Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 11: barren mountains

Under the starlight, Cheng Jiujiang and Zhao Wuxie walked together on the dilapidated official road. The surrounding mountains were deserted. Occasionally, an earthen house could be seen, and people had already gone to the empty building, leaving only the ruins.

In the very depths of the mountains, you can see the little firelight, but the light of the green color is obviously not of the mortal world.

"'Gui Liaochuan' means the fire of a ghost. For nearly a thousand years, wars have been fought here every day, and there are lonely and wild ghosts everywhere. It is impossible to catch them cleanly. Now those little ghosts who can't harm anyone are too lazy to care..."

"The yin here is heavy."

"Brother Zhao, don't be afraid, I am full of yang, and I will stand in front of you. Ordinary lonely ghosts don't dare to get close."

"You take off the 'Evil Amulet' on your waist before you say this."

"Hey, practitioners must focus on everything, even if they don't rely on this stuff, there's no harm in being prepared..."

Cheng Jiujiang babbled and pretended to be arrogant in his words, but looking around at the turbulent eyes around him revealed his guilty conscience.

Zhao Wuxie was not surprised by this, because he was also quite guilty.

After arriving at Posuo Continent by cargo ship, Zhao Wuxie accompanied Cheng Jiujiang to deliver various supplies to various small bases in Guiliaochuan. .

At this time, the location of the two people is in the area of ​​Fulin Kingdom in the northwest of Guiliao River; the worldly Fulin Kingdom has not destroyed the country, but under the rampant world of demons and immortal masters, they have already lost their control over the country, and the people have degenerated into With the autonomy of villages and towns, most places have ten rooms and nine empty spaces.

Wangchuan City has set up a supply point at Yinglu Peak, Dongyue, in Fulin Country, for the monks who are exploring the road to come back and recuperate. No one can say for sure about the investigation situation. The two of them had no one to rely on to deliver goods at night. How could they not be worried.

Fortunately, being a low-key person, dissatisfied with the whereabouts of Luanfei exposed, it is not so easy to be noticed by the demon, and there is no danger along the way.

The two came to the foot of Yinglu Peak at dawn, and both breathed a long sigh of relief.

It was not the first time that Cheng Jiujiang had come here, so he took Zhao Wuxie through the guards' questioning and entered the old Taoist temple on Yinglu Peak.

The person sitting here is the Immortal Venerable Yan Xiong of Juejianya; there are more than 30 people in the Taoist temple, all of them are monks who have come to recuperate and prepare to set off again.

Cheng Jiujiang found the deacon in the Taoist temple, handed over the Linglong Pavilion filled with medicinal pills and talismans to him for inventory, and asked what else he needed, whether anyone wanted Longyang Dan, etc. While talking, he suddenly heard the Taoist temple. From behind, a loud voice sounded:

"Little Shishu, I haven't been lazy for a day here. If you don't believe me, ask Yan Jianxian. I wish I could kill all the wild foxes in the mountains and make 365 fox furs for my little Shishu, all year round. Dress up..."

"I said you were lazy? I said you used your strength in the wrong place..."

Cheng Jiujiang heard the voice a little familiar, so he looked outside the second door with his probe.

The backyard of the Taoist temple is where the enshrinement is located. The eyes of various formations are here, guarded by the sword immortal Yan Xiong, who always pays attention to the wind and grass in a radius of hundreds of miles.

There were four people in the courtyard at this time.

The old man standing under the eaves with a pestle and a sword was the sword immortal Yan Xiong, and the three people under the steps were all dressed in the iconic armor of Tie-Cui Mansion.

Standing on the right are two women. The leading woman is dressed in black heavy armor, without a shield, and only has a symbolic gold mace hanging around her waist. Somewhat similar.

The woman in the back is wearing a red armor, with a unicorn beast face goggles on her chest, and a dark red luster in the eyes of the beast, like a living creature. for appalling.

The one who was being reprimanded was a male cultivator, dressed in black armor, nearly 10 feet tall, with a giant tiger-headed shield behind him that looked like a door panel. With his long black beard, he was very mighty, but his expression was very aggrieved.

