When Wu Liuqi stood up, the prince suddenly noticed.

So without the slightest hesitation, raising your hand is an energy attack.

He didn’t want anything else to change.

There are too many obstacles you have encountered today, so end it as soon as possible!

Plum Blossom Thirteen looked back sharply, only to see that not far away was already covered in smoke.

She was ready to eat this blow just now, but she didn’t expect it to hit behind her.

The moment her eyes widened, she already understood the prince’s thoughts.

Behind themselves… Isn’t it Wu Liuqi?

As the smoke slowly dissipated, the scene after the explosion inside was finally revealed.

I saw Wu Liuqi standing firmly in place, and in the palm of his hand, he was holding a chicken.

At this moment, he seemed to have a sky-rushing killing intent spreading from his body.

All the audience widened their eyes, and even the faces of some strong people appeared solemn.

The momentum conveyed from the picture simply startled many people.

That momentum, as if it was not Wu Liuqi who appeared at this moment, but Asura who had fought bloody battles from hell and returned again.

The red eyes made the atmosphere depressed.

Anyone can see that something has definitely changed in Wu Liuqi’s body.

The whole person’s temperament is completely different from before, as if a different personality.

“This is the one who is criticized?”

“Shock me, this before and after has changed too much!”

“What the hell is going on?”

“It’s as if I saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood…”

“By the way, isn’t he an assassin? It should be normal to have such a murderous aura! ”

The audience opened their mouths at this time and stared at this scene quietly.

It wasn’t until he felt the terrifying pressure exuding from Wu Liuqi’s body that the audience suddenly remembered his identity as an assassin.

I was deceived by his appearance before, but now I really moved?

“Ah Qi…”

Ji Dabao, who was trampled underfoot, also widened his eyes and said slowly.

The changes that had happened to Wu Liuqi in front of him had not been seen even by him.

It’s so scary… This momentum seems to be devouring!

Wu Liuqi slowly walked over and came to the front of several people.

The prince seemed to be startled by this scene and took a step back sharply. 、

And the next second, he took Plum Blossom Thirteen in his arms and stared straight ahead.

“I’m going to take her today.”

“I see who dares to stop me!”

Wu Liuqi’s voice sounded again, but the tone of his speech changed somewhat.

However, this is not something that the audience cares about, but a look of doubt about his actions.

Good guys, getting so cool just to pick up chicks?

No way…

Plum Blossom Thirteen didn’t react at all, until the moment she was held in her arms, her face instantly turned red.

“It’s not… There is a forced frame, why am I suddenly a little uncomfortable! ”

“Pretend to be forced, why do you still spread dog food?”

“I’m speechless…”

“Hey, you’re still fighting!”

The corners of the audience’s eyes twitched suddenly, and their faces were speechless.

It is obviously a very serious and tense battle, why did you suddenly start spreading dog food?

It’s the same in every world, and the number of singles is quite a lot.

Wu Liuqi’s actions suddenly made these people feel as if they were blocked.

Why can this criticism also spread dog food!

Although he has become very pressed now, he left too much impression on the audience before.

And isn’t it fighting now … Isn’t that appropriate?

“I can think of the prince’s psychology at the moment…”

“Good fellow, if I were a prince, I wouldn’t have to eat for days.”

“This wave of dog food caught off guard!”

Many viewers said that this wave is really full!

No matter what they thought, at this time, the prince’s heart was very puzzled.

While staring at each other, cold sweat also flowed on his forehead.

“How he is like a different person, I actually feel a little scared.”

The prince on the opposite side felt more strongly than the audience.

He clearly felt that there was an aura of threat on Wu Liuqi’s body.

This breath actually threatens himself?

Simply incredible!

In a short period of time, how could such a big change happen to a person who was penetrated through the chest and was on the verge of death?

It turned out that during the time when Wu Liuqi fainted, many pictures of the past appeared in his mind.

These are his lost memories, slowly emerging at this moment.

“From today onwards, you are the strongest shadow assassin in the Xuanwu Kingdom, codename Seven!”

“Why do you have to save this woman?”

“You’re going to make enemies of the entire League of Assassins, have you figured it out?”

“The leader has issued a killing order, and now all the assassins are hunting you.”

“I’m going to take her away today, I’ll see who dares to stop me.”

The scenes in Wu Liuqi’s memory kept emerging, and the words also echoed in his mind.

It was at the moment when these memories gushed out that his body underwent tremendous changes.

That is the moment the tuba goes live!

I saw Wu Liuqi let go of the plum blossom thirteen in his arms and took a few steps forward again.

With a move of his hand, the handle of the broken knife on the ground in the distance suddenly trembled.

Next second.

The hilt of the knife flew into the air and rushed into his hand.

As the pattern on the handle flashed, the distant fragments were also affected.

In the eyes of the audience, countless blade fragments began to tremble and float in mid-air under the guidance of a force.

Immediately afterwards, countless fragments began to converge, and the broken knife that shattered appeared again in the blink of an eye.

As before, the knife was covered with fragmentation marks.

But no one thinks that this knife is just a broken knife anymore.

Wu Liuqi raised his blade and took a fighting stance.

Suddenly, a cyclone appeared under his feet, and waves of air appeared around him in an instant.

Immediately after Wu Liuqi’s feet slammed force, his body suddenly disappeared in place.

At a speed that was uncatchable to the naked eye, his body began to flash forward.

