo Gongzi, who was spoiled, was also dragged into the water.

Leng Zhu naturally took off her clothes in the bath. At first, she shyly shrank in the corner, watching the three of them sparring. The various postures made her blushing and she almost fainted.

Originally, Leng Zhu was quite shy and didn't dare to watch it, but after watching it for a long time and slowly getting used to it, he became a little tempted and wanted to join in the fun.

The result was good. Her Royal Highness and Qingwan were so enthusiastic that they almost ate Zuo Gongzi. She didn't dare to squeeze when she was beside her. She hits twice.

Sitting here feeling unhappy now is because Leng Zhu felt that he was too cowardly. If he had been more courageous yesterday, wouldn’t it be better in the future…

How could Leng Zhu dare to tell Xie Qiutao these shameless thoughts, shaking his head and saying:

"Princess and Zuo Gongzi are chatting. I'm not unhappy. I just feel that the rain is so heavy that I can't go out for a walk."

Xie Qiutao was dubious.

Shangguan Lingye and Tang Jingxun walked side by side outside the gate; the dumpling didn't know who to hold it, so he honestly handed himself along, not knowing if it counted as 'two mothers without milk'.

Shangguan Lingye had a slight perception of the situation in the other courtyard—Qingwan was humming a little song in the wing, carefully polishing... the collar? Zuo Lingquan and Jiang Yi were walking around in the veranda, and it seemed that their cultivation had ended successfully.

Shangguan Lingye's account has not been settled yet, so he tilted his head to look at Jingxu next to him:


Tang Jingxuan understood it in seconds, and wanted to encourage Xiao Zuo to let Lingye Hu Meizi experience the pain of planting a jade tree in the backyard again, but she asked the dead woman in her heart if she was busy, but the dead woman did not respond.

Tang Jingxuan knew that the ancestor of Shangguan had a lot of power and authority, so naturally he would not make up his own mind and act like he was disgusted:

"Also 'hmm~', what is spring in the middle of the day?"


Shangguan Lingye's eyes sank, and Jingxing refused to accept the invitation to form a team. Naturally, she would not forcefully pull it, and entered the courtyard on her own.

The autumn rain is like crisp, falling between Huacaoting Lake.

Shangguan Lingye came to the back house and saw Zuo Lingquan in a white robe from a distance, pacing slowly in the veranda.

Jiang Yi changed his arrogance from the past, like a little girl who sympathized with Dou Chukai, lying on Zuo Lingquan's back, let Zuo Lingquan walk on his back, and whispered words from the veranda:

"...What are you afraid of? I can't tell her when she comes back?"

"I'm not afraid, let Lingye hear..."

"She's the most flamboyant in the first place, and I didn't belittle her. Didn't you say it just now, Jingxong used an analogy in private, saying that she belongs to Qinglong, can she spray water..."

"What is the water spray, Jing Xun said that there is a lot of water..."

"Yes, more than my aunt..."


? ?

Shangguan Lingye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt that Zuo Lingquan, since he became a Taoist companion with her, became less and less concerned about her, the Immortal Venerable on the Mountain.

Last time, in order to reward him, he endured the shame to satisfy him. He didn't appreciate it. How dare he be so disrespectful to her in private?

She is no different from the other three sisters, okay? She is of a high level and is not afraid of tossing, Zuo Lingquan doesn't have to restrain herself, she is more reactive, what does this have to do with her?

Shangguan Lingye folded his hands on his waist and fell silently into the veranda, saying coldly:

"Zuo Lingquan!"

Zuo Lingquan, who was walking around with his daughter-in-law on his back, felt a sigh in his heart when he heard the sound, and turned around:

"Ling Ye."

Jiang Yi didn't jump down, hugged Zuo Lingquan's neck, and hummed softly:

"Yo! The Shangguan Dragon King is back. No wonder it rains and the river is swollen."

Shangguan Dragon King?

Shangguan Lingye was stunned for a moment, and only after contacting the context just now did he understand the meaning of the nickname. Her eyes were slightly cold:

"Zuo Lingquan, come here, I have something to tell you."

Turn around and enter the house.

Zuo Lingquan knew that this would be the case. As a man who stands above the ground, this kind of grievance can never be resisted by Jiang Yi, who is fanning the flames. He shook his head and sighed, put Jiang Yi down, and followed...


Along the Li River, Qujia Villa.

After the end of the Qianqiu Yuefu Zongmen celebration, the guests from all parties returned, and the young master of the Qu family, Qu Xiangwen, also returned to his home.

The Qu family has only a short three-hundred-year family history. In Huajunzhou, which has been passed down for thousands of years, it is too tender, and basically it has not accumulated many famous contacts.

