Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 27: Reunion

After Qu Qianchen conceded defeat, he was probably afraid that he would stay in the mausoleum of the Immortal Kings and wait for the opening of the mausoleum. In case of any supreme treasure, Zuo Lingquan and the others did not want to leak the news. ground.

As for whether Zuo Lingquan and others would give him something according to the promise, Qu Ganchen didn't think about it at all - if he wanted to give him, he would have to share; Some, but also a sense of current affairs impression.

After Qu Qianchen left, Zuo Lingquan stood in front of the huge mausoleum and looked at the words "death to trespassers" on the stone tablet:

"Senior, can this tomb be opened?"

The ancestor of Shangguan secretly said in his heart: "How can the old witch come out if you don't open it?", but he didn't say it clearly, he just said:

"The Temple of Sealing Demons is intended to suppress demons. As long as the things inside have expired, they should be opened. However, you don't have to put too much hope. But the magic weapon Immortal Soldier will not stay with the demon."

Having said that, the ancestor of Shangguan looked at the Qilin Bracers:

"This thing is an armor made of unicorn blood, and it has the rank of an immortal soldier, but it needs to be supplemented with the unique cultivation technique of the Tianji Temple. Even Yuyaozhou has kindness, you can't sit back and watch it cut off the incense, you have to go to the teacher to rebuild the Tianji Temple; if you don't want to take up this responsibility, this thing can't be given to you."

Zuo Lingquan has no interest in changing the court, and joked:

"I'm the son-in-law of Tiecu Mansion, how can I stand on my own?"

When the ancestor of Shangguan heard the word 'son-in-law', he was upset and wanted to pick up the boy in front of him who didn't see him as his mother-in-law at all.

But she really didn't want Zuo Lingquan's fertile water to flow into the fields of outsiders. She didn't respond to this, and turned to Xie Qiutao instead.

Xie Qiutao was still pondering the wind-pulling sword just now. Seeing the old ancestor looking over, he quickly shook his head:

"I really want it, but I'm an orthodox descendant of Xuanwutai, and my ancestors are much more powerful than Tianji Temple. If I set up my own business, I would be deceiving my teachers and destroying my ancestors. Or should I give this to Jiang Yi sister? She likes to wear red Clothes match this armor quite well."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes moved slightly, and he was very tempted by Taotao's suggestion!

The ancestor of Shangguan put the wrist guards into the quiet Linglong Pavilion, and responded calmly:

"You can give it to anyone, but if you fail to shoulder the responsibility, or humiliate the reputation of the Tianji Temple, the deity will take the inheritance back to find another disciple. Whether it's Qu Ganchen, Jiang Yi, or yourself, it's the same."

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan naturally didn't say much, and bowed his hands:

"Thank you senior."

The ancestor of Shangguan did not say more, picked up the dumplings and stood on the steps:

"The structure of the Temple of Demons is complicated. If you want to open it, you must first reverse the purple micro star array map laid out here..."

The ancestor of Shangguan gestured to the statues around the square and instructed the two to move according to their directions.

There are fourteen statues in total, corresponding to the fourteen main stars, each of which is more than ten feet high. The special weight of the material is amazing, and it is still a work of strength.

Zuo Lingquan's Taoism at the peak of Youhuang's peak, manipulating the power of heaven and earth to shake a small hill is not a problem, and it is not difficult to move a dozen stone statues.

Xie Qiutao's main attack strength, needless to say, pushes the giant statue to slide on the ground, and walks with ease, and the speed is a bit faster than Zuo Lingquan's entry.

The method of breaking the formation is very complicated. The reason why the ancestor of Shangguan knew it was because she used almost all the sealing methods in the world to seal the pill. She is one of the main forces and must be mastered first.

In order to prevent newcomers from breaking the seal without authorization, these ancient methods were all hidden after the war. Except for the three elders of the nine sects, other lords had no chance to contact them.

Zuo Lingquan pushed the stone and moved it according to the instructions of the ancestor for a long time, and then came outside the tomb door to observe the situation of the tomb door.

