"Maybe you're right." The star God dropped a son and said slowly, "however, in such a world, we are redundant."

"Without us, maybe such a world would be beautiful." The star God laughed at himself.

Yes, such a world does not need any creator.

But since there is a creator, it's not easy to destroy Dharma?

Isn't this idea contradictory in itself?

The emperor wants to destroy Dharma, but is he willing to give up all his accomplishments?

The answer is obviously No.

That's the same thing.

Don't do to others what you don't want.

The emperor wanted to destroy the Dharma, just to maintain the balance of heaven.

The emperor's eyes were cold: "why can't I be the creator God? The Terrans have given me everything I have now

Star God calmly smile: "God, you still don't understand, maybe in the future, you will understand."

"Ridiculous." With a sneer, the emperor immediately looked down at Chu Yan: "you just said that he looks like me. But that's what you put all your hopes on him. Not to mention whether he can win. Even if he wins, don't you think that today he looks like me, maybe in the future, he will be me now? "

The star God is silent.

Yes, no one can deny that.

The emperor used to be a hero.

He created hope for the ancient people and delivered civilization.

Keep the enemy out.

The world of cultivating immortals was founded.

But it is precisely because of this that the emperor now bears too much burden.

The Emperor didn't say it, but the star God knew it.

It's a big problem.

In the eyes of Chu Yan and others, it is the emperor who has been squeezing their power.

Is that true?

What can really provide power for the emperor is only a few hundred gods.

In ancient times, there were only 408 gods.

But how much power does the emperor need to expend every day?

One man keeps the whole heaven in motion.

Every day, there is a huge consumption in the sky. Floods have washed away the dykes and buried forests. There's a volcano that's burning the ground.

Some of them collapsed and destroyed the city.

Too many people lose their lives every day.

There are also countless new lives.

All these are inevitable natural disasters, as well as eternal laws.

But doesn't it take strength to maintain balance?

There was a flood and the river bank was washed down.

Doesn't the power of the earth need to be filled?

Isn't the morality of water limited?

Volcanoes erupt, burning forests.

Doesn't the morality of wood need to be supplemented?

Doesn't the excess fire need to be extinguished?

Including the people who die every day, the overflowing vitality, what will be caused by imbalance?

Those vitality will make the demons and trees grow crazily.

And that growth means that the rest of morality will be destroyed.

There are also new life. If someone happens to fall on that day, it's OK. Power is conserved.

But what if it's unbalanced?

Do you want to kill someone just because they are born?

It's impossible.

All these forces are filled by the emperor alone.

It's maintaining.

And these are actually the smallest parts.

It's the practitioners who really consume a lot of resources of the emperor.

Every time they fight and practice, they are devouring the power in the way of heaven.

Now, if the emperor does not provide power for the celestial world, can they really keep the same balance in the celestial world?

It's impossible.

So the emperor has been paying, consuming himself.

Now, he is tired and tired.

He doesn't want to give like this all the time.

So he wanted to kill the law.

If there was no one in heaven to practice, he would consume very little energy every day.

Natural disaster? It's really nothing to him.

So is Chu Yan.

It seems that Chu Yan is talking about creation every day.

Enjoy the process.

Can really when one day, Chu rock to Emperor this step, he will always be like this?

He won't be tired, won't he be tired?

The star God was silent for a moment.


Yes, no one can guarantee it.

But soon, the star God regained his peace and said with a smile, "I'd rather believe him."

"Maybe." Emperor sneer: "but you have not passed, you will never understand that kind of despair."

The emperor bowed his head and looked at Chu Yan's figure. He held an evil sword and refused to step back even if he was seriously injured. His eyes were shining and he really saw some of his own shadow.But soon, the emperor shook his head.

He is not wrong.



Chu rock kills Kong Shen, and he is on the battlefield alone.

At the moment, he is in a lot of situations. He kills the God of emptiness, which makes his balance of morality and justice unbalanced again. The forces in the orthodox world are mixed.

But his eyes were still cold. He held the evil sword in one hand and swept coldly to all the people present: "who else wants to stop?"

Hearing Chu Yan's words, the military emperor, Ling Dao, Qiu Kun and others frowned slightly.

At the moment, in fact, they also understand that Chu Yan is afraid of being hurt seriously. Several people will have a chance to win the inheritance of several temples.

But I don't know why, at the moment of looking at Chu Yan, their hearts trembled violently, as if they were not facing a person, but a wild beast, which made their hearts sprout a sense of retreat.

Seeing that there was no one to open his mouth, Chu Yan drew back his eyes and walked back to the people in the immortal kingdom with his sword in one hand.

"Elder martial brother!"

"Chu boy!" All the people in Xianyu gathered around and worried when they saw Chu Yan's injury.

Chu Yan waved his hand slightly. Now is not the time to delay. He has to take all the people in Xianyu to leave. None of them can be less.

This is his belief.

Silently take the birth door from the arms again, ready to open.


Seeing this, the star God said with a smile: "God, it seems that you are going to make a mistake."

"Not yet." The emperor said with a smile.

"You want to do it?" The star God always stares at the emperor. This place is still within the scope of the Star Palace, and the sky above starts to shine one by one.

Emperor light way: "don't be so nervous, I haven't come to hand time."

The star God did not speak, but the star dome was covered all the time. It seemed that the emperor dared to intervene, and the stars would immediately become the sharpest sword in the world.

However, the Emperor didn't seem to be ready to take out his hand. As he went down, he took out a cup of tea and gently pointed it with his fingertips. A pot of green tea was born.

But the Emperor didn't make a move, and there were still changes below.

At the moment when Chu Yan was about to open his life.


All of a sudden, from a disordered void, a ray of destructive force was born, which smashed the space in front of Chu Yan with a bang, making Chu Yan's body tremble and fly backwards with a bang.

"Chu boy!"

"Elder martial brother!" All the people in Xianyu exclaimed.

The king's head reacts very quickly. There is no emperor in the immortal realm except him. The king's morality is released instantly, forming a shield to resist in front.

Gaze before the birth of the king, the destruction of space also formed a line of defense.

In a moment, I saw a door of space opened slightly there, and a noble figure came out slowly. He was middle-aged with a bundle of hair, and his breath was introverted. But he just stood there quietly, which made countless people in Xianyu tremble and feel like facing the enemy.

"Dark Lord!"

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