Over the years, the Qu family has been walking around in favor of people, and by looking for immortals, visiting friends, and making friends with immortals, they have improved their connections and reputation.

The end of the Mid-Autumn Festival this time, the result is obviously not very satisfactory to the head of the family, Qu Qianchen.

On the stone cliff behind the villa, Qu Qianchen, the head of the Qu family, sat cross-legged facing the river and reprimanded his son:

"..."Qingxiao Crane Weeping" and other immortal-quality guqin, there are only a handful of guqin circulating in the world. They are held in the hands of the Qu family, and the masters on the top of the mountain who like the piano will often mention the Qu family. You gave it away for nothing, what else is there in the Qu family worth remembering by the giants on the mountain?"

The young master, Qu Xiangwen, also felt that he was bleeding. He was not dissatisfied with the scolding, but explained:

"It's all to blame for Zhou Mu of Yingyang Xiangong, who fanned the flames and instigated it. When the experts from all sides looked over, the boy would lose his face if he didn't agree. Sigh... If the person who won the piano was a small loose cultivator, he could still steal it back in secret. , was taken by the 'Sword Demon Zuo Ci', I dare to **** it, our father and son are likely to go to Huangquan together, and we have to pay all the wives and concubines..."


Qu Ganchen slapped his backhand on his son's face:

"You have made progress, but remember to be auspicious next time, if you really go for it, it should be 'I am a white-haired person to give you this black-haired person'. I am afraid of Zuo Ci for my father, but I am not afraid of him. This person's background Unpredictable, the ancestors of Xiaoshan didn’t dare to provoke them, we can’t openly confront each other, and a qin is just a greeting.”

Qu Xiangwen was staggered, just rubbed his face:

"Father, are you sure you're not afraid of Zuo Ci? That thing is not a normal person. The old swordsman said it was a 'monster'..."

"Cultivation of one, fearful and patient, just for self-protection. If you really run into it, if you are afraid of others, others will let you live?"

Qu Qianchen snorted lightly and looked at the black armguard on his wrist:

"Furthermore, do you think that your father and I's current family business was made by mouth? No one has the chance to practice the Dao. When it comes to dividing life and death, the background is mostly empty, whoever lives and who dies, the whole Look at yourself."

Qu Xiangwen knew that his father climbed up from the bottom of the loose cultivator, and did not deny this.

The father and son didn't talk for a long time, and an old housekeeper walked up to the stone cliff and came to him and whispered:

"Patriarch, the second master led the team to transport stones at the Barren Bone Beach. When passing through the swamp, there was no sign left..."

Hearing this, Qu Qianchen frowned.

Qu Qianchen was able to make a fortune because he was digging graves all over Huajunzhou, and accidentally entered the swamp of Barren Bone Beach, and discovered the cultivation cave below.

The owner of the cave was an immortal hero three thousand years ago. After returning from Yuyao Continent, he retreated to recuperate from his injuries. He was unable to leave the customs and left all his family business inside. Among them were 'Qingxiao Crane Weeping' and various magic weapons and materials.

After Qu Qianchen discovered it, he apprenticed to the white bones, using the contents inside as capital, and slowly developed to today.

The things in the cave had been emptied long ago, but Qu Qianchen never went back after he left.

But after so many years, the capital from the cave has been used up completely, and the development of the family has encountered a bottleneck again. Therefore, Qu Qianchen returned to the deserted bone beach a few years ago. ', Is there something good hidden in the dark that I haven't discovered before.

As a result, Qu Qianchen discovered the mausoleum of astonishing scale under the storage room of the cave mansion. It was at that time that he realized that the 'Master' put the cultivation cave mansion on the deserted bone beach, not for seclusion, but for 'guarding the mausoleum' .

Qu Ganchen had never even seen Master Cheap, so naturally he wouldn't care about Master's responsibilities. He didn't dare to open the tomb easily, and he couldn't open it. A mausoleum of the Xian family that no one noticed, in exchange for Pofeng City as the backer of the Qu family.

Destroying the mausoleum with external forces is too big, and the contents inside may also be damaged, so Pofeng City can only take the path of gradually cracking the formation.

The wealthy families of the immortal family are all 'bloodhounds', and when the location of this unowned treasure house is spread out, people from the wealthy families on the top of the mountain must smell it and come over to 'help'.

In order not to be noticed by the sect's changes, Pofeng City was not good at sending a large team, but secretly dispatched a few formation masters and stayed underground all year round to crack the formation.

The Qu family used the quarry as a cover. When the team passed back and forth, they transported the consumables needed to decipher the formation, and received and delivered messages.

