"Boom!" With a violent roar, an ancient gate was finally opened. It was Nanyu nishang.

When the ancient gate opened, a drop of golden blood floated from it.

Yes, it's golden, and it doesn't have the slightest smell of blood. Instead, it is full of faint fragrance and holy meaning, which can be clearly felt by everyone present.

"Holy blood Seeing the golden blood, many princes showed greed.

Holy blood is not the blood of the holy emperor, but the pure blood that the holy emperor has nurtured in his heart, bone marrow and lifeblood for thousands of years. It is called holy blood. It has transformed into gold and no longer has the smell of mortals.

so every drop of blood can be said to be the essence of a holy life.

Moreover, this drop of holy blood belongs to their ancestors. As soon as it appeared, the blood in their bodies began to boil, as if they were burning.

But just when many princes were moved, the Holy Blood seemed to have eyes. It aimed at Nanyu nishang and flew away directly. Then it melted into Nanyu nishang's delicate body.

Seeing this scene, the princes calmed down and showed a touch of pity.

Chu Yan was slightly surprised to see the drop of holy blood. This was the first time he saw the holy blood. In the past, although the holy emperor would be injured and bleed when fighting, the holy blood would not flow out.

Therefore, it reminds him of one thing.

That is, he also has golden blood in his body, which he knew when he was in the lower heaven.

"So I have holy blood in my body? What's more, there are a lot of them? "

The next moment, he looked inside and found the golden blood. He found that he had several blood lines, which were made of golden blood. In addition, these blood lines could be regenerated.

But then, he made a comparison and frowned slightly: "no, the golden blood in my body seems to be more pure than the holy blood, and it is not golden, but reddish gold, which is higher than the holy blood."

"After a while, I'll ask nishang about holy blood." Chu Yan made up his mind.

Nanyu nishang cracked the ancient gate and walked down from above. Then she saw Chu Yan's injury. Daimei frowned: "are you hurt?"

The same sentence, from the mouth of Nanyu nishang, is different from Qi Luan.

Chu Yan smiles and shakes his head: "it's OK."

"Who did it?" Nanyu's clothes are cold.

"It's all settled. Talk about you." Chu Yandao, unless he had to, he didn't want Nanyu nishang and the great prince to be enemies because of himself. After all, they are connected by blood.

"Well." Nan Yu's nishang said softly: "this ancient gate is the real ancestral land. If you want to enter, you must have the holy blood of the holy ancestor. Now I have the holy blood. I can temporarily unlock the barrier and take you there." The South feather Ni Chang soft voice way, Chu Yan nods, this and before guess similar.

"You put your hands on me so that my holy blood can be shared with you." Nanyu nishang stretched out a slender jade hand. Don't ask about the popularity of Hebu. It's calm, because in my heart, I put my hand on Nanyu nishang's shoulder.

"Younger martial brother, let go." Bu Shifeng looks at Chu Yan: "Princess nishang just wants to take us there. Do you think too much?"


Chu Yan's mouth twitches. What can I think?

"No? Then you're going to let it go. " Step by step.

“……” Chu Yan took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down instead of going for a walk.

I want to put it. The key is, where can I put it? Why do I think too much? You both put your hands on your shoulders, and you're alone.

What about me?

Where can I put it?

Waist? Legs?

It seems to see the confusion of Chu Yan, Nanyu nishang was coy smile, stretched out a slender jade hand: "give me your hand."

Chu Yan is stunned, and then he doesn't hesitate any more. He holds hands with Nan Yu nishang. Nan Yu nishang's eyes are calm. He looks up at the ancient gate and walks away.

Soon, the four entered the ancient gate together.

As Nan Yu nishang said, there was a blood test in this ancient gate. As soon as they entered, they felt baptized and spied by a force. However, because of the holy blood, they soon disappeared and became calm.

Entering the ancient gate, you will find a long road, surrounded by stone walls and light candlelight. You can see the picture on the stone walls.

"These stone walls record the history of the reign of Nanyu." Nanyu nishang said in a low voice: "in the records of our Xianchao, at the beginning of the Xianchao, the first ancestor met with despair. Later, they met a Phoenix. They practiced together and founded the Nanyu Xianchao. Later, the Phoenix fell down. In order to commemorate the Phoenix, the ancestor named Nanfeng and practiced the Phoenix. Our whole life is also related to the Phoenix."

