Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 8: black-hearted bestie

In the lobby of the ship building, men and women, young and old, sit next to the tea table. Although they come from all over the world, they meet by chance, but they share the same road and the same path. If they chat casually, it is easy to have a feeling of love at first sight.

An old Taoist priest, wearing a black scarf on his head, sitting with his back to the window, holding a tea bowl in his hand, said a little bit of knowledge:

"...In the past, the scattered repairers were mostly arranged in the Guilinchuan area. There was an ancient battlefield, where small demons and small demons appeared frequently, but big demons were not common. But there is no absolute, big demons are similar to our immortals. , there's no place you can't go..."

Xie Qiutao was wearing a crimson jacket skirt and sat on the other side of the tea table. The skirt was designed by Jingshou and sewed together with Qingwan; it was lively and cute, but the style was similar to Jingshou's clothes, and it looked very similar. She is the girl's version of Jingxing, or the big girl of Jingxing.

Xie Qiutao held her round face in her hands and listened to the old Taoist priest; there were also several young people who had just arrived on the nearby chairs.

Xie Qiutao came from Beishouzhou when she was a child, and it stands to reason that she could pass the springboard between the three continents, but at that time she was not on a ferry, but was rescued by a large turtle, and went directly to Huajunzhou from the sea. Having never been to Bosa continent, after listening for a while, he interjected and asked:

"Zhang Daochang, have you been there, have you met a big demon before?"

Next to him was a strong man dressed as a martial artist, who seemed to be a disciple of the small sect of Hua Junzhou. Hearing this, he said with a smile:

"Zhang Daochang can sit here and tell us this, of course, we didn't encounter it."

The old Taoist was named Zhang Zhen. When he was young, he apprenticed to the ancestral family of the Taoist family. After he became an artist, he could not stay in the sect, so he returned to the vulgarity and became a loose immortal in the mountains. Although Taoism is neither high nor low, his experience is far beyond the few young people present.

Hearing this, Zhang Laodao waved his hand:

"Noye, to talk about the big demon, I have encountered it a few times in the past."

The strong man was slightly surprised: "Oh? Really?"

"What are you doing, these little dolls. The demons who can be worthy of the word 'big demon' are no longer the tigers and leopards who only know how to kill. Just like us, they have a purpose and a method. Now, if you are not worthy of being shot by others, they will be too lazy to take care of you. Let’s not talk about it, let’s just say that last time in Gui Liao Chuan, I and a few fellow Daoists went to investigate the area around Camel Peak Ridge, and when we walked to a small town …”

This is the first time the strong man went to Bosuozhou, and said unexpectedly:

"There are other worldly towns over there?"

Xie Qiutao has many places to run, but this is clear:

"Bosuozhou is about half the size of Dongzhou, how can there be no ordinary people, there are very few people."

Zhang Laodao nodded: "The people over there have a hard life, just like the wild land before. There is no way to go to the sky and no way to go to the ground, so they can only survive on their own. There is a Valkyrie in the wild land, and life is getting better now. ; But there is no way to do it in Bosuozhou, the geographical location is special, it is scrambled by the good and the evil, and the environment can only be described as dire..."

The strong man said: "I thought that being occupied by evil sects and crooked ways, ordinary people would gather the soul flags and other things to end the scourge."

Zhang Laodao waved his hand: "This thing gathering soul flags is also an evil weapon in the Youying alien race. If you dare to use it in the two northwestern continents, you will still be executed by the leaders of the alien races. Of course, this does not mean that the Youying aliens are all good people, but there are no The rules are not square, if you let the demons run rampant, slaughter the bottom, the foundation is gone, no matter how strong the four saints are, it will be just a castle in the air.”

Seeing that the topic was too far away, Xie Qiutao asked:

"Zhang Daochang, did you meet the big demon in Huofengling?"

"Actually, I don't know. After walking near the town, I met a scholar who went to the grave outside the town in the middle of the night. The tomb looked like a hundred years old. I thought it was strange, so I went up to interrogate it. As soon as I got close, the scholar disappeared. , the grave is also gone, almost scared us to death..."

