Nine days, every moment is changing.

Anyway, there has been no calm in recent years.

Just after the end of the war for more than half a year, the sky suddenly became entangled with clouds.

Many strong people raised their heads and frowned: "the sky is going to change. I don't know what will happen this time. "

Zhu Qiang sighed helplessly.

In fact, many people understand some things, but this time it involves congenital relics. If you go there, at least it is true God level. Some fairy kings can only endure even if they are red eyed.

Of course, it's not that a fairy king doesn't have it. On the contrary, there are many strong men of fairy King level in the major royal families, the heavenly court and the temple of gods.

The main reason is that we don't know much about the congenital relics, and we are worried about the restrictions on the way of heaven. Although the Immortal King has a holy way, it has not yet integrated the way of heaven. It belongs to the foundation. In case of any change, some different things may be found in the Immortal King.


this day.

Let's all go together.

Chu Yan is in the ranks of the king Jiang family. Many strong men frown at Chu Yan. After all, they have never seen Chu Yan before. But Jiang Chuan explains that a good friend he made not long ago is a man who revived in ancient times and served as the guardian of a certain shrine in ancient times.

To Chu Yan's surprise, Chu Mang, a name he made up at will, was actually used in ancient times and was a real God.

Of course, this is also Jiang Chuan's harvest after looking up many dossier books and unofficial history.

This is to make Chu Yan's present identity confused with the real.

On the way, Jiang Laozu was at the front. The people of the king Jiang family who entered the ruins followed Jiang Chuan. Someone said with a curious smile, "young master, didn't you say that this kind of ruins can't be participated in before?"

"Can't Ben change his mind suddenly? Of course, Ben Shao won't miss this opportunity. " Jiang Chuan lied that he really didn't want to go.

At this time, an old God King said with a faint smile: "Jiang Chuan, that's right. The future of the king Jiang family is in you. In addition, in the future, you should have less contact with the immortal kingdom. Our royal family has ruled the six kingdoms for 100000 years, never guarding for others, and the immortal kingdom is no exception."

On hearing this, Jiang Chuan said in a hurry: "uncle, this is too much. The king of Xianyu and I share the same orthodoxy. What's more, the king of the immortal kingdom is extremely noble. After the goddess, I think he will have a bright future in the future. "

"Eh, young master, you didn't say that before." At this time, a real God of the same generation as Jiang Chuan was surprised and said, "I remember you said not long ago that the king of the immortal kingdom was like that? Talent is general. If you don't want to fight, what's wrong with him in this era? And the next time you meet him, you must let him admit that he is inferior to you? "

"Ah..." Jiang Chuan, like a cat with its tail trampled on, jumped up and glared at the real God: "shut up and talk nonsense. I don't remember saying that. The king of the immortal kingdom is so powerful. He is the first man in the world. No, he is the first man in ancient times. That's my idol!"

“……” When did Jiang Chuan respect the king of Xianyu?

Chu Yan listened quietly and looked at Jiang Chuan with a smile. Jiang Chuan felt that his eyes were almost crying.

My little ancestors, don't talk nonsense, you will die!

However, at this time, a young true God of the royal family of Jiang sighed: "but when it comes to the king of the immortal Kingdom, I have to say that this man is really powerful. After two hundred years of cultivation, he will reach the level of a god envoy. Even in ancient times, he can be regarded as a person with the appearance of a God Emperor. It's a pity that he won't come this time."

"No, not at all!" Jiang Chuan laughs dryly.

"Don't talk nonsense. Hold on. The front is coming." At this time, Jiang Laozu's voice came back, and all the people became upright.

At this time, people were walking on the edge of heaven and earth, and Chu Yan looked around all the time.

It's chaotic.

He felt as if he wanted to break away from the way of heaven.

"Hum!" The next moment, Chu Yan released his divine power a little, and his eyes narrowed. Sure enough, the heavenly power became weak, and his power was limited.

Not only him, but also all the God level strong people have found that they can borrow less natural power.

"Be careful, this place should be a chaotic space in the battlefield of the past. The space here is extremely unstable, mixed with innate force."


The voice of Jiang Laogang.

The void trembled violently. All the strong people were alert instantly. Their Qi was released. They immediately looked up and saw that the sky around them seemed to fall down.

"Look At this time, suddenly someone stretched out a hand, many people looked up, eyes shrunk.

"The sky leaks?" There is humanity. There is a huge black hole in the sky. Black hole is like a whirlpool, full of huge suction, constantly greedy devouring the forces around.

"Ah! Help me At this time, a real God of the early Jin Dynasty suddenly uttered a scream, and immediately saw that he could not bear the huge suction, leaning forward, and was directly engulfed by the black hole.

"No!" Some people want to save people, but immediately, the suction is stronger.Jiang Laozu's face changed slightly, and he said quickly: "everyone listen to the order, the God King level strong people come forward, release the divine power, and protect the weak!"

When several divine kings come out, air bursts out at the same time, which makes the space more stable for the time being. Many of the weak escape with a long sigh of relief.

Immediately, looking at the huge black hole, my heart is full of panic.