The two women are not low, but the man's height is exaggerated, maybe he didn't dare to look down at the elder, the man squatted on the ground and talked, the scene looked a bit funny.

Cheng Jiujiang recognized that the one who squatted on the ground and complained of grievance was his uncle Shangguan Baxue, not to mention the two opposite, he blurted out in disbelief:

"your Highness?"

In the yard, Jiang Yi, who was watching her sister training the junior, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the door:

"Cheng Jiujiang? Why did you come here?"

Although Cheng Jiujiang had run far away, his identity was still the candidate national teacher of the Great Dan Dynasty, enshrined in Qihuang Valley, and one of the princess's accompanying guards. At present, the family still leads the salary of the Jiang Dynasty. Seeing Jiang Yi, naturally With respectful eyes, he quickly raised his hand to salute:

"I came here with the teacher of Tiecuo Mansion, running errands here... Is the Empress Dowager here?"

Jiang Yi couldn't explain it well, so she didn't speak, signaling Cheng Jiujiang to do her own thing first.

Squatting on the ground, Shangguan Baxue is a contemporary Qingkui of the Tiecu Mansion, and Situ's stunned senior brother. He has been trained in Posuo Continent in recent years, and naturally knows Cheng Jiujiang.

Seeing that Cheng Jiujiang actually knew the little uncle, Shangguan Baxue seemed to see the savior, and quickly said:

"Jiujiang, you came just in time, help me and my little uncle to explain. How could I forget the teacher's teaching, I killed a few tiger demons last time, I specially cut off... Fengdu, send it back to Master to repay Master..."

Cheng Jiujiang didn't know why, but he answered truthfully:

"Uncle Ba Xue is really diligent, either in slaying demons and slaying demons, or on the road to slaying demons and slaying demons. I have been running for so long, but I have never seen Uncle Ba Xue take a day off..."

The sword immortal Yan Xiong under the eaves also nodded:

"It's hard to say anything else. When it comes to bravery and diligence, there is absolutely no one in the younger generation who can beat the blood. This old man can prove it."

Shangguan Lingye felt helpless in his heart for these words of persuasion.

She naturally knows that Shangguan is tyrannical, brave and diligent. Without these advantages, it is impossible to become the leader of the Tiecu Mansion; the reason why she taught this nephew a lesson is because he respects the master so much that 'nothing can't be solved by fists' behavior style.

Master Daoxing is there, in front of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are naturally empty talk; the disciples below are not so domineering Daoxing.

Shimen asked Shangguan Baxue to come over to help the righteous path. Because the situation was not right in recent years, Shangguan Baxue was asked to secretly investigate the future trends and potential plans of the alien race.

The method of Shangguan Baxue's investigation is very 'Tie Tu Mansion' - he sacrificed his life to catch demons everywhere, and brought them back for interrogation. If he didn't ask, he could only say that the demons caught were not big enough or not enough, and he had to work hard.

If she doesn't come, Shangguan Baxue, who has not completed the task of the division, will most likely enter the Snow Wolf Mountain and go to the alien lair to catch the monsters and ask.

This method is not impossible, but judging from the above officials' tyranny of blood, the chance of finding out the results is very slim, and the danger is still great;

Seeing that someone came to persuade, Shangguan Lingye also clicked and said:

"Leave the matter here to me in the future. You can get rid of the demon with peace of mind. When you encounter something in the future, try to solve it with your head, and don't just think about being reckless."

For the disciples of Tietu Mansion, using their heads to solve things is like hitting their opponents to death with a hammer!

However, Shangguan Baxue is not lacking in heart, how dare he say in front of the little uncle, the most reasonable words that these disciples of the Tiecu Mansion hold as a guide. He quickly stood up and went out:

"Understood, I will definitely keep it in my heart in the future. I have to go to Huofengling, so I won't accompany the little uncle."

Shangguan Lingye also just arrived here, and when he heard the sound, he looked at Yan Xiong, the sword immortal under the eaves:

"Is there anything unusual in Camel Peak?"

