Today, it's all set up by the towering Taoist temple. Everyone in the matchless world knows that Lin ang is just a bait. No matter whether Qingyi and others come or not, they will kill. If they come, they will kill more people.

Today, almost all the people in the matchless world are gathered. All the top figures on the matchless list have arrived, and Yun Qiu is also on the top. No one can break this situation, and no one can do it.

Although many people from different forces can't figure out why Shentian Taoist temple wanted to do this, when zihualong fell, Ziyang holy palace was angry, but it didn't have such momentum. Yunqiu just lost once in the torrent of time, and he was so crazy.

Wangfeng was always in the front, ignoring the eyes around him. He walked all the way to the criminal law platform. When he saw Lin Ang's tragedy, he was extremely angry, but he still didn't show it. He said faintly: "elder martial brother, we're here to meet you!"

On the stage of criminal law, Lin ang was always kneeling. Even if he was humiliated by thunder, he didn't have any waves. Only at this time, when he heard the familiar figure, his back trembled violently, and his eyes were red.

They still came, knowing that they would die, but they still came. They were moved, but they were more indignant.

"Who told you to come!" Lin'ang's voice is hoarse, but with a bit of pain: "go, leave here immediately, I don't need you to save me."

However, Wangfeng is still silly and smirking, wolf is also in, indifferent!

"Go away! I told you to get out of here Lin ang roared angrily, but suddenly, he looked up. On his clean face, he said, "elder martial brother, long Meng, don't be insulted!"

Lin Ang's body trembled wildly. When he was searching for the fairyland, there was no doubt that the younger martial brothers he recognized had made great achievements in the fairyland.

Chu Yan doesn't have to say much. Even Wangfeng has the talent to surpass Yuan Yi and go to the 28th level in the torrent of time. Later, the fourth elder martial brother said that he had a bad eye, so he had an excuse.

But why are you not happy now?

Don't they know that Shentian Taoist temple is going to wipe out all the people today? Even if it comes, it's impossible to change anything.

"Elder martial brother, I'll let you down now!" As soon as he stepped on the criminal law platform, he immediately had magic armor all over his body, holding a magic dragon spear and cutting it in the void. But almost at the same time, several figures stepped out on the criminal law platform, and the threat of the top immortal turned into a storm.

Caught in the storm, the lookout made a dull hum, but he was still indifferent. With the palm of his hand, the shadow of a gun was born in the void, and the thunder rolled in the sky, and a roar of demons came out, deafening.

"Poof! Poof

The two top immortals vomited blood continuously, and were shocked back to the stage by Shengsheng. Then they turned pale. Although they were not unique, they were all top immortals. They were also proud figures. But they were defeated by Wangfeng when they had the advantage of realm?

In the distance, many people can't help sighing: "Wangfeng is a romantic figure. He is not weaker than his elder martial brother. He is a demon. He should be a seventh level immortal, isn't he? The top xianzun is vulnerable in front of him, and only those on the matchless list are qualified for the first World War. "

"It's really strong, but unfortunately, I still want to die today." Some people lament that Wangfeng has boundless potential in terms of his talent at the moment. He may be as romantic as Yunqiu when he reaches the top of xianzun. It's a pity that today's towering Taoist temple is arranged here. They know very well that this group of people can't live.

At present, only the most basic level, the strong on the matchless list have not yet made a move.

But in the end, it will be, including Yun Qiu, who will come in person. Today, everything is inevitable.

The most helpless thing is that the reason why the matchless world causes such a stir is entirely because of one person, but that person has not arrived so far.

Wangfeng cuts off the magic gun in his hand and splits the seal lock behind Lin ang. Liu Qingcheng comes forward to hold Lin ang and looks at the bloodstain all over his body, full of heartache.

"If you know you're going to die, why do you want to come?" Lin ang looked at several people and sighed.

"Born in Longmeng, you should have blood. Isn't that what elder martial brother told you? Besides, elder martial brother is suffering here. How can we not come? " Wang Feng shakes his head. Lin ang smiles bitterly. Then he looks around. I'm afraid today's problem will not be solved easily.

He has been suppressed here these days, so he knows more about the attitude of all parties.

The idea of Shentian Taoist temple is to build a fairy king. The gate of several great saints also has this idea, so they chose Yunqiu. But now, Yunqiu seems to be shaken, and that's a big deal.

"Dong!" At this time, thunder slowly opened his eyes, and looked down with a trace of banter in his eyes.

"Let all of you come out." Kuang Lei calmed down. At this time, there were only five people, Wangfeng, Yexun, Qingyi, liuqingcheng and Xiaolang. But everyone knew that there were not only five people coming here. There must be many strong people hidden in the dark.

"Thunderbolt, in the past, was killed by the God hammer in the torrent of time. It's a waste. Now it's so proud to be a dog for others." Watch the wind and laugh.