"How dangerous

"Are we really going? Before you enter, you lose a God. " Some people are afraid.

Jiang Laozu looked at the void black hole and said, "don't worry. Although the crisis here is great, it's also a place of opportunity. Especially for some real gods, any treasure of this level may make them progress rapidly. Besides, this trip is not only for the king Jiang family, but also for other major forces. "

"Boom!" Just as he said that, the void split, and then he saw a golden warship coming slowly. The huge thing seemed to run over the sky to open the way.

"Battleship of Haiting!" Jiang Laozu's eyes narrowed slightly.

When Haiting arrived, the owner of the sea was not there, but he was led by a powerful God. Chu Yan felt a strong pressure just by looking at it.

"One of the ancient god envoys, Kan Shui God envoys!" Jiang Laozu murmured. People's eyes narrowed. Did Kan Shui come back?

It is not accurate to say that he is weak in the front of the river.

I'm afraid that's why it's been quiet for many years.

Otherwise it will be stronger.

After all, several of the top eight envoys have already reached the level of Tianzun.

"Kan Shui, you are still alive." At this time, there is another sound rippling down in the void, which is another huge thing, a floating island.


There are many people coming to the heaven, including the two envoys of death and void. Besides the two envoys, there are also many people at the God King level, including Shuijun, the five elements and Chongguang.

Kan Shui looked at the dead and the void at random and ignored them. In the past, although the sixteen divine envoys guarded the sixteen trigrams, there was a gap in status.

Kan Shui, as the first eight envoys, never disdains to make friends with the second eight envoys.

Death and emptiness, I don't care too much.

In ancient times, Kan Shui was very cold and proud.

After the appearance of heaven, Chu Yan quietly stepped back and hid behind Jiang Chuan.

He had a lot of contacts with Tianting, especially the two people, dead and void, who were so close that they could easily be detected.

When the breath completely converged, Chu Yan looked around.

At this time, in addition to the two courtyards, there were still people arriving.

There are many royal families.

Chu soul does not say, Qin royal family, ancient Qin, including Ji, win all have people, including the Xia royal family has been mysterious, this time also appeared.

What shocked Chu Yan was that almost all the royal families had deities in charge.

The king of Chu and the soul are really not mentioned. The king of Qin also has a divine emissary, who has never seen him before. It seems that he is a Reviver. Besides the king of Qin, the two families of Jixia also have one divine emissary.

"It seems that a lot of people have recovered recently. The royal family alone has three divine envoys." Chu Yandao, these three people didn't count Chu Jun and hunzhen.

"These three people are respectively Qinyu, Jimu and xiahong, which are regarded as the creation level of each royal family." Jiang Chuan then said that he had just asked Jiang Laozu.

Chu Yan wrote down the three.

At this time, the royal court also arrived, and some weak royal families also followed.

It's not Yihan who leads the team.

Yihan is just a God King, not enough level. There are also God envoys in the royal court. They are ancient god envoys, including Liangri and Jingyue, and the top two of the last eight God envoys.

The envoy of the sun and moon.

"Sun and moon! You didn't die. You went to Wangting. " Death looked at them and frowned again. Originally, Kan Shui was alone, but he didn't care much about it. Now it seems that among the three courtyards, Tianting is the weakest.

Kan Shui is one of the eight God envoys.

There are also two envoys of sun and moon in Wangting.

In the morning, the God envoy looked at the dead and said with a smile, "in those days, the change of God's imperial court affected thousands of miles. The Emperor gave his life to save us two. Since then, we have served for the royal court."

"Hum, in those days, the sixteen envoys of the ancient gods were a group, but now they are in all camps." The way of death.

But Jing Yue's envoy didn't care too much. He said with a smile: "the three Court itself is also working for the God imperial court. How can the camp say that?"

"It's useless to talk about it more. There are congenital relics. Maybe even the emperor has never been to this place. There must be many opportunities, but how can we get in?" Asked the void emissary.

At this time, the bright sun god envoy also smile: "I heard that the Sea Lord is playing chess with Zhenlei. Now people are almost there. Should we show up?"

The God of Kan Shui said coldly and arrogantly, "the Lord of the sea doesn't need to come. I have my own way to open up the passage here, but since everyone is here, does anyone want to sit in the dark and collect fishermen?"

When people heard the words, they frowned."Three interest, don't appear, don't blame old man's hand merciless." Kanshui God made his voice cold: "three!"


"Ha ha, the God of Kan Shui is easy to detect." At this time, the void suddenly trembled, and someone came again. Chu Yan was stunned to see this. He was an acquaintance.

The two envoys of light and darkness.

"Light and darkness, since they have come, don't they return to heaven?" Death made me cry.

But the emissary of the God of light shook his head with a smile: "don't worry about death. We are alone, so we won't affect the heaven."

"Hum!" The dead god envoys are not happy. At the moment, the strength of Tianting is not strong. Although there are two God envoys, they are not as good as Wangting and Haiting. Once they enter the ruins, there will be a conflict.

But if there are two bright people to join, the strength of Tianting will be greatly increased.

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