Xie Qiutao turned the statue of the divine beast Bai Ze diligently. When it turned to a certain angle, the giant tomb door with a height of several ten feet shook, and then lifted up, revealing a gap more than ten feet high.


"Qiu Tao, it's open, it's over..."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes lit up, and when the door of the tomb was raised, he lowered his head to look inside, but before he finished speaking, his whole body was shocked.

(⊙_⊙)! !

The interior of the tomb door is green in color, a white stone covered bridge is behind the tomb door, and farther away is the hall of the nine secluded underworld.

On the bridgehead, which is only two feet away from Zuo Lingquan, there are books all over the place, and a jade futon next to a red wine gourd from Kaifeng.

There was no one on the futon, because the person was directly opposite Zuo Lingquan.

The figure is a charming woman in a dark green dress, holding a book in her hand and a gold pen in her mouth, staring straight at him!

Looking at each other, Zuo Lingquan's expression changed instantly. It is impossible to say that he is not panicked - he opened an underground mausoleum that seemed to have not been opened for thousands of years. The ancestor also said that there are demons sealed in it. There can be no living person.

Suddenly seeing a figure standing in front of him, Zuo Lingquan was not scared to death on the spot because he was mentally tough, and almost raised his hand and went out with a sword.

Not only Zuo Lingquan, but also Xie Qiutao, who was looking at him from a distance, were all frightened, and instinctively brought up the iron pipa.

Fortunately, the face of the woman behind the tomb gate was too familiar, Zuo Lingquan took two steps back in shock, and then recognized who this plump woman was.


Zuo Lingquan's heart was beating like a drum, and he looked at Venerable Peach Blossom who was close at hand. His first reaction was—could he be caught in an illusion? How could Venerable Peach Blossom be here?

Venerable Peach Blossom stood blankly inside the tomb door, more shocked than Zuo Lingquan, his red lips parted slightly, the golden pen in his mouth fell and landed on his bulging chest, leaving a trace of golden ink in his mind. all:

it's over... it's over...

Shangguan Yutang, this stinky woman, are you serious? !

There was a dead silence inside and outside the tomb gate.

The ancestor of Shangguan stood on the steps, like an enchanting little lady, holding the probe to watch the lively dumplings, gently stroking the white fluff, his expression did not change, but his eyes showed a bit of 'toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine'. mean.

"Sister Yingying?"

After Zuo Lingquan was surprised for a moment, he confirmed that what he saw was not an illusion through the calm reaction of the ancestors of Shangguan:

"How do you..."


Venerable Peach Blossom looked bewildered, caught off guard, and hadn't figured out how to explain his situation.

Zuo Lingquan's mind is not stupid. He saw the array map on the ground behind him, and then looked at the book in the hands of Venerable Peach Blossom. He guessed the whole story, and suddenly realized:

"Did you let me come over because you were locked inside and couldn't get out..."

? ?


Even if Venerable Peach Blossom is, it is impossible to admit it!

She came back to her senses, quickly waved her sleeves, put away the information around her, and looked like a gentleman:

"What nonsense? This deity just... discovered this underground palace, and asked Shangguan Yutang to bring you here to get the chance, um..."

Everyone gets what they get, and how to explain it is a little weak.

Zuo Lingquan understood it in his heart.

"That's it, I understand."

Venerable Peach Blossom stared, "What do you understand?"

Zuo Lingquan said with a smile: "Well... Sister Yingying's way of doing things is really profound, we are still trying to break the formation, you have already come in... You are trying to break the seal inside, right?"


Venerable Peach Blossom blinked his soul-sucking eyes and nodded seriously:

"You still have some eyesight. That's right, I'm here waiting for you to come over. I'm free to study the seal inside..."

Venerable Peach Blossom explained seriously, but the three people in the underground palace, one bird, probably didn't even believe the dumplings.

Xie Qiutao knew that Sister Yingying was secretly working as a protector during her trip. Seeing her unnatural look, she guessed that she was definitely playing off and locked herself up. She wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

Shangguan's ancestor's eyes showed a bit of strangeness.