"When he comes out, I will fight him and let everyone understand our gap." Kuang Lei doesn't pay attention to Wang Feng. What he wants to do today is to lead everyone out. At that time, someone will do it in person."Dong!" Suddenly, a huge tremor came from the land in the distance, and then the huge tremor began to be more intense, just like a torrent tsunami, and it kept flowing.

Many people immediately turned their eyes and saw a group of terrible monsters running rampant in the distance. The first one was a golden ape the size of a hill. It was extremely terrible.

"Demon world, here it is Some people's eyes were fixed. In this battle, Yuan Yi personally led ten thousand demons to come here.

"Hum!" In the distance, there is a auspicious fire burning on the sky, burning heaven and earth. In front of the flame cloud, there are a group of figures standing on it, not afraid of the heat.

"The heaven burning holy sect has also arrived. It seems that it will also take part in the battle of Tao. At the top of the list are a man and a woman. They are Saint son and Saint daughter, immortal son and feather maple. Feather maple is also the top of the list

There are also people coming constantly. A huge demon hand comes out of the sky. It's the people of the demon palace. The supreme cloud and the Supreme Reputation peak are all above.

All the children of Shengshan also arrived, and followed Lengduan. SHENGJUE turned into a light curtain to cover the sky.

Yuqiongting also arrived. However, today's battle at such a level is beyond her control. The other side even has a lot of Saint's gate.

"Not enough." There is also Tianjiao sighing that today's World War I has been a sensation. All the holy gates of the immortal Kingdom have arrived, and there are people from the demon Kingdom and the demon palace.

However, they are very clear that if such a war is put in the immortal realm, the Wangfeng side may not lose. But it is not here. This is the unique world. It is the choice of the younger generation. Unless someone can shake Yuan Yi, everything will still be in vain.

"Are they all here?" Just then, a majestic voice suddenly came out, rippling down, and everyone raised their eyes. On the top of the ladder, a young man in a Yunxiu gown stepped down, as if he were alone, a piece of sky.

"Are you ready?" Kuang Lei looks at all the people, and his eyes are full of excitement. There are more people coming than he imagined, but so what? As long as that one is there, the ending will not change.

"Yunqiu!" Some people were surprised. He walked down on his own. Looking at Xiang Yunqiu, Yuan Yi, Lengduan, including Yu Huafeng, all showed a serious look.

"You are all against me?" Yunqiu stepped down the ladder, looked around and said coldly, you all want to be enemies with me? But it made everyone feel depressed.

"The torrent of time in the past is a gift of opportunity from the powerful. Since you are defeated, you should examine yourself instead of venting your anger on others." Heaven fairy cold way.

Yunqiu glanced at Xianer and ignored him. Now that he had done so, he would not care what other people thought: "I'll ask you again, do you all want to be enemies with Yunqiu?"

"Or are you ready to be my enemy?" Yun Qiu asked continuously. His voice was like thunder, which filled nine days and resounded through the earth.

Wangfeng looked gloomy. Even though he was far away, he could still feel the powerful power released from Yunqiu's body. Just the pressure, it was hard for many people to bear.

"Is this the first person in the matchless list? It's terrible that there is no enemy in xianzun. "

"Yun Qiu had a deeper understanding of the emperor's will. His words seemed to be the emperor's will, and he did not allow others to disobey him."

Yunqiu's attitude is very clear. Today, he gives everyone a chance to stand up and fight against him at his own risk.

"If you insist, I will accompany you." Yuan Yi strides out. Xiao Lang is the new demon king. He can't tolerate any mistakes. But if he wants to let Xiao Lang go, it's obviously impossible. There is no room for the demon world.

"If this battle starts, I will not die today. In the past, I will be the enemy of Shentian Taoist temple from generation to generation, until one day Shentian Taoist temple is destroyed." God fairy took a step, cold to the extreme way.

"Good." Yun Qiu nodded, and then he turned to look at the supreme demon palace and the holy mountain Leng.

"Go to war, brother!" The supreme cloud roars around him. Although he is proud, he is a demon cultivator, but he has blood. Chu Yan has been kind to him since the unparalleled world. Now that his family is humiliated, how can he stand by.

"It's too far away. With these alone, our magic palace will not be able to change the war situation. On the contrary, it is likely to make our magic palace doomed in the unparalleled world." Shangyufeng shakes his head. He doesn't want to move, but so far, he can't see any hope from Chu Yan.

If it's just the towering Taoist temple, it's OK. However, today Ziling mountain, Ziyang holy palace and Tianyun holy kingdom are all here. Once it breaks out, it's impossible to predict how things will develop.

"Chu Yan is the master of my holy mountain. The person you want to kill today is my master's wife and younger martial brother. Naturally, my Leng family will not stand by." Cold channel.

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