Chu Yan nodded. Sure enough, there are stories everywhere.

"That's right, nishang." Chu Yan yelled: "how much do you know about holy blood?"

"Holy blood?" Nanyu nishang pondered and said, "holy blood is actually rare in the immortal realm. Holy blood is only after it reaches the realm of the holy emperor, which consolidates the essence and blood in the bone marrow, heart and other lifeblood places, plus thousands of years of warm cultivation. As for the role, there are many, let alone other things. A drop of holy blood has a lot of the true meaning of the holy emperor, which can greatly improve the chance of breakthrough.""Increase the chance of breakthrough?"

"Well, I remember that there was a record in the immortal kingdom. There was a top person, but he had a common talent. When he was in the immortal Kingdom, he got a drop of Holy Blood occasionally. After taking it, he broke through the Immortal Emperor the next day, and then he became the top person in the immortal Kingdom at one stroke." Nanyu nishang stopped and continued: "it's not only xianzun who breaks through Xiandi, but also Shengdi who increases the chance."

"Yuwen ancient clan, do you remember?" South feather nishang Road, see Chu Yan nodded to continue: "Yuwen ancient people in the immortal domain stand still, is once an old ancestor fell, left a hundred drops of holy blood for the people, this is the later Yuwen ancient people three holy emperor, yuwenshang is with the help of Holy Blood breakthrough."

"of course, every emperor's practice is different, and the holy blood is slightly different. For example, our ancestors are practicing the flame and the Phoenix. For our people, the increase will be much greater. We can also use some ways of practicing, but for others, we must be weak. But the essence of a holy emperor is absolutely nothing but harm. Strengthen the body. "

Chu Yan suddenly couldn't help saying: "since the holy blood has such a wonderful effect, doesn't it mean that the holy emperor can use the holy blood to create the strong?"

"How could anyone do such a thing." The emperor shook his head and said: "the Holy Blood and the holy clothes are more precious than the holy blood."

"But it happens that the production of holy blood is very small. In the end, a holy emperor will not produce more than a thousand drops of holy blood. He is not enough. How can he use it to cultivate others?"

"Of course, in some holy emperor's gate, when the offspring break through the critical realm, the holy emperor will also give a drop of holy blood to help break through, but this is rare. After all, holy blood does not play such a role, and it is not only holy blood that can help people break through, but also many natural materials and treasures can do it, but what holy blood can do, those natural materials and treasures cannot."

"It's not easy for the emperor to use up his blood, and it's not easy for him to consume it."

Nanyu nishang explained.

Chu Yan listened quietly, but his eyes kept changing. He didn't know that holy blood had such a huge effect.

"If I mean, if a person has unlimited holy blood, does it mean that he can cultivate the strong? " Chu Yan asked weakly.

Nan Yu was stunned and said, "the theory is like this. Of course, this situation is basically impossible, and holy blood can only enhance perception and assist breakthrough, which can't make people breakthrough directly. But if someone has infinite holy blood and is willing to give it to others, even if he has poor talent, he can feed a strong one."

"It's similar to the descendants of the elixir family. The elixir's fighting power is not strong, but the realm is not low, that is, they have been taking medicine."

"I see." Chu Yan nodded, but his heart was not calm, even A little excited.

Because he found that he was the one who could not exist in the mouth of Nanyu nishang and had unlimited holy blood.

No, he is even more terrible. He may not have holy blood, but fairy blood, even stronger.

Thinking of this, he even thought about it again. After leaving the ancient capital and returning to the Dragon League this time, should he consider getting a batch of holy blood to feed the Dragon League a few strong men?

Then he frowned again. He had his own holy blood. If he ate his own holy blood, would it be useful? Can you also help yourself to improve the breakthrough probability?

But immediately, he shook his head. This possibility is very low. After all, Nanyu nishang said before that holy blood is not only a tonic, but also a lifelong cultivation experience of the holy emperor. The holy blood in his body is his own. I'm afraid there is no such experience.

In fact, he has not encountered any huge bottleneck in his practice these years, which may also be related to holy blood. It should not be useful when taking holy blood.

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