According to the old practice, the team passed by once every half a month, and the people in the Immortal King's Mausoleum would leave a password for anything they needed, and they would report safety if they were okay.

There is no sign left, either the formation master is in the ground without knowing the day and night, forgetting the time, or something happened in the tomb of the Immortal King.

This matter is related to the future of the family, Qu Ganchen did not dare to slack off, he got up immediately, and walked towards the deserted bone beach with his hands...


Peach Blossom Cave, under the canopy.

The old ancestor of Shangguan, who was wearing a golden dress, was lying on his side on the rattan couch, in a rare lazy posture, holding a white jade cup in his hand, which contained the 'Peach Blossom Immortal Brew' collected by the Peach Blossom Lord. In his leisure time, he spoke to the tree canopy:

"Old witch, if you can't do it, take it easy and call the deity 'Senior Shangguan', and the deity will teach you how to get out."

"I need you to teach me? It will take some time... By the way, Shangguan Yutang, did you do it on purpose? I knew this place was weird, but let me in..."

"Did this deity let you in?"

"You are the elder of the nine sects, and I am the second-in-command of the nine sects. I ask you if there is any problem with this place. If you don't stop it, I will come in naturally; I trust you, but you actually... I see who else will listen to you in the future. talk."

"Do you now know who is the boss of the Nine Sects?"

"Bah - you deserve to be the boss too? I'll be damned if this place can trap me. When I come out, I will inform Jiu Zong about this and let others see how you cheated on your own people..."

"Then as soon as possible, this deity has to take care of his younger generation in such a big treasure. It won't take long for Pofeng City to realize that, before that, Zuo Lingquan has to come over and clean up the things, alas... Zuo Lingquan will open it then. The door, I found that the 'Daoist' was helpless inside, that scene, tsk tsk..."

"Hey?! Shangguan Yutang, don't go too far! I discovered this place, and it's worth noting that you are generous to others, but you are still in trouble, you..."

"Everything tells you that 'good and evil will pay off', you are not benevolent first, and it is too late to say that the deity is too late. If you have the ability, break the formation before Zuo Lingquan comes."

"Do you believe I bombed this place?"

"Blow it up, it's not the deity's thing anyway, Zuo Lingquan rushed over and found that the protector blew up his chance, alas..."



The sturdy girl incarnated by the little mother dragon, sitting obediently on the rattan couch, pouring wine with a big wine jar in her hand, listening to the ancestors of Shangguan, it was pleasing to the eye.

The only pity is that the ancestral tree and Peach Blossom are connected by their own destiny, and they can hear the voice of Peach Blossom, but they can't see the picture of Peach Blossom's incompetence and rage.

The ancestor of Shangguan mocked the Taohua Zunzhu for a long time, until the Taohua Zunzhu stopped talking, he stopped talking, and asked in his heart:

"Tang Jingxing?"

"Huh? What did you do just now? You haven't spoken, and Xiao Zuo didn't agree to make out with me..."

When Shangguan's ancestor heard this, he understood that Tang Jingxuan was not doing something that was not on the table. He closed his eyes, but in a moment, he came to the courtyard by the Lanfeng River.

rustling --

The pattering autumn rain fell on the roof and windows, making a fine sound.

The ancestor of Shangguan opened his eyes, but saw mist in front of him, his body was soaked in warm water, and he was not wearing any clothes.


The old ancestor of Shangguan was nervous, thinking that Tang Jingxuan, the dead woman, was taking a bath with Zuo Lingquan; fortunately, he felt a little and found no trace of Zuo Lingquan.

But even so, the scene was a bit awkward.

There were petals floating in the bath, the fragrance was fragrant, and four beautiful women of different shapes were soaked in it.

Jiang Yi put her hands on the edge of the bathtub, her posture was domineering, like the big brother of the gangster. Stiffened, a little apprehensive.

Wu Qingwan was lying on the edge of the bathtub, revealing her clean back and proud hips, raising her hands to make tea, but she didn't notice anything unusual.

And Xie Qiutao, who came to join in the fun, was also naked at this time, leaning on the edge of the bath, holding his chest shyly with his hands; before wearing clothes, it was not obvious, but from the semicircular outline exposed on the water, the scale is quite large.

Xie Qiutao also noticed the change in Sister Jingxun's temperament, her face flushed red, she shrank into the water, and did not dare to speak.


The ancestor of Shangguan lowered his head and looked down. Because they were all women, they naturally did not show any strangeness. Before speaking, he found a big white hair ball lying on the water and floating over. It came to her and opened its beak:


It looked like it was going to be eaten.

