Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 36: Absolute Sword Immortal Sect

At dusk and dusk, the setting sun shines on the Wanren Dangerous Peak rising from the ground, and a golden waterfall falls straight from the sea of ​​​​clouds and flows into the sea at the foot of the mountain into the Jianjiang River.

The buildings on both sides of the river stretch to the horizon, and men and women swordsmen from all over Jiuzhou gather here. Although Yujian can't see the leisurely figure of Yujian flying in the sky, but walking between the streets, you can feel the drifting from all over the place all the time. The sword intent that comes.

Zuo Lingquan had two sabres hanging from his waist. He stepped onto the densely populated port and looked up at the holy mountain in the mind of the sword cultivator at the end of his field of vision. He wanted to write a poem. Cold and dark, cast thousands of autumns; Baiguang accepts the sun and the moon, Ziqi Paibubu' or something.

But at first glance, Juejian Cliff towering into the clouds, together with the two adjacent peaks below the sea of ​​clouds, from a distance, it looks like a sword pointing at the sky... the 'root of the earth'.

Such a dirty adjective suddenly popped up in his mind, causing Zuo Lingquan to stop the idea of ​​​​reciting poetry - this soul full of evil tastes, really dare not blaspheme the sages in the memory of the previous life.

So Zuo Lingquan stood on the shore, raised his right hand lightly for a moment, and only said one sentence:

"This mountain is really high."

Xie Qiutao, who was wearing a small Ru skirt, carried an iron pipa on her back, held a dumpling in her arms, and waited eagerly for Zuo Lingquan's "blockbuster".

"Young Master Zuo, when I saw your appearance, I thought you were going to recite poetry."

Although Zuo Lingquan was able to move freely, Tang Jingxuan still supported her husband's arm. Hearing Taotao's ridicule, she said:

"Don't all scholars say, 'The article is born in nature, and it is obtained by a clever hand', it is normal for Xiao Zuo to hold back, why don't you come up with a song?"

Where would Xie Qiutao improvise poems and make correct poems, but he is naturally quirky and knows a little bit about everything. When asked, how can he be stage fright, and after thinking about it, he said:

"I just got here, and I don't have much insight, but when we sat on Turtle Island last time, I got the first masterpiece in my spare time..."

Xie Qiutao said it decently, Zuo Lingquan was really interested:

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Xie Qiutao smiled and made a brewing appearance:

"Well... a tortoise is a hundred feet long, and its shell is bigger than a mountain. It will turn over one day and its four feet will face the sky and its shell will face down! How?"


The group was astonished! Nodding like pecking at rice, I think this poem is very domineering!

Zuo Lingquan's literary talent is almost equal to nothing, and he may not even be able to hold back such limericks, so he naturally shows admiration:

"Not bad, not bad. Hmm... When the dumpling grows up, it can be changed to 'A Tuan Tuan is a hundred feet long, and Tuantuan's head is bigger than a mountain, and one day it will be turned over..."

Stuck for a while.

Xie Qiutao smiled and answered, "Jingxun saw that he was being beaten while hanging."


"Ha ha……"


In order to keep a low profile, Venerable Peach Blossom had already put away the hanging attic outside, and several people came here by boat together.

At this time, Venerable Peach Blossom dressed up as an ordinary female nun, got off the boat, saw the three of them chatting happily, and said:

"I'm going to get together with the Taoist friends at Juejianya, and by the way, I'll take a look at the words of the old swordsman. You should stroll around the market first, so that when Zuo Lingquan passes by, those sword madmen will come to block the door and prevent him from leaving."

Zuo Lingquan is not afraid of anyone in the world when it comes to swordsmanship, even if it is the Absolute Sword Immortal Sect.

However, Zuo Lingquan didn't have time to look for trouble, so he went to suppress Juejianya. When Venerable Peach Blossom said so, he naturally nodded.

After Venerable Peach Blossom finished speaking, he walked into the market and headed to Juejian Cliff at the end of his field of vision.

Zuo Lingquan was a newcomer and was very interested in all kinds of things on the street. He followed the tour guide, Miss Tao Tao, to wander around various famous places.

Jian Xiu is a branch of Wu Xiu, and it is regarded as a product of Wu Xiu's extremes. Most of the people who dare to go this way have the character of 'to give up on me'. Fights are all too common.

The two sides of the Jianjiang River outside Juejian Cliff are the Fairy Bazaar where monks gather, and it is also a rare place where there are no restrictions on monks' private fights, but the iron rule of not killing people has not changed.

