The king's words made people very excited. Did the holy road have a chance to be restored? It's something they didn't dare to hope for before.

Breaking the holy path is equal to breaking the path of practice. A person can only carry one path of practice in his life. If it is broken, he can no longer recast it. Even generally speaking, if the holy path is broken, his life will be lost.

After all, the holy Road, in a sense, is the human soul. Broken soul, even if it does not die, it will be decadent forever.

Before the Immortal Emperor, he cultivated the body and strong physique. But when he arrived at the holy emperor's realm, the body would be perfect and hard to improve. Therefore, in order to improve the realm, he had to contact a higher level.

The soul, or the Tao.

The real way, the way of heaven, is to practice with the way.

These are the two stages of practice.

This is also the reason why some people practice slowly before the emperor, but after the emperor, they come from behind and make a rapid progress.

People with extremely strong physical body often find it difficult to truly become king because their soul and spiritual strength are not strong enough.

On the contrary, those who have excellent soul power will have more advantages in the later stage.

Now, with a real divine path as the material, the king recasts the holy path for the people, which is equivalent to using the soul power of other real gods to repair the souls of Ren qianer, Li Chaoyang and others.

"Master, let's go." Chuyan road.

The king didn't respond. He looked at Li Chaoyang and other people who broke the holy road and said, "I will split the holy road into dozens later. You can choose one. Remember, in the process of repairing the holy Road, you will be affected by the original will and orthodoxy of the holy road. Keep your heart and don't get lost. Otherwise, not only will you not repair the holy Road, but your soul will be trapped forever In the divine way, there is no end to the disaster. "

Even if the holy road can be restored, it must be extremely dangerous.

What's more, Li Chaoyang and others are just holy emperors, and even one tenth of the divine destiny can't bear it.

"Please give me the way!" Ren qian'er takes a step and looks determined.

"Please give me the way." Li Chaoyang and others walked out together.

The king nodded his head, then waved his big hand, turned his finger into a sword, and stabbed it on the ten thousand meter road with a bang.


Xianyu was shaking violently.

The divine way is also the way of heaven, and breaking the way also breaks the sky.


Heaven of fairyland, everything will split.

In the Ninth Heaven, there are thunders and lights crisscrossing and rampant. People in the immortal world only feel that the sky is about to collapse. It seems that Longshan is covered by a ray of heaven. It's powerful and frightening.


Suddenly, there was an angry roar in the way of God, vaguely, as if a ghost appeared, with red eyes glaring at the king.

Everyone in Xianyu was shocked.


What a god!

In other words, it's the real spirit.

The ghost of the soul is not someone else. Isn't it the original master of Shentu, the true God of the Yun family?

Three days ago, he was killed, but there was a ghost left.

To be exact, after the death of the true God, there will be ghost hiding in the road.

That's why the true God is called immortal.

It's hard for a true God to die. Even if his body is broken, he can come to the realm of true God and share the same origin with heaven and earth. His soul is hidden between heaven and earth. Even after thousands of transplants, he has a chance to recover.

For 200000 years since ancient times, how many people have preached the divine way, but they have been robbed by previous generations? It's normal.

Even if his body is destroyed, he still has a chance to recover. But now, does the king want to erase his will completely?

How dare this asshole?

King, this is not only to kill him, but also to erase this divine path from heaven and earth?

God is born.

The divine path is not cultivated by human beings, it is given by heaven and earth, and it is one of the ways of heaven.

Since ancient times, there have been 408 miraculous paths. Maybe there are several more now, but that's also decided by heaven and earth. Now, does the king want to wipe out the miraculous path?

Are you crazy?

How could he do that?

This is not simply against the sky, this is to destroy the sky.

The king glanced at the empty shadow of the soul, and laughed coldly: "it's very tenacious, but it's not dead when it's killed by Shenwen array? But soon

"King, you can't do this. You are against heaven. If you dare, you will die and be punished by heaven!"

"Heaven forbid me? Even if it comes. " The arrogance of the king's smile, pointing to the light breaking the sky, turned into ten million sharp sword Qi, endless, everything is broken, with a roar, running through the divine path of Yun's true God.

At this moment, the soul of Yun's divine path was annihilated and laughed madly: "king, you won't come to a good end. You must be a monk in the world since ancient times. If you don't fight with heaven, you will die, sooner or later! Ha ha, I'm waiting for you on the way. ""Boom!"

God destroyed.


At this moment, the nine realms of heaven all appeared abnormal.

It's not as frightening as the fall of the true God.

There was no rain of blood.

After all, the cloud's true God, in fact, has already died once, and the blood has also rained.

But at this time, the world is filled with a strong sense of sadness.

It's extremely dark.

There are many hidden gods in the heaven of the nine realms. At this time, they all tremble and look at the nine realms with deep eyes.

