Chaos is imminent.

Everything came so fast that there was no time for people in heaven to prepare.

And then an end came.

This has thrown the sky into chaos.

At this moment, order collapsed.

Almost instantly, the sky turned into blood, and the sound of mourning sounded.

Once some people may not understand, but now where will not know?

Every whine means that at least one fairy king and God has fallen, which makes heaven cry.


in Xianyu, at the first moment of the war, Li Chaoyang immediately rushed into the sky.

Now Chu Yan and his elder martial sister are not here. As the second disciple of the Dragon League, he has to shoulder the responsibility of guarding the immortal kingdom.

When Li Chaoyang entered the air, his Qi became perfect, and he ordered: "all the immortal emperors above listen to the order, all go to the boundary wall, and store energy for the array."

"All of us really listen to orders, defend, suppress and resist foreign enemies. In any case, we will never allow outsiders to step into the immortal realm!"


"Kill At this time, a strong man in Xianyu entered the sky.

No, to be exact, they are not strong in this era.

But no one chose to retreat, and there were even many familiar figures.

Those who have not appeared for a long time, but have been quietly supporting Chu Yan.

Li Xiaoyao, fat man and Jiang Xueer are too many people.

Liu Qingcheng, Qingyi and Nanyu nishang all went into the air at this moment to defend the enemy.


At this time, Xianyu shakes violently.

In the distance, Lin ang flies upside down and is held by Li Chaoyang.

"What's the matter?"

"There's an attack on the boundless waters!" Lin ang haggard way.

"Son of a bitch!" Li Chaoyang looks pale.

Is it the last battle?

No, it's not.

But in fact, Xianyu was ready for such a war long ago.

But when the real arrival, still feel a strong sense of powerlessness.

"Guard, everyone listen. Unless you die in battle, you can never step back. The rear is our home and our pure land!"

"Remember the oath you made

"Xianyu is here, we are here, Xianyu is dead, we are dead!"

In the immortal realm, countless strong people enter the sky.


However, the enemy is too strong!

The outsider sent out countless people, millions of troops, to attack madly.

Xianyu is pretty good.

At this time, the remaining nine days were almost occupied.

The most important thing is that today the natural world has to resist not only foreign enemies.

At the moment when the gate of heaven is broken, the entry of the strong man of the outer world also represents the influx of the source of the outer world.

The original balance of Tao source in heaven was broken in an instant.


At this moment, landslides, tsunamis, volcanoes and all kinds of natural disasters come together.


The mountains split.

Nine days were filled with cries of despair.

Chaos, darkness.

This is nine days now.

At this moment, everyone is crazy. In front of death, there is no order to speak of. Take sijietian for example, the two royal families of ancient demons have absolute authority.

But today, it no longer exists.

The cities of sijietian were destroyed one by one, and a large number of refugees rushed to the Royal cities of the two royal families of the ancient demons. Behind them was an army of outsiders, enslaving these people to flee.

As a royal family in the past, the ancient demons are still very effective in defending the big array, at least not yet broken.

Under the city, people begged them to open the border and let them in.

"Please, open the border and let my children in!"

"Mom, I'm not leaving!"

"Silly boy, live well."

Unfortunately, these people only received indifference, and then they were ruthlessly attacked by the border, killing them together with their enemies.

During the war, there was no emotion at all.

"No! We are the people of the ancient royal family. Why? "

"The royal family can't be relied on any more. Everyone, let's join hands to break the defensive border."

The chaos of the four worlds intensified again, and countless scattered repairs began to help the outlaws attack the city together.


five days.

Six Worlds.


The Xia royal family saved the common people, but because they opened the border, they were taken advantage of by the outsiders, and directly broke the ancient defense array of hundreds of thousands of years.

The royal city of Xia royal family was destroyed, and a god of Xia royal family fell.

In the Xia royal family, an injured Royal grandfather took a fugitive monk and begged, "please, I'm injured. Take me with you. Help me. I don't want to die."But the one who welcomed the princess was that the sanxiu just stopped for a moment, then plundered all the valuable jewelry and space rings on the princess, slapped the princess to the ground and left alone.

This is human nature.

In the face of death, everyone is selfish.

Eight boundary days and nine boundary days.

These two top cities are a little bit better.

Among the royal families of ancient Qin, Qin Hao led the army of ancient Qin to resist the enemy.

Qin royal family also put aside to fight together.

In jiujietian, the king of Chu and the king of soul were united for the first time.

Even the temple of the holy Eve has a God walking out.

This is also the only few Tianzun level strong men in the heaven today.


Compared with the layman, it's still too far behind.


except for Xianyu, jiujietian was occupied a little bit.

No civilization, no order.

Who can think of it? That has been considered as humble as a tiny area of Xianyu, is actually the only safe place at present.

Some people in Xianyu die, even more than the other nine worlds. But when the real crisis comes, the first choice of all people in Xianyu is not to flee, but to fight.

An Immortal Emperor fell into a pool of blood, and then a new man filled it immediately.

Let that thin boundary wall resist 100000 immortal kings.


At this moment, many people in Jiutian can't help murmuring.

Now everyone can see it.

In front of the foreign enemy, Xianyu was still keeping calm.

Even the teachers in the school are still teaching, and there is a pleasant sound of reading.

In the imperial dynasties, all the monarchs came out of the imperial city and stood alone in front of the imperial city.

But behind him, the Imperial City remained the same, and countless people on the streets went out of their homes without escaping from famine, chaos or smashing the looted houses. They just silently put their hands together and prayed for the immortal kingdom.

This kind of fairy land makes too many people feel envious.


the sky fell, and the strong fell.

In the nine realms of heaven, some people even kneel on the ground and make a sound of supplication, begging for the emperor.

"The Emperor Where are you... "

"Isn't this your heaven? Are we not your people? "

"Emperor, have you abandoned us?"

"Where is the ninth emperor?"

"Heaven is going to be destroyed. Why didn't you come out to save us?"

"Emperor, you don't deserve to be emperor!"

Despair, wailing.

All those on their knees rose.

The heaven has been divided for millions of years. Some people have cursed the emperor and some people have hated him. But in their hearts, they have a little faith and awe.

But at this moment, no more!

Emperor, break your promise.

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