The Jianxiu who can come here from thousands of miles, firstly, admires the illustrious name of the "Old Sword God", and secondly, he wants to make a name for himself.

Just like Dongzhou Jianxiu wants to make a name for himself, the easiest way is to go to the Sword Imperial City to write letters, and want to leave a footprint in Jiuzhou Kendo, the most direct way is to fight outside Juejian Cliff.

If his swordsmanship is outstanding, the old swordsman is disturbed, and he gets a comment, even a comment like "what the hell" is enough for a sword cultivator to brag about for a lifetime.

Xie Qiutao walked among the dense locust sword cultivators, and introduced the small squares on the street, the entrance of the wine shop, etc., and there were no sights, but most of them still had ancient sword marks—these places where some tyrannical sword cultivators used to be. famous place.

"...Chu Yi, the sword ghost of the Black Cliff, was famous in this wine shop. At that time, he drank too much and had a quarrel with a sword cultivator from Nanyu Island. The two fought one-on-one. Chu Yi was dizzy and got drunk. Sword, forcibly stunned the opponent..."

"...Did you see that archway? Miss Qiu came to visit when her father married his daughter-in-law, and many sword cultivators from the Absolute Sword Immortal Sect who admired the eldest lady were not convinced and stopped them from entering; Let your friend ask for advice on your behalf, guess who that friend is?"

Zuo Lingquan was very interested in the past of these masters and asked:


"I didn't say the name at the time, but I guess it was the Sword Imperial City 'Jian Shisan', which is Lao Lu. Because of the rumored swordsmanship, it is similar to what I saw in Qilin Dongtian. Don't look at Lao Lu, who is running away as fast as me now. The lousy old man, he was arrogant back then, and one of his peers will destroy the other..."


When Zuo Lingquan heard Lao Lu, he couldn't help thinking of the fifth brother who was wandering outside.

I don’t know if a few years have passed, whether the fifth brother has gone from the extremes of the barren mountains to become the ‘Shame of the Immortal Monarch’; with the fifth brother’s talent for crying ghosts and gods, it should be the third level of Qi refining now...

Tang Jingxuan was not very interested in Xian's family affairs, and her eyes stayed on the female cultivator with swords in the market. After secretly observing for a long time, she leaned in and whispered:

"Xiao Zuo, did you notice that women who use swords look colder and their chests are flatter..."

? ?

Zuo Lingquan blinked, not very good evaluation.

Xie Qiutao agrees with this:

"The weapon characteristics of the sword are destined for those who use swords to pay attention to elegance and flexibility, which will indirectly affect the body shape. The male swordsman is like Jiucheng and Zuo Gongzi, who are tall and slender with slender limbs. , your **** can't be as big as Sister Wanwan!"

Xie Qiutao compared the action of hugging the watermelon: "It will cause the center of gravity to become unstable, and it will not be elegant to play the sword..."

Tang Jingxuan suddenly realized, but after thinking about it, he said:

"Qingwan also used swords before?"

Zuo Lingquan shook his head secretly, and whispered to his ear:

"When Qingwan was in Xihuang Valley, she used cloth to wrap her chest..."

"What about the princess?"

Zuo Lingquan is not good at talking about Jiang Yi's swordsmanship dishes, that little influence can be ignored, he just smiled.

The dumpling listened with relish, supported by the experience of lying down, spread his wings and gestured twice, and pointed to Xie Qiutao's clothes:


The meaning is probably "Wanwan is a mansion, the princess is about the same size as Xiao Taotao, it doesn't affect..."

Xie Qiutao saw the meaning of the dumplings, her face flushed, and she snorted softly:

"I was going to find a place to eat just now. There is a 'Jianjiang Grilled Fish' in front of me. It is said that the old sword gods have eaten it, but I guess you don't want to eat, why not..."


The dumpling was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained "jiji" with no conscience, presumably saying:

"Tao Tao is still young, when she grows up, she will be about the same as Wan Wan..."

These messy chats are only in private, the three of them walked half a street while talking and laughing, and came to the entrance of Bafangzhai here. The figure, followed by those sharp eyes...


The two sides of the Jianjiang River, where hundreds of thousands of swordsmen gathered, were calm on the surface, but there were actually dark tides on the inside a few days ago.

Juejian Xianzong is the leader of kendo in Huajunzhou and even Jiuzhou. It is known as the "authentic swordsmanship in the world". This honor is not blown out, but there are real qualifications there. Of the ten people, two came from Juejianya. This alone is enough to make all the sects of ancient and modern times ashamed.