When the ancestor of Shangguan saw Zuo Lingquan walking to Venerable Peach Blossom, his eyes moved slightly, and he aimed at the colorful rope on Zuo Lingquan's wrist!

Last time, the old ancestor of Shangguan was tricked by the old witch of peach blossoms, and let her grandfather and mother-in-law be hugged by the younger generation and kissed in his arms. Afterwards, he was ridiculed and ridiculed by Tang Jing for a long time. He suffered such a big loss. The witch was embarrassed, it was too cheap for her.

If you say, ‘If you are not benevolent, don’t blame the deity for being unrighteous’, naturally you have to do what you say.

The ancestor of Shangguan hooked his fingers lightly, wanting to rub the colorful rope that he used for himself last time, control Zuo Lingquan, hug the Peach Blossom Venerable Lord, and give a strong kiss to the gods and gods!

With Venerable Peach Blossom's current state of ignorance, he would definitely not be able to react.

However, the ancestor of Shangguan looked at Xie Qiutao not far away, and hesitated again - last time she was hugged and kissed forcibly, Xie Qiutao was not in front of her, and she used Tang Jingshen's body again, which was a bit embarrassing, but it was between the two after all. private grudges.

To let the old witch of Peach Blossom be forcibly kissed by Zuo Lingquan in front of Xie Qiutao is the truth in public.

In case the peach blossom old witch couldn't hold her face, she gave up on herself, and really moved her heart to Zuo Lingquan. She couldn't fight a tooth for a tooth, and even gave Ling Ye a sister, wouldn't she look like a big smart?

Why don't you just hold and rub two breasts?

Yu Guang, the ancestor of Shangguan, aimed at the heavy chest of Venerable Peach Blossom, and felt that the move was moderate and appropriate, and it was very suitable.

No mouth to mouth kiss, the old witch of peach blossom should be just like her, secretly gritted her teeth and endured it, only when she was touched by a child, she did not dare to be emotional to a junior.

However, this move can only be done when the two are alone in private, so Tang Jingxuan and Xie Qiutao cannot find out, lest the peach blossom old witch loses her innocence in front of the younger generation, and when she becomes angry, she directly abandons herself and moves her heart...

Thinking of this, the ancestor of Shangguan snorted secretly. He didn't slap the grass and startle the snake. He put away his hands, and golden streamers appeared in his eyes...


Zuo Lingquan and Venerable Peach Blossom were naturally ignorant of the astonishing plans in the heart of the ancestors of Shangguan.

Venerable Peach Blossom explained seriously for a long time, and after explaining why she was here, regardless of whether Zuo Lingquan believed it or not, he turned and walked to the hall at the other end of the stone bridge:

"This underground palace came from the deity's painstaking inquiries. The deity's contents are not used by the deity, so I will give it all to you and Qiu Tao. The water in this galaxy is 'Shen Lingtung', which is used to create isolation formations and armors. The necessities in front of you, these are enough for a rich and powerful family like Tiandi City to use for a whole year; and these stone statues are all town golems built by experts. Any one of them can be placed in a house or a palace, and they can protect their descendants for eternity. Not disturbed by hundreds of ghosts..."

Zuo Lingquan followed behind and looked left and right. He couldn't understand the specifics, but he could understand two words - valuable.

When Xie Qiutao saw Venerable Peach Blossom's explanation, she also ran in excitedly, her eyes shining brightly from side to side, she looked like she wanted to tear down the bridge and move it away, but she didn't know where to start.

Tang Jingxuan regained control of her body, and was thinking about the inexplicable emotional change of the dead woman just now. She hasn't come up with a reason yet. There is no one in the underground square, and it's a bit terrifying.

Tang Jingxuan came back to her senses and was a little scared. After throwing the dumplings, she ran into the underground palace with her skirt in hand:

"Wait for me……"


The dumpling fell to the ground and was stunned for a long time, but he didn't dare to complain, and ran in with his small claws.