"Such a god, at least it's a big demon at the level of Immortal Venerable..."

"Yeah, I didn't dare to stay at that time, I went back and notified the above, I don't know if I sent Immortal Venerable to check..."


Xie Qiutao was very interested in these experiences on the cultivation path, and chatted very deeply.

And next to a tea table just a few steps away from Xie Qiutao, there was also a female cultivator seated, listening to the conversation here.

The female nun's face is relatively mature and very charming, but she is wearing a black long gown, with a machete hanging from her waist, and her hands are also tied with wrist guards. Judging from her appearance, she is an older female martial artist with strong thighs The kind that pinned Zuo Lingquan to death, there was not the slightest tenderness in his body.

The female cultivator went to Bosau Continent alone, and because she behaved indifferently, no cultivator came to chat, and she naturally did not take the initiative to chat with the people on the boat.

However, just as the nun was listening, Yu Guang suddenly found that a familiar figure floated past the corridor outside the window. When he turned his eyes, the person outside the window had already walked past.


The female nun frowned slightly, put down the teacup, stood up, walked out of the ship building slowly, and looked at the corridor.

The ferry boat is above the long sea, the moon is bright, and the corridor is also brightened by the moonlight.

A woman in a dress with round beads and jade-like beads stood beside the fence at the end of the corridor, raising her eyes to look at the silver moon, her back looked very soft, but invisibly carried a momentum that no strangers should approach.

The female cultivator was all too familiar with this aura, she walked slowly to the woman, raised her hand and patted the woman's round buttocks, causing a wave of trembling flesh, and said frivolously:

"Blowing the cold wind here alone at night, is there something on your mind?"

The ancestor of Shangguan didn't care about this, looked at the starry sky, and sighed:



Venerable Master Peach Blossom dressed as a female Wuxiu looked surprised. After all, she had lived such a big life, and it was the first time she saw Shangguan Yutang showing such a sentimental look.

Venerable Peach Blossom couldn't figure out what to do, moved his hand from the quiet buttocks, and became more serious:

"What's wrong? Something happened to the Nine Sects?...It doesn't make sense, I didn't hear anything..."

The ancestor of Shangguan shook his head: "It's not a big deal, just chatting with Madam Zuo..."


Venerable Peach Blossom originally listened carefully, but as soon as these words came out, his eyes changed, with a bit of inexplicable:

"Who are you chatting with?"

"Mrs. Left."

"Which left lady?"

"Zuo Lingquan's mother, your name is Aunt Zuo."


Venerable Peach Blossom tilted his head slightly, his eyes were a little incomprehensible, and after looking at the woman in front of him for a long time, he didn't understand why he said:

"Mrs. Zuo is not a practitioner, how can you chat with her?"

"What else can I do if I walk over and talk? I live in the south of the Nine Sects, just a few steps away."

How many steps away? !

Venerable Master Peach Blossom knew that the ancestor of Shangguan had not been in Peach Blossom Cave for the past two days. She thought she was going to do something big. When she heard this, she was naturally a little incredulous:

"You went to Zuo Lingquan's hometown?"

The ancestor of Shangguan nodded slightly: "It is normal to visit the door during the festival."

Venerable Peach Blossom felt that this place was not normal at all, it was difficult to understand anyway, but she didn't know what to say, she frowned and said:

"You're running to Zuo's house alone, are you embarrassed?"

"You can't go, so I have to go alone, what's the embarrassment? Madam Zuo is very enthusiastic. She cooks chicken soup for me every morning, and asks me for warmth. I don't know if she insists on letting me live until the fifteenth. How to refuse."

Taohuazun advocated opening his mouth, feeling so weird in his heart, and couldn't say what was weird:

"You are really busy... Then why are you sentimental here?"