As a sect that carries the cauldron of kendo, it will naturally be noticed by all the monks in the world. It can be said that whatever happens in kendo, outsiders will inquire about Juejianya's views or countermeasures.

Zuo Lingquan walked through Luojian Mountain alone. After Huajunzhou became famous, the sword sect of Huajunzhou had already set his sights on Juejianya.

Among them, there are people who don't think it's a big deal and want to see Zuo Lingquan wearing Luojian Mountain alone; there are also people who feel that Hua Junzhou was stepped on by a swordsman from Dongzhou, and they are not convinced and want Juejianya to come forward to suppress Dongzhou's arrogance.

Recently, Twelve Lang was called 'Little Sword Demon', which is the result of the deliberate 'confrontation' of the outside sects; apart from this, there is also the saying that 'Juejianya is not as good as before'' after the Sword Imperial City and Juejianya duo Side by side' and so on, the purpose is to fight the fire, to let Juejianya come forward and fight with the stunned green that came out of Dongzhou.

In fact, if the cultivators outside are not fighting the fire, this fight must also be fought.

Sword sects discuss swordsmanship, which is equivalent to academic exchanges; when the juniors arrive at their own sects, there are only two situations in which they do not arrange for people to discuss swords.

The wife of the sect master, Zhao Linglong, knew that as long as Zuo Lingquan came, she would not arrange it, and the disciples in the sect would also go up to find trouble, so she secretly arranged for Twelve Lang to prepare.

Twelve Lang and Zuo Lingquan are in the same realm, and they both know swordsmanship. Even the concept of kendo is similar, and they are twenty years old at the wrong age. This difference is equal to no one in the cultivation way. They are equal opponents. Absolute Sword Immortal Zongke bullies the master, or sees Zuo Lingquan be demoted.

As for winning or losing, Twelve Lang won the best, and directly became famous in the world, taking away the "fame" that Zuo Lingquan had won in the early stage, and Zuo Lingquan would not be ruined.

If Zuo Lingquan wins, as long as the Twelve Lang loses not too ugly, Juejian Xianzong has almost no influence. Speaking of which, it is a beautiful thing that proves Juejianya's strong heritage and talented talents - after all, it is not Any sect can pick out an opponent of the same generation as Zuo Lingquan.

Now that he has decided to fight, for the sake of the sect's reputation, Zhao Linglong naturally has to make a big deal.

After it was confirmed that Zuo Lingquan would come to Juejianya, he had secretly released gossip to create momentum for this 'the strongest middleweight showdown'.

There have always been a lot of monks on both sides of the Jianjiang River, but the quality has improved significantly in recent days. The resident representatives of the major sword sects are all waiting nearby; the loose immortals wandering around or non-Jian sect wealthy figures also come. a lot.

For example, on the second floor of Bafangzhai, Bao Xiangyang of the Eight Arms Xuanmen, in the name of 'official business trip', came to Juejian Xianzong early, waiting to see his idol come to play in the hall, not forgetting the friend's request, Played 'Flowers in the Mirror' and broadcast it to Chu Yi, the sword ghost of the Black Cliff on the east coast, and Huang Ji of Qianxingdao at sea.

After the Battle of Luojian Mountain, Chu Yi, the sword ghost of the Black Cliff, had already regarded Zuo Lingquan as an immortal. At this time, he was sitting in the old tea shop and was seriously analyzing:

"...'Sword One' is a skill that kills with one sword. Both sides are human, and they are in the same environment. If you can't protect your body, the odds of winning are five to five. However, the sword demon's mind should be more stable than Twelve Lang. , The sword demon drinks the old man's tea only for two breaths, Twelve Lang has never drunk it, but he will not surpass Lu Jianchen, although he is also a rare swordsman wizard, but in this comparison, the gap is too big..."

Bao Xiangyang is a martial artist. Martial arts and kendo are in the same line. He also has a lot of opinions. He shook his head and said:

"Twelve Lang is in his forties. If the sword demon is really the Zuo Lingquan from Dongzhou, he should be less than thirty. Even if they are in the same country, the difference in ten years of experience is enough to affect the outcome..."

Experience is soft power. To put it simply, it is knowledge.

In martial arts, the more you fight, the more experience you have, and the formation of a fighting instinct to deal with various emergencies. If both sides have accumulated experience fighting since childhood, and the combat strength is equal, the older one will definitely take advantage.

However, experience can be compensated for with 'savvy'. Some people only play ten times to get a long memory. Some people play one game, and they develop a fighting instinct that will last a lifetime. Therefore, in this duel, the two negotiated for a long time. Between seven and three'.

