Chu Yan had not yet stepped into the jade lake.

However, the road pattern blocking his way has been destroyed, just like the collapse of the world.

This shocked all the people directly.

Before the battle with Ziqing, Chu Yan had shocked everyone, but now he seems to have broken another record

God into the jade lake!

All the people were speechless. Suddenly someone whispered, "is there anything else he can't do?"

"I don't know."

The people shook their heads in silence.


to crack the Taoist pattern, Chu Yan didn't move forward immediately. Instead, he did one thing first, and put away the source of the outer way he had released before, so as not to be noticed by the supreme of the moon. This is the key.

When doing everything well, Chu Yan saw that there was no change, so he put down his heart, got up and went to the jade lake, and then invaded the lake.

Seeing this scene, people were speechless.

Yuezun also shook his head and laughed: "I'm afraid no one thought that this time, the natural moat jade lake, has completed him."

"Yuezun, he has entered Yuhu lake. This time, he has a chance to cast his true body, melt the Tao, and become supreme?"

"Hard." Yuezun shook his head: "Yuhu can help people become supreme, but in fact, it's only because eighty-one lines are linked together to help push morality into the body. But this son's situation is somewhat special. There seems to be something missing between his morality and his real body. I'm afraid it won't work this time."

"It's a pity." Yuexun sighed. This time, he opened the jade lake in the graben, hoping to cast a supreme master.

After all, the next demon emperor's action is not his action alone, but the joint plan of the four worlds. One more supreme will have some assurance.

But now it's hard.

This time, the God Emperor is only an auxiliary role after all.

Compared with yuexun's ancestor, yuezun looked at it very lightly and said calmly: "in fact, it doesn't matter. You know very well that this plan, in fact, the supreme is not really the key. Even if you and I have to obey others, we still have to look at the limit. One more and one less supreme has little influence."

"Is there going to be an extreme adult with you this time?"

"There will be." Yue Zun confessed directly and said with a smile: "after all, this time I took the corpse of the demon emperor. That one was very terrible."

"Yuezun, how strong was the demon emperor then?" At this time, yuexun asked curiously, although he was also an old man, when the demon emperor was rampant, he was just a small man, and could not touch that height at all.

Yuezun recalled and couldn't help saying: "demon Emperor It's too strong. "

"Isn't the demon emperor the emperor?"

"Of course not." Yue Zun laughs and shakes his head: "the demon emperor is just honorific, just like the four gods in heaven. They are also called God emperors, but do you think their God emperors are the same level as us? They can fight the emperor. "

Yuezun was silent for a while.

"At our level, the realm itself is not up to standard, even if it is measured by the source of Tao and the divine way. At our level, many people create a unique way and practice alone. The so-called realm is just trying to make a quantifier to describe strength, but it is not absolute."

Yuexun Laozu nodded, which he understood.

Take Chu Yan as an example. In fact, Chu Yan's situation is very special.

Chu Yan went alone, which is different from the others. But according to the strength, he is now the God Emperor. But according to the real standard of God Emperor, he did not achieve it at all. He was just the emperor.

Realm, to this extent, can no longer be generalized.

"But yuezun, I don't understand one thing. I've always heard that the four gods of heaven have the fighting power of emperor level, but they didn't touch the truth. How did they do that?"

"Do you know why the four gods of heaven are listed separately?" Yue Zun asked.

"What's more, have you ever thought that in the heaven, the four God Emperor is very famous, especially the blood God Emperor, who is very popular in the heaven. In ancient times, he was also very popular, even comparable to the emperor. Even people like Wuji sect leader and Qiu Qiong admired him very much. Why?"

"I heard that the blood God Emperor was a creator of the Tao for heaven. In those days, many people in the heaven had reached the limit of their spiritual cultivation. They didn't know how to practice Tao, bone and soul, and stopped at the same place. It was the blood God Emperor who created a new way, so that many people could continue to grow stronger even if they didn't become emperor. "

"That's right." Yuezun nodded slightly: "at the end of the Heavenly Kingdom, the casting method of Dao bone and Dao soul has been lost, so there was a stage when the strongest person in the Heavenly Kingdom, except the emperor, could only practice to five million Dao source, which was the limit. At that stage, many people in the Heavenly Kingdom were tortured and crazy. It was Xuetian who created a new Dao method and gave all living beings a new way."

Speaking of this, yuezun said, "in other words, it's the blood God Emperor who gives everyone a chance to be reborn."

"If the emperor is the one who destroys the Dharma and destroys the heaven, then the blood God Emperor represents the rebirth!"

Yuexun Laozu nodded, which he knew, but he was still puzzled and said: "even so, the blood God Emperor just created the soul and bone of Tao, and these cultivation methods are not lost to us."Casting Dao soul and Dao bone is a congenital method.

But they all know it, except for heaven.

"We all practice Tao, bone and soul. Logically speaking, the blood God Emperor is a legend and a hero to the heaven. But in fact, it is just because the heaven is weak and mythical. In fact, it is no different from us. It's just the God Emperor who breaks the limit of the divine path."

"Not the same." Yuezun shook his head: "take us for example, you should also understand that although our current strength can reach 30 million Daoyuan, it is only strengthened, and the base has not been changed."

Yuexun nodded.

All gods know that.

When a person is not a God, there are so many real sources of Tao.

A million miraculous ways, including length and width, two million!

Even if it is a supreme sermon like Chu Yan, the limit of the foundation of Tao source is only 3 million!

That's the limit.

As for the 20 million and 30 million they have now, they are only the source of the basic Tao of the two million, which has been strengthened and transformed.

Yuezun said: "take me as an example, I am not the supreme preacher. I have a million divine paths, plus a million wide and a million high paths, I have only two million sources!"

"As for the present 30 million yuan, it doesn't matter whether it has been strengthened by qualitative changes, or the real body bonus or the Dao bonus. But in fact, the foundation and essence have not changed."

"And it's not just me. The limit, the Lord and the king are all the same. Except for the emperor, they are all the same. Ask a limit and ask him to create 30 million Tao sources? See if he can? It's impossible. It's just that his strengthened Daoyuan is equivalent to 30 million yuan of ordinary Daoyuan. "

Speaking of this, yuezun straightened up and said, "but the four extreme gods are different Although they did not become the emperor, their basic source of Tao is more than two million! "

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