Venerable Peach Blossom walked in front of Yingying, telling about the fairy family materials that can be seen everywhere in the underground palace. Zuo Lingquan listened, the secret joy in his heart turned into caution, looking at the majestic hall at the other end of the stone bridge:

"It took so many treasures of heaven and earth just to suppress it. What is it that is locked here?"

Venerable Peach Blossom didn't know much either. She walked to the gate of the palace with the word 'Feng' and looked left and right:

"It is estimated that it is an ancient immortal. Most of the formations are invalid, and there is no life inside. The people inside have already exhausted their lifespan, so don't worry."


Zuo Lingquan and the two girls stood behind Venerable Peach Blossom with respectful expressions, waiting to go in and visit.


Venerable Peach Blossom looked left, right, and then looked up at the plaque, meaning that the door was not open...

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

The dumpling looked up and spread out his wings:


Tang Jingxuan waited for a long time to see that there was no movement, and couldn't help asking:

"Sister Yingying, can't you open this door?"

Venerable Peach Blossom's eyes were speechless - if she could open it, why would she sit in the middle of the bridge?

But the words must not be said that way, she responded seriously:

"The seal formation of the underground palace is very delicate. It will self-destruct if you are not careful. It takes some time to explore, don't worry."

Xie Qiutao knew this and said with a smile: "Just now, Senior Shangguan taught us how to reverse the Ziwei star formation. The inner and outer formations are similar, but the star positions are different. Why don't I try it?"

Venerable Peach Blossom folded his hands on his waist and took a light breath:

"Since you have come out to experience, naturally you have to give your young people a chance to do it, come on."


Zuo Lingquan wanted to laugh a little, but he didn't mean to look down on Venerable Peach Blossom - Venerable Peach Blossom would not crack this formation, simply because the three elders had hidden many ancient secret techniques, and they were not allowed to learn it later, not Peach Blossom The lord is not good at learning.

But Venerable Peach Blossom's embarrassed and pretentious appearance is really interesting.

After Xie Qiutao got permission, he started tossing with his hands and feet, moving the stone carvings on both sides of the stone bridge, and changing the pattern on the palace pillars.

Zuo Lingquan listened to the ancestor's story just now, and he understood it a little bit, so he held hands beside him.

Venerable Peach Blossom's ability to sit in the current position is by no means a dull person, it's just that no one taught her before.

After watching for a while, I understood the essence of the seal here, and my heart suddenly became clear.

Soon, the gate of the majestic palace slowly opened in the sound of "creak--".

Tuanzi hid behind Venerable Peach Blossom's skirt, looked around, and there was a gust of wind blowing in front of him, which scared it to shrink back quickly.

Zuo Lingquan pressed the hilt of the sword and looked at it after confirming that there was nothing unusual in the palace.

There are no skeletons of monsters in the hall. It looks like a gorgeous and elegant palace with side halls on both sides. In the main hall, there are rows of books. The books on it are neatly arranged. It is an idle book to pass the time, and in the center of the hall is a long case.

A thousand-year-old glazed lamp was placed on the long table, emitting a warm yellow fire, illuminating the scrolls spread out on the table.

A figure turned into a crystal white bone, lying on the long table, the white bone stretched out a finger with his right hand, and it can be seen that there are some scratches on the table at the fingertips.

The internal structure of the palace is special. Although there are signs of damage, it is generally intact, and the books are as good as new. If it wasn't for knowing that this underground palace has been sleeping in the ground for thousands of years, it is said that the bones have just died for a few years. Zuo Lingquan probably would not have it. Suspect.

Venerable Peach Blossom's eyes were a little cautious. He walked to the desk and carefully observed it for a while before beckoning the three of them to come over.

Zuo Lingquan stood near the glazed lamp without touching the white bone, and carefully checked the nicks on the table.

The nicks are all handwriting, and the teeny small seal is full of long cases.

Zuo Lingquan read it for a while, and wrote about the life of this white bone. It was originally the master of the Tianji Temple, named Chu Xun, and he was one of the leaders of the righteous path.