But after discovering the change in Mother's eyes, the dumpling froze, silently closing his beak and sliding over.


The ancestor of Shangguan moved slightly, and he jumped out of the water and landed on the edge of the bath. He lightly hooked his fingers to his dress and asked:

"Where's Zuo Lingquan?"

The three women were a little nervous, but Qingwan turned around when she heard the sound, and responded quickly:

"In the west wing, why is Senior Shangguan here?"

"Come and see, you can continue to wash."

The ancestor of Shangguan put on his dress, and found that Xie Qiutao secretly aimed at her three inches below her navel, tilting her head slightly in confusion.

The ancestor of Shangguan naturally understood that Tang Jingshen was different, and it was not her body, so she would not be shy. After she was dressed neatly, she went out of the bath.

The courtyard under the autumn rain is not very quiet.

Because the secular mansion did not isolate the formation, apart from the sound of rain, the ancestors of Shangguan could still hear some strange sounds and words from the depths of the mansion:

"Do you still listen to Tang Jingyou's encouragement in the future?"


"Believe it or not, Ben Gong suffocated you?"

The man's voice was muffled, a bit like a soft pillow covering his face, but not as transparent as a pillow.

The ancestor of Shangguan frowned slightly, and silently walked outside the west wing. After a little sense, he found that Zuo Lingquan was pressed on the couch.

Ling Ye's expression was fierce, and he held Zuo Lingquan's head on his chest with his hands...

Does this suffocate people?

The ancestors of Shangguan didn't know what to say about these two young people who were in a mess in the daytime, and went to the window:


"Quietly? Didn't you come here just now? Are you hungry now?"

"Ling Ye."


ding ding bang --

Ling Ye hurriedly got up and put on his clothes, probably knocking off the contents of the tea tray.

The ancestor of Shangguan didn't take care of the boudoir, and said directly outside:

"Zuo Lingquan, Venerable Master Peach Blossom received news a few days ago that there was a change in the Barren Bone Beach, and I asked you to come over."

After finishing speaking, the ancestor of Shangguan probably didn't want Jing Xun to enter the house to join in the fun, so he turned around and went back to the bath.

Soon, Zuo Lingquan, neatly dressed and serious-looking, ran out of the room, but when he looked around, there was no one outside.

Ling Ye hid in the room and dared not show his face, and asked in a low voice:

"Master is gone?"


Zuo Lingquan was a little dazed. After looking around to make sure that the ancestor was gone, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, when the ancestor came, Ling Ye was holding him.

If Ling Ye had "Dragon King Riding the Face" just now and asked, "Where is the water? Why didn't I drown you?' Zuo Lingquan was too embarrassed to go out.

Zuo Lingquan wiped his face, suppressed the waves in the heart lake, and turned back:

"What did Senior Shangguan just say?"

Shangguan Lingye sat beside the tea seemed calm, but her face was blushing and her breathing was unsteady:

"The old witch of Peach Blossom found out that there was a change in the Bone Bone Beach, and I asked you to come over there... With that old witch's fussing temper, she will never let the master spread the word if there is a good thing. I'm afraid this trip is not safe..."

"It's not enough to just run to a safe place..."

Zuo Lingquan went back to the room while he was talking, went to get the saber on the tea table, bowed his head and kissed Ling Ye's lips.

Shangguan Lingye's eyes moved, and when Zuo Lingquan wanted to get up, he hooked Zuo Lingquan's collar with his hand.

Four eyes facing each other.


"What are you doing in such a hurry..."

Shangguan Lingye's expression lost the aura of the condescending concubine just now, more like a little woman who was reluctant to part with Lang Jun, hesitated for a while, and snorted softly:

"You don't even know where the Bone Bone Beach is. I'll check the situation over there for you first."

As he spoke, he took out a stack of books from Linglong Pavilion and flipped through it on the tea table.

Zuo Lingquan smiled, sat down beside him, took out a wooden comb, and gently combed his black hair that had just been messed up a bit.

"Hmph... I'll ask Master later, if you're not in a hurry, leave tomorrow. You and Jiang Yiqingwan talk more at night. They often don't see you for several months, and they feel much more difficult than Ben Gong."

"Hehe, go early and come back early. Bao'er will feel sorry for the princess, it's rare."

"I'm the eldest lady, and I have to be considerate to the little ones."

Shangguan Lingye leaned against Zuo Lingquan's arms and raised his eyes slightly with the volume set:



"Coward, you can't even coax women, so what if you don't dare to say anything? No one has ever robbed me, so I'm too lazy to care about you... Remember, the closest place to the Barren Bone Beach is Pofeng City, a pure martial arts sect... "




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