All the people were walking along, just at this moment, all the people's steps suddenly stopped.

"Be careful!" Lei Yan took the lead in shouting to all the people in the thunder fairy palace.

In addition to the thunder fairy palace, the other two people are also serious, because there is a terrible bloody Lake ahead.

The point is that the lake is boiling, and there is a terrible smell in it.

"Back up!" All of a sudden, Lei Yan shouts, and then the strong one of thunder fairy palace flashes quickly.

"Poof!" The next second, a blood light burst out of the blood lake, and then changed into a big blood demon. The demon was extremely dangerous, even disgusting, with no face, just a pool of blood, but it burst out with terrible power.

"Prepare to fight!" Zhonghua immediately cheered and yelled at the generals nearby: "protect the princess!"

"Ah At this time, a God General in Zizhu fairy palace didn't respond well. He was stabbed in the throat by the bloody monster. His holy body was fragile at this moment and fell down immediately.

"Mo Shen Jiang!" Purple beautiful eyes flashed a touch of heartache.

"Join hands and kill it quickly!" Lei Yanjiao shouts. She is wearing thunder armor and has a long halberd in her hand. She suddenly drinks and stabs the blood demon.

On the other hand, Zhonghua's golden spear passed by, and all the strong men in the distance attacked. Dozens of holy emperors attacked together. The blood demon gave a sharp roar, and finally fell, turning into a pool of blood and melting into the earth.

"What kind of monster is this?" Looking at the blood, some people have more than palpitation.

"It's not a monster." Lei Yan said solemnly: "this is the God level battlefield. In those years, countless immortal kings and even true gods fell down. Their bodies and holy blood were all integrated into the earth. Although this place was in chaos, it had abundant aura and strong life force. The blood demon just now might be the blood of immortal kings or true gods. After 200000 years of gradual transformation, life was born."

"You say, that blood demon fairy King's blood melt?"

"What else? Besides, do you have any other way to explain it? " Lei Yan cold hum: "life is divided into two kinds, one is the birth of heaven and earth, there are flesh and blood, such as human, demon clan, is born with life."

"There is another kind, that is, the wisdom of the birth of dead things, such as immortal weapons. These are dead things in themselves and can be influenced by the power of life to give birth to life. The blood here is the blood of the Immortal King and the gods. Every drop is precious and powerful, and the birth of life is normal."

People were even more shocked. They had heard of the birth of the divine weapon, but it was the first time for blood.

Chu Yan looked at the pool of blood and nodded slightly.

He knows, what Lei Yan says is right, just now that blood demon, is really the blood of fairy King above melt.

When he said that, his eyes suddenly turned and looked at some blood colored vegetation around him.

A drop of blood can give birth to wisdom. What about these blood trees and flowers? Growing up on the battlefield of the gods and nourished by holy blood every day, aren't these blood trees and flowers alive?

At this time, Chu Yan's heart flashed. He didn't know whether it was an illusion or something. He felt a trace of danger. It seemed that a pair of eyes were staring at him in the dark.

"Chu Yan." Just then, a faint voice came from my heart. It was the soul clock.

"Master Zhong." Chu Yan responded immediately.

"There's something wrong with this place I feel that there is a force ahead that is pulling me and letting me pass. I can't control myself any more. " When Chu Yan looked inside, he saw that the clock was in full bloom and constantly trembling. It seemed that he was forced by a force and made his brow wrinkle.

"What is it, sir?"

"I don't know, but It's very strong. It seems to control me I am in agony.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. Before he heard the bell that could attack the soul on the magic Road, he felt a little familiar. Now it seems that the Cangshan miracle is really related to the soul loving bell.

In this case, he is bound to go to this miracle. Otherwise, there is such a thing that he can control the clock at any time, which is also very disadvantageous to him.


just when the miracle of Cangshan was opened, a figure suddenly appeared above the altitude of 100000 meters outside Cangshan, standing there quietly, carrying his hands on his back, and hovering over the sky.


At this time, a middle-aged man appeared next to him. He held a folding fan in his hand, looked at the ruins of Cangshan Mountain, and said with a smile, "Cangshan Mountain has not yet fallen. Now this time, he deliberately made such a big move, attracting countless people to enter. I'm afraid he wants to be born. Do you really want him to enter alone?"

"This is his life. Those guys were afraid and hid one by one. Now they feel that the time has come. It's not so easy to be born."

"My Lord, sometimes I'm really curious. Why do you work so hard?" Folding fan middle-aged suddenly a smile.

Your honor, Liu Tianfeng.

"And you?" Liu Tianfeng turns around and looks at the folding fan man.

"Me?" The man shook his head for a long time, maybe he didn't know? It may also be that I want to have a look at the world that Qin Ruo Meng talked about at the beginning, and see what it would be like in that truly uncontested year of peace. ""Maybe I'm just like you." Liu Tianfeng said with a laugh: "the world says that the royal family is merciless, the road is merciless, and the way of heaven is merciless. But I want to know, if one day, all these things will be affectionate

The folding fan man ignored Liu Tianfeng, looked down at the miracle of Cangshan, and said with a smile: "soon, some old guys can't hide any more. They start to surface a little bit, but it's OK. When the time comes, they will be caught all at once."

"Your honor At this time, Cangshan miracle, suddenly came out of a cold sound.

"Found out?" Folding fan man a Leng, smile to see Liu Tianfeng.

Liu Tianfeng also smile, looking down at Cangshan miracle: "Cangshan God, do you know me?"

"Hum, although I have been living in seclusion for thousands of years, I have never been ignorant of the outside world. In the past, I had heard of a man who dared to fight against the kings of heaven." Cangshan magic soldier cold way.

"It's my honor," he said with a smile

"What are you doing here? And the boy, what's your purpose when you send him into my Cangshan miracle? " Cangshan God cold way.

"It's nothing. I just want to ask the God of Cangshan. Have you ever changed your mind in 200000 years?" You said with a smile.

"Ridiculous, this is a humble world of the strong and the weak. It's lucky for these ants to help us to be detached by the way of common people. They were born to serve us as slaves and maidservants and help us to be detached. This is their destiny and mission. When the time comes, we will become detached and become gods, and we will create a more stable and powerful world to feed them What's the point of living in this barren world Cangshan magic soldier cold way.

"No one is born to die." Your voice is cold.

"It's no use talking with you. Now let him quit. I don't care about you. Otherwise, once you enter my tomb, don't blame me for being cruel." Cangshan miracle cold road.

"You try!" Please give me a sarcastic smile.

"Well, my Lord, you asked for it." Cangshan God cold hum, no nonsense, no trace of the disappearance of the mind.

Looking at the miracle of Cangshan, the man waved his hand, opened the fan and said with a smile, "are you so confident? What if he does hit that kid? "

"What's the fear of the gods when I'm here?" At this moment, his figure was very long.

The folding fan man shakes his head with a smile and gradually turns into a virtual shadow.

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