The ancestor of Shangguan is so sentimental, but he has nothing to do at Zuo's house, and he came over to anger the old witch to find happiness. She sighed softly:

"Oh, for the Chinese New Year, Mrs. Zuo was at home waiting for her son and daughter-in-law to return, but no one went back. I went to visit and she spoiled me as a daughter-in-law, and even turned out the jewelry that she wore when she married to the Zuo family. Now, don't give it to me..."


Venerable Peach Blossom didn't know what was wrong with her, but she felt a little sour in her heart. She mocked:

"Mrs. Zuo sees you as a daughter-in-law, how dare you say that?"

"That's why I'm sentimental here. I was thinking, it would be great if it was Lingye who went back. After a trip like this, Lingye must be an unshakable and intimate padded jacket in Mrs. Zuo's heart, like Jiang Yi, Qingwan, Jing You, there are those women who can't be named, and if you are filial in the future, I am afraid it will be difficult to change Madam Zuo's opinion..."

A woman with no name?

Venerable Peach Blossom was definitely talking about her, his eyes sank!

However, getting angry for this is to see himself as the daughter-in-law of the Zuo family, so the Peach Blossom Venerable Lord just snorted:

"You are Master Ling Ye, Zuo Lingquan's half mother-in-law, do you know that these are still coming?"

"Life is short for a few years, and it is better to be misunderstood by Madam Zuo than to wait for a year without any news from Madam Zuo."


Venerable Peach Blossom thinks about it too. She is mainly unable to go back. If she can go back to the Nine Sects, she will also go to Zuo's house to sit. After all, Madam Zuo is really kind to her.

Venerable Peach Blossom was silent for a while, then asked curiously:

"What did you chat with Madam Zuo?"

"What else could it be? Zuo Lingquan and his daughter-in-law's current situation, are they doing well or not."

"Did Mrs. Zuo mention me?"

The ancestor of Shangguan turned his head and looked at Venerable Peach Blossom.

Venerable Peach Blossom's expression condensed, making the color of the wind light and cloudless:

"I don't mean anything else, I just haven't seen you for a long time, just ask."

"I mentioned it. I asked you how you are doing recently. Are you still wandering outside with Zuo Lingquan?"

Venerable Peach Blossom got closer and asked softly:

"Yutang, how did you answer?"

The ancestor of Shangguan shrugged slightly, and his voice was flat:

"What else can I do? Tell the truth. You were very angry when you said that Zuo Lingquan was interested in you. While you were treating him, you poked Zuo Lingquan with a needle every day, and the poked Zuo Lingquan rolled on the bed..."

What? !

Venerable Peach Blossom was shocked, only to feel a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and his eyes showed anger:

"Shangguan Yutang, how could you tell Mrs. Zuo such a thing? You..."

The ancestor of Shangguan frowned slightly: "I didn't speak ill of you behind your back. You did that, and you didn't allow me to talk to Zuo Lingquan's mother? Or are you afraid that Madam Zuo will have a bad impression on you?"

This is no nonsense!

Venerable Peach Blossom stared at her eyes, she was almost mad at this stinky bitch, she resisted the urge to do it, and asked coldly:

"What did Mrs. Zuo say?"

The ancestor of Shangguan shook his head: "I just smiled reluctantly and talked about other things. I don't know what I think in my heart."

barely smiled...

talk about something else...

Isn't that disappointing?

Venerable Peach Blossom's eyes were sour, and he really showed a sense of grievance, and there was also annoyance of "I treat you as a friend, but you sell me like this".

The ancestor of Shangguan blinked, and when he saw that he seemed to have played too much, the corners of his mouth twitched again:

"Just kidding with you, you are serious, it seems that you are very concerned about what Mrs. Zuo thinks of you."

When Venerable Peach Blossom heard this, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and she said solemnly:

"Mrs. Zuo treats me with sincerity, and I will naturally care about her opinion... It has nothing to do with Zuo Lingquan."

The ancestor of Shangguan shook his head: "People's feelings are always obsessed by the authorities and clear by onlookers. Your feelings have already moved, and you think you can drag things down by escaping?"

