Chu Yan yelled angrily: "threaten Lao Tzu, what thing, today you can't continue, must break! "It's a big one!"

"You're crazy!" The God of winning is going crazy. The whole person is suppressed by Chu Yan.

Of course, Chu Yan is not really crazy.

It's calculated.

Today, his miraculous journey has reached 35000 meters.

And this, or when he was in the immortal realm, he was worried about breaking the heaven's law and deliberately suppressed it.

But it has broken free from the peep of heaven.

So if he wanted to, he would be able to build Shentu to 40000 meters in an instant.

The Shentu road is 40000 meters, and the width and height are 120000 meters.

Three qualitative changes, that is 960000.

In addition to these, he also has four sources of power. Although he has now transferred to the path of humanity, it is not irreversible at the critical moment. He can also switch back to the way of heaven. There are two qualitative changes in the source of power, which is equivalent to 16 thousand more sources of power.

976 thousand yuan.

This means that Chu Yan will become a god envoy with a source of nearly one million.

Shentu 200000 meters!

It's terrifying.

But that's not the point.

He still has seven Dharma bodies.

The holy road of the Dharma body has been built to 20000, which has a qualitative effect.

That's 280000.


One million two hundred fifty six thousand Tao Yuan!

This is the strength of Chu Yan after the outbreak.

What concept?

This means that Chu Yan now, if he wants to, is really equivalent to a divine emissary with a distance of 300000 meters.

Before, Chu Yan actually did not carefully calculate his own strength, but now, he calculated, very strong.

It's terrifying.

And how about winning?

180000 meters, even if the divine path is broken, that is to say, for the time being, it is equivalent to a divine envoy of 360000 meters.

Can't we really fight?

Not necessarily?

He still has two artifact. As a last resort, he has the power of the great beast. Chu Yan estimates that he can at least add another 100000 sources.

Chu Yan's crazy smile.

What's more, Chu Yan didn't even think about it.

It's also something that can easily be ignored.

It is the strength of orthodoxy.

Winning heaven's 720000 Daoyuan, the limit of self breaking is 1.44 million, and the premise is that his divine path is wide and high enough to reach half of its length, and the orthodoxy must be strong to release.

Otherwise, it will be in vain.

The amount of Tao source and the amount of energy released are actually different.

This point was mentioned in the sermon of emperor Yuchen in Xianyu when Chuyan was still emperor.

There are concrete things on the way to God.

The snow emperor is like the wolf family.

Before Huafeng wakes up, his orthodoxy is Zizhu Academy.

The strength of orthodoxy is the foundation to support the release of Daoyuan.

For example, a normal divine envoy with a source of four hundred thousand does not mean that he can use all of them.

It also depends on the strength of his orthodoxy and whether there are enough concrete objects in the world of orthodoxy to support him to release the power of orthodoxy.

This is also why all gods choose to open up a place of orthodoxy and preach.

Fight for heaven!

Fight for heaven first, then fight for Tao.

What is the sky? It's heavenly power.

What is Tao? It's orthodoxy!

Both are indispensable.

Unless he can cultivate the body of Tao like the innate warrior, without the medium and taking himself as the container, he can release his full strength even without the orthodoxy. However, it is obvious that Yingtian can never have the body of Tao, so he needs the orthodoxy to be strong enough.

Of course, as an ancient royal family, Yingtian's orthodoxy is definitely not weak. If Yingtian has all the orthodoxy of Yingwang, it will certainly release its full strength.

But the key is that he didn't. He just recovered. To put it in a bad way, few people from the king's family knew him, and his memory still remains in the ancient times. He thought that if he was above others, he would be respected? Are you kidding? In this era, that is not popular for a long time.

So his orthodoxy is not really strong.

After several fights, Chu Yan doubted that there would be 600000 Taoist sources for the God of heaven, which would be regarded as a look up at him.

What about self breaking?

Can 1.2 million sources be released?

But Chu Yan is different. He has the absolute orthodoxy of Xianyu, which is enough to support the release of all the sources of Taoism.

"Break it!" At this moment, Chu Yan was very arrogant: "a group of rubbish, do you really think they can isolate me from the immortal world? I tell you, since I am here, from this day on, this planet will be in charge. If you want to break it today, you must break it! ""Damn it Winning God makes his face pale, and he is severely suppressed. At the moment, Chu Yan has finished melting the Tao. The source of Tao is more than one million. He is not an opponent at all, and the body of God is smashed.

"Chu Yan, don't push me!"

"Boom!" Before he finished speaking, Chu Yan held the time sword in his hand. A sword had been cut out. With a click, his arm was broken and he screamed bitterly.

"How about today? Again, break it Chu Yan once again blows a fist, will win the God to make of the God body all thoroughly smash, overbearing.

