The sky is quiet.

When the seven demons fall, they escape.

But the spectators still didn't withdraw. On the contrary, they felt a little excited.

Because there are only two gods left in heaven, jiuhuo and Chuyan.

Is it time for a showdown?

Although jiuhuo and Chuyan had a short alliance before, everyone knew that it was just a fake. It was a fake snake in front of the powerful enemy of the demon world.

At the end of the day, jiuhuo will fight against Chuyan. Otherwise, what will jiuhuo do in Xianyu?

Isn't it just for rentu and Xianhe?

At least that's what everyone thinks.


in heaven.

It's so quiet that you can hear each other's breathing clearly.

Chu Yan looks at Yan Huang and grins with a brilliant smile.

Yan Emperor morality and justice is also smiling to see to Chu Yan, he wants to know very much, arrive now, Chu Yan prepares how to do?

That's it?

That's not realistic.

Once so, everyone will understand that he Yanhuang is actually Chu Yan's foreign aid. When the time comes, everyone will only be more vigilant to the heaven.

Unless, two people continue to play the end of the game.

Of course, this is actually very good in Yan Huang's view.

He wants to walk in the world with this identity, to do something that Yanhuang can't do, so the first thing to do is to be ignored.

According to his plan, he will be defeated by Chu Yan. At that time, everyone will think that Chu Yan is extremely powerful. On the contrary, he, a defeated man, has nothing to exist, and then escapes from heaven.

Chuyan then looked at the emperor with a smile, suddenly said: "nine fire Lord, just the two of us, do you want to fight?"

"What do you say? They're all watching. "

"So it is." Chu Yan rubbed his head and thought for a while: "shall I give you Xianhe and rentu? Then let's forget it? "

"Are you willing? I don't mind that either. " The emperor of Yan said with a smile, will Chu Yan give him Ren Tu and Xian he? It's impossible. Those are the lifeblood of Xianyu.

"What a nuisance." Chu Yan sighed: "it seems that there is only one battle between you and me, but I won't be merciful. Next, you have to be careful. You helped me before, and I'll fight for your life."

"Thank you to the fairy king." Yanhuang Daoyi said with a smile that he was not prepared to let Chuyan show mercy. On the contrary, the stronger the performance of Chuyan, the easier he will be ignored.

"In that case, let's start." Chu Yan said casually, and immediately released his Qi. Because he was no longer fighting with the seventh prince, his body returned to its normal size.

However, when he entered the sky, heaven and earth still trembled, as if a God had come into the world.

Yan Huang Yi stood opposite, showing a smile.


"war is coming."

"These two are interesting. They look more peaceful than they think."

"But also, after all, we have worked together before."

"Now it's up to you who's stronger."

"Guess who will win?"

"It's hard to say. According to the previous performance, although Chu Yan killed the seventh prince, it's not weak that the nine fires can level with the evil wound. Maybe there are other means, and the chance of winning is greater."

"I don't think so. The fairy king is mysterious. Up to now, it seems that there are still some useless means. He is strange and cruel."

"Ladies and gentlemen, are we really going to see it like this?" At this time, someone asked: "the nine fire obviously deliberately hid his identity. We still don't know which realm he came from. If he really got the human path and immortal nucleus, he would be running away. I'm afraid it's difficult for us to track him."

Before the death of the seven princes, although people were shocked, but there was no big wave.

The main reason is that they don't want the human path and immortal core to fall into the hands of others at this time.

And now it's even more so.

Once jiuhuo wins, it is not in their interest to get the treasure.

"Look again, if jiuhuo wins, it's not too late for us to join hands to encircle and kill."

"Well, before nine fire has not done their best, this battle just to see, he is in what level."

At the God Emperor level, although they are strong, they are actually very vigilant. After all, they have lived too long. Some impulses and passions have been gone for a long time.

It's not as strong as some of the younger generation.

The main reason is that they have really lived for a long time. At this juncture, the war is coming. When the time comes, there must be a big chance to become emperor. Who would like to capsize in the sewer?

It's not worth it.

This is also the reason why the demon world knows that Xianhe and rentu may be lost, but they just watch the battle.


in heaven.

Chuyan and Yanhuang took off at the same time.Everyone is nervous again.

Chu Yan looks at the emperor and smiles.

"As planned?" At this time, a sound came into Chu Yan'er.

"Of course." Chuyan motionless, still smiling to see the emperor.

The emperor was relieved.

He was really worried about Chu Yan's repentance.

After all, Chu Yan has proved to the world that he has the power to kill the God Emperor.

In fact, this scene has been more than a lot.

"Do it." The emperor's moral way, Chu Yan nodded slightly, and immediately his palm swung, Shua, the evil sword turned out a silver flower in the air, and then he stepped on the foot, bang, the space behind him directly broke like a cobweb, the whole person rushed out like a shell, chopped to the Emperor's moral way.

In the face of Chu Yan's sword, Emperor Yan's morality and justice began to gather power. His hands burned, and instantly turned into huge handprints burning in the sky, which were sent out with one hand and superimposed.

"Bang!" In an instant, the sword awn and palm print burst open, forming a series of star awn fire rain on the sky.



The next second, the two figures rushed out of the explosion, and immediately Chu Yan stepped out again. This time, he held a sword in both hands and chopped it out with one sword: "everyone knows that the star God has two unique skills. Today I'll show you the third one, broken star sword!"

"Hum!" In an instant, there is an incomparable general trend between heaven and earth.

In the past, those remote tiny stars were pulled behind by Chu Yansheng as if they had fallen down.

Seeing the huge stars, the emperor was stunned.

Broken star sword?

What should I play?

Star God will do this?

Are you kidding?

Let's forget the rest. I'm one of the nine emperors who created the world.

Below, the king went to Gu Yue and said in a low voice, "is this really the unique skill of the star God?"

"No peat!" Gu Yue scolded that he was the son of the star God and had never heard of any broken star sword.

Chu Yan didn't care. His face didn't turn red and his heart didn't jump. This move to break the star sword was a unique skill created by him.

It combines the sword formula of stars, the way of sun and moon, and the change of stars.

I've tried it once in the secret mansion before, and it has also increased by 10%.

But he can't admit that he created it himself, otherwise he would be even more shocked to be known by others.

Now he has a headache. After killing the seventh prince, he obviously feels that the gods outside the heaven are full of fear for himself.

In the future, I'm afraid I have no chance to be a pig and a tiger.

If this is to let people know that they can create magic power, but also not joint crusade against themselves?

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