Sword Immortal Yan Xiong shook his head: "Six months ago, a Taoist named Zhang Zhen reported that he bumped into a ghost there. After investigation, there was no difference, but a team of cultivators passed by there a few days ago, and he has not returned to return to life. Something went wrong, so let Ba Xue go over and take a look..."

Shangguan Lingye thought about it a little bit and felt that Shangguan Tyrant Blood could be done, so he didn't say much.

After Shangguan Baxue pulled Cheng Jiujiang out, Shangguan Lingye turned his gaze to the northwest and asked:

"Chou Niuniu came here a few days ago?"

Sword Immortal Yan Xiong didn't know the past entanglement between Shangguan Lingye and Miss Qiu, only that they were both famous fairies in Dongzhou, and they were about the same age, so they must know each other. He smiled and said:

"I came here half a month ago, with Bao Lanshan, Zilin and others, and Dongfang Xu also followed, and now I guess they are in the Snow Wolf Mountain Range..."


After a while, Shangguan Lingye and Jiang Yi left the yard.

Jiang Yi originally wanted to call Cheng Jiujiang over to ask about the current situation, but when she went out, she found that Shangguan Baxue was pulling Cheng Jiujiang and sneakily stuffed something into Cheng Jiujiang's hands - if nothing else, it was a tiger whip, a deer whip, etc. Yes, let Cheng Jiujiang help bring it back.

Jiang Yi didn't speak when she saw this, and looked at Shangguan Lingye, who was turning a blind eye:

"Lingye, you asked about Miss Qiu, are you planning to go to Snow Wolf Mountain to find her?"

"She's so old, and she doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the ground is. She really encounters the demon general in the Snow Wolf Mountain, and she can't escape even with a few peers."

Shangguan Lingye complained about the defeated generals, and said:

"You don't need to go to her. If something goes wrong, she will naturally ask for help, and I can go there again. When we meet, the one who should help is to help."

Jiang Yi's eyes were a little suspicious: "Miss Qiu is better than you, and she has to ask for help. Did you use it in the past?"

"The timing is right, Zuo Lingquan can save Venerable Peach Blossom, what does this have to do with the level of Taoism."

"Also... what is Zuo Lingquan doing now?"

"In addition to fighting and practicing, he spends the rest of his time flirting with women. What do you think he is doing now?"

Jiang Yi opened her mouth and felt that the man didn't even mention it...


The northern part of Fulin Kingdom, the Shajiang River.

In the early morning, the large reeds on the river beach are bathed in the morning light, and crystal clear dewdrops hang on the tender green grass.

The old fisherman propped up a bamboo raft and slid across the calm river, looking at a white bird drinking water with its head down on the edge of the reeds.

The white bird is round and round, looks like a ball from a distance, and looks like a chicken up close.

The old fisherman looked a little bit puzzled, and snorted at a small fishing village on the bank of the river:

"Whose white chicken ran away? Come out and catch it back..."

The white bird by the river seemed to be frightened, and after chirping twice, it disappeared into the reeds, and when the bamboo raft floated past, it resurfaced and continued to drink water like chickens pecking at rice by the river.

The dense reeds cover everything, and no one or anything can be seen, but if you go into the depths and listen carefully, you can hear the faint voice of people inside:

"Tao'er, are you sure we are hunting demons?"

"Well, that's how demons are originally caught. The demons that can survive are very good at hiding their tracks. If they can't find their nests, they have to use bait to lure snakes out of their holes. Normally, cattle and sheep are usually used, but the dumplings are so fat, you can see them at a glance. It's delicious and suitable for bait..."



In the depths of the reeds, on a small open space covered by vegetation, Tang Jing sat on the ground with her arms around her bulging chest, listening to the two people chatting beside her.

Although Tang Jingxuan has never regarded herself as a practitioner, she still feels that she is not immortal in the slightest, and it is similar to a dragon and a pair of phoenixes who are secretly fighting in the reeds.