At the moment, only a broken body, with a head, was left. His face was even more pale, without any blood.

He's going to be crazy. After several attacks, he really feels dangerous. If he continues, he will die.

"Chu Yan, I'll give you whatever you want! A truce Win the sky god to make low shout, compromise, everyone can hear, he is begging for mercy.

"Late!" Chu Yan's eyes were cold: "I have no hatred with Yingwang family, but in XianFen battle, Yingwang dares to participate. I haven't settled with you yet, and you dare to bully me? Today, either I will stop myself, or I will interrupt your way, choose

"Son of a bitch!" He never thought that one day, he would be forced to break his mind.

In the distance, many people frowned, including Qinyu, who felt that Chuyan was a little big.

Once Yingtian breaks up, his strength is absolutely terrible. Although Daoyuan may not be able to give full play to it, he will certainly exceed 300000 meters. But now, Chu Yan has not reached this level. What is his strength?

What's more, the envoys have already given up starlight and demigods.

Of course, people will not think that there is still a five thousand meter divine path in Chuyan.

If for ordinary people, five thousand meters is five thousand meters. It's nothing special, but how long is the path of Chu rock? Thirty five thousand.

Five thousand is one seventh of his. It's terrible.

"Chu Yan, you forced me!" Win the sky god to make angry, eyes a flash fierce, he also understand, today his divine way is anyway can't hold, with so, that fight.



In an instant, the whole star land shakes violently and vibrates in all directions.

With a click, his divine path was broken, a 180000 meter long divine path was broken, and the power spilled out in an instant was terrible.


The temple of Tianshu collapsed.

The Qi engine made by the God of heaven also rose, and the whole person expanded. There was the power of Tao source burning all over his body, 800000, 1000000, 1100000

In the end, the Daoyuan of Yingtian directly increased to 1.2 million.

Powerful and terrible.

All the true gods here feel touched in their hearts. The weaker people will faint just because of the aftereffects.

But at this time, the God of winning heaven stood in the burning power group, but there was no joy. On the contrary, his face seemed to be dripping blood.

It's broken!

It's over!

Everything he has accumulated for tens of thousands of years has been destroyed at the moment when the divine path breaks!

His eyes were as red as blood, staring at Chuyan: "Chuyan, I want you to die!"



In an instant, the rest of the people in the Tianshu hall looked back and ran away.

Qinyu immediately opened the barrier, but even so, he flashed back ten thousand meters.

At this time, the two men on the battlefield are so powerful that even he can't resist, unless he decides himself, but it's obviously impossible.

"Broken?" Seeing this, Chu Yan sneered: "if it's broken, you can die!"

"I don't think I have any cards?" Chu Yan laughs: "give me, break!"



All of a sudden, the sky was shaking.

Chu Yan's miraculous path was released by him and quickly extended, one thousand meters, three thousand meters, five thousand meters

Chuyan's Tao Yuan is also rising rapidly, millions! 1.2 million!

It's still rising.

Vaguely, there is a potential to surpass the self determined way to win heaven.

"How is that possible?" Win the sky god to make startle, the voice all change of sharp rise.

He's lost his mind. His strength has doubled.

You shouldn't crush yourself, right?

At this time, he was not even weaker than Chuyan?

Didn't Chuyan have the power of divine envoy for a long time?

One year In one year, the strength to reach 300000 meters Shentu?


"You think I'm just as useless as you are? Idiot, Ben Shao is the seed. Huang Li is the seed. If you want to be the emperor in the future, you deserve to kill me? " Chu Yan sneered scornfully.

In fact, he can not take such a risk.After all, he is the seed of Huangli, so even if he breaks his way, he may not be able to kill him.

But this is the congenital mainland. He doesn't dare to gamble. What if no one shows up and he is killed? It's not worth it. Sometimes, he prefers to control his own sovereignty.

"Win the day, today is your death time!" Chu Yan's gas engine was also burning at this moment. It quickly went into the air and held the sword high.


In an instant, there are stars in the sky.


Not only that.


At this time, the whole continent was shaking violently, and everyone's eyes were shrinking.

Qinyu God to look down at the foot, only to see the Tianshu temple and Chu rock resonance.

"Is the fairy King good at the power of the stars?" Qin Yu's spirit surprised him at this time.

Chu Yan was also surprised. He found that the moment he used the star sword Jue, the whole continent seemed to be controlled by him.

"Star sword formula..." At this time, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and suddenly remembered a thing, where did the star sword Jue come from? In the past, Gu Yue once told him that there was a star map in the star sword formula.

If you can find the star map and let the stars return to their original position, you will be able to play a very terrible power.

Is the star map here?

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