As for the other monks on the mountain, the estimated odds of winning are all five to five.

On the towering Juejian Cliff, there is a welcome pavilion with a bird's-eye view of both sides of the Jianjiang River.

Venerable Peach Blossom had just stopped, and when he saw Zhao Linglong and the sword-wielding elder Mu Shanyun who came out to greet him, he realized something was wrong.

It stands to reason that when receiving a female cultivator on the mountain, it is the highest etiquette for the wife of the sect to come out. Isn't this misleading?

The duty of the sword-wielding elder is destined to be inseparable from fighting and killing as long as he shows up.

Venerable Peach Blossom is not a foolish and ignorant idiot. As an ancestor, he knows the way of the Xianjia sect too well. She knew that the sword-wielding elder Mu Shanyun came out, and he must be ready to greet her and arrange for his apprentice to fight with the junior she had kissed.

And Zhao Linglong really couldn't say a few words, so he asked where Zuo Lingquan was.

Venerable Peach Blossom hasn't completely cured Zuo Lingquan, so he must stop this kind of thing, and said:

"Ling Quan had a conflict with Pofeng City at Barren Bone Beach. He was injured and not yet healed. He is training outside. If you want to see Linglong, I will call him over."

Mu Shanyun is the sword-wielding elder of Juejian Xianzong, equivalent to Juejianya's 'back-up ancestor'. Daoxing may not be as good as Jiang Chengjian, the sword sage of Dongzhou, but his position in kendo should not be underestimated. I really want to see my own. Apprentice Twelve Lang, who is stronger or weaker than Sword Demon.

Hearing the words of Venerable Peach Blossom, Mu Shanyun revealed a pity:

"Hey, I originally wanted my unsatisfactory apprentice to have a fight with Zuo Xiaoyou. Cui Daoyou said so, it seems that we will have to wait for a while."

Zhao Linglong calculated that such a situation might occur, and said with a smile:

"Sister Yingying's medical skills are the best in Dongzhou. It is not difficult to heal Zuo Xiaoyou. All the Taoist friends and the disciples in the sect are all waiting eagerly. If Zuo Xiaoyou doesn't miss a hand or two when he comes, it will be a pity. ."

Venerable Peach Blossom does not lack confidence in Zuo Lingquan:

"That's natural. You have come all the way from Dongzhou. If you don't make a name for yourself at Juejianya, you will come here in vain."

Hearing this, Mu Shanyun laughed: "Listening to Daoyou Cui's tone, do you think Zuo Xiaoyou can beat my unsatisfactory apprentice?"

if not?

Venerable Peach Blossom blinked and smiled modestly:

"Alas, as long as you can fight in front of Juejian Cliff, it is an honor for swordsmen, and the outcome is not the same."

Zhao Linglong was a little confused by her father-in-law's elusive words, and thought about it:

"I am in charge of internal affairs, and I am not good at martial arts. Both of them are elders on the mountain. Who do you think has a better chance of winning this battle?"

Mu Shanyun must have confidence in the apprentices he taught, but he still said modestly:

"Mechanical sword one, the odds of winning are naturally five or five under the same situation."

Venerable Taohua also said humbly, "Mu Jianxian is a master of swordsmanship, so his opinion is naturally correct... By the way, Ling Quan came here this time because he wanted to borrow your sect's sword washing pool..."

Zhao Linglong shook his head and sighed: "The Sword Washing Pond is the place where the ancestors cultivated, and I can't ask my sister..."

While he was talking, there was a commotion on both sides of the Jianjiang River outside the cliff.

The three people present were all experts on the top of the mountain. They noticed the strangeness and looked at a small street on the river bank at the same time.

Venerable Peach Blossom glanced at and saw Zuo Lingquan and others outside Bafangzhai, frowning:

"Sister Linglong, is this inappropriate for you?"

Zhao Linglong was also a little surprised, his eyes apologized and said:

"The disciples of Jianzong are all anxious. When they see Sister Yingying coming, I am afraid they will run to find Zuo Xiaoyou on their own initiative. I will let them come back."

Mu Shanyun also felt that his apprentice was a little impatient, and he didn't even know how to inform his master beforehand. He was about to ask Twelve Lang to come back, and wait for the others to recover before challenging him, but he didn't say anything, he was just stunned and turned into:

"Fellow Daoist Cui, this younger generation is a little too crazy, I'm afraid it's not easy for me to speak."

Venerable Peach Blossom faintly heard the phrase "let your master come", and his expression also turned into a speechless color...



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