After waiting by the river for an hour, the dumplings were almost exhausted by drinking water. Tang Jingxuan couldn't stand it any longer and asked:

"How long will it take?"

Xie Qiutao took a hat, sat next to Zuo Lingquan, and glanced at the riverside seriously:

"You have to wait at least a day to get through the alert time of the monsters' secret observation. If you don't come out, you can wait in another place. Fighting the demons is not difficult, but the difficulty is in the early investigation. The demons won't say 'I'm right here. , if you come to beat me, you idiot, you have to be patient and look for it slowly..."

Zuo Lingquan kept his hand on his saber at all times, looking at the calm as usual Jiang Mian, and didn't say anything about it.

The Shajiang River is more than a thousand miles away from the Snow Wolf Mountains. The water and grass are luscious, and there are some secular villages and towns in the middle reaches. For this reason, Wangchuan City will send people to visit here regularly to prevent monsters from harming the creatures here.

By the way, not all monsters are subordinates of the Youying Alien Race. The Youying Alien Race is a combination of evil forces, and whether it is a human or a demon, there is a clear 'self-awareness'.

The low-level demons and ghosts who run around and harm the living beings belong to the 'wild monsters', and the Youying aliens can also kill them when they see them. After all, monsters have some value.

In the dossier given by Wangchuan City, it said that they came to patrol a few times before. Some monks found that the villages and towns in the middle reaches of the Shajiang River had been stolen, and some puppets played by children had been lost, but no traces were left. It is suspected that there are monsters lurking.

Although there is little information, the clues are worthy of attention - throwing chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep is mostly done by beasts or beasts, or little demons with low morals, and the danger is not high; but throwing dolls and sundries is different. .

The beasts who have opened the intelligence, because they are not taught by their parents, will have a great interest in objects that they cannot understand; while other creatures in the world are nothing more than eating and breeding, only the human race will make all kinds of strange objects. When intelligent beasts see it, they will instinctively follow their thirst for knowledge and curiosity to explore and understand.

If the changes here in Shajiang are caused by monsters, there is a high probability that it is a monster who has just opened up his wisdom and is in a period of intense curiosity.

Birds and beasts have very different thresholds for enlightenment. If they eat fairy fruits by mistake or smarter birds and beasts, they will be able to open their spirituality very early, such as dumplings. For normal birds and beasts, if they want to practice until they have self-awareness, they must at least have spirituality. Gu start; relatively stupid birds and beasts, it is possible to cultivate to the jade rank and still not get rid of their nature, and still follow the instinct of birds and beasts.

It is also because of the uncertainty of the risk that this errand is of a relatively high level, and was sent to Zuo Lingquan's three-person team to investigate the truth.

Zuo Lingquan arrived here yesterday, and he searched secretly and looked at the people in several villages. He found no trace of monsters, and the surrounding environment was normal. If he couldn't find any clues, he could only follow Qiu Peach's method, wait here to see if there is any harvest.

Although Zuo Lingquan and Tang Jingshen both felt that Taotao's method of catching demons was unreliable, Xie Qiutao was a child of a family of catching demons after all.

Zuo Lingquan was lying in the Quietly waited until noon, when the smoke from the cooking came from the fishing village not far away, and finally there was movement from the calm river.

wow wow...

Zuo Lingquan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he gestured to Tao Tao, who kept his mouth shut, to keep his voice down. When his consciousness sensed the water, he found something slowly swimming over, about half the size of a human being.

Xie Qiutao put his hand on the iron pipa and stared at the water with a burning gaze, just waiting for the monster to show up and hurt the bird, then jumped out and slapped it to death with a hammer.

But unfortunately, the dumplings who were drinking water by the river also sensed the change; maybe they were starving in the morning, and no matter how similar the dumplings acted, the small eyes inevitably flashed a 'predator' joy when they saw the lunch coming to the door , It was at this moment that there was a soft sound of 'crash--' from the water.


Zuo Lingquan had already locked the position of the bottom of the water. Seeing this, he jumped up without hesitation and jumped into the river with Xie Qiutao...


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