“Level 20 Energy Shield!”

The prince saw that the other party had attacked, and he no longer thought about it.

With the movement of his hands, a large amount of green energy emerged from his whole body.

Almost instantly, an energy shield completely wrapped in energy appeared beside him.

From the level of protection he heard from his mouth, he knew that the protective shield would be harder this time.

Next second.

The Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife in Wu Liuqi’s hand had already pierced into the protective shield.


With a bang of collision, the ground under the feet of the two began to shatter.

Countless rubble sputtered around, and a large amount of energy almost formed an arc to twist around.

From the moment Wu Liuqi changed, it also heralded the real beginning of the battle between the two.

Under the stalemate between the two, as Wu Liuqi advanced, the knife in his hand actually shattered again.

Starting from the tip of the knife, the speed of shattering is extremely fast, almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“It won’t break again!”

“Now Wu Liuqi feels completely different, that terrifying murderous aura…”

“At this level, he won’t be able to beat the prince.”

“Knife… Began to break, or is it the cause of the weapons? ”

The audience nervously watched the final battle, and their hearts couldn’t help but speed up.

After waiting so long, it was finally the last moment.

But as soon as Wu Liuqi and the prince clashed, many viewers became worried about Wu Liuqi.

In their gaze, the re-condensed blade actually began to shatter again…

If there were no weapons, wouldn’t it be the same situation as before?

And if he doesn’t succeed this time, the prince will definitely not give him another chance to turn over.

In the midst of everyone’s fears, the situation changed again.

I saw that the fragments of the shattered blade actually began to converge inside the protective cover, and the complete blade appeared again.

The difference is that the blade passes through the defense of the shield.

If the prince does not have the protection of a protective shield, he will rely on his body…

Seeing this scene, the audience immediately cheered up, hoping to defeat the prince!

Pirate World.

Straw Hat Pirates.

“Wear… Went through? ”

Usopp’s eyes widened and he said in surprise.

After successfully breaking through the prince’s protective shield, anyone can imagine what happened next.

Finally ready to beat your opponent?

From the initial lack of hope to the current excitement, Usopp’s mood has been on a roller coaster.

“Haha, it’s great!”

“Up, Wu Liuqi!”

Luffy’s gaze also lit up, cheering him on loudly.

Although I don’t know what has changed in Wu Liuqi, it is enough to be able to defeat the prince.

The other party’s various behaviors have long made Luffy very dissatisfied in his heart.

Now that he finally saw the glimmer of hope, he couldn’t help but shout loudly.



Superdimensional projection.


The prince’s voice rang out, and his tone was full of incredulity.

It is clear that his protective shield has been opened to the level of twenty, why can Wu Liuqi break through his defenses?

What is the origin of that broken knife of the other party?

Not only did he notice this, but many viewers also noticed Wu Liuqi’s knife.

At this point, who would think that it was just a broken knife?

Anyone can see that this knife is definitely not an ordinary knife.


As Wu Liuqi’s voice sounded, his hand jerked the hilt.

The thousand blades of the magic knife instantly slashed through the prince’s arm, and his mechanical arm broke in response to the sound and fell to the ground.

The drop of the mechanical arm also made the prince’s energy shield slowly disappear.

At this moment, his expression also became solemn, and even panic appeared on his expression.

Wu Liuqi’s changes were too great, completely beyond his expectations.

The person who was crushed by himself at will before actually cut off his arm so easily?

“I still have a secret weapon.”

“Robot mode, in unison!”

The prince’s voice sounded again, and the remaining other hand also made a movement.

As the energy between the fingers began to surge, the circular machine in the distance also moved.

I saw that the picture turned sharply, and the circular machine that had been knocked down before jerked out the limbs formed by energy.

The energy legs slammed towards the ground, and the entire machine disappeared in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the back of the prince and opened a hatch.

Although the appearance of this machine looks a little funny, the audience knows it in their hearts.

Something that can be used as a secret weapon by the prince is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Just like Stark before him, who would have thought that the prince would be able to use space-time technology to control enemies?

Next second.

The prince’s body was pulled by a suction force and got through the hatch.

Wu Liuqi just quietly watched the scene in front of him and did not stop him.


“I’m going to destroy the island.”

The prince’s laughter came, but the words he said made people look solemn.

If the prince destroys the island through this machine, then his purpose is also obtained.

Originally, he came to Chicken Island for the power stone in the center of the island.

With the loss of the power stone, the entire island will also fall apart.

And now it’s just a reversal of the order, but the result of the destruction of Chicken Island has not changed in the slightest.

Others had no means or strength to stop him.

Now everything depends on Wu Liuqi’s…

As the prince continued to operate, his expression also seemed to become a little crazy.

After suffering so many obstacles, he was now cut off by Wu Liuqi.

Defeat after failure, blocked again and again, his sanity was almost lost.

In his mind, there was only one thought at this time, that is, to use this last secret weapon to completely destroy the island under his feet.

Isn’t it meant to stop me?

Isn’t it meant to beat me?

Then come and try it and see if you can stop me from destroying this island!”

Many viewers’ hearts once again raised their throats, and their eyes stared nervously at the picture.

If his attack was really successful, then no matter what the outcome of this battle was, it would be Wu Liuqi who lost!

And since the prince said such words, then he must also have the means to destroy the island.

So what exactly will be the outcome of this battle?

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