At that time, the demons frequently descended on the world and caused chaos in the world, and each time it was a catastrophe. In desperation, the Taoist ancestral court contacted the immortal heroes of other continents to seal the law of the **** of the yin, destroying the balance of yin and yang of heaven and earth, and locked Jiuzhou. world.

This method is equivalent to reducing the 'heaven' of the land of Jiuzhou by a large amount, making it impossible for the demons outside the world to live. Nine Gai Realm'.

This kind of survival method of seclusion and self-abolition of martial arts is everyone knows that it is not advisable.

But the human race at that time had no choice. One catastrophe after another swept across the nine continents. Even the monks who were in the Jiugai realm had only five or five odds of winning against the demons outside the world. If they wanted to climb further, this world would just pretend No, it has to fly out of the sky.

Chu Xun, who was alive and dead in front of the desk, did not refute this practice in his words, but admired those people-because those who chose this method can fly to the sky to pursue eternal life, and there is no need to pay attention to the land of Jiuzhou. The catastrophe of the living beings; they cut off the Tao of Longevity, which is equivalent to giving up everything trapped in this world, and all they want is to give the creatures of Jiuzhou who have nothing to do with them, in exchange for peace.

But Chu Xun still disapproved of this practice. He was imprisoned to death because he blocked it when the Taoist ancestral family sealed the Taiyin.

Chu Xun's point of view is very clear - people are within the heaven and earth, it is impossible to change the laws of heaven; sealing the Taiyin can keep the demons out of the family, but the consequence of the imbalance of yin and yang is that the entire Jiuzhou land becomes a dead place, and the sealing of the Taiyin is a dead place. From the moment when the gods forcibly interfered with the way of heaven, the land of Jiuzhou has been dying slowly.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan felt that Chu Xun's point of view was similar to that of You Ying's alien race now, but his understanding was more profound.

But what Chu Xun said next surprised Zuo Lingquan.

After Chu Xun was imprisoned, he did not know the outside world, but he predicted the future changes in Jiuzhou - yin and yang were not balanced, yang was rising and yin was declining, causing the north to decline; while the south was overly yang, and the heaven and earth were out of balance.

When the day and the earth are unstable to a certain extent, they will start to intervene on their own and try to recover. The human race is destined to be unable to suppress it;

For example, the South belongs to the fire of the five elements, which is the most prosperous place of the yang energy of heaven and earth. Without the suppression of the lunar yin, it is very likely to gradually break free from the shackles of heaven and earth, and turn into a demon and a disaster for the world!

Zuo Lingquan was shocked when he saw this - Chu Xun was imprisoned to death, and he didn't know the outside world at all, but what he predicted did happen in the next few thousand years; He was bound by the world and almost wiped out the entire Yuyao Continent.

If it is said to be 'gradually breaking free', then...

Zuo Lingquan looked at Jingxing next to him, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

After reading the contents written on the book, Venerable Tao Hua gained a new understanding of why the Master Mei Jinshui defected after the Battle of Stealing Pills.

However, Venerable Peach Blossom did not doubt whether the way he had done was correct because of this. Seeing Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao both thoughtful, they said:

"Shangguan Yutang must know about these things, but he just didn't tell us that. This Immortal Venerable Chu Xun may be a saint who cares about Jiuzhou, but most of the Youying aliens are not; the Youying aliens get through the way of longevity, mostly just for the sake of asking Personal longevity will not care about the life and death of Jiuzhou creatures."

Xie Qiutao whispered: "It was said that the human race interfered in the world and would cause trouble, and stealing the pill fulfilled the statement..."

After being silent for a while, Venerable Peach Blossom gave a cruel answer:

"Stealing pills can only destroy Yuyao Continent, and the human race can beat it; the celestial demons plunder everything in the land of Jiuzhou, and they destroy the world every time, so the human race may not be able to defeat it. The lesser of the two evils is the right way. The Six Immortals stick to the path of the ancestors, maybe just want to make the life of the Jiuzhou creatures last longer."

"No matter how long it is, the chaos will still come..."