For a moment, someone whispered: "there is a magic road Has it been wiped out? "

"Shinto Another one is missing. "

At this moment, some people sigh, some shake their heads, some sneer.

What we sigh about is that there is another way missing in the world. What we shake our heads is dissatisfaction with the king. What we sneer at is to wait and see.

Nine days, a cliff peak.

Several figures stood still.

After him are wonton, wine fairy, knife fairy and wolf king.

Five guardians of Qin ruomeng.

Looking at the sky, yuntun said helplessly: "the way of heaven has reincarnation. Is it really OK for the king to act like this?"

"I don't know." Zunshang shook his head: "his way is different from ours. No one knows where Rumeng put him. This time, I found that he really had a problem."

"What's the problem?" Wonton was surprised.

"King, maybe not God."

"Not God?" A few people Leng next, be full of don't understand: "what meaning?"

"Literally!" You smile bitterly.

Wonton was even more dazed: "no? Isn't he always claiming to be a miracle

"Have you seen it?" He asked.

"No Wonton shook his head. Of course, I haven't seen him.

The appearance of the true God must be accompanied by ten thousand meters of Shentu road.

That's because it's too strong. Heaven and earth pave the way for it, not their own way.

Who's going to be free?

It's more terrible than the holy way if the holy way is damaged.

The holy road can be built by divine way.

How to repair it if it is damaged? It can't be fixed.

Otherwise, if there is a real God to release the divine path, people will find that in fact, the divine path has different forms.

And the most powerful gods like King Qin are definitely more than 10000 meters long, probably 20000 meters long.

"Isn't that it?" You said with a smile.

"But the king can fight five gods in one battle. Before that, he was not even weaker than King Qin." Wine fairy frowns, is the king not a God? The news is so creepy.

"I'm also curious. According to reason, the holy road has its limit. If you don't enter the divine realm, the holy road is the limit. You can't expand it any more. Even if the width and height reach the extreme, you can barely compare with the true God. You can't be any stronger, but the king But it's terrible. " After his words, he stopped and said, "and he has indeed integrated more than one divine path before. The divine path has been integrated. It is impossible that he is not a God."

"But I always feel that there is something missing in him, the charm of the true God, or something homologous with heaven and earth." He said: "the normal God is the same source with heaven and earth. In fact, when we get to the true God, there will be some mutual induction."

"That's why, even if there are real gods fighting and falling across the nine realms, all real gods will feel something, because we are of the same origin. When we arrive at the divine realm, there will be some resonance in repairing the same thing, but I can't feel it in the king." Respect the way.

Several people frowned.

"He is not a god!"

Just then, on the sky, suddenly there was a faint sound, which surrounded the mountain stream.

Everyone was stunned. Zunshang suddenly laughed and said, "since the king of heaven is here, why don't you come out and chat?"

Wonton's eyes shrank.

The king of the eight kings?

Did you show up?

For the king of heaven, even if it is wonton, have never seen a few.

Ten thousand years ago, the king of heaven was mysterious and rarely appeared.

The next moment, the wind and cloud fusion, a mysterious figure appeared in front of several people, so out of thin air.

Zunshang was very calm and said with a smile, "as the king of heaven just said, is the king really not a God?"


"Or rather He's not even a fairy king. He's not the same as me. "

The king of heaven said faintly. His voice was all around. It felt as if it was not human speaking, but the voice of heaven and earth.

You squint. Are you right?

"May the king be more clear?"

"In our practice, we all follow the way of heaven, first cultivate the body, then cast the soul, build the holy road and forge the spiritual path." The heavenly king thought about it and said, "but who stipulates that the practice of the world must be like this? This is the only way to fix it? Practice is only created by more people and a little bit of exploration. On the contrary, it was later thought that this is the right way and the main road. ""But the king built a different road."

"What way?"

"I don't know." The heavenly king shook his head: "the holy way is only the most common among thousands of ways of practice, and it is also the most common now. In addition, there are thousands of ways of practice in the world."

Then the heavenly king continued: "the one of Qin Zong, didn't he take a different path of practice? At that time, he seemed to be called the Lord of the world

"Of course, the confluence of ten thousand rivers leads to the sea, so is practice. Although there are many ways of practice, they are the same at the end." The heavenly king said with a smile.

"Why can the king be the God of war?"

"Not the God of war." The heavenly king thought about it and said, "the king has made the holy way more than ten thousand meters. Although he has not entered the Shinto, his way is not necessarily shorter than that of the general true God."

"Holy road has cast more than ten thousand meters?" People are shocked. If there is no holy way, ten thousand meters is the limit. This is the final conclusion of heaven and earth.

"There is a road in the world, even if there is no divine way, it can be more than ten thousand meters long." The king of heaven said faintly, "I guess the road that the king has made is that one."

Your eyes shrunk, as if thinking of something.

"Against the sky?"

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