The king smiles, but his eyes never leave Chuyan's body. Just as xuanyang emperor said, he knows how painful Chuyan has been and how difficult it is to make his body become king first.

Throughout the world of cultivating immortals, thousands of years of history, how many men of fame and fortune have emerged, but how many people have ever done it?

So the king didn't relax for a moment. If Chu Yan really couldn't hold on, he would step into the holy road and rescue Chu Yan. Even if he did so, his heart would be damaged and his holy road would be backfired. But if he did, he would do so without turning back.

"Boy, you have to survive. You can't fall down for yourself, for dreams, or for life." The king whispered.

Then she turned around to see how much responsibility she had to bear on her shoulders?


in the holy way, Chu Yan is suffering from severe pain. Thousands of holy lights from heaven and earth fall down and penetrate into his body. It feels like a thousand cuts, but every time, it is as painful as death.

In the baptism of holy light, every cell and molecule in Chu Yan's body is burning and beating.

He felt as if he had died several times. His body was crushed, and then remolded a little bit. After remolding, he continued to crush and remodel. Every time, it was painful.

At first, he kept screaming, but later, he didn't have the strength to scream, his eyes were lax, and there was only one way to tell him that he couldn't die, and that he was supported by his will to live, to let him know that he was still alive.

Time went by slowly. It was just the first step. Chuyan spent three days.

Three days later, Chu Yan finally stopped yelling, and his breathing became more stable. In these three days, Chu Yan himself was numb. He didn't remember how many times his body had been destroyed and how many times he had been rebuilt, so he went back and forth.

Fortunately, he survived for three days, and his body was no longer broken. He gradually adapted to the power here.

After three days of baptism, his body became stronger and stronger, and his skin was covered with a light luster, showing golden light, which was quite magical.

Three days, snow girl and the king are inseparable, see Chuyan's body is no longer destroyed, snow girl clenched jade hand slowly released, she knows, Chuyan survived, at least the first step, he insisted, there will be no danger.

"My body, it seems, is stronger." Chu Yan squinted, and then he clenched slightly, so he shot a fist across the air.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the space in front of us suddenly split, forming a huge space crack. The terrible fists rolled out and turned into an endless hurricane.

"So strong!" Seeing this, Chu Yan himself was startled.

You know, now he has no accomplishments. His immortal power is zero. That is to say, this blow is just a pure blow, but he still smashes the space with his strength.

And smashing space, at least, is the power of the holy emperor.

"Walking out of one meter is equal to my present physical realm, which is already at the saint emperor level. This fist is equivalent to the fist of the saint road one meter strongman." Chu Yan marveled at the horror of the holy Road, and then he looked at the 999 meters ahead. If he walked all the way, how strong would he be?

"Hoo Take a long breath, step two.

Chu Yan stepped out.


Just for a moment, Chu Yan's feet had not fully stood, so he felt that he was suppressed by ten thousand tons of force. His eyes widened, his facial features were about to crack, his eyes turned red, his skin burst, and his blood splashed.

"Ah -" Chu Yan screamed. It was terrible. The second step was at least hundreds of times stronger than the first step.

Chu Yan thought that everything was difficult at the beginning, and he took the first step. Even if the next 999 steps were difficult, they would not be more painful than the first step.

But now he understood that he was wrong, and wrong.

Every step of the holy road is more difficult. Now his body can resist the first step. But just after the second step, his body bursts open, his five internal organs are broken, and his bones are wiped out into powder.

Snow girl clenched her hand again and said in a low voice: "although the holy road is only one kilometer, every meter is as difficult as heaven. Even at 999 meters, no one can guarantee her success, and the later, the more difficult --"

"he will stick to it." The king said seriously.

Snow girl, as the teacher said, do not want to die.

A doctor should be benevolent and save people from suffering, not murder. That's evil.


the second meter of the holy road is more difficult than the first meter, which is 100 times more terrible. In this meter, Chu Yan's will is almost destroyed.

It took him seven days to stop decomposing and adapt to this force.

"Two meters, hold on." Snow girl whispered, seven days, she has been carrying the heart.Chu Yan's strength is stronger, but at this time, he doesn't care. The pain is not only a physical torture, but also a test of mental strength?

He looked up at the remaining 998 meters and suddenly felt at a loss.

At this time, he finally knew why more than 100 immortal emperors had failed. What they lost was not necessarily the holy way, but also their own heart.

Only two meters, so painful, and there is a long and endless road ahead, not exaggerating to say, almost endless, even if he, have some shaken.

And this is what the martial arts fear most. If they deny themselves and think they can't do it, then they can't do it.

"Holy Road, the road of heaven and earth, is that so?" All of a sudden, Chu Yan felt that he had more understanding of the holy road.

It turned out that he did not know what the holy road was and why it came into being, but when he walked along this road, he understood it.

In fact, the so-called holy road is more like the tempering of willpower, the deepening of one's faith, and the ultimate goal is to achieve orthodoxy.

But this road is really difficult.

The second meter bear down, Chu Yan spit out breath, directly take the next step.

He didn't even dare to let himself think, because he was afraid that once he stopped, he would never move forward.

Time went by slowly. In the blink of an eye, a hundred days passed. It seemed like a long time, but in fact Chu Yan was only 13 meters away. At this speed, it might take him 30 years or even more to get through the holy road completely.

On this day, Emperor xuanyang came here and saw that there was no one in the holy road. He was surprised at the bloody Chuyan, because although Chuyan was miserable, he was still alive.

"He's different from some people before him." Xuanyang emperor light way.

"Of course." The king said with a smile, and then suddenly said: "xuanyang, do you believe in life?"

Emperor xuanyang was stunned and shook his head: "I'm a doctor. Naturally, I don't believe it. My life is up to me, not up to heaven."

"I believe it." The king seemed to talk to himself and looked at Chu Yan: "do you know what is the son of destiny?"

"Conform to the destiny, emerge as the times require?" Emperor xuanyang asked.

"Of course not." The king laughed: "the so-called son of destiny is born to go against heaven. He breaks the destiny and breaks all the rules. Such a person is the son of destiny, and he will be such a person. Do you believe it?"

Emperor xuanyang frowned more tightly and pondered: "when the teacher was alive, he once mentioned to me a man, a mysterious woman named Qin ruomeng. At that time, she was known as the daughter of destiny. She created a power, created a temple and rebelled against the will of heaven. But in the end, she failed."

"Failed?" The king laughs more wantonly: "you are wrong, the temple, has never defeated, the temple defeat, only wants to defeat, only then can defeat, otherwise, how can defeat?"

Emperor xuanyang frowned more tightly. He was also a member of the older generation of Xianyu. He was close to the age of the sacred palace and knew something about that time: "I've always been very curious, whether it's the sacred palace or the nine heavenly kings, what do you want to do?"

After a pause, Emperor xuanyang said, "the teacher once said that there are some people in this world who are born to play games with heaven, but what do you want?"

The king looked at xuanyang emperor in surprise and said with a smile: "the ghost doctor boy was very gifted and proficient in the calculation of the way of heaven. Didn't he work out something? Why, didn't he tell you? "

Xuanyang emperor shook his head: "the teacher said that my life is not hard enough, so I am not allowed to participate in it. Anyone who can play games with heaven is either lucky or extremely hard."

"Ha ha, the ghost doctor boy is smart, but he is right. Your life is not hard enough. You can't play this game of chess." The king laughed, and then murmured in a low voice: "do you want someone who is lucky or has a very hard life? I don't know which one I am

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