"If you know that 'the one who resists the destiny will die', you can't wait to open the way of longevity and continue to fight with the demons. What about the low-level creatures who could live in peace and stability for a few more lives? Even if the sky really collapses, it is Shangguan Yutang and the others who carry , she cares more about it than we do."

Xie Qiutao thought about it too, and didn't ask any more.

Tang Jingxuan listened to it for a long time, but didn't quite understand it. After thinking about it, she interjected:

"Suzaku is the boss of Phoenix, and he is also the main fire of the Five Elements. If Suzaku rebels, what should we do?"


The dumpling was startled, and poked Tang Jingxing with his wings, meaning, "Mother, I'm afraid I can't do this."

Venerable Taohua shrugged his shoulders: "Stealing pills and rebelling is to usurp the throne and control the whole world; Suzaku is already one of the pillars of heaven and earth, it can be said to be heaven and earth itself, have you ever seen the emperor rebel against himself? Getting angry is also trying to restore the balance of heaven and earth."

"It can wipe out all the blue dragons and white tigers, and the family is the only one who dominates the world."


The dumplings were shocked and wanted to cover their quiet mouths.

Venerable Peach Blossom was a little helpless: "The five elements are interdependent, and the other four are destroyed, so don't you lose yourself? The demons also ask for something, don't say these meaningless words."


Jingxing just gave up.

Zuo Lingquan also breathed a sigh of relief. He grew up safely in the nine sects with plenty of food and clothing. No matter what theories and heresies he heard, it was impossible for him to doubt the correctness of what the ancestors of Shangguan did. He shook his head and said:

"It's just the last words of an ancient monk. How to deal with the aftermath depends on us. Let's see if there is anything good left."

Venerable Peach Blossom swept away some of the thoughts in his mind, carefully checked it in front of the desk, and finally took out a crystal bead from the glazed lamp.

Xie Qiutao leaned over to look at it and said curiously:

"What is this?"

Venerable Peach Blossom didn't see the details. He held it in his hand and used his spiritual sense to probe the inside of the bead, but his face was startled, and then he showed a look of surprise:

"What a powerful divine soul power... This should be Chu Xianzun, when his lifespan was not exhausted, he committed suicide and forcibly dismantled his used a secret method to seal the divine soul power in the soul bead and leave it to future generations. Yes. Imprisoned until death, unable to carry magical weapons, this is what can be left to future generations."

Zuo Lingquan has reached the peak of Youhuang and already has a rough understanding of the soul.

Jade steps are divided into three realms: quiet, refreshing, and fetal light, and are in charge of the three souls of man, earth, and sky.

The monks want to improve their realm, and they can use the exercises to warm their souls, and they can only touch the next realm until the human soul is consummated.

Warming the soul is completely different from tempering the physique. There is no way to rely on the treasures of heaven and earth, and the progress is quite slow. The only shortcut is to plunder the power of the souls of other creatures to nourish themselves - this is why many demons will absorb yang energy and hurt them. human soul.

Plundering the souls of others is an absolute evil way. Because of the huge demand, it takes tens of thousands of lives to hear a sound. Generally, no one dares to play like this.

If a cultivator wants to quickly improve his realm, the normal way is to kill the demons with higher Taoism and obtain the remaining power of the soul in a proper way.

But even so, there are some people with weak minds, who are disturbed by the acquisition of remnant souls, and their minds have become demons.

A peak immortal monarch committed suicide, forcibly leaving a little soul power and refining it for his own use. Although it can't make people soar to the sky, as long as the jade rank monk can be improved to a level, that is what the mountain immortal venerable dreams of. The treasure, corresponding to the monks with ordinary qualifications, is to save hundreds of years.

However, Divine Soul One is too mysterious, and this thing is not necessarily safe. Zuo Lingquan glanced at the soul beads:

"This thing isn't meant to be used for looting, is it?"

Venerable Peach Blossom shook his head: "The origin of man lies in the life and soul, and it is also the life soul that determines the number of lifespans. This Xianzun Chu has already reached the end of his lifespan and has already entered the cycle of reincarnation. The power of the soul left behind should not be dangerous, but still Gotta check it out, I'll give it to you later..."


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