"Do I need you to mind your own business?" Venerable Taohua snorted lightly, "A three-thousand-year-old girl with yellow flowers, who has never kissed a man before, and is still here to enlighten her deity, are you worthy?"

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The ancestor of Shangguan logically answered, "Who said that the deity has never kissed?", but when he thought about it, he found that his heart was not very calm, so he stopped the topic in time:

"It's up to you, anyway, with your temperament, you won't cut off your love, what will happen in the future, the deity is clear at a glance. You promised to be called Sister Lingye, the deity will not beat the mandarin ducks, if necessary, for the sake of acquaintance for many years, also I'll help you out."

Venerable Peach Blossom became more and more angry, she stood silent for a moment, and said solemnly:

"You are just an outsider, and no matter how close you are, you are only Zuo Lingquan's half-mother-in-law, and you can't control Zuo Lingquan's family affairs. In the future, if the deity will stick to his heart, he will be just his predecessor; if he can't keep it, why should he obey the agreement with you? , treat Lingye girl as a sister?"

"Thinking of backtracking?"

The ancestor of Shangguan didn't care at all: "It's okay, but tomorrow, the news that Ling Ye and Zuo Lingquan have become Taoist companions will be announced to the nine sects. You, the elder, have to find a way to deal with the rest."


No matter how tough Venerable Peach Blossom behaved, she couldn't help but hesitate, she gritted her teeth:

"The deity didn't go back on his word, just reasoned with you. If the deity loses his mind, he really hooks up with Zuo Lingquan... In the end, who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister, it depends on the meaning of the man, right? It depends on what you mean, What do you think of Zuo Lingquan? You point fingers at a man's family affairs, don't you think it hurts a man's self-esteem?"

I have to say, this is quite convincing.

The ancestor of Shangguan is very domineering, what he says is what he says, but if Zuo Lingquan does not agree, she will definitely not forcibly arrange Zuo Lingquan's family affairs, making both parties unhappy.

Seeing Venerable Peach Blossom say this, the ancestor of Shangguan responded calmly:

"Zuo Lingquan is the man who decides the family affairs of the Zuo family. If you have the ability to make Zuo Lingquan treat you as the boss, the deity will naturally not say anything."

"What do you mean by treating me as the eldest? I am three thousand years older than him, and my cultivation is the highest. If I really lose my mind and stay with him in the I will be the eldest sister in the family."

The ancestor of Shangguan said with disdain: "I know Zuo Lingquan's character, but he doesn't think so in his heart. If you don't believe me, just ask."

Although Venerable Peach Blossom felt that the topic was very strange, after chatting for a while, he was really curious about Zuo Lingquan's opinion. She frowned and said:

"How does the deity ask about this? I don't have that kind of relationship with him..."

The ancestor of Shangguan had more experience in the end. After thinking about it, he leaned into the ear of Venerable Peach Blossom and whispered a few words.

Venerable Peach Blossom looked disgusted and listened to her best friend's bad idea, and she was stunned for a moment:

"By the way, I forgot about this..."

The ancestor of Shangguan gestured upstairs: "Go, give you half an hour, you can let Zuo Lingquan say that you are the boss and so on, I will help to tell the meaning to Mrs. Zuo, Mrs. Zuo doesn't care. Whoever you like more, you must listen to your son in the end."

In fact, Venerable Peach Blossom wanted to emphasize two sentences, "I have nothing to do with Zuo Lingquan, just ask casually", but she also knew Shangguan Yutang's character. With a "hmph~" sound, he turned around and walked up to the ship building.

When going up the stairs, Venerable Peach Blossom was still dressed as a valiant female martial artist, but from the second floor of the ship building, she turned into a little woman with a round and jade-like bead in a jacket. Not bad, even the temperament is exactly the same as Jing.

The ancestor of Shangguan shook his head secretly, feeling that this best friend’s love had just begun, and even his mind was not good enough to go up in a quiet and sultry manner, and he should not be touched by